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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
lx . ttUkUii, Uh ttlfrii WfchUHd THOUGHTS ON BUSINESS BY, .WALDO PONDRAV WARREN DO MORE THE man who makes the bett progreia It the man wh does more than he le told. Some men think they have done their full duty when they perform certain routine work. They consider that they are being paid fifteen dollars a week for fifteen dollars' worth of work and they measure out the correct amount with as much care as the grocer meat ures out rice, putting In and taking out a few grains until the scales balance. But the progressive man goes about his work with the spirit of the athlete. The satisfaction of accomplishing a feat, and the knowledge that with each trial more skill la dcvel eped, farm one of the bsst Incentives to good work. The ath lete does not confine his practice to a certain number ef rune and Jumps, but keeps at It until he has achieved some greater degree of skill than he ever had before. He delights In at tempting harder and harder feats because It means more and more skill. Thus does the truly progressive man love his work. He does not consider that he Is working merely for his salary, nor for the house, but for himself for the development of hie Individual capacity and skill. He delves Into things not re quired of him, because he wants to gain power to do niorer because that Is the normal Impetus of a progressive mind. (Oot'jrlBht, 1W7, y Jolrh B. feowttl.) Hff'WMrWHfH TVb r TP r t "rl? T FIRST STATE BANK HEMINGFtfRD, NEBR. Capital and Surplus, $15,000.00 Keith L. Pierce, Cashier Notary Public in Bank w Insurance Written Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits & Real Estate Loans, any size, made or negotiated Imported and Home-Bred Stallions FOR SALE Z We Have Two-year-old Colts Weighing Over 1800 Pounds Call and Inspect Them Headquarters at PALACE LIVERY BARN SMITH WILSON, Props ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HEMINGFORD PoUroastor W. F. Walker, Editor. A. D. Millett went to Crawford Monday. Miss Opal Russell visited in these parts over Saturday. School reopened Monday after a two week's vacation. Mrs. John Grommet was an Alliance visitor last week. J. R. Pierce and wifo left for Kansas City, Mo., recently. Ira Rolland lost a valuable young horse tbo first of the week, Miss Lettie Carey spent Saturday und Sunday in Alliance. Mr. L Copeland is quite sick at the home of his daughter. John J. Smith is under the doctor's care again with rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs Holla Johnson were Alli ance shoppers last week. Miss Pearl D rooks, of Chadron, is visit ing at the Ltchte home at present. The Misses Foster departed for their home in Colorado Springs Monday. Mrs. Rustin and daughter, Lee, left for Lincoln Saturday to resume school duties. The Now Year's dance was well attend ed and everybody present report a good time. Miss Bessie Walker is slightly under the weather with sore throat and Grippe at present. Sylveno Potmesil is home at present caring for her mother and sister who have been very ill. Mr, and Mrs. Donovan returned to Pringle, So. Dak., Friday after a visit with home folks. VV. S. Sloan, John Anderson, Ralla Johnson and E. L. Evcretts autoecLto Al liance Sunday. G. L. Hedgecock returned to his home in Sioux county last week after spending the holidays in town. Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh and Clark Olds attended the Masonic installation at Alli ance New Year's eve. Bert Hopkins had a severe attack of pneumonia the first of the week but is some better at this writing. Little Ruth Wildy had the misfortune to fall from a chair the other evening, sus taining a severe scalp wound. Kathryn and Edna Carey went to Aril more, S. D., last week for a short visit with their aunt and grandmother. 'Mrs A. M, Miller was an east bound passenger Tuesday in answer to a message stating the Berious illness of her aunt. Last Tuesday was the coldest day of the season so far. The several thermometers registered from 18 to 21 below all day. Mr. and Mrs, B. Preston returned to their home at McLean, Neb., last week after a visit with Mrs. Preston's parenjs, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hughes. While running on the sidewalk las' Saturday Henry Ely fell, striking his head on a nail and inflicting such a wound that it required the assistance of a doctor to dress it. Word reached town early Monday morn ing that the three month's old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Osbofn had died at their home that morning at six o'clock. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the M. II. church. Last Monday, January 4, the semi-annual installation of the local lodge 1. O, O. F. took place at the school house, followed by a banquet in the evening in Green's hall where a bountiful spread was laid for 150. About twenty-five members 01 the Alliance lodge, accompanied by their wives were in attendance. This was the one social event of the season and much praise is due those who had the management of die -affair. FAIRVIEW. HIS ON THE STAND. Defendant Describes Shooting of Aunis by His Brother. Story Writer Denies That He Pointed Revolver at Mrs. Annls and Says He Rushed to Float to Protect Brother From Yachtsmen, Taking the witness stand at Flush ing, N. Y., In hlB own defense, Thornton Jenkins Halns for more than tour hours related with a wealth of detail the story of the shooting of William E. Annls and of the conjugal troubles of Captain Peter C. Halns, Jr., that counsel asserts caused the mental unbalancing of the nimy offi cer and led to the killing of Annls Halns told his story In snappy, crisp sentences. He showed no signs of nervousness and at timed Illustrated bis brother's expressions nnd appear ance with dramatic inflection of voice and facial expression'. The defendant declared that when he went to Bnyeide to look at real cs tnto on Aug. 15, he had no idea that his brother was armed and did not know that Annls was at the yacht club. He told the jury that all the Bliots had been fired by Captain Halns before he rushed to the float to protect bis brother from .lohn Tanning, the boatman, und club members,, whom, he Bald, he thought would liurni the cap tain. Halns denied that he pointed a revolver nt Mrs. Annis. The defentlnnt Etated that he had no idea how many shots Captain Halns had fired and when Charles Roberts, u club member, picked the revolver up and the muzzle of the wenpon pointed at him, he a'rew his own revolver and told Roberts not (o shoot. MRS. BEISEL ON STAND. Erb WINTER EXCURSIONS LOW RATES To the South or California;! low lon has it been since yon ami your family have taken a winter vacation tour? Put your thoughts on a change from snow and blizzards to the soft southern sunshine of California, the Carolinas, Cuba and Gulf resorts. Such a trip is worth while once in a lifetime anywav. Homeseekers' Excursions: To all points in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming and Billings, Mont. On sale every Tuesday; limited twenty-one days. Will furnish informa tion on homeseekers' lower rates the first and third Tuesdays of each month to the South and West. Personally conducted through tourist sleeper excursions to California frequently, each week; daily through tourist sleepers to Southern California via Scenic Colorado and Salt Lakej City. Ask for free descriptive literature. Consult as to lowest prevailing rates with all kind$,of varjable' routes. : F. D.CAMPELLiAgt.,. Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKELY, Q. P. A., Omaha John Krause was a Fairview caller Sun day. Wm. Aspen made a business trip to llemingford Monday. Mrs. Nellie Heath, who has been on the sick list, is reported much better. L. J. Munger spent Sunday night in Alliance. There is certainly some attrac tion. Grandpa Lawrence and son, V, K., are making an extended visit in Cheyenne county.. Henry Thorlton is spending this week on his claim, digging a well and building a barn. Some of the mrmbers of Wm. Bauer's family have the mumps, but are reported to be getting along nicely. Elmer and Robert Shanks legan the erection of a new house for R. H. West Monday, the same to be 2 1x20 feet. Frank Itauer and wife, Chas. Bauer and family, and J, R. Lawrence and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Vogel. Those who attended the dance at C J. Benjamin's, New Year's eve, report a fine Ltime. On account of the extreme cold Ipnly about 20 couples were present. C. J. Benjamin and family, R. 11. West, and family, Ambrose Hadley and family; Grandma Lawrence, and 1). K Lawrence and lady took New Year's dinner at J. R. Lawrence's, there being 2$ present, j. R. h)s it took a goose and a turkey and 12 pecks of potatoes to feed them, but the mom the merrier and hopes the will come again. Says Repeated Cruelties to Mrs Were Cause of Her Act. The denial of Mrs. Florence Erb that she participated in the hilling of her husband nnd the testimony of Mrs Catherine Beisel, the self, confessed slayer of her brothcr-ln-lnw, us to the family differences which led up to the shooting, marked the progress of the trial at Media, Fa., of the two women charged with the murder ot Captain J Clayton Erb on Oct. G. Mrs. Erb was cioss-examined for several hours by District Attorney Mc I)ade. With emphasis the witness de clared she had in no way assisted Mrs. Beisel in the killing of her hus band. That she had permitted her sis ter to battle single handed with her angry nusuanu, ttte witness declared, was duo to the fact that she was afraid of him that she had been made a coward by his abuse. Mrs. Catherine Beisel went on the witness htaud late In the afternoon and began a recital of the tumily troubles and tnir rrels thnt led up to the shooting of Captain Eih She de clared that the murdered man was guilty of extreme brutality and that he let his anger fall upon either she or Mrs, Erb if they entuied to oppose or criticise hint. Once, Mrs Beisel said, when she asked Captain Erb why he did not want her to visit her bister, he ie plied "I don't want any beggais around here" When Mrs Erb temon strated with him, he ran at her and choked her almost into Insensibility. YOUNG ROCKEFELLER TESTIFIES Attorney for Defense Asks Warrant for His Arrest on Perjury Charge. The action for criminal libel brought by John D. Rockefeller, Jr , against S.S. Carvalho, Bradlord Merrill and E. H. Clark, ofliceis of the Star Publifchlng company, which publishes the New York American, was begun before Magistrate Moss. Mr. Rockefeller testified that the ar. title published Dec 17 in the Amer ican, in which he was accuted of nuv Ing caused a system of peonage to be adopted by a breakfast food company or Chicago, was false lu every panic ulur. Clarence J Shearn, attorney for the defendants, submitted a icti action printed on the uay following the pub lication as evideuce that the libel hud not 'been committed with mali cious Intent Mr. Shearn then cross examined the witness and secured from him an admission that whilo he had sworn in his original complaint that ho knew "of his own personal knowledge" that the defendants were officers of the Star Publishing com pany, that knowledge had in reality been based simply "upon information and belief" Mr. Shearn contended that this con stituted' perjury on the part of Mr. Rockefeller and piomptly applied foi a warrant for his arrest on that charge Magistrate Moss took the matter un der advisement. Castro Under the Knife. Berlin, Jan. 5 Former President Castro of Venezuela was operated up on In this city by Dr. Israel, the Ger man specialist, Tor the kidney com plaint with which he is suffering;. Gompers ?ifj Samutt Gompers. 1 zlm. -WsW I john iinrnELL. T sccmslikcly that a conspicuous place in the an nals of legal proceed ings will lie given (he case of the Buck Stove nnd It n n g e company of St. lxmU ngniust Samuel Uom pers and other offi cials of the American Federation of Lnbor. At any rate, not In n long1 time ban a court order produced such 11 profound sensation throui;houf the country as that of Judge Daniel Tbew Wright of the supreme court of the District of Columbia In sentencing to Imprisonment the president, vice president and secretary of the Amer ican Federation of Lnbor. These three posts are held respectively by Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell nnd Frank Morrlbou, all men of high reputation ns citizens and widely known and es teemed In the world of labor. Sentence was Impocd on the three lnbor men In consequence of their al leged contempt of court in violating the order enjoining them from plnclng on the "unfair" or "We don't patron ize" list of the American Federntlon ist the corporation which occupies the position of plaintiff in the proceedings. The appeal was taken from Judge Wright's court to the court of appeals NOW S THE SEASON OF COUGHS and COLDS ilPI .. rwiion Hit F. J. v ft jtffl 1 I wifK'r 'i-tl jBRENNAN HAVE YOU PAID YOUR. PERSONAL TAX? Remember It Draws Ten Per Cent Interest Taxes are due Nov. 1. Personal taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in November. In all com munications relative to taxes, please give description of property. Fred Mollring, Co. Treasure. Notice Notice is hereby given that Box Butte, county warrants register No. 1 to 89 can be paid nnd interest stops. Fred M01.1 ring, treasurer. The Alliance and Box Butte county Anti-Saloon Leagues will pay $100.00 for the arrest and conviction of any person found illegally selling intoxi cating liquors in Box Butte cointty, Nebraska. 5t-tf , -p Cabmen's Strike Declared Off. New York, Jan. 5. rAfter weaken ing gradually during the past week, the strike of cabmen and chauffeurs, members or the Liberty Dawn associa tion, was declared off. Reporter Killed by Trolley Car, South Manchester, Conn., Jan, 5. WlUliun Hill, formerly a importer on San FrfinrlK'u und lJolon nw -papers, w.t killed by a tjoller iar- Jl'lXlK DANlfcTi lUKW WltlOHT. of the District of Columbia, and the labor lenders were released on bonds. Judge Wright was appointed to his present post by President Itoosewlt in lflu.t. He was born In Cinelnnutl'ln 1S04 and comes of a family of lawyers nnd Jurists. After graduating from high school and the Cim-lunatl Law school he began the practice of law ,tiud held several minor public posts. He was chosen a Judge of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county, 0 In W, During his practice before the bar he made several tights for the protection of lnbor Interest. Mr. (Jumpers, who was sentenced by Judge Wright to a term of one year In Jail, will be fifty-nine years of age mi the 7th of January nnd has been con nected willi efforts to organb-e work ing people since his fifteenth year. He whs born in England and is u cigar maker by trade. In fact, he can roll u pretty good cigar now. He was one of the founders' of the Federation of La bor nnd with an Intermission of one 3 ear hits been its president since 1S8H Mr. Mitchell, who was sentenced to ulue months' Imprisonment, retired but iccently as president of the Fnlted Mine Workers of America on account of 111 health. He has always been counted u ilo'-e friend of President Roosevelt, and It was supposed that the latter would desire especially to modify the action of the court In his case If the opportunity presented anil he could consistently do so. But Mr. Roosevelt has stated that as the mat ter stands the case Is not before him In any official way and Is not likely to be. Mr. Mitchell, who was nt the head of the United Mine Workers for nearly a decade, has been regarded as a labor leader of a conservative type. Born In Illinois In 1870, he worked in coal mines before he was n dozen years old and Joined the Knights of Ijibor when he was fifteen. He ob tained quite fair education through night study and reading, studied law nnd has written on economic questions. Frank Morrison, neeretnry of the American Federation of Labor, was sentenced by Judge Wright to a term of six months. Mr. Morrison Is forty one years old and was for years one of the most active members of Chica go Typographical union. No. Hi. He represented the printers in the Chi cago Federation of Labor and lu 18!)d was u delegate to the tiiteruatlonal union convention nt Colorado Springs, which those him as one of Its dele gatiH to the Federation of I-alxir. II mw clu-tcd seen- m of tin- Litter 1Ma at the poii idtfj; 1 ie tin ' Ranch to Lease. To lease, for from one to three years, the Hughes ranch, one mile southwest of Marsland. This ranch consists of eleven quarter sections, one half under irrigation. Good buildings, corrals, etc. For particulars, address Mrs. Mary Hughes, Marsland, Neb. 2-4 JEstray Notice Taken f v October 21, igo8, by the undersigned on his premises, section 31, twp 25. range 48. Box Butte county Nebraska. One red and white heifer, two years old and one red and white steer, two years old both branded J. E. Wilson, Ip Dec. 17-5-w Alliance, Neb. Taken Up One'three-year old steer biaudedon left hip and 5 on left side. Owner ran have same by prov ing property and paying charges. F. McCoy. 3v m F. L. WESCOTT makes them The STANDARD ELECTRIC Belt -Try 'em. 3-4w Vf77. James, 1 I RANK MOHni'vON. Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone No, 5. Alliance, Nebraska, .i:OAL NOTICE In the District Court of lio Hutt county. .Nulirabka. Cornelius ji. gponlig, I'luliitlffl Altwrt .Millennia KJ. Perry Miller, par-tiicm Uottig bul iiimss under U10 naiutss iintf stylo of Albert Miller .V Oo Defendants. Albert Miller and Kd. Perry Miller, nartners doing business under tbo iiiiuie und otylo of Albert Millar and Company, ilefenduiits, will Inko notice, tbut m U10 8U1 duy of Ducemlier. 1UH, Cornelius It. Speaks, plaintiff herein tiled blx petition lu tbo district court of llox llnlte county, Nebraska, ujniliifct said do riiiilanls, tbo objnet uuil pmyur of which r to recover JudKimMil against the defendants In the sum of, with Interest thereon from (VtoUr in. lftw, duo plulutlfffroin dufeu dnuts, for iHilaUH'n sold und delivered detun limits by plaintiff ul defcndautR special In ytuni'v and request. And that mi order of at tarlnoeut nu Issued in said case und prop erly of the defendants, tonit: About IhWl bushels of potatOi'H 111 hum 2, a, 4 and S. unworn side of the iKitato cellar, known as the A Jl Miller cellar In the lonii of lie uiiuKrord, Hot Untie county, .Nebraska, were attuehed tuulr said order of attaehineut Vouuudeuuhor jou are ruiueslwl ( ,u. Mir-4ild petition on or twforo iho tst day of I In nary. l) , ' .. .. 01, 1111 11 Shi iki, I'laftatJiT. H Wiuin U unlit ,,i,d v MiiolwM. fits hi. in jf, lleetfl u 5 ,. :., fiV J 5S 4 1 : tv-v V J X