The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 07, 1909, Image 1
, fmmihT s"" '"", Soo0(; K 4: -& The Herald. ;.., .-. Official Publication of the City and County Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in, Western Nebraska, r VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA? THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, i09 NUMBER 4 Alliance Bank with the it First National Pays' v , t ' ' fc . rt J-' "The Old Reliable" Its many safe-guards for the peoples money: its large capital and surplus; y& Its alert Board of Directors Its conservative policy are for YOUR PROTECTION A'-" - ft-.. " HOLSTEN Headquarters for CHOOL UPPLIES TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CI TALK CRAYONS , COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAIN'IS RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT OLS TEN'S JfcAZi.kii5lrI FJiM'WR We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST Painless Extraction Latest Methods Safe. Sure Brower Attempts Suicide by Hanging Miss Edith H rower, the young girl who was shot by her brother, Charles, one night last November at the 1J rower ranch while in company with her lover, Frank Augustine, attempted suicide by hanging last Tuesday and but for the timely arrival of Policeman Cal Cox, would have doubt less been successful. The girl secured a ropo and quietly slipped out to the barn, but her mother, Mrs. L. N. Browcr, see ing the actions of her daughter, followed her to the barn. The girl threatened vio lences to her mother who then called for assistance. Officer Cox was soon on the grounds ard took Edith into custody, She was arranged before Judge Berry and bound over to the district court in the sum of $2oo, as witness and accomplice of Aug ustine. The girl is only sixteen years of ago but the unfortunate being is wrapped up in troubles too heavy for her tender years and it seems that she attempted to rid her self of life's mistakes by shuffling off this mortal coil. She asserts her affections for the man who caused her all this trouble and is determined to marry Augustine, who occupies a cell in the county jail in which she is held. The whole aflair is disgusting, but human sympathy cannot but go out to one of such tender years whose life is blighted. She is being guarded carefully that her de sire of self destruction may not be accomplished. Benefit at Crystal Successful Affair announcing tlio marriage of their sister, Josephine Winegar, to Morgan A. Brown of Marple, this county, on Thursday, Dec. n, 1908. Both parties to this linppy union arc well known in this city whero thoy have a host of friends who will con gratulate them most heartily. Mr. Brown is a well-to-do rancher near Marple and a man of excellent qualities and character. Mrs. Brown (neo Wincgar) was a resident of Alliance for some time and hci friends and asso ciates among our best people. The Herald desires to extend its congratu lations to the contracting parties with wishes for a long and happy life. Alliance Shoe Store Sold to Jos. McNamara ALLUNOE NEBRASKA BOOK SALE $1.50 Books, $1.00 75c Books, 50c 35c Books, 20c THIS WEEK ONLY , 1 M f 1 Jbuuiciisb The entertainment given at the Crys tal theatre last Monday night for the oenem ot st. Agnes academy, wan most successful. Messrs. Burroughs & Hevner, the proprietors, did all in their power to bring about this result. Since the opening of this popular play house, no such crowd Taxed its cap acity. The vaude.ville feature of the entertainment was interesting and the comedians, Wright and Guthrie, did their part to enliven the program. The management of the Crystal has made arrangements to continue the vaudeville attractions which will be changed weekly. Married in Denver f;Kj:---:--:-w---K.-::-.:--x..:-.K-:- Idbittist! fOffice in Alliance National Bank Blk. 5, Over Postoflke. ( 'Phone 391. Miss Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 416 Niobrara Ave. Phone 381 Few choice Leghorn cockerels for sale. Eggs, $1 per setting. Call or write B. H. Perry,g24 Box ButteAve., Alliance. 4-17 GREAT REDUCTIONS LADIES' AND MISSES CLOAKS and JACKETS W. W. NORTON Among those who decided that it ' would be better to begin the new year ; in the holy bonds of wedlock and much to the surprise of their friends, were Mr. Clyde Miller and Miss Nina Mosher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L, H. Mosher. Mr. Miller quietly slipped over to the metropolis of Colorado last Friday and made arrangements for the tieing of the nuptial knot Sunday even ing. His handsome young bride, in company with her mother, followed Saturday and on the first dav of the week the ceremony was performed. I The young couple, accompanied by Mrs. Mosher, returned to this city I Monday morning and of course when 1 the news leaked out of the marriage there was surprise and congratulations on every hand. Mr. Miller hag been j in the employ of the Burlington for some time as brakeman and will doubt less be promoted to conductor before mnnl. mmithc Qtrto.tfaet n,,.! vaKiIiIa I he will make an acceptable helpmate through life for one of Alliance's most I charming and popular daughters. Ah will be seen by announcement of the successor, appearing- on the flrst page of today's Issue, tho Alliance Shoo Store has been purchased by Jos. Mc Namara who has taken charge of tho business and will continue to cater to the trade of Alliance and vicinity with the bust jroods manufactured In foot wear. Mr. Thomas retires from the shoe busiucss here for tho purpose of enter ing mercantile pursuits in a thriving town in Polk county. Ho will be as sociated in the business with his father-in-law, Mr. K. M. Burke of York. Mr. Thomas has proved himself an active und energetic business man and we re gret exceedingly to see him leave Al liance, In all enterprises he has shown a public spirit, IWe hope to see him succeed In his new locutiou. .los. McNamara, the new proprietor" of the Alliance Shoo Store, located hero last year with his family and 1r a per manent fixture, so to speak. He is a yoitug man with thorough business mephods und will be found pleasant to do'bnsinehs with. J W former ,Customers)v Having disposed of the Alliance Shoe Store, I desire to return my sincere thanks for the many favors shown me by my many customers and friends. 1 beg further to ask of my friends a continuation of the same courteous treatment fgr my successors, whom, 1 feel warranted in saying, will appreciate mid merit the same. Sincerely, J. O'. Thomas & Co. ANNOUNCEMENT To the People of Alliance and Vicinity: Having1 purchased the Alliance Shoe, ' Store, I wish to say that I will carry the same high-class grade of goods that has built up the reputation of this establish- . ment. I assure the people that I will -appreciate their patronage which I hope to merit by the high character of my goods, reasonable prices and courteous treat-, ment. Come in and see me, let's get acquainted. Yours truly, . ALLIANCE SHOE STORE JOS. McNAMARA, Prop. Lively Time for All on Happy New Year Road Among the social affairs New Year's day the most unique was a progressive dinner, the courses of which were served at the homes of some of the participants, Following was the official time card: HAPPY NEW YEAR RAILROAD CO. Collision Injures Switchman Moore . K. Moore, a switchman, who had been workiug but two nights, had the misfortune to have his leg broken and other injuries sustained while switch ing Tuesday night. Moore was stand ing on the steps of a caboose and the switch engine with a string of cars backed into the way car, breaking off the steps and catching Moore in the wreckage. Dick Keuner was also slightly injured in the collision. Nuptials. The Alliance friends of Miss Joseph ine Winegar were surprised to receive announcements from Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bennett of Atkinson, Neb., STATION AKHIVK IlKHART SOUTH Schluppville 5.30 pm 6:00 i-.w Cheyenne Kegantown 0:10 6:40 R. R. Rumerdale 0:50 .S'10 Boydville 8 10 8:25 Tullyton 9:00 llettleburg 9:05 9:25 Barkerville 9.30 9:45 Broomtown 9:50 ? Approved: C, II. Tully, President Progressive New Year's Club. F. M. Broome, Social Secretary. B, F. Rettleheim, Chief Surgeon. W. T. Schlupp, Agent for Anheuser, Geo. Burke, Agt. for houses for rent. K. H. Boyd, Manager Homeseekers Department. W. D. Rumer, Vice-President Pro gressive New Year Club. C C. Barker. Sec'y Child-Study Society. In addition to the above officials and their wives the following passengers were present: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. V. Cotant, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Marks, Dr. H. II. Bellwood, Mr. Wise Marks, Mr. Bud Rumer, Mr. and Mrs. Hiveley, Miss Mary Regan and Madge Harding. At each point partners were chosen by various methods and the following elabo rate dinner was served: TIIK MENU Schluppville - - Oysters Served by Mrs. Schlupp. Uegantown - Soup and Fish Served by the Misses Regan. Rumerdale, Turkey Dinner and Vegetables Served by .Musdames Rumer. Andrews, Marks, Harris, Cotant and Hiveley. Boydville - - Roman Punch Served by E. H. Boyd. Tullyton - - Salad Served by Mrs. Tully. Bettleburg - - Charlotte Russo Served by Mrs. Bettlcheim. Barkerville - - Plum Pudding Served by Mrs. Barker. Broomtown - Coffee and Cigars Served by Mrs. Broome. Will Conduct Another Great Discount Sale F. B. Lockwood & Co. have decided to carry on another big sale, and for that purpose devote a page of The Hkralu space this week to tell all about in. Read it I F. W. Schroedcr an experienced salesman from York, has charge of tho stock and will guarantee a bargain to every purchaser at this sale. Furniture, stoves and other articles nrc advertised at prices ' decidedly low and will be sold just as ad , vertised. Mr. Lockwood has a very large stock to select from, and if you want bar ', gains attend (his sale. I Collision at Crawford Demolishes Engines While engine 3187 wns taking coal at Crawford last Monday an extra west in charge of Conductor Reed and )u giueer Tubbs ran into it head end with the result that both engines were badly smashed and several cars derailed) Luckily the crews got into the clear before they came together. attraction at the Crystal theatre. These stage artists are well known and great favorites in their line. Mr. Hamilton was in this city with Campbell Bros show on one of their trips and his merriment as a clown won popular approval. He is humorous to a high degree and is said of him, can make a dead man touch. Mr. Donahugh Is also an acrobatic artist and introduces many novel and original fea tures. The two gentlemen work together, making one of the strongest attractions on" the stage. Their performances change during the week so that those who attend he Crystal will witness new features. Jencik-Meer. &&&. The marriage of Miss Nettle ,1 entitle to Charles Meet- ocenred Wednesday at the home of tho bride'n sister, Mrs. Joo Hravacek in this city, Judge Berry ofllciating. The groom is u lineman for the C. A. X. W. Co. ut Chadron where the happy couple wilt reside. CONTRIBUTIONTO SISTERS' ACADEMY Weekly Report of Payments Toward The Erection of the School Building. HOW THE FINANCES STAND TODAY New Attraction Next Week at the Crystal Messrs. Burroughs X- Hevner, of the Crystal, have secured the well known "Acrobatic Comiime" Donahugh and "Mad Clown'' Hamilton for next week's Previously acknowledged $14,905.00' J. Vinton r..po U. Hewitt j "lOTbd,- W. Shnll . -,.00'' '&." Miss B. MeCullough . lil.00 T. Donoghne lfi.00 Cash , .Vfltf ' Mrs. Wiilenfcld ,vi)o bweeney Bros i.0(); W. h. Nnmara r,o,i .John O'ICecfe. Sr MV.M P. McCinnte -' 10.OO U.K. Motiett 14.50 W. II. Ilultx... j ,,... .Op C. B. Murks ..x tO.oo E.V.Cramer 0,00 Mrs. M. Curry 3.00 15. Burton ... 10,00 Crystal theatre boncllt ,. . 3:MS0 Total ;,',,. $i5;25o,2o The New Yean t calls forth new resolutions. Among thetrt is one to save. This can only be accomplished by depositing- your SAVINGS in a bank, and those who appreciate conservative banking naturally select a bank with ample resources, long experience, and a fixed policy of invest ing only In approved and marketable loans and securities. Our growth is evidenced by the following statement of DEPOSITS: November 27, 1904 .... $136,001.03 November 27, 1906 .... 211,129.03 November 27, 1908 .... 283,429,26 A liberal rate of interest allowed on Certificates of Deposit. ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK ..' I n j 1 -rff-flil "'4V-! i 1 m ' ''Mi 'V 1 m .SI ,J SHfe'.-Sfe1 ' 'JSiafer.jweJtet-Vjtf . . .'. ; .kiljnki&Lx-. . .&ntafctfufc. .. 'lt''s -atiorfai'.-liw, l "U . . , .Jdfe. jaUiUS.-Ai.. . . -J Wi M -i-