The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 04, 1909, Image 2

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    THEARLOWS in Acrobatic Novelty act the balance of the week'
Williams and Fair in high-class singing, talking and dancing act all next week
w iw mmmm m i
Pictures new and snappy
We change our pictures every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday
The Crystal Theatre
Perkins and Thorne Testify Before
Judiciary Committee,
Tho Tennessee Conl and Iron com
pany and United States Steel corpora
tion merger was probed by the Bennto
committee on tho Judiciary. Tho wit
nesses were Oaklclgh Thorne, presi
dent of tho Trust Company of Amer
lea, nnd Georgo W. Perkins of J.
Pierpont Morgan & Co., who Is also a
member of tho flunnco committee of
tho steel corporation.
When ajiked If ho had -any personal
knowledgo of the actual salo of a ma
jority of the stock of tho Tennessee
company In November, 1907, Mr.
Thorne replied;
"All I know Is that I delivered my
stock to J. P. Morgan & Co, aud got a
receipt for It."
Mr. Porklns said that thnro was a
general fooling that It would be dlfllcult
for any ono to express In a concrete
statement that If tho Tennessee Coal
and Iron stock wero taken out of vari
ous loans, some way It would prevent
n great many failures and avert a.
Bpread of tho panic. Ho sala':
"Finally somo one made a sugges
tion, which was afterwards worked
out, that tho corporation might fur
nish Its 5 por cent second mortgago.
bonds in lieu of cash, and In UiIb way
put in lieu of these loaus securities
that were marketable."
Mr. Porklns told of tho visit to
Washington by Judge E, H. Gary and
Henry C Frlck for tho purpose of see
ing tho president.
"Practically everything was at a
standstill until wo got word from
Washington as to what seemed to be
the feeling thero," continued Mr. Por
klns. "That was telephoned to nio
by Judge Gary on Monday, about the
time tho tnlirkot opened, and tho news
(hat this transaction probably would
bo inado was, given out anil had an ef
fect for the Aettor o,n tho market, and
I bavo nhjiftya bolleved stopped the
student, omployod ns houseman for
United SlatcB Judge Thompson, bas
been arrestod. Ho declares that ho
8ays He Saw Father Kill Mother In
a Quarrel.
Manfully declaring that ho would
tell the truth, though it pained him to
do It, Howard Holmes twelve years
old, testified In court at Chicago that
ho saw hU father, Charles E.
Holmes, kilt his mother In a quarrel.
Tho mother died from Injuries on Doc.
20 lust. Tho boy said ho saw tho fa
ther strike her and ho tried to pro
tect her. As the boy was telling his
story the father, who U on trial, fre
quently wopt.
Will Begin Prosecution of 'wNew
York World for Libel.
Evidence Taken In Pittsburg la
Against Harrlman Roads.
Testimony In tho hearing of the Pitts
burg suit to dissolve the alleged $51)0.'
000.000 Harrlman railroad merger was
concluded. The next hearing will bo
held In Cincinnati, Feb. 9.
Tho testimony seemed to bear ,out
the government's contention that com
petition between the Southern Pacific
railroad and tho Union Paclilc is not
as keen now ns It wns prior to 1901.
D. H. Thompson, traffic manager of
tho Oil Well Supply company, said he
could not see a change lu tho attltudo
of G. G. Herlngton, Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific agent here, since the
merger was alleged to have taken
place, but ho later admitted that com
petition would stimulate, business atijl
that Mr. Herlngton could hnniiy com.
pete with .himself.
E. U McGrew of the Standard Un
derground Cable company said coast
consignments wero now routed about
equally among tho Colorado Midland,
Union Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande.
Captain J. A. Henderson of the Pitts-
Mine Workers Approve Course of Pres
Ident Lewis,
Thocauso of the antl-Lowls faction
In tho United Mine Workers' conven
tion at Indianapolis, I ml., has been
lobt. John Walker of Illinois, who op
posed President Lewis for re-election,
announced that he would not contest
"Such nctlon would bo hopeless," he
bald. "The convention has been
packed against me."
President Lewis' majority likely will
Federal Officials Reserve Privilege ol
Acting In Defense of Reputation of
Gentleman "Who Occupied Position
of Head of War Department."
Federal District Attorney Stlmson
made public a letter In reply to one
written by District Attorney Jerome
on tho subject of beginning an action
for criminal libel In tho state courts
against tho publishers of the New
York World because of published
charges regarding the Panama canal
purchase. Mr. Stlmson tells Mr. Je
rome to go ahead aud assures him
"that such action on your part will in
nowlso be regarded as an interfer
ence, but, on tho contrary, wo shall re
gard It as our duty to co-operate
with you In all proper and lawful
Mr. Jerome had asked if action in
tho state courts on behalf of Douglas
Robinson, the president's brother-in-law,
would be an unwise Interference
with the actions begun, under federal
Mr. Stlmson answers this question
negatively, but he does not state that
the federal inquiries or prosecutions
will cease if Mr. Jerome begins an ac
tion. It Is apparent that while the fed
eral authorities concede to Mr. Je
rome the right to appear as the pro
tector of Douglas Robinsons goou
name, they reserve to themselves the
privilege of acting in defense of the
reputation of a gentleman "who occu
pied the position of head of the war
department" In any federal Jurisdic
tion where the case applies.
The reference to the "gentleman
who occupied tho positron of head of
tho war denartnient" gave rise In
burg and Cincinnati Packet company
testified that until about 1901 his com
pany had a pro rate with the oil lines Bome quarters to speculation, as to
out of Cincinnati, but that since 1901 the person meant by Mr. Stlmson.An
the rnllroads had refused to pro rate
with the river line.
be 16,000. Walker learned tho senti
ment of tho delegates toward htm
when, by a vote of 1,027 to 1,051, he
was refused an extension of time to
speak jigniusU the commltteo roport
approving the course of President
Lewis and tho executive board in sus
pending Prosldqnt Van Horn and other
ofitclals of district No. 11, Indiana, for
having dlsoboyed tho mandate of tho
national officers to discontinue the
Hudson initio strlko.
Tho refusal of President Lewis to
aid tho striking miners of tho Mercer
Butler field, Pennsylvania, caused a
dobate. This brought a remark from
Mr. Lewis, that there should bo no fur
ther quarrollug over personal differ
ences and thnt tho business of tho
convention should bo disposed of as
quickly ns possible. Ho would give
nil Information asked for In regard' to
,the Mercer-Butler strike, ho said, but
would not bicker with his critics.
Irregularity Continues in Industrial
and Mercantile Activity.
Dun's Weekly Review of Trade says:
Some Irregularity continues In Indus-
rlnl ntnl mnrrnntlle nctlvltv. A funda
mental factor of strength Is the daily
multiplying evidence that stocks are
so depleted as to render a large and
general resumption of the nation's In
dustries inevitable and measurably
nnnrnr ns confidence is restored.
There are numerous reports of en-1 Busse, mayor of Chicago, accidentally
official of the government, who ae
cllned to permit the use of his name,
Hnlii tho statement was Intended to
refer to Ellhu Root, who was secretary
of war when negotiations for tho pur
chase of tho Panama canal property
were concluded, though the deeds ot
tho property were actually turned over
to this country when William 11. Taft
was secretary.
Mayor Bus3e's Brother Discharges Re.
volver With Fatal Effect.
George Busse, brother of Fred
No Verdict in Marshall Case at Union
City, Tenn.
The Jury at Union City, Tenn.,
In the case of Edward Marshall,
alleged night rider, charged with be
Ing Implicated In the murder of Cap
tain Quentln Rankeu, reported n dis
agreement and was discharged. Ton
of the Jurors favored acquittal the
others seeking a conviction for murdor
In tlif socond degree. The prosecuting
attorn will try to have the trial of
the Vev members of the band on
thr Ram1 charge deferred until tho
Mav lorm of thp Hrenlt court.
Texan Bank Robbed.
Trj vi;lt of the .Carleton Stato
i-rti b Carleton, Tex., was blown
r, . . i , robbers, who secured $10,000.
Balkan Situation Is Aoal.i Causing
Some Anxiety.
The Balkan situation is causing anx
iety at European capitals. Bulgaria's
action in calling out her reserves Is ap
parently explained by Turkey's at
tempts to secure a rectification ot tho
existing frontier as a condition for re
ducing her monetary demands from
Bulgaria Noting tho danger ot trouble
between Turkey and Bulgaria, tho
powers are again resorting to nego
tiations to bring about Joint pressuro
in favor of a peaceful settlement.
It Is reported that Sir Edward Grey,
the British foreigu secretary, has
sounded the powers on this subject
and a St. Petersburg dispatch an
nounces seml-ofllclally that Russia has
already addressed a circular dispatch
to all the signatories of tho Berlin
treaty In this clicular Russia pro
poses to make common repiesenta
tlons to both Sofia and Constantinople
against an change being made in the
frontier line which would endanger
European' peace nnd urging both gov
ernments to refrain from a military
According to a Sofia dispatch. Great
Britain has advised Turkey to accept
an Indemnity ot $20,000,000, and Bul
garia Is Inclined to pay this sum pro
vided Turkey abandons her claim for
a rectification of the frontier. Nego
tiations between Austria-Hungary and
Turkey are still dragging, owing to
the fact that the Turkish government
has not yet succeeded In putting an
nu to tne AKiriD" """"'"
Masked Men Hold Up Saloon.
Three masked men held up a Goldflolu
saloon and robbed the place of over $3
000. Twenty mon in tho place at
time were compelled to line up wh
the robbers opened the safe. The rob
bers made good their escape.
Senator Carter Sees No Show
for Postal Savings Bank Bill.
Bill Declaring Feb. 12, 1909, a Legal
Holiday is Passed by the Senate.
West Point Cadets May Not At
tend Inauguration.
Seventy-five bills on the calendar of
the senate wero passed.
Senator Carter, In charge of the
postal savings bank bill, announced
that he would endeavor at once to
get a vote on It, although he "fully re
niboii tho ttiitinRslbllltv of that bill be
coming' a law lu the few remaining
days of this session."
Senator Foraker attempted to get
consideration for the Aldrich substt-
tute bill providing for a court of In-'
qulry to pass upon the qualifications i
of the discharged negro soldiers of'
the Twenty-fifth regiment cnargeu
with having shot up Brownsville, Tex.,
Aug. 13-14, 190G, but postponed mak
ing a motion for that purpose In order
that Senator McLaurln might speak
on the Brownsville affair. Foraker an
nounced that after McLaurln's speech
he would oudeavor to get action ou
the bill.
The senate passed without amend
ment a house bill declaring Feb. 12,
1909, the ceutenary of the birth ot
Abraham Lincoln, to be a legal holi
day aud recommending a general ob
servance of that day.
Unless tho senate comes to thelt
rescue the West Point cadets will not
bo able to attend the Inauguration on
the 4th of March at the expense of
tho onvnrnment. The cadets have
been one of the big attractions of the
Inaugural ceremonies for many years
nast. By a point of order an Item
nrovldinir funds lor the cadets trip to
Washington was stricken from the
military appropriation bill.
Under suspension tho house passed
the Payne bill prohibiting tho Im
portation of opium, but refused to
pass the senate bill to pension fed
eral Judges.
A limitation was placed upon the
scope of the Olmstead special com
mittee to Investigate appropriations
for and the work of tho secret service
of the various departments.
ixii :
F. J.
Wm. James,
Dealer in
No. 5.
larged Industrial activity at widely
scattered points throughout the west
and south and distributors of mer-j
chandise In all lines anticipate slow,
but steady, return to normal volume j
of transactions. Uncertainty legard
lng tho ultimate tendoncy of prices ot '
finished Iron and steel restricts im I
provement In the geneial trado. Tho
hide market Is qulot, tannors boliig re
luctant to pay the present high pricc-s.
ST. PAUL HAS $600,000 FIRE.
Half Dozen Buildings In Business Dis
trict Destroyed.
Fire started In a department store
on Seventh street nnd for a while
threatened to devastate a large part
of the business district ot St. Paul,
As It was a half dozen buildings were
almost wholly destroyed, with an ag
gregate loss ot about $600,000.
Favored by a high northwest wind,
burning cinders were thrown tlylng
over the business streets of the cltj?
and tho occupants of many buildings
began to remove their property. Min
neapolis sent over an engine and a
hose company. Every piece of appa.
atus In St. Paul was used.
The severest loss was sustained by
tlio White House department store,
$145JW0; California Wine house, $125.
000; Woolworth's 5 and 10 cent store.
$100,000; Foy hotel, $75,000; McQualtl
Orocory compau, $10,000, and many
Other smaller losses.
Fatal Explosion of Firedamp in Ntw
Mine at Ashford, Wa6h.
As the result of an explosion of fire
damp following a dynamite discharge
In tho New mine at Ashfoid Wash,
ono miner Is entombed 4,000 fedt In
the bowels ot tho mountain, unothr
Is dead from suffocation, while two
wer injured, one perhaps fatally.
The " dead: Jack Norrell, miner,
body still lu mine; William Dinkier,
mine foreman, body recovered.
Carl Wyclistrom, who was extricat
ed from a pile of debris, Is so badly
Injured ho may not recover.
Foreman Dinkier lost his llfo while
trying to find the body of Norrell.
shot and klllea' Mrs. Lucius C. Tuck-
erman, wife of a fruit dealer at Mil
ton, N. Y.
The shootir ; occurred In tho Wal
ton npartmont building, 305 North
Clark street. Mrs. Tuckerman was
visiting her father, General A. C.
Glrard, who occupies an apartment lu
the building.
George Busse, in his apartment
across the areawny from GIrard's, was
.Iniimiiotrntlnir tlln 11KI Of a rHVOlVOr . t ..1.1r.. lirtncnmnffl cfl " COIi
111 I) Willi. I Ullliuni;, tiio u,.u,.. ....u,
that she could use tho weapon In case
of burglars. Suddenly the revolver
was discharged and the bullet went
through two windows, Into the Glrard
apartment and pierced Mrs. Tucker
man's heart. Mayor Busse was pres
ent and as soon as he learned of the
fatal consequences summoned a phy
sician nnd notified the police by tele
phone, but the woman died before the
physician arrived. No arrests were
made. General Glrard expiesslng him
self as satisfied that the shooting was
Braymer Has $50,000 Blaze.
Fire destroyed the opera houso,
postofilco, hotel and four business
houses with contents at Braymer, Mo.
The loss was about $50,000.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, Feb. 1. A liberal decioaao
In the visible supply of wheat In tho
United States and Canada for tho
contributed In a large measure
to a sharp advance In wheat prices
hero today. At tho close prices were
up 'Ac to l1jlc. Corn and outs
closed firm, but provisions were weak.
Closing prices:
Wheat May, $1.09; July, 9S..c.
Com May, C3VjC3c; July, 63c.
Oats May, 53tc; July, 4646:4c.
Pork May, $17.10; July, $17.15.
Lard May, $9.70; July. $9.82..
Ribs May, $8.97j; July, $9.12i.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, $1.05K1.08.-; N'- 3 corn, GO',;,
G0-J4c; No. 3 white oats, 5052c.
pureiy accidental.
One Boy Killed and Two Others Are
Badly Hurt In Battle With Negro.
Race feeling, it Is said, inspired a
battle between white boys and a col
ored youth lu front of the East high
school, In Cincinnati, O. , Friday.
which culminated In the death of Will
iam Wiobold, aged seventeen years,
the probably fatal Injury of William
Dorsey, ago'd twenty, and the serious
injury of Charles Rulf, aged olghteen.
The- alleged murderer. Atlas Telford,
uged twenty, a colored high school
President Elect Makes His Eighth
Trip Across Isthmus of Panama.
President Elect Taft made his eighth
trip across the Istlynus of Pauama nnd
everywhere ho was greeted with
very marked demonstrations of good
will. With his pnrty Mr. Taft landod
at Colon and proceeded by special
train to Culcbra. where he Is quar
tered at the rosldence of Lloutenant
Colonel Goethuls, chairman of the Pau
ama canal commission. His recoptlon
hj the Panaman olfiolals, both at Co
lon and Culebra, was moBt cordial.
Saturday Mr. Taft visited the site of
the Gatun ttam. All members of the
party are lu good health.
Freight Bureau In Session.
Tho transcontinental freight buroau
held' Us first seslon at Chicago. J. A.
Keller of San Francisco and E. H.
Parker of Portland, Ore., spoke on
rate reductions, complaining more
against the eastbound than of tho
westbound increases, -
W. L. Woodson of the American press
Association Injured In Yonkers.
While trying to board a New York
Central train at Yonkers, Sunday, Wil
liam L. Woodson, editor of the Amer
ican Press, fell and waa Injured by
the moving wheels. Ufa right foot
was amputated at thb station and at
St. Johns Riverside hospital, to which
he was taken, it was found that an
amputation of the log below tho knee
was necessary. He was badly hurt
about the head and sustalnod other
Injuries He displayed wonderful forti
tude, which the physicians say will
materially assist him In recovering
from tho effects of his lnjurlos.
Mr. Woodwn'8 paper, the American
ProsB. Is Issued from the main office
of the American Press association In
Now York. Ho has been connected
with the American Prees association
many years, coming to the main of
fice from tho Atlanta branch, of which
he was manager. Mr. Woodson was
formerly one of the best known news
paper mon of the south. He Is a na
tive of Virginia, but lived also In
Georgia and other southern states.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Feb. 1. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2,400; strong to 10c higher;
native steers, $4.256.40; cows and
heifers, $3.00(3)5.15; western steers,
$3.255.50; Texas steers, $3.005.00;
canners, $2.003.00; Btockers and
feeders, $2.755.35; calves, $3.00
7.25; bulls, stags, etc., $2.755.00.
Hogs Receipts, 2,300; 10i515c high
er; heavy, $(1.25(5-0.45; mixed, $6.20
C.30; light, $0.0006.20; pigs, $4.50
5.50; bulk of sales, $6.156.20. Sheep
Receipts, 7.100; 1525c higher;
yearlings, $G.00&8.85;" wethers, $5.00
e?5.50; ewes, $4.255.tM); lambs, $6.50
Chicago Live Stock.
'CM-ago, Feb. 1. Cattle Receipt?, j
lO.OUii; m?15c higaer; steers, $4.60
7.25; cow $3.C04i5.80; heifers, $3.00 j
6.75; bull- 5-.iOCr3.UO; calves, $3.50
8.00; stockers and feeders, $2.60
6.40. Hogs Receipts, 12,000; 1025c
higher; choice heavy shipping, $6.85
6.95; butchers, $6.756.90; light mix
ed, $6.406.05: choice light, $0.70
6.80; packing, $0.600.85; pigs. $5.50
6.50; bulk of salos, $6.506.80.
Shoep Receipts', 7,000; generally 25o .
higher; sheep, $4.255.60; lambs,
$5.257.80; yearlings, $5.0005.65,
Deny Charges Made in Recent Speech
of Rnlney.
Denials, both by C. P. Taft and W.
Nelson Cromwell, of the charges made
In tho recent speech of Ralnoy (111.)
on Panama canal affairs was read In
tho house of representatives. The
communication from Mr. Taft was in
the shane of a cable from Havana to
llalney. while Cromwell's rejoinder
was addressed to Loverlng (Mass.).
There was an animated discussion
of the subject. Then the army appro-
! priatlon bill was laid before the house.
Tho bill was not considered, however,
the time being tnkon up In general de
bate. Clnrk (Fla.) argued for Jury,
trials In lunacy proceedings lu the
District of Columbia. Jenkins (Wis.)
presented views holding to be uncon
stitutional the laws of the last ses
sion of congress In relation to the Is
suance of restraining orders, Injunc
tions and contempts of court; Perkins
(N. Y.) favored a lowering of the tar
iff; Gaines (Tenn.) attacked tho so
called powder trust, and Reeder
(Kan.) spoke In defense of the forest
The omnibus claims bill, carrying
an appropriation of about $3,000,000,
which has been favorably acted upon
by the house of representatives, was
passed by the senate, with an amend
ment repealing the law allowing the
reference of southern war claims to
the court of claims by the senate or
house of representatives.
Remember It Draws Ten Per Cent
Taxes are due Nov. t. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec. i. Laud tax
delinquent May i. Interest io per
cent fiom date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. in all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fred Mollking, Co. Treasure,
Notice is hereby Riven that Box Butte
county warrants register No. i to 89
can be paid and interest stops. Fred
Mollring, treasurer.
in the County Court of Box llutto County
Statu of Nebraska, 1
liox Ilntto County, f8
In tlio mutter of tho estato of Anna Kolir
mann, deceased.
To ull persons Interested in the estate of
Anna Kolirmunn, late of tsuld county, de
ceased. You tire hereby notified that on tlio 15th day
of December, H08. John Kolirmunn tiled his
petition In the county court of said county for
tho appointment of Wilbur P. Patterson an ad
ministrator of the estate of Anua Kolirmunn,
late of sala county, deceased, and that the
same will lie heard at the county court room
Denies That President Struck Horse
Ridden by Young Woman.
For the fttst time making a disclaimer
of published reports that President
Roosevelt, while riding In Rock Creek
park, near this city, struck tho horse
ridden by a young woman who hap
pened to ride near his party, the
White House gave out a lotter re
ceived from the young woman's moth
er, Mis. Elizabeth Rhoadeu. It was
dated at 1.0s Angeles, Cal., Jan. 27.
and read as follows:
"My daughter, Miss May Rhoades,
whose horse, It has been widely re
ported, you struck while riding In the
park last Thanksgiving day, moat em
phatically donlo6 any knowledge of
audi an occurrence, aud ae it is
deomed ot such Impoitanco as to be
referred to In congress, may I be per
mitted to ask you why you don't deuy
this storyr
Piano tuning and repairing, phone
lii tho city of Alliance, Box ,lutte county,
Nebraska, on the 6th day of February, 1009, at
inu nouroi luociocK a in
It Is further ordered that notice of said
hearing bo triven all parties interested In said
estate by the publication of this notice for
four consecutive weeks In The Alliance Her
ald, a newspaper printed, published, and clr
dilating In ltox Hutte county, Nebraska.
Dated this $lh day of January llHW.
LSEAL I,. A. llKHllY.
p. Jan. H-4w Count y.Iudgo.
In the County Court of Uo llutte Oouity,
rUuto of Nebraska, r
llox llutte County. (h8
In the matter of tho estate of Anna ICohr
niunu, deceased.
To all persons interested In the estate of
Anna Kohriiiuiiti, deceased:
You are hereby notllled that on tho l&th
duy of December, lww, John Kohriuann, the
husband of Anna Kolirmunn, doceated, filed
his petition lathe county court of llox Hulto
County, Nebraska, praying for the usshrnmtmt
lolilm of personul property of uliliih ho I
Klveu an absolute rlnht by the terms of the
statute from the etuto of said Anna Kohr-
maun. ucctuisad. ami thht smIiI ..,,iitl,r, will li
heard at the county court room In tho city of
Alliance, llox llutte county. Nebraska, on lliu
itlli day of February nw, at the Umir of 19
o clock a.m.
It is furthor ordered that notice of tn
pemleuey of this pellttoti bo civen to all per
sons intorostod In said ostate by tho publloii
tlon of this notlco fur four coiisecutlti' weeks
III '1 ho 1 Alliance llerald.a newspapgr. printed,
Dated this Ptu day of Januury, IMP,
. , L. A. ilEitnv,
ISBALl County Judge.-