oc-agfcwt.vK -mow --i i J ft lit- , W: ! I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS I F, A. Kckcrson, tnncliinc shop fore inan, is visiting in Hcardstowii, Ills, Relief AEctit Tripled passed through Alliance Mondny morning for Donver. H. B. Kepner, goncrnl piece work inspector, 18 an Alliance visitor today. J,j: Craning returned today from Bfngham, where ho Bpont several days on business. Miss I.oata King of Broken Dow is visiting her parents here, . having ar rived today. "Dob" Holden visited with the home folks over Sunday, returning to Sterling on 301 Monday. Effective March 1st tho name of Mercer on the Denver line will he changed to Pcctz. Machinist Kcintop returned today from Mitchell, where he and his wife have been visiting. Miss Velnm Lawlcr, daughter of the general foreman, is visiting friends in Sheridan, her former home. Miss Maude Spacht arrived yester day from Lincoln and will niako an ex tended visit with her parents. C. A, Wethcrell aud wife are mak ing a short visit to Dcadwood and ho hills, having left for there this morning. Railroad Notes from Edgemont Edgemont Express. Thomas Lynch, night store house man, has resigned and has gone east. E. Olson is a now machinist Trails forrod here from St. Joseph. J. C, Dirdsoll, with special car No$ 84, was in Edgemont Wednosday. G. II, McCracken, stationary fire man, has left the service and gone to Hot Springs. II. C. Wehr, engineer, who took ft lay off a few weeks ago, has again re turned to work. Engine iCCS is a new switch engine here from Alliance for service in the Edgemont yards. Mrs. A. A. Opp and two sons went to Alliance Saturday to visit with rela tives a few days. J. 13, Henry, electrician at the round house, has resigned to engage in another line of business. Dr. F. VV. Dlatchlcy of the relief de partment at Alliance, has been trans ferred to Galcsburg. Engineer L. Vandcrvoort of the Dcadwood line has been transferred to the Alliance division. Engine 3179 is a new engine here from Havclock and will go into service on the Dcadwood line, K. B. Davcy, machinist, started to work in the round house this week, be ing transferred here from Lincoln. F. C. French has gone to work in 1 tho general foreman's office. He was i transferred here from Alliance. Agent Prcttyman of Hyannis has been called to Rushvillc on some court business and will be relieved by Relief Agent Thompson. ..,.,.'. . .. . . . Mike' Laudrigan, switchman, who Chief Dispatcher A. V. Gav 11 eft ' . , t , 1 1 ,, , , ... ... . ., . ,. ,got hurt a few weeks ago, is up and Monday for a visit with relatives 111 the , , ... , , . ' , , ., . . around and getting along nicely. eastern part of tho slate. He is being .... , .,.,. , relieved by Dispatcher Mosbcr. J McMulIcn and T. T. Hill, two macninisis, resigned ami win go 10 aan Bernardino to spend the winter. F. Doolittle, formerly operator on this division, will check in as agent at Duhuing today, relieving Agent Alstadt, who goes to work as operator at An scltno. F. L. Skalinder, until recently con ductor on the high line, has been in stalled as yard master and agent here vice F. D. Campbell, who has been transferred to Deadwood. Switchman M. H. Landrigan of Edgemont, who met with an accident there, and which was reported in these columns at the time, has been visitjng his brother here. , Ho is greatly im proved aud expects to bo able to go to work in tho course ol several weeks. The building department of the C.B. & Q. nrc making arrangements to put up another water tank at the round house. Chas. Mills is passenger engineer on 43 and 44 between Edgemont and Al liance in place of P. J. Nolan, who is1 laying off. K. J. Stern, car foreman at Alliance, has been appointed" assistant superin tendent of bridges and construction of the Alliance division. John Doyle, who has been running an engine between Edgemont and Gil lette for the last year, has been pro moted to position of road foreman of engines with jurisdiction over the Tolu ca branch. Russell Standeu, brakeman, who has been on the relief list for some time with an injured foot, is again at work with Conductor Frank Hart. T. J. Frier, general store keeper, with hcadquartors at Chicago, and J. L. Borryhill, storekeeper from Alliance, were hero this week checking1 up com pany material. K. J. Stern, oar foreman at Alliance, has resigned and his place fs filled by vV. Hanson, who has been working in Salt Lake City for the Rio Grande Western railroad. Hyannis Happenings (From the Tribune) Mrs. J. P. Sibbett left today for Alliance where she will have some dental work at tended to, after which she will go on to Bayard to visit her brother and family, Sam Strowbridge took a much needed vacation from the arduous tasks that dally beset his pathway and bade farewell to Hyannis from the step of the west bound passenger this afternoon, his ticket bear ing the mystic legend, "Alliance." Charles F. Scarle committed suicide by taking carbolic acid in a room at the Og- den hotel at Council Bluffs, Iowa Tuesday afternoon. He purchased it at the drug store opposite the hotel, saying he wanted it to disinfect a sick room in his home. He was found in a dying condition by the porter but lived about twenty minutes. No motive for the deed has been discover ed. Mr. Scarle formerly resided in Hy annis and was at one time in the life insurance business with Thomas McCaw ley, now of Seneca; he was also employed by E. P. Meyers, at the ranch near Lena, acting as foreman on occasions when Mr. Meyers was obliged to be absent. He was overseer of the work of putting in the telephone line between Hyannis and Lena His untimely end will be deplored by many people of this vicinity with whom he in those days became acquainted. -' I I . I II TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE Your Printing It should be a fit representative of your business, which means the high grade, ar tistic kind, That.s th kind we do. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, GOOD PRESSES AND TYPOGRAPHICAL ARTISTS These represent our facilities for doing the kind of printing that will please you. The prices are right, and prompt delivery the invariable rule at this office. Sale commences Jan uary the 25th and continues until Satur day night, February the 20th (ONE-FOURTH OFF) I This big; reduction applies on ouf entire line of Gents', Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slip pers. Rubber Goods are not Included This sale is for Cash only, no Credit ffl ALLIANCE CASH SHOE STORE -A X (Ml Remember, we sell at closing out prices on easy payments eea9eieac00eaB V 0 Tg ,jj j i. t t 4. . ...2 . :.-- l. Zs-.4.. . The third week is here and fast passing into history The work is going on like chain lightning The very City is awake mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiBmmsm 2 Everything goes during f this Great Closing Out : i Sale 5 Lockwood's Great Closing Out and Price Slaughtering Sale is going on; it is going on without a break. The B. F. Lockwood Co. has made the prices and sent word to all the people and they have responded nobly to the call. They were not deceived; we never practice it in our business, and we are not going to practice it now. "We had $15,000.00 worth of Furniture and Housefurnishings that we wanted to sell to the people, and we sent word to all of them. And how well we are disposing of them we leave to one and all. The people are centering at the B. F. Lockwood Co.'s store, the Bargain spot .of this city. They are buying, not just visiting and looking around, but they are taking away wagon loads. The delivery wagons are busy, and whichever way you look you will see Furniture marked, " From B. F. Lockwood's store." Pianos WE HAVE 3 DE RIVAS & HARRIS PIANOS WHICH WE WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. LOOK AT THE PIANOS AND LEAVE YOUR BID IN A SEALED ENVELOPE AT THE STORE. BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND RE SULTS MADE KNOWN WEDNESDAY AFTER NOON, FEB. 3d. Terms, $15 tarn and $5 r rnwth. SECURE A PIANO ON THESE EASY TERMS 9 EXTRA SPECIAL To the party buying: the largest single bill of goods from us between Monday, Jan. 25, and Saturday, Jan. 30, we will give absolutely free of charge your choice of our framed iliand paintings, val ued up to $10. Now get busy! You buy the goods at a saving of from 40 to 75 per cent and stand a chance of getting this handsome picture free. WHO WILL GKET IT? Mahogany Bed Room Suite SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. ON DIS PLAY IN THE WINDOWS. LEAVE SEALED BIDS AT THE STORE. BIDS WILL BE OPEN ED AND RESULTS MADE KNOWN SATUR DAY, JAN. 30th, 2 p. m. BUY THIS HANDSOME SUITE AT YOUR OWN PRICE. It is valued at $235.50 at Retail. Prices cut to the bone on our entire stock, consisting of Stoves and Ranges, Sewing flachines, Buffets, Book Cases, Dressers, Chiffioners, Dressing Tables, Dining Tables, Library fables, Writing Desks, Rocking Chairs, Dining Room Chairs, Couches, Davenports, Iron and Brass Beds, Sanitary Couches, Kitchen Safes, Kitchen Cabinets, Carpets and Rugs, Mattings, Trunks and Suit Cases, Musical Instruments, Phonographs and Phonograph Records, Couch Covers and Portieres, Lace Curtains, Cotton and Wool Blankets, China and Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, etc., etc. Few times on earth do you have the opportunity of buying at special prices such as have been made here for the past 15 days and will be made until the finaf wind-up of this Closing Out Sale. The time is getting short. Better hurry. Let us make the last days of this sale the greatest of them all. F. W. Schroeder, Sales Manager B. F Lockwood Co Alliance, Nebraska 1 I