The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 04, 1909, Image 7

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Money Laid
Out On Groceries
Western Office Supply Company
(Formerly Western Specialty Company)
iiome vo!U'se in
Modern Agriculture
I. How 3l Seed Starts to Grow
Agricultural TH-oUicn. lotoa S'tate College
Copyright, 1003. by American Press Association '
Lloyd C. Thomas, President
F. A. Pierson, Secretary
Anpil r&S IlifB
Help build up this western country. Buy your
i? I iflp ftf
riling Devices
? Second-Hand and slightly used typewriters of all makes
Carbon Paper, Typewriter Ribbons, Rubber Stamps, Dating Machines
lr V VsN"VvvNv'
Tliree of
Success Hagazine - $1.00
Pictorial Review -$1.00
Modern Priscilla - .50
Total Value, $2.50
write or carl W. Thomas, Agt.
Phone 'PHONE 631
Four of the 28 good points in the
found in no other:
'i) Suction for the first time
2) No cogs or gearings
i) It is entirely free from
(4) You can set in on the stove D . q
and boil water in it rTlCe, $O.UU
Newberry's Hardware Co.
Notice (or Bids (or Burial of Paupers
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the Hoard of County Commissioners
of Box Butte county '.sealed bids will
be recoivod at this office uutil February
23. 19091 for digging graves and proper
burial of any county paupors, said con
tract to coutinue in force for term of
one year, beginning March ist, igoo,
and ending March ist, 1910. The
Iwtrd reserves the right to reject any
and all bids for good and sufficient
V. C Mounts, County Clerk.
Loose-leaf Ledgers
and Office Systems
tlxe Best-
Agent's Price,
applied by rotary motion
niose and rattle
Bids (or County Poor Farm and Care of County Poor
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the Board of County Commissioners
of Box Butte county sealed bids will
be received at this office until February
23, 1909, such to specify rent that will
be paid for county poor farm, price per
week charged for board of county
poor, same to include lodging, washing
and care of county paupers for the
term of one year, beginning March 1,
1909. The board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids for good and
sufficient reasons.
W. C. Mounts, County Clerk.
51 TH
Office Supplies here
Trees for Sale
Cottonwood trees from iS inches to 7
feet high for sale in lots from 10 up;
also some good ash. Write me what
you want. I refer you to R. M.
Hampton, who bought 500 of me last
spring. A. M. Templin,
0-4W Palmer, Nebr.
House and two lots with barn 28x32,
and new windmill, to trade for horses
or cattle. Inquire of E. Becker, at
Alliance Bowling Alley. 5-tf.
A piano for rent cheap to a family
without children. Inquire 804 Box1
Butte avenue or phone 310. 5-w
I The news items of the home com
munity. I The things in which you are most
J The births, weddings, deaths ol
the people you know.
Q The social affairs of our own and
surrounding towns.
The ara th kind of fact this pptr
sire you In every tuue. They are
certalnlr worth lb (uWription price.
Long experience in state and federal
courts and as Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and
eflicient service.
Office in Land Office llullding.
kA S1JED Is n simple thing to look
IjS nt. It might ns well be a
fifcfL pebbh; or n grain of sand for
nil there seems to bo to it.
Only ti beuu, you suy, yet there's it
Rrcnt deal tnoro to that bean than you
ever dreamed of.
Tako n bean Just 11 n ordinary rvhlto
benn out of the pantry and look nt It.
The smooth whlto outer covering la
the seed coat. It Is almost water
tight iitnl Is a protection for the parts
that He within. On one side you will
notice a very conspicuous spot. This
Is the seed Bear nnd Is the place where
the little stem that fastened tho bean
to the pod was attached! Xear qno
end of the seed scar, or hlluni, ns tho
botanists call It, Is n small round hole,
tho nilcropyle. If you put n bean In
water It will soon begin to swell be
cause of the water which It absorbs
through the nilcropyle."
Now, tako a bean that has been
soaked for n few hours. Tho seed
font will come
off easily. The
part of the bean
that Ih Inside Is
found to bo split
In two length
wise. Thcso two
halves tiro called
cotyledons, which
Is only nnother
name for Feed
leaves. Spread
the cotyledons
apart carefuUy.
If you look close
ly you can see 11
little plant tuck
ed snugly nwoy
between them.
Just to one side
of the middle is
11 small stem, the
caullcle. Fasten
ed to It Is the no. 1 a i.rrrr.K
plumule, n tiny hean plaxt.
bunch of leaves so smoll that you
mny lmvo dliilculty In making them
out. Farther on, nt the end of tho
bean, Is the stubby root, or radicle.
These different purtB nre found In ev
ery seed, no matter how small.
Now that you have seen what Is In
the bean, examine a pumpkin seed lu
the same way. It Is much tho samo
Inside as the benn, only flatter. The
hlluin Is at the pointed end, nnd tho
phimule Is so small that you may not
bo able to see it at nil. In these two
seeds there nre only two main pnrts,
the seed cont and the little plant. By
far the greater part-of the room Inside
the seed coat Is taken up by the fleshy
seed leaves.
Now let us look nt n different kind
of n seed. Take n kernel of corn that
haB been sonked for several hours and
cut it in two lengthwise the nnrrow
way. The back of the grain Is made
up lu part of a hard, flinty substance
and in part of a white, mealy layer. A
largo part of the front of the kernel la
taken up by the soft, oily germ.
Look nt the cut section of the germ
carefully. -The little plant can bo
made out very plainly. The little
pointed Ktem which- points upward nnd
outward Is the cotyledon, There Is
only one cotyledon In corn Instead of
two, ns In thS other seeds you have
examined. If you will tako a cotyledon
of a corn plant that has been left In a
warm place until It has commenced to
grow and cut It In two lougthwlso you
will see that the Inside Is packed with
layers of tiny leaves ready to unfold
ns soon ns their turn comes. This Is
the plumule. Tho oilier parts of the
little corn plant you will be able to
make out with little trouble.
You have doubtless been wondering
what tho rest of the kernel, the part
back of tho germ, Is for. "While It Is
not 11 part of tho plant Itself, It Is of
Very great use to It, as we shall see.
0,'he little plant when It begins to
Btow must have food. At first it has
no'-oots to get this food from the soil,
80 1( must get Its nourishment from
Borne other source. This source Is,tho
pnrt of tho kernel outside of the' germ
Itsujf, or the endosperm. In the pump
kin seed nnd the bean the endosperm
nnd the cotyledons nre tho same that
Is, the food material Is stored In the
large, flshy seed leaves.
This food material consists largely
of starch and oil? Neither of these can
lie used by the developing plant with
out first being changed to n liquid
form. This Is one of the rensons why
seeds will not germinate without wa
ter. Tho other reason is that the wa
ter Is needed to soften the seed coat so
tho plant can get out. But this starch
and oil will not dissolve In water
without first being changed to n solu
ble form. This is accomplished by
moans of ferments called enzymes. If
you will put n piece of starch on your
tongue for n moment you will find that
It will begin to taste sweet. This U
because tho ferments In the snllvu nre
changing It to sugar. The enzymes In
tho endosperm work In much the same
way, changing the starch nnd oil to
sugnr nnd other solublo substances.
These are dissolved by tho water and
go to feed the growing plant.
1 These enzymes cannot work without
air nnd warmth. You already know
that a seed will not germinate In cold
ground, nnd If you will put some
beans In n glass of wnter and leave
I tnem for several days you will nnd
1 thnt they will not germinate, no mat
, tcr how warm they nro kept, bocausa
they cannot get nlr. Tho reason Is that
without both air and warmth the on
r.ymes cannot prepare the food for tho
plant, nnd If It cannot get food of
course It cannot grow.
After the plant him started to grow
the seed cont Is no longer of any use
to It. In some plants, such ns .corn,
tho little plant finds lis way out very
cnslly. Tho little pumpkin plant, with
lis heavy coal, has n harder time. In
deed, were It not for n little contriv
ance with which nature has provided
It It could not get out nt nil. This Is n
tiny hook on the lower end of tho
seed. This hook catches on tho end of
the seed coat nnd peels it back as
neatly ns you tnke off your coat.
Watch for this In n germinating pump
kin or squash seed and sec If you can
not notice it. In some seeds, like h)ck
orv nuts, tho nlnnt Is unahln to trot tint-
until tho seed coat Is cracked by tho!
frost or In some other way
Wo havo seen that n seed cannot
start to grow unless It has moisture,
warmth and nlr. It not only needs
these, but It needs them In the proper !
proportions. In n light, sandy soil
molsturo Is often lacking, nud tho
seed Is slow In gcrmluntlug for this
reason. In such a soli growth will
start more quickly If tho soil Is pack
ed tightly around the seed. The seed
will soak up molsturo mOro rapidly If
the particles of soil aro In close con
tact with It on nil sides, racking
down the soil In the row with the
flat side of a boo or with a board or
with tho broad, flat planter wheels In
the Held helps tho seed to absorb
moisture and so hastens germination.
In n heavy, sticky clay soil there Is
usually plenty of moisture, but nlr Is
often lacking. If such a Soil Is pack
ed down too tlghlly over the seed tho
particles nre forced so closely together
that very Hltlo air can get through,
nud heuco germination Is delayed. In
a soil of this kind seeds should never
be planted very deeply.
The most Important factor of nil Is
wnrmtli. A cold soil may hnvo
moisture nnd nlr In exnetly the right
ninouiits, nud still the seed will not
start to develop. Kvcn If It docs be
gin to grow progress will bo slow, nnd
the plnnt will have n wdnk, unhenlthy
look. It Is of the utmost lmportanco
to wait until the seed bed is warm
before planting the seed. Many seeds
which would rot or produce only
spindling stnlks if planted in a cold
soil will grow Into strong plants If
planting Is delayed until the soil has
become warm. Any seed will make a
stronger, better producing plnnt If It
has n warm seed bed to start from.
The rapidity with which soil will
wnrm up lu the spring depends a great
deal upon tho nature of tho soil Itself.
A sandy soil warms up quickly be
cause the nlr can get down Into It
cnslly, thus wnrralng It all the wny
through nt once. Another reason for
tho higher temperature of sandy soil
Is Its greater dryness. As long ns wa
ter Is cvuporatlng rapidly the ground
will bo cold. The process of evapora
tion requires a great deal of heat.
Fia. 11 now a squash plant takeu ok
Wo can help the soil to become
warm In the spring, then, by doing all
that wo can to check ovaporntlon. Did
you ever notice how quickly tho sur
face of a wet field became dry after It
hud been harrowed? This Is because
stirring nud loosening tho soil stops
the water from coming up from be
low. The water In tho loose upper
layer soon evaporates, and after that
tho hent Is used In warming the soil
Instead of turning tho wnter Into va
por. Of course If wo nro not going to
allow tho surplus water to be given off
by evaporation we must provide tile
drains nnd ditches to curry It away.
We shall study more about drainage
and tho raovemont of water through
the soil In another article.
In our storo is always well spent You get
your full money's worth, besides the satis
faction that you are consuming only pure
goods. Kvcn all the Canned goods that
aro so much consumed during (he summer
season nre bought by us from the most
reputable packing houses, with their guar
antee that we can warrant the purity ot
each article to our customers. Oar Pickles,
Soup, Sardines nnd Fruits are the best
manufactured today
1 MWI.k
When a Plumber is Needed
Bend for us. Wo havo plenty of time
now to attend (o all classes of work
This is not our busy season and it will
pay you to havo your
etc., attended to now before the rush
of work begins. Wo aro thoroughly
posted in our business and an order
from you will promptly put nil our
knowledge and skill at your service.
Tho cost will not bo great.
Fred Bren nan
Try My Flour
and you won't have any more
worry about your bread.
My brands of Ai and Cow are
not excelled anywhere in this
country, and ladles who have
used them are my best adver
tisers. Phone No. 71 Res. Phone No. 95
G. G. Gadshy
T. J. Thrklkbld
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
J, N. Sturgeon
S. G. Young
Sturgeon & Young
(Successors to G. W. Zobcl)
Office Phone 139.
Rftsidence Phone 142.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 641 Alliance,
Col. New has had 25 years'
experience and is one1 of the
most successful auctioneers in
the northwest.
Dates made at this office