The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 07, 1909, Image 3

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This new institution, wider the direction of the Sisters of St. Francis, is
located at Alliance, a very healthy and pleasant resort of the west. Parents
and guardians will find it a homelike institution, where every faculty is offeied
to educate effectively the heart and mind of young girls, to impart true refine
ment together wifli practical knowledge, which will enable them to fill their
future positions in life creditably. '
The course ot study adopted by the institution is systematic aud thorough,
embracing Primary, Intermediate, Preparatory and Academic Departments.
The Academic Department embraces Christian Doctrine, Church History
Arithmetic, Algebra, Advanced English Grammar, Bookkeeping, Geometry.
Latin, Rhetoric, Civics, General History, Botany.
A special course of Instrumental Music and' Painting may be pursued.
In this, as well as in all the other departments, the leading principle of the
institution is thoroughness, hence pupils are trained and led to correct knowl
edge and appreciation of these branches.
As no young lady is fitted for the practical duties of life without a thorough
acquaintance with the use of the needle. This branch, in all its details; from
the plainest to the most ornamental and fancy needlework, receives particular
Board, Tuition, Bed, Washing, Plain Sewing and Fancy Work ....,. ...J8o oo
Children under twelve years , , 75 00
Music Piano r er session of five months -5.v - 15 00
Organ 15 00
Violin, Guitar, Mandolin , 14 00
Painting In Oil, per month .'.... 3 00
In Water Colors 3 00
Each pupilmust provide her own Guitar, Violin or Mandolin. Use of piano
or Organ, per session. 2. 50.
3 complete changes of underclothes
6 pairs of hose
1 2 pocket handkerchiefs
4 towels
2 black aprons
2 pairs of shoes
1 pair of rubbers
1 blanket (single bed;
1 white bed spread
1 small rug for alcove
School was opened September 14th and is now in full session. There are
accomodations for eighty boarders and the Sisters request all those who are in
terested in education and who wish to place their children in an institution,
where they will receive solid education, to place their children in the Academy
as soon as possible. Any one wishing to have further information should write
to or call on the Mother Superior, who will be pleased to answer all inquiries.
Accomodations will be provided for boys.
The Machine You Will
Eventually Buy
I fflr 1 ii 1 1 if Iff I Ul " I'lMfTMlHrf """SlITF 1 11
Do you know that for Correspondence, Statement
Work for Billing and for all other classes of work
the UNDERWOOD is the best machine? Do
you know that the UNDERWOOD, because of
its visible writing- and various other superior fea
tures, will save you at last 20 per cent of your
time? Do you realize that time is money? Do
you know that the UNDERWOOD holds the
speed record of the World ?
The UNDERWOOD is best because of its visibil
ity, durability and absolute reliability under all
Underwood Typewriter Co.
161 7 Farnam St.
1 toilet set, consisting'of brushes,
combs, soap, soapdish and toothmug.
1 needlework box furnished.
, Stationery and stamps. ,
G napkins.
1 tablespoon.
1 teaspoon.
1 silver knife and fork,
t napkin ring.
Black Uniforms, College cap.
Omaha, Neb.
Cleopatra In
Chicago Town.
Was the Egyptian's Marriage to Antony Tor
Love or Political Graft ? -Night Raid
on H Pie f oundry- The Churches
and Courtship.
From Our Chicago Correspondent.,
l.EOPATU V could not
linu foreseen, nl-
tlmugh tin pnoM
call her I lu proud
sorceress of the
Nile, Unit the time
would come In the
transmutations of
the whirligig when
Chicago w o u 1 d
question the mo
tive that took An
tony down Into
Egypt to woo and
to wed. And Ohl
cugo would have
gone on believing
the story as It was
put in n play by
Shakespeare if nn Italian hud not come
to town ami torn tho web to shreds.
TliN Italian told the Chicago circle
that Indulges In dreaming of the lotus
and the mystery of the sphinx that
Antony was just an ambitious schemer,
u sort of grafter in his way, and that
he was willing to barter his political
strength In exchange for the treasures
of tho Ptolemies In order to execute
his Persian campaign. And Cleopatra
herself was In the game. She thought,
according to this Italian, that the com
bination of Antony and Cleopntru
would change the map. She wanted
an ally. Antony seemed at Mie moment
to he a comer.
The ripping of the llctlon fabric, if li
was llctlon, overcame the town like a
summer wind laden with the aroma o"
the packing bouse district. It appealed
to a professor of the big university, h
who carries the
Egyptology med
al, to call the Ital
ian down. To the
surprise of the
town, this home
Mgy p to I o gist
stood In with the
Idea. lie said be
knew It nil the
time. He was
willing to admit
that Cleopatra
might have been
a belle In her
day, for she was
a Greek, aud all
(Jreeks were
beautiful when
there was no
competing bcauly
show. He meant
that she was de- a soiit of aitAFTO!.
scended from a royal Greek Hue. Hut
Antony was not looking for beauty. If
he had been he could have found It In
Home. The match was made on the
fame lines that matches are made now
In families that are hunting for tufts.
Cleo saw It in the same light. Mr.
Shakespeare had taken liberties with
the incident, as he did with other inci
dents, and Chicago had been paying
good money to see It on the stage. It
looks now ns If the next manager here
who puts on Antony and Cleopatra
would have to drive tho playgoers in
rather than turn them nwny.
The question as to whether a man
who gets only $0 n week ought to ask
a woman to marry him and whether
If she does she ought to live with
him has come to town. The clubs are
discussing It. Several leaders In so
ciety hnve taken It up. One woman
who Is generally forward In all proposi-
tlons In which her sex Is interested
takes the ground that the legislature
ought to regulate the question. In her
opinion It will have to come to this,
for she docs not hesitate to atllrm that
when a woman Is in love with a man
Bho never stops to ask how much he is
being paid. After she Is lu for it and
rinds that the table docs not groan and
thnt she canuot have n gown every
time the moon changes she makes a
foot race to tho courts for a divorce.
Tne law has to Interfere in the wind
up, nnd why not lnterfero at the start?
Savo us from the female lawmaker.
What next? If you became a mem
her of the Geographic society of Chi
cago, what would you expect to be
asked to do? Wouldn't the name In
dicate expeditious or boundaries or
terminals or discoveries In unknown
parts? Not In Chicago. The other
night a section of the society weut out
to Inspect a pie foundry. The mem
bers wauted to find out what pie crust
was made oC and to ascertain what
was put betweeu tho lids. A layman
trould llgure it out that the best way
to learn about pic Is to take a little
while off In tho kitchen. Not If you
are a member of the Geographic so
ciety. Before tho expedition started
tho leader Informed the lineup that
they would not be expected to take
hammers or picks, as tho geological
formal Ions which were to be examined
would not require much physical exer
tion. All who were Interested In that
modern comestible, pie. were asked
not to be funny when they entered the
bakeshop, ns the cxiwdltjon" was for
health purposes only. What was learn
d Is still n mystery, but after tho visit
was ended tho hunters adjourned to
tho Art institute, whore n professor
from one of the universities lectured,
not on pie, but on the great seaports
of Europe The connection between
the pie trip aud the subject of the lec
ture Is not clear, but that makes no
difference. The combination enabled
a lot of folks to have n night out. If
you are burdened with the Idea that it
takes a good deal to amuse somo peo
ple, this little story will Indicate how
you have fooled yourselves.
Several moons will wax and wane
before the next Fourth of July, but a
lot of mothers nnd wives and sisters
have commenced agitating the prob
lem of how to mako a boy enjoy him
self without shooting off ilrccrnckcrs
And experiment
ing with toy pis
tols. They spent
a whole evening
In talk. One moth
er In Israel who
had come In from
ono of the sub
urbs said a few
words which will
endear her to the
boys. She said
that you could not
rob a boy of his
pleasure without
giving him a sub
stitute. If a boy
could not mako a
noise lu his own
back yurd ho
would go Into some other back yard
and do a whole lot of mischief from
pure cusseiluesH. She favored tho
elimination of the Chinese racket pro
ducer, but she Insisted that play
grounds be opened where tho young
sters could nice, play ball, go In swim
ming, nnd then they should be led to
a pic counter and tilled with dainties.
A boy who had so been entertained
would have as much respect for the
Declaration of Independence ns he
would If he had been permitted to
blow off his lingers. The meeting ad
journed without taking action.
A recollection was turned up a few
days since in a railroad otllce hero that
will Interest some who wonder why
railroads need money to carry on busi
ness. A certain company had voted to
order ?1,000,000 worth of passenger
equipment. It was stated at the meet
ing that fifty-three years ago the com
pany operated only 100 miles of line
out of the city. Itigld economies were
practiced then. Each conductor of
trains running out of the city sold
tickets at tiie olllcc window until train
time, then started his train, collected
his tickets and, under instructions from
the management, carefully saved and
brought them back unpuuehed nnd sold
them, us before, on his next trip out.
Tho company had no clock of Its own,
and trains were run by a timepiece in
a drug store two blocks from the sta
tion. It was not called a station then,
but "depo." The advertisement of the
company read, "Trains will start
promptly on the time Indicated by the
clock In the drug store."
"Waiting at the Church," that usod
to be warbled, whistled and thrummed
everywhere nnd was then relegated, as
all popular songs are, will be rejuve
nated ere long If u certain minister in
Chicago litis his way. The dominie lu
question Is of the good old Methodist
persuasion. At a recent meeting of
the preachers of his denomination he
told the circle that he was glad to
learn of courtship lu the sanctuary.
Somebody hud objected to It. lie knew
of no better place to woo. lie didn't
favor ogling while the word was being
preached, either In the choir loft or lu
the pew, but any sure enough court
ship might bo begun on the way to
church or It might be taken up on the
way home. lie went some distance
beyond. He believed that In twenty
years from now any good Methodist
might go to the theater without hav
ing to explain such an act to the
.church. In a word, he proclaimed
that the Puritan idea had had its day.
SHIP. Whether this advanced Idea will con
flict with tho intentions of other
churches to start a big revival re
gardless of creed early lu March re
mains to be seen. Anyway, while
the Methodist brother was declaring
for wider latitude In church affairs it
number of preachers of other churches,
all Protestant brunches being repre
sented, were arranging for evangeliz
ing the city. Fifty pastors pledged
themselves to help in the movement.
When Mr, Moody was first evangel
izlug. in Chicago he used to lean far
over his pulpit every time ho opened u
service and ask, "Ib Christ among us?"
It is proposed to use that inquiry as a
watchword la the coming big carnival.
111 J n IBRCflLLaOY llli 111
Federal Proiecutor Talkd of n Ntxt
Attorney General.
Henry L. Stlmson, who hns beeu
much talked of lu connection with the
post of attorney general In the cabinet
of President Elect Taft, Is United
States district ul torney for the south
ern district of New York nnd has been
prominent recently in connection with
the court proceedings lu his district
directed against the Standard Oil trust,
Mr. Stlmson was born lu New York
thirty-nine years ago aud was grad
tinted from Phillips ncademy, at An
uover, In 1S8JI and from Yale university
lu 1SSS. He studied for the bar at the
Harvard Law school and under Sher
man Evnrts in New York. Helng ad
mitted to the bar In 1891, he became
two years later 11 member of the tlrni
nratnr i. btimson.
of Hoot & Clark, which nfterward be
came Itoot, Howard, Wlnthrop & Stlm
son, the fccnlor member being the pres
ent secretnry of state.
Knows How to Act In Face
Earthquakes and Eruptions.
King Victor Emmanuel of Italy Is
very popular with his subjects, and his
popularity Is lu part due to tho way
In which ho exerts himself whenever
there Is any grent calninlty like that of
the recent earthquake in Sicily and
Calabria. During the Inst eruption of
Vesuvius, whou 500 people were sup
posed to hnve lost their lives, he was
very energetic In devising means for
the public snfety or for succoring the
victims of the disaster. Tho king oven
went Into placea of danger himself In
his eagerness to sec thnt everything
possible was being done lu behalf of
his ufllictcd sub
jects. At the time
of th recent earth
quake shocks tho
Italian monarch was
hunting In a district
near Naples. Ho at
once Issued orders
that preparations be
made for a trip to
C'alabrln, which Is
in southern Itnly kino victor em
and with Sicily waxuki..
forms the center of the earthquake
district. Hetween the earthquake of
1005 In this district, which destroyed
thirty towns and cost about 8,000 lives,
and the eruption of Vesuvius in the
spring of 1000, the southern portion of
King Victor Emmanuel's realm has in
recent years been very much 111 treated
by tlie forces of nature.
M. Steinhell and the House In Paris
In Which He Lived.
The strange case of Mine, Steinhell
continues to excite the Interest of
Paris. The woman who had so many
Intrigues with famous men of France
has retained to an unusual degree In
a person of her age her remarkable
beauty, and her daughter Is aluo a
handsomo woman. This fact is not
lost upon the French public, suscepti
ble as it is to the romantic features
of a case. Tho house In which M.
Steinhell lived nnd lu which he was
murdered has naturally figured a good
deal In the proceedings. The Pa
risians have studied carefully the de
scriptions (n the newspapers of the
location of bis apartments, of those
of his wife nnd her mother, Mine.
Japys, numbered in the cut 1, 2 nnd
S respectively.
m JsHBsLLLsBeiLLH Bsfe & 'VtwtA
IK A "' '" pi, HFtt
Money Laid ti
Out On Groceries
f5 chow 'TSteSWm
in our store Is always well spent You get
your full money's worth, besides Ihc satis
faction that you are consuming only pare
goods. Even all the Canned goods that
are so much consumed during the summer
season arc bought by us from the most
reputable packing houses, with their guar
antee that we can warrant the purity ot
each article to our customers. Our Pickles,
Soup, Sardines and Fruits are the beat
manufactured todav.
When a Plumber is Heeded
Bend for ub. Wo hnvo plenty of time
now to attend to all classes of work.
This is not our busy sonson nnd it will
pay you to have your
etc., attended to now before tho rush
of work begius. Wo arc thoroughly
posted in our business and an order
from you will promptly put all our
knowledge nnd skill at your service.
The cost will not bo grt-nt.
Fred Brennan
Try My Flour
and you won't have any more
worry about your bread.
My brands of Ai and Cow are
not excelled anywhere in this
country, and ladies who have
used them are my best adver- -Users.
PhfiM No. 71
Ru. Plton No. 95
G. G. Gadsiiy
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
J. N. Sturgeon
S. G. Young
Sturgeon & Young
(Successors to G. W. Zobel)
Office Phone 139.
Residence Phone 142.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 641 Alliance,
Col. New has had 25 years'
experience and is one of the
most successful auctioneers in
the northwest.
Dates made at this office