V K MA-y . i Try it and see how nice, white and sweet it will make your clothes u Buy the floating, white soap, one that never gets yel low with age. Buy your "Sunny Mon day" and "Fairy" of a. d Rodgers 00.S& ISTJELSON FLETCHER FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insuranco Company. Norlli Amcrlcnnof Philadelphia. Phoenix of Dlooklyn. New York. Continental of New York City. Niagara Flro Insurance Company. Counccttcint Flro Commercial Union Assurance Co., London (lermaiila Flro . Co Statu of Omuha 3Pa,la,c e ONE HI uCK WEST OF THE NE'VZHINDKN IIUJI.nt.NG. 'I'hono ALLIANCE HOSPITAL GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE HOSPITAL STAIT Dr. Bellvtood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to . THE MATRQN, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. The Hosts & Paper S- terest the home news. Its every issuo will prove a. welcome visitor to every member of the family. It should head your list of newspaper aad periodical subscriptions. First-class Views and Commercial Work & Alliance Art Studio .M. K. CiltEIIE, Propr, Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALLIANCE, XEIHc. . fr NOTICE MMMMMIMHMMIMHHHHHM Owing .to the fact that our patronage has increased nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindty ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos sible. Phones 131a and 131b. Palace Meat Market S. H. DESCH, Prop. ifii'i. i Have you ever bought "Sunny Monday'' Fairy," I ) Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German Amorican Ins. Co., New York. Now llamnshiro Columbia Flro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins 'o.. Hartford. Conn Firemans Fund Insurance Co. Rochester Herman Iiir. Co. Office I'o-Stnlrst.llctchcr Mock. Mry sotL 'JfWrM&Wj&?m ivery B,arrL C. SaXI'JTI-T, JProp. (Successor to S, II. Dcsch) Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Enlarged Portraits In Every Style jt & & !i t." Boards of all descriptions for any part' of a house or barn. Dicrks Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. && OF Holcomb Will File Suit io Test Supreme Judge Appointments, House Passes Appropriation Measure Volpo's Banking BUI, With Volun "tary Guaranty Scneme, Introduceti In the Senate Llnroln, Jan 19. The proceeding In the court whereby thu appointees of Governor Shallenberger hope to us labllsh their right to places In the su preme court will be Instituted here to day on the arrival of Homer Sullivan of Broken Bow. Mr Sullivan Is attorney lor Silas A Holcomb. who has con sented to make the fight to tost thu legality Of the action of the legl&l ire Id canvassing the returns on the hu preme court amendment The suit to be filed by Mr. Sullivan, it is under stood, will be In thu nature of quo war ranto. The petition will assert the right of Judge Holcomb to the posi tion. The other Shallenbergei ap polntees will await tho outcome of this case before taking action. Houses Passes Supply Bill. The appropriation of $100,000 to pay the salaries of legislators and em ployees of that body and the Inci dental expenses of the session has passed the house. Because the money is required for immediate use the bill carries an emergency clause. A bill was also Introduced making an appropriation for the office ex penses of the governor. The committee on public lands and buildings believes the juvenile court at Omaha and the detention home In Lincoln aie responsible for a substan tial decrease in the number of boys at the industrial school at Kearney, an Inspection ot which they have just fin ished The normal school at that place was lound to be in fine condition, with a large attendance. There will probably be introduced during the present session of the logls latino a Joint resolution indorsing tho Carnegie pension fund, in oidei for members of the faculty of Nebraska university to benefit by this fuud it is necessary tor the legislature to in dorse the movement. On behalt of the resolution, it h stated that the state university will be enabled to retain many of its high class professors, who would remain because they were sure of n pension, whereas if they wen' not they would accept better salaries In other Institu tions when they woie tendered, Volpp's Banking Bill. In the senate the Volpp banking bill was introduced by the Dodge county member whose name it cairius Un der Us provision any state bank .may takead4tiitagfi. of il.ro have its de posits guaranteed, and thirt ydny.1- j time is allowed lor (.becking up the bank's tueo'int before the Mate step in. The governor l.s made comptroller of banks and is empowered to appoint I thrce'asulhihnts One must have been a resident ol Nebraska lor not lefeh i that ten years and the other two must j be banket b They are allowed $., a j day while employed. A secretary of I the board, on whom devolves most of i the work, will receive $3,000 a year I The minimum amount of capital is i placed' at $15,000 for banks in towns ' of less than 500 population, and tho , maximum is .placed at $200,000 ior j cities having more than f.,000 populb ! tion. Senator Randall of Madison county has prepared a bill giving women who own property .a right to vote at munlc l ipal elections He will introduce it ip , the senate within a few days. FARMER KILLED IN RUNAWAY. 1 Ainsworth Editor Badly Injured in Fall on Icy Walk. Ainsworth, Neb., Jan. 10. Edward i Stokes, a farmer living; nine miles, north of here, is dead as a result ot a runaway. He was on Ms way to town when iiis horses became trlghtonco t and ran, overturning tho wagon on top of Stokes He was lound in a gulch dead, with the. wagon box on hi body J M. Cotton, editor of the Star Journal, received dangerous injuria from a fall on th icy walk, his hit, 'and aim both lining broken. Death of Mrs. S. S. Haliday. Leigh. Neb.. Jan 10. -Mr. S. S. Haliday, whoiso husband is a NebraBki. pioneer, is dead troni a heart afiecliou, aged eighty year Her entiia lift was sp-nt In Iowa and Nebraska She leaves a large family of grown chll dren, all ot whom have uuiuireo wealth and prominence , Fire at Fort Omaha. ' Omaha, Jan. 1C A tiro which start 1 ed in the government supply biilldint; j at Fort Omaha this morning destroyeu the entire building and its contents ITho )o8 will reach $150,000 Tho building contained all tho wituleas ap paratus used at the fort, Including two government balloons. Sidney Has Big Fire. ' Sidney, Neb., Jan, J0.Flre entirely destroyed the building and dry good ftock owned by Simon Flshman, ou- i tailing a loss, which will exceed $20.- , 000. with Insurant of $10,000. The ' origin of tlit flro is a mystery. U was , the worst flro to visit the city for ( many years J Killed by Switch Engine. Beatrice. Neb. Jan. 19 While , working under a cur at Wymor 1W ward Vernon, foreman of a nurllngton repair gang. wa killuil when a witch engine punned' threti cars aero, his body. He leaves a widow aud six children NEWS NEBRASKA ROBBERS BUSY AT LINCOLN. Several Attempts at Highway Robbery and One Suspect Arrested. Lincoln. Jan. 18. William Gardner was arrested nnd taken to tho county Jail on a charge of complicity In nt tempts at highway robbery by three men on the outskirts of the city. S. N. Bniuett, a fnrinur, returning to his homo from tho city, was stopped by men who pointed revolvers nt him ami demanded tlmt ho stand and deliver, lie whipped up his horses and es enped. Reports reached the shcrlu" office of othor nttempts at highway robbery. One report was that shoot ing was heard on tho road and that one unknown man, with hands nnd face bloody and carrying a revolver, had been seen by a farmer Sheriff's deputies are searching for other sus pects DALE AND MRS. GEIGER HELD. Given Preliminary Hearing and Bound Over for Trial on Murder Charge. Ogallnla, Neb., Jnn 15. Lafayette Dale and Mrs. Jennie Gelger, tho lat ter claiming to be Dale's wlfo, who are held here to answer the charge of murdering Volly Mann nnd burying his body In a ravine near this place, were given a preliminary hearing and bound over for trial. Sheriff Ileal was the principal witness and told of al leged confessions made by Date and Mrs. Gelger, In which each charged the other with shooting Mann while he lay sleeping in his camp on tho prairie Both Dale and Mrs. Gelger were partaking of his hospitality. DEVEREESE MAY RECOVER. Omaha Detective and Outlaw Who Shot Him Still Alive. Omaha, Jan. 15. Albert Clark, tho desperado who killed Patrolman Smith nnd perhaps fatally wounded Detective Devereese, following Clark's nttempt to hold up n Ninth street resort, has been identified as a Council Bluffs man who up to a short time ngo wub bar tender in n downtown saloon. Chirk is said to have como from Sioux City a few months ngo. Tho wounded offi cer and desperado nro still at the Emergency hospital, .being enrod for In adjoining rooms. Both are danger ously wounded and their charfecs for recovery are about even. Curtain's Colorado Record., Denver, Jan. 10. Jack Curtain, be lieved io bo the man who killed a pp llce officer, seriously wounded another and was himhelf dangerously wound ed In a battle with police in Omaha, has many aliases. Detective- Leiden says that Ourtain'K nal name is Hugh Jackson Arretted for burglary, fol lowed by two sensational escapes from the jail ut On-eley, one without Inter ference and the other after a buttle with the jailor, In which the latter ,jy.as beaten into iiwoiisoioiiKiicpis, and a term in th state penitentiary, is n part of Curtain's Colorado record. Second Charge Againtt Willard, Chappell. Neb, Jan. 1C A second charge of horsestealing has been tiled against Vance Willard, already under Indictment on a similar charge. ' The last charge Is that of stealing nine horses, valued at $000, and soiling them to an Ogallala horse dealer grades aie In favor for line footwear, while the heavy stap'es are In nest demand for medium and low priced 'lines The domestic hide marhut shows increased activity and prices for couu try hides have advanced sharply Nebraska Farmer Killed. Franklin. Neb., Jan. 10 William Wessels, a prominent young farmer living near here, is dead as the rosult of an accident received while hauling lorn Tlie last seen of him he wan walking beside his wagon When found Iiis .skull was crushed and ho was in m dying condition, it Is be lieved he fell beneath the wheels and was run over by tho wagon Oil Inspector Has Opposition. Lincoln. Jun 10. There is indica tion that Arthur Mullen, appointed oil inspector Ijy Governor Shallenberger. may lose lus official head through fail ure of the state senate to confirm his appointment There has been homo dissension between the oil inspector nod Home members of the heuule and sevaral of them have UucImiaiI them s-elvos opposed to him. Fight May Prove Fatal. Plattsmonth, Neb., Jan. 10. Durlric a fight between John l. Thackor, a farmer living south of hero, aud John Claronce, agtd twenty-two, Thacker received two bullet wounds, from which he probubly will die. Clarnnco, who gave himself up to tho sheriff, says Thacker started llio trouble and hit him .over the head with a heavy stick. Court House Hac Close Call. Albion, Neb., Jan 15. The court house had a narrow escfipe fiom being destroyed by a fire which started in Sheriff Evans' offlco. The entire In terior of the office -was ablaze when discovered, and only prompt work of the lire department prevented an ex tensive conflagration. Shallenberger Names Four Judges. Lincoln, Jan. 18. Governor Shalien bergor appointed the following bu preine judges: .John J. Sullivan of Oninhn and Jesse L. Root of I'latts fouth for three-year terms, and Iamb Fawcett of Omaha and Silas A. Hoi comb of Broken Bow for the oue.y.ar torrns Postmaster Williams Reappointed. Cambridge, ,Vb . Jan. 18. The scramble for the postofliee hr has been put to an nd by the reappoint ment of Guorgo William;, who already has nerved eight years. 3 OEAD IN BATHROOM Double Murder and Suicide at Seattle, Wash. That Attorney Killed Wife, Daughter and Self While Insane Over Flnan cial Troubles Is Theory ol Coroner and Police. W L, Seeley, an attorney and former bank examiner for Illinois; his wlfo. Mrs. Kate M. Seeley, a member of the Notional Society of the Daughters of tho Amerlcnn Revolution, and his daughter, Miss Hone Seeley, a student at tho University of Washington, were found dead In a bathroom ot their home In the fashionable Capital Hill district at Seattle, Wash. The victims had' been dead since the previous Thursday. Tho women, each of whom was clad In night robes, had been murdered by being struck on the head, evidently with a hammer. There was no mark of violence on Seeley. He Is believed to have been partially chloroformed and then drowned In the bathtub. All three were kneeling At the sldo of tho bath tub, with thelrheads submerged In tbe water A steamer trunk was on the bodies of Seeley and his wife. That Seeley killed his wife and daugh. ter while Insane over financial worries and then committed suicide is the the ory of the coroner and the police. Seeley went to Seattle about two years ago from St. Joseph, Mo. He had lived there two years and had moved there from Ottawa, 111., and had engaged In the practice of law wherever he had been for tho past thirty years Seoley was fifty-live years old, his wife about three years his Junior nnd his daughter twenty two years of age. The bodies were found by Guy M. Sraelzer, affianced husband of MIbs Seeley, and E. R. Selbble, n friend of the family. An empty chloroform bottle was on the stand In the bathroom. Clutched In tho hand of Seoley, which was be neath the- water, was a pocket hand kerchief, which, although soaked in water for a day, still carried a faint trace of ihe odor of chloroform. There were three wounds on the head of Mrs. Seeley Tho blow that evldetly killed MIhs Speley was dealt hor over the left eye. Seeley, for three years, wkb treasur er of the St, Joseph Stock Ynrds com. puny and a director In the stock yards banli. His financial oonditlon while ho was there wafi thought to be good He was a member of the best clubs and "Society. His daughter was a fa vorite In St Joseph society. V ESSlfLLOsTTtNSTO R M. Wreckage FoUnd Along Long Island Shore but No Trace of Crew, In a' snowstorm off tiro Long Island shore, another vessel, thu schooner Swallow of St. Johns, N. l, and her crew paid the toll so often demanded of thobe who go down to the sou in ships The .story of tho wreck was told bylhe sea Itself, Tor it strewed tho beach east- of Fire Island tor auv eral miles with bits of wreckage from the ship and cargo. On somo of this llotsnni appeared the name "Swallow, St. Johns, N. P.," and this told the heachmen the name of the vessel that had pounded Itself to pieces In tho howling gal Of the crew, probably hvo or six men, -judging from tho schooner's' sire, there was no trace. But lookiiif, out at the wildly tossing seas, the thick, di Ivlng snow, with Us attending hitter cold, the betitbrrieu know their fate It Is supposed that the Swallow was bound from Newfoundland to New York with a cargo of frozen herring nnd she carried a deckload of lumber. Cnught In the storm, the, members of the crew probably lost their hearings and struck on one of the many sand bars a mile or so off the shore of the Blue Point station There? the wind nnd luay teas pounded the vessel to pieces n a short time and tho men aboard were speedily lost In the sea RESOLUTION TO "m OVE CAPITAL. Senator Bartos Starts Ball Rolling for More Centra' Point. Lincoln, Jan. JSA weM supported effort 1$ on foot to remove the capitol from Lincoln to a city more centrally IcKattd. Stnator Uartos of SaJinw county sturted the ball rolling today with a lesolutlon providing for a rom. mrttec- to examine into the condition of the old building. &nd to consider the feasibility of removing it to a city which will be more ea&ily reached from 'the western part of the state To remove the capital takers a major ity of the elector at a spaclul alq lion, but the possibility of audi action being taken U by no means remote Senator Bartos' resolution recltos that the center of population is no longer in one ?pot in the eastern end .of the Etate, and that the necessity la appar ent lor fceekinjr a more central point. Kearney is mentioned as a suitable place. Representative Klllou Introduced n bill aimed at salary and chattel loan rr.tn and ranking usurious obligations which they hold void. FIRE DESTROYS 3.48 AUTOS. Storage Station at Boston Burns With Loss of ?80O,O00. An automobile storage and repair plant lir Boston binned, destroying 8-lb automobiles, tallied at $750,000 The fire spiead to Abe old shed .of the Park Square railroad station and de stroyed the bicycle track and n large pavilion used for exhibition purpoi.es. The damage to the building will bring the total loss to above $S 00,000. Bo liuWe osWaV 5oTioWCcriVcaV awA SvwtiVc&V Casts TUcs, 5j5 o $5 yvt oc&y. &M4e E. CwatcVAW, Sw&V- GEO. T; HAND, M. D. CYE, EAR, NOSE AND 1IIR0AT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician ano Snrgeon Day and nlghtctlls. OOlce over Uoruo Htore. Phono 150. H. . COPSEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon Phone 300 i Culls answered promptly day and nlcht from uiuicc. uniooi; Alliance National Dank Hnllillng over tho Post (Juice. DR. CHAS. E. SLAQLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, iio.m no path i c PHYSICIAN AND SDKOEON Formerly Intrrno Homeopathic Hos pftul University of lowa. Phono 251. ' OiTlce over AUlunco Shoo Btore Ittsldcm-(i Phono 251. DR. C.' H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KGI'.ON (HiK'Cfli-)tr lo Dr. J. K. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK On)i.-uhoiirafl-rjft.n., !- p.m. 7;30-0 p.m. Office Phone 62 Res, Phone, 85 Drs. Bowman & Weber' PHYSICIANS ANDSURGEONS First National Bank Bldg, Rooms' -l-s-G Office hours, 10 to 12 at pi., 1:30 t04, 7 to 8 p. 111. Ofllco Phone 65 Rcsr, Phone 16 & 184 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertake! and Embalmer OFFICE PHONE 207 KES. PHONE 498 ALLIANCE, NEUR. A. H. THORNTON, Phvsician and Surgeon Office Phone, No. 4 . Res. Phone, No. 187.. OFFICE IN NORTON BLOCK Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ritveiri tc Drs Prey X Halfu) 17 and 18 Rumer Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 ,..., , . "" r VVILLIAtM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LftW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law " Olrke in rooms formerlv occupied by R. C. Noleman, First Nal'l UaoK hlk 'Phone io. ALLIANCE. NKB, H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, A.JL.Jl.TA.TVOIi:, 3SJ2B. surTir p. TOTTr.E. iha rs. tash TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS , AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North MalnSt.. ALL1ANUE. NKIi WILCOX & BROOME LAW AND LANP ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U, S, Land Office is a guarantee for nrouiDt and efficient service. Office in Land Office HulIJlne. ALLIANCE - NEIIKASKA.