Stnto irptorloil Socloty The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, IU09 NUMBER 8 li. m j In " ' s .'. I f V- I 3 MAN AG EMENT Bank with the OLD R E L " I A B ;E The success of a bank and the safety of the funds intrusted to it depend upon a judicious admin istration of its affairs. Every active officer of the First National Bank is a banker of long experience. Its Directors are well known men -.. . selected for their business abil ' ity and financial standing-. t The strength of this bank lies not alone in its large capital, surplus and resources, but in the char acter and financial responsibility of the men who conduct its ' affairs. The First National Bank of Alliance Capital, $50,000 Surplus and Profits, $53,000 That Cough Must Stop Tins is a bad time of the year to neglect either a cold or cough. A cough easily leads into other and of ton "more ser ious diseases. "You can easily cure any cough with CHERRIPINE Nature's great cure for cough, bronchial hoarseness or cold on the lungs. MU ieUdXbw DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST Painless Extraction Latest Methods Sate. Sure ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. HOLSTEN Headquarters for CH00L UPPLIES rTABLKTS ----. ' NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAINTS RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT OLSTEN 'S Long Distance Wire Soon to be Strung L. G. Bowman, superintendent of the Alliance Telephone company, has been negotiating with the Nebraska Telephone company of Omaha to secure an extension of the latters's long dis tance service so as to include Alliance and this part of Nebraska. He haB received information that will be of great interest to the people of this city, especially the business men, as the following letter will show: Omaha, Nebr., Jan. 301909. Mr. L. G. Jiowman, Alliance, Nebr. Dear Sir! Referring to the matter of this company extending its toll line system into the western part of the state, and the proba bilities of reaching Alliance, we have re cently had the entire route gone over and are now making plans for the stringing of a No. 8 copper toll circuit along with a No. 12 circuit from Omaha to Denver, via Julesburg, Colo, This, as you know, will be a very heavy copper circuit and will enable us to give direct transmission to Chicago and the east. We are contemplating along with this extension, to arrange for a No. 12 copper toll circuit from Julesburg to Sidney, thence north to Bridgeport, where it is expected thereby to get a copper toll con nection into Alliance. This will give excellent toll line service between Alliance and practically all points in the eastern part of Nebraska. Yours truly, A. S. Kklly, Supt. In addition to the information contained in the above letter, Mr. Bowman tells us there will be a copper circuit between Al liance and Crawford and east from Al liance as far as to Richards & Comstock's ranch. And thus Alliance aud western Nebras ka continue to move. Musical Entertainment Benefit of Library KREAMER& KENNEDYS DENTISTS. t 4. I-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk. T Over Postoffice. y v .. J 'Phone 391. &&& -.- -.- -T rW ' & 'f! Regular Meeting MONDAY, FEB. 8th TO ALL MEMBERS: The regular meeting next Monday is one of the most important of the year. The , election of officers Will toe held and all are urged to toe present. ALLIANCE I 1 COnriERCIALCLUB I . h ?J By Lloyd C. Thomas, Secretary y'iThere is one thing that has been very noticeable to the observer of the, inarch of events in Alliance and that is the energy with which the city has been pushing forward. But while we have been developing in some lines there remains much to be done yet. Through the energy of the Woman's club, Alliance has now a public library. A movement is on loot to get a splen did Carnagie library building. If we can get a good public library it will prove a most beneficial influence in helping to keep many of the, boys off the streets at night. Where they have a place to go to read books and papers of a healthy disposition, it cannot but exert its influence for good. Too much praise cannot be given the Woman's club in their efforts to bring this thing about. Through their energy they have succeeded in getting a good start in collecting books. The people have responded very generously in donating and we all feel grateful for this gener ous response. However for a city of the size of Alliance we have but a beginning as far as the number and subjects of the volumes are concerned. ' Most of the books thus far given have been for older people. The ladies of the Wo man's club have ordered books for children aud many more are needed. This means that more money must be raised to do this with. New books will constantly be needed front time to time aud funds must be raised to meet the attendeut expense. A splendid opportunity has present ed itself that will not only enable the club to obtain funds, but will also af ford the people of Alliance an oppor tunity to enjoy one of the rarest musi cal treats that has ever visited the city. This comes to us in the person ot Chevelier Crispin), who came here last week. Prbf. Crispini has had a world wide experience as a musician, haying toured the world with the leading bauds in the capacity of solo trombonist. He has played before six crowned heads and was accorded an honorary title by the Shaw of Persia. For several years he was solo trombonist in Gihnore's world famous baud, Since that time Prof. Crispini has played with Liber atti's band aud also toured the country with Patti, at one time the world's sweetest singer. The cause for which this enterprise is undertaken is certainly enough to elicit the patronage of overy citizen who believes in the betterment of our city. Hut when an opportunity comes with it to get a raru musical treat and first class entertairiment we feel buic that the people will give their hearty support. Prof. Crispini will bo assisted by talent from the high school, so that this will give a good variety to the program. Let every one rally and help the Woman's club out in this most worthy enterprise. Home Course in Modern Agriculture This week we begin the publication of a scries of eighteen articles written by C. V. Gregory of the Agricultural Division of Iowa State College. Prof. Gregory is a writer of exceptional ability who handles his subject scienti fically and vet from a perfectly practi caUview-point. Time was when many scouted the idea of science in farming,' but that time is past. Especially is this true in this western country, where farnfing is made- a great success by proper methods and where failures have been due more to improper itieth odfi aud lack of adaptation than ' all other causes combined. . A Following ia rt list of thesubjecls in cluded in this course: 1 How a Seed Starts to Grow. 2 How Plants Eat and Grow. 5 Preparing the Ground. 4 Water in Relation to Plant Growth. Leguminous Crops and Rotations. How Plants are Propagated. The Selection of Seed. Corn Growing. Weeds and how to Combat them. Some Insect Pests. Bacteria, How They Affect- the Farmer. 12 The Selection and Care of Farm Machinery. i j How Animals urow. Some Points on Stock Feeding. Breeding Live Stock. Farm Buildings. The Farm Mouse. The Business Side of Farming. We are printing some extra copies of this issue so that persons not now sub scribers to the Herald can begin their subscriptions with this number, if they wish to do so. We suggest that sub scribers who are interested in the sub' jeet of agriculture file their Heralds, beginning this week. Big Game Between Chadron and Alliance 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a ' ' X . 15 iG iS We are indebted to Prof. Williams for the following account of the game of basket ball at the high school gym nasium last Saturday night: Ask anybody who was there and they will tell you that the basket ball game between Alliance and Chadron Friday night was the finest thing by way of athletics that has ever happen ed here. The Chadron hoys were flushed with recent victory and came down with the intention of winning. But the training of the Alliance boys proved more than a match for the Chadron team and at the close of the gamo the "Cardinal and Gray" were trailing in the dust. The score was 37 to 10 in favor of Alliance but this score does not mean that the difference in ability was commensurate, for our boys had to fight hard for every point they won. Chadron has a fast, nervy team and plays a good clean game. The special feature of the game was the fine team work that both sides exhibit ed. That the game was intense was evinced by the fact that the spectators from timeo time, when the playing was very close, showed the greatest ex citement. The playing throughout was of the rapid fire sort which made the game more interesting for those watching. The high school is grateful to the patrons of the school for the liber al way they interested themselves in this course of entertainment arranged by the association. A movement is on foot to get the baskot ball team of the Lead City high school) to plav here. Lead has a cham pionship team and in case arrange ments can be effected for their coming it will prove the hardest game of the season. Camille Nohe was injured by a hard We just received word from Mr. Norton in California, this knorningf. that he is having a good time, but wants more money to have a better time; to make a Hummer of a' Sale on all Ladies', Misses' and Children's' Cloaks, Jackets, Suits, Skirts and Cravenettes, and cut the price in the middle and sell them and send him the money. Now this looks disastrous to us on such a good line of goods but as his money paid for these goods we will do as he directs; so here it goes. Come and ge$4one of these garments. It's a big saving to you. W. R. BIRNEY, for W. W. NORTON. I THE ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK - ' -s0'--''.'iM-a. Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $25,000 of Alliance Solicits your business One-Hjalf Off I Before my Spring Goods arrive I wish to dispose of all my remaining Winter Trimmed Hats, a line of Children's Caps, Fancy Feathers and Ostrich Plumes, and to do this I shall place these on sale at one-half ac tual price SATURDAY, FEB, 6th I also will place place on sale at that date at same dis count a line of Fleecee-lined Hosiery, and Silk and Woolen Shawls. Any other article, including belts, belt buckles,, .. combs, handkerchiefs, linens, etc., in rnx store will be discounted, but not at the same rate. Please call I flRS. R SIMMONS . " - - r1"MWra CTTrTr-rarvv .ij-.-ifti fall in the second half and though playing the remainder of the game, he cannot remember anything of the half. P. Nohe showed exceptionally fast form in getting and passing the ball. Many of Alliance points were due to his ac curate passing. The strong guarding of Shay, Smith and Taylor prevented Chadron from making many points. The line-up was as follows: Chadron Alliance H. Coffee (Capt.) P. Nohe (Capt.) Thrum C. Nohe Wishart Shay K. Coffee IJowman Smith Taylor For Sale A nice quarter section of land z4 miles east of Alliance. Address owner, A, D. Rouilliard, 711 Walnut St., Denisou, Iowa. , 83 We always have money to loan on real estate seourity. F. E. Reddish. 8tf .',, W We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. For Sale Full blood S. C. W. Leg horn roosters, one and two years old, $1.00 and $2.00. Phone or address Harold Olds, Hemingford, Nebr. 7iw x ,