The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 31, 1908, Image 8

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    mmmmmmmmmmmi TEEEEzsESEsssBBimBammmmmmmmmmmm
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JNmember'tlie library benefit Jit th
Cry'stil FriJay hiehl You aro invited.
.: S: - " MrsV ElHKfr K
Sotkr returned I$st
' JUr ".
IJCMWIY liuiil H, uicustiut viaii . tv
Ai5HKKeii aud family took Cb'rist;
,WrttH-er with Henry Smice, at tlie
Burke returned last Sunday
oraInc from his Cliristinaa visit with
tetatlvesat llincoln.
A, M.'Mlller, of Heinlugford, spent a
eowpic of 'days in Al)ianccon business
ike fore jrt of the week,
' A Sfwckl program Is being arranged
lor tj JHirar'y benefit at the Crystal
Friday night, Don't miss it.
Jobs Hevwsr of , the Crystal theatre
leftist Momlay for Franklin, Neb.,
fee & week's visit with relatives.
Ptot.iD. W, Hayes and family acnl
a few days with Mr. Hayes' brother at
MjkstaiHl, "returning, last Monday.
Remember, you are helping to swell
the library fund Jf you attend the per
fermance at the Crystal Friday night.
Mrs. M. J. Smith, of Fairfield, Iowa,
is I the city on account of the illness
of her daughter, Mrs. Clias. D. Rider.
What piano will voii buy. The best
for your money of couruc. Then you
will 'buy the CROWN. Sco T. J.
Tbrelkeld. '
, Dates of holding district court for
the coming year, as published, in Box;
Butte county, will bo June ai and De
cember 13.'
Mrs. A.'Reynolds, mother of Mrs. A.
T Lunn. - returned to her home in
Omaha last Tuesday after a pleasant
vieit here.
Miss Edith Swan left last Monday
for Indianapolis to'; pursue musical
studies until next spring, when she will
return (to this city. t . , !
JWrk. Fred Gray returned to her home!
at Norfolk yesterday after a pleasant.
I'l'i ''. ...! .Aiui.- ..'it..!. ..!i:i
Xrs. jwdge BuIIock.
IfyoU have ever lived in Alhancj,
lcha)s you are still itrtrosted in the
town. ,.'Show "us" by inailing a book
or tyo to the Alliance "public library.
Freight No 4G brokeUnto' just west
of town last Monday evening and cane'
together -with force enough to make
lire wood of a couple cars,
Mat Brennan expects to start for Cal
ifornia in a few days, in the hope of
his health being benefited. C. A. New
berry will accompany him.
Henry Hier, waa up from Reno,
Tuesday. He was accompanied by his
neices, Bessie and Nellie Maycock, who
visited their grandmother, Mrs. B. C,
Sabbath School aud sermon at the
United Presbyterian church next Sab
bath. Morning sermon, "Views of
Life", evening theme, "Reaching .to
ward the ideal."
A head-on collision at Fort Morgan
Sunday morning delayed traffic several
hours. Both engines and several cars
,' weei badly damaged, No injury
n ' occurred to the crewB, -
' i
Frank.gSPotmeiscl, residing in the
,, Mortheast part of the county, was a
passenger from the east
last7 Monday,
- havfeg spent'iieveral weeks
Jocp1i, Mq,'and other points. i$fp,
The local order of Eagles ga,y$. a
dancS'ttheir lodg'ejjrooms last Tues
dyghp6the iptabera of the Iddge
atidMamflies, Vspleasa'nt'time was ex-
peviene by a)l present. 3 .
In 1797 Wventtbegau the'mnuu
facture oMpianbs, Tbts Bents are'still
making ptanosyThey. make the
KOVN. Uthas no superior. The
piano is riglit, and the price is right;
Don't kHintil you see oue.
)nt jf,
Tlstrholiday exercises at the East
PojJf district school took place Wed
neiaay and the scholars did themselves
proud under the direction of their
teacher, Miss Krajicck, Music and
speaking constituted the program.
The Woman's Club will bold a pub
lic reception at the home of Mrs. S. K.
Warrick oa New Year's day, from 3 to
6 o'clock, Every woman la Alliance
is asked to "bring at least one book as a
contribution to the Alliance public li
brary. ' ' " '
'Married, by Judge Berry, last Mon
day evening, 'Edward i)iun, son of
Daniel Dunn of" this city, and Miss
NetW l Hjaiiid, daughter. of, Frauk
Hau'd. The groom is a railroad' ma
chinist employed Ju Denver," where
they will reside.
-The Weekly dances given iu'Qie opjrji
by MisANellieMorrisare becotniiig mfro'
popular each week. ' Tji&'danceChrt-
verywyiiattendeda-Theiegnla week-?
! rlnnKA - ill 1 liAlfli no linnnl ?n fit.
ay dance -vwy ue neia' as usual Tin
,-v ,. , ... ..... jr, i.
opera iious, amru.y evenin
aW nd, "'-'
Amos Ablcy, of Denver, spent Christ
mas with his parcuts, Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Ablcy, near1 Hemingford,
and a Most enjoyable time waa tho re
sult. It is four years since Mr. Ablcy
fcft Box Butte to make his home in the
lty of the plain's. He returned home
last Saturday.
: The charity ball given by Alliance
council, Knights of Columbus, at the
Opera house last Monday evening was
largely attended and a source of great
enjoyment to those present Some
thing like 1 150 was realized on the
social affair, which will be used for
charity in this city by the Knights,
. Editor Ellis and W S, Wheaton re
tursed from Denver this morning .where
they spent the week looking up an auto
mobile for Mr. Ellis, who made pur
chase of a touring car of the Tliomas
make, The machine has been used
for a season or two but is in good con
dition and was bought at a bargain
The estate of J. D, Earl, who died
in this city seven or eight years ago,
was disposed of legally last Tuesday.
It consisted of a tract of land west of
the city and was bought in by Ralph
Worley for $1,650, about $7.00 per
acre. D, W. Earle, a brother of the
deceased, was here from Carroll county,
Iowa, to attend the sale.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Fcderson and
baby arrived from Ravenna, Tuesday,
and will visit at the home of her parents,
Judge and Mrs. Bullock, till New Years.
Nels is one of the popular conductors
on, the cast end of this division. Mr.
and Mrs. Pederson are pleased with
Ravenna as a place of residence but
we .think Nels would be contented any
where since ho became "papa."
After the sad mission of conveying
thb body of his dead brother from Col
orado Springs to Auburn, this state,
where the funeral was held, Vern
CUndas, of the telephone force, re
turned last Monday. Mr. Dundas was
called to Colorado Springs a few weeks
ago on receipt of news that his brother,
Buffering with consumption, was very
1 ''it '
Lee Basye, who has been attending
school at Lincoln, is home enjoying
the company of his mother, sister and
friends He is taking, ft course in
sprouts and is getting along nicely.
He speaks of watching W. J. Bryan
going the rounds of the capital city
stores, buying presents a day or two
before Christmas, and he seemed as
lively, and supple as any other patrons
of the stores.
The Crystal theatre will give a ben
efit for St. Agnes' academy fund next
Monday evening. The genial propri
etors desire to show their appreciation
for the school by donating the receipts
of the entertainmeut on this night and
it lis hoped there will be a large attend
ance for the same. A special program
will be presented, one worthy of at
tending. Remember the date, Monday
evening, January 4.
Mrs. R. J. Lawrence received a tele
grain Monday apprising her of the
death of her uncle, whose home was
near Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Law
rence was arranging her plans to visit
him in'a Jew days and is much grieved
that she did not go sooner. The re
mains of the. deceased will bo taken to
his old home at Pittsfield, Maine, for
burial. Mrs. Lawrence expects to
meet the funeral party at Denver.
" The Star restaurant has again come
under theupervision of Mr. aud Mrs.
Philip Nohe, who several months ago
fedsed it t'a.Croybill & Copelin. Since
returning to -Alliance, Mr. and Mrs.
Nolle have' become interested in both
the bakery and restaurant busjuess.
Wo are glad' to see them associated
with the business people of this city
for they are the kind that give an as
surance of stability and progressiveness,
Chas. Hubs will embark in' the res
taurant busiuess in company with
Knapp. The brick store formerly
occupied by Nicols' shoe shop has been
secured for the purpose an'il is being
put in apple-pie order. They hppe to
begin business next Monday. M, D.
Nichols occupies the wagon formerly
used bv Mr. Huaa as a lunch room
if rt "ii- r-.i -'. . iu-.J3
11 yuiuiiB jceua ma customers b hikji
ally, and good' aa he did in the past,
Huss & Knapp will' enjoy a lucrative
patronage, ' . ' f ' i -
Clyde Akin, of Wayne, Wis,, visit-
ed with lps cousiu, Misd'BwthaParkji.,,
a teacher in the Hemingford schools,
recently, They spent some time with
H. J. Thompson, at Lakeside, where
Mr. Akin investigated the cattle iudus
xy pi the'Lakeslde ranch, He is an.
ii 't-..,i' .-..:'', ... 'K-- . ,"
aiusiu wsrcununBt.aiiu .ms. euorLs.m
T6S 'ire'",uJy corn has, tesulted jp
i?hjryng, several pfucsrianwng-tlwnf,
nig one at ine.greai corn unow nem
Mr. Akin also visited lits
Cousmupt. D, W. Hayes of this city.
one. and all a Happy and
Prepereu New Year.
A good looking lady passenger on an
east-bound passenger train the other
day went to the diner for breakfast.
Among the patrons of the hotel on
wheels was a prominent business man
of Alliance. The fair daughter of Eve
seemed to gain tho admiration of the
colored waiter who showed her every
courtesy. Suddenly she was overcome
by a severe case of fits and while in her
hysterical mood winked at the servant.
Sambo leaned over 6 see what be
might do for his fair guest he discover
ed the real situation, aad half scared
to death, ran into the next car declared
tliat. the Alliasce business man's, wife
was having ft "fit in de dinnah," It
was sohk) time before the Alliance
eefltlinn could cenviace tlm excited
crowd that the stranger bore no rela
tionship to him,
Oseof the pte9int Christmas ob
servances to be held was that at the
school house in district No, 103, which
was uader the management c-f Me
dames 1'atmore, I. S, Johnson and D.
H. Briggs. Tite tree decorations were
unique and attractive. Christmas bells
and tho star of Bethlehem were most
conspicuous. The walls, too, were
beautifully festooned, and the breath
of holy Christmas time prevailed
throughout the room. Little Marguer
ite Briggs utilized her skill in forming
a motto which read, " Welcome."
This was framed with holly and as the
visitors entered they could not but be
attracted by its greeting. After the
baskets containing good things to eat
were auctioned oft and the time enjoy
ed eating supper at an end further
pleasure was found in tripping the light
fantastic toe till morn. Though far
away from town and nearest the heart
of nature, we believe those who at
tended the Christmas doings at this
.school houge enjoyed themselves as
any in the land.
Matzat-Johnson Nuptials
The friends of William Matzat re
ceived wedding cards recently announc
ing the marriage of that well known
old-time Box Butte pioneer to Miss
Leila Johnson, Thursday, December
24, at Butte, Montana. The announce
ment states that the happy couple , will
be fttjiomeaftei: January 25, at.Toston,'
Montana. -,, '""
The Herald, in company with' the
many friends of the groom, hasten to
extend congratulations and hope that
Mr. and Mrs. Matzat will Ijffve fine
sailing over the sea of matrimony,
Mr. Matzat is the possessor of Veal
estate in Toston, and a man of good
(Uritwdoxl uuV'last week.)
U. Snow has been installing a number
of telephones recently. Kendrick Bros.,
JoralemoD, the dray man, and Willis drug
store now have service.
C. H. Evans sold his buoch of cattle to
E. T. Gregg and, we hear, will go oat of
cattle raising, devoting his time to more
extensive farming. Mr, Gregg altojjought
34 head of Roy Lemons, " T.'
Word is received that Mr, Gregdryljwho
"went to the hospital at Hot Springs will
have to undergo an operation and with his
advanced age, and weakened condition,, it
is hardly possible that ho will survive the
Leonard Hayes and Tony, the Italian
hoy, went hunting the morning after the
snow fall. We first heard that Mr.'Bayes
shot 27 rabbits, but later the report; was
that he shot at one rabbit twenty-seven
times, killing nobody.
The children" are practicing for the
Christmas tree exercises, which will be
held on Christmas eve at the M.B. church.
No reason why the tree should not be well
filled as there are great quantities splen
did goods in towns, tn fact, it looks )ike
there will have tqbe a New Year's tree
also, to get rid of the stock.
E, T. Gregg expects to open up the ice
.works on next Monday. Several have
been in from the surrounding country to
engage work and it is expected there will
be a large force. He has already contract
ed with the B. & M. for their supply
which amounts to several thousand tons.
The ice is,-;at present, nine inches thick
and clear aed clean,
V With all the joy fulness of the coming
yule tide a. tiege of sadness is interwoven.
Masy changes have. taken place during the
past year. our neighbors and
friends have moved lands, far distant
and with v.strangers made .their homes.
Others havergone from forever, hut
to" all' the remaining readers of the .Herald
and the Herald force we wish
a merry
, . , , f .
aweei vHKie 1 (-.epjipue jJeagi- vHljju'
cents, per' qan,
-.A- . T4
Eiglirlmrr good iahnurysoap Vor
iwenty-fiye cents, -. f "
r pounds new prunes for $1.00.
- J Three pounds firstcjnss rasins,
at Benedicts,
! mi i ii i in i n i mi i -,
county for
during the
We are adding to our stock continually, new and up-to-
date goods and we guarantee at all times the lowest prices,
quality considerd
We guarantee our goods to be of the best quality. Other
wise we will cheerfully refund your money at any time
A Child
.A. V. Whitesides left a few days ago
. FireWahHWV. Howard and wife
4tt -
are visiting in Omaha.
'j. UvHager left Tuesday aflemoon
for anextended trip to Ottawa, Ills.
t v..
Brakeman E. R. Olson is on an ex
tended visit with relatives in Aledo, III.
Win. Jappert, general car inspector,
of Lincoln, was in the city Wednesday
on business.
I S. E. Klappal aud B. 1 Grimstead
spent Christmas in Denver, returning
Sunday on 302.
fj-Mrs. W. J. Connors left Sunday, for
an extenced visit with friends vand rel
atives in Omaha.
J Miss Cynthia Davenport -left' a' few
days ago for a few days' visit with
friends in Edgemont.
J Engineer G. L. Millikeiv will leave
in a few days for a few days visit on
Ins ranch bear Bayard.
It Fireman C. W. Miller and sister will
return in a few days from Columbus
vhere they spent Xmas.
Brakeman J. B. Harris and wife left
last week for Omaha and will make
tjiat place their future home.
' T. Roope, Supt. motive power, nnd
W. I. Ackerman, Asst, SupL motive
power, of Lincoln, were in the city yes
terday. Mrs. F,.E. Allen and daughter Vir
ginia, left Tuesday for . Des Moines,
Iowa, where they will visit friends for
thirty days.
- R." 1. Benjamin and C. W. Foster re
turned Monday morning front Grand
Island and Wayne where they were
spending Christmas.
' ' ,
Coeductor Nek Federeon and
will leave Saturday morning for ' their
1 r - '
home in Ravenna after a very pleasant
visit, with relatives in this city.
i"F, C. French, of the general fore
,.1lUIJ 5 UIUI.C, leu uil vji 11113 muiiiiUK
.Tor tus uome m saiem. alter wnicji no
.js home in Salem.
i;o-todiwinJto.,accept Hie pqsj
. V-"
tfon vacated by Jr P.Tiernant who was'
mitiZA.t.. Ji.fcV. i.'. ..tA . "
4 Miss Ida Rutlcdge of Lincoln is
siting her brother, L. A. Rutledge,
t wr . . .
ol tins cnv. 1
extends to its customers and friends a most
l II I,!,.. ! ,, I,..., ... ! .. ,! I.. I.IHII - I im llll el
cordial New Year's greeting, and desires to
pepple of Alliance and
their liberal patronage dttrjsfc
the past year, and especially 'guring tlie f
' '' : ' - '' j.' "-J ' ' ' ' . ',
holiday season, Our Christmas busineiK
T"5 '
was beyond our mo&t sanguine
tions, for which ...'
and ask that you give xis your
year 1909.
can Buy as Cheap
RatirftMi Kites trim Etfge imnt
Edgelnont Express.
. Win.
Moulton, engineer from
has been transferred to
the Deadwood line temporarily.
John Lawh'ead, carpenter, got one of
his fingers badly mashed by letting the
sill of a car drop on it accidentally,
L. Bartlett, master mechanic from
Alliance, was in Edgemont Wednesday
looking after the interests of the com
pany. .jr.
O. C. Moore;pipe fitter, and wife
leit here Tuesday night for Alliance to
spend the holidays.
C. F. Green, clerk in the master
mechanic's office at Alliance, and his
family have gone to Detroit, Mich., to
spend Xmas with Mrs. Green's folks.
J. C. Birdsell, superintendent, with
special car No. 87, came to Edgemont
Monday on 41.
F. A. Eckerson, foreman of the ma
chine shops at Alliance, has taken a
lay off and gone to Gslesburg, 111., to
spend Christmas with his folks,
Engineer Peterson of the Deadwood
line has been transferred to Alliance.
x--l:-::--K--:--:--.H-i--H-:--H a
Y ' itBrojiTtn or .' !
3 A. R UALDniPQE, Bonded Abstnwter
Caroline Gross' efc al to-Clarence
Chrfstenne.' pfM, 20-48, 31800.54,
Jerusha C, Webber toJ. . P. Conner,
undivided nt in nw-'jf.of 10, 85-50,
$1.00 and vWl
Frank Loan to Mike Shlineh, lots 3
and 4anie i of sw M of 10,. 98,51,
George M, Burlingume to Thoman J,
O'Keefe, lot 18, blk 15$, AlllaEice,. nyx.
. Agnes 1). Donaldson to C- "0." Barker,
ne of SL 55-48, 2,5O0.B0.-
h A Lfrr:Bwfit
ll , , ':
I The tuauagement ' pf the'" Crystal
theatre will donate the proceeds of Fri
day evening's.performaiice to the fund
for the new" public library, Let every
one interested turn out aud see that the
house is. yveiyilled,for..bpili'pe"founii'
ces and show these
i gentlemen that their cily' a"d il wJ-Me the aini of the eo
v feeling through the coining yearst&eVs
generosity, is appjeciatei
"l't)K Rem Three unfurnished rooms.
modem, inquire wu.i Box Butte Ave. or
phone 54i. .Jw
expeota-: '..
, ,:
- v
a aMan
f rR tht JfMmwrt Ntws-llMic.
The Bridgeport Commercial club .is
still doing business at the old stand.
With .county division accomplished
and the county seat located is
now ready to considerother enterprises,
Miss Phillips has resigned' her posi
tion as a teacher 'li. the Bridgeport:
schools, 'anil nimor. isaysshewiU:be?
married shortly to a 'railroad-, man in
Alliance. It seems to be on unwritten
law that the contract of a young lady
teacher is not binding against an offer
of marriage; but this is a matter which
should claim the attention of the North
Platte Valley Teachers association at
the next meeting, and also that of the
state organization.
A stone jug bearing the label: "To
King precinct with compliments of D.
W, Lee for giving Bayard a goose egg,"
was dispatched by a special messenger
to our northern friends Wednesday
afternoon. What the jug contained is
not definitely known, but doubtless our
loyal neighbors will be able to classify
the contents. - Here's looking at'yW
King. ;
The News. Blade celebrates the -'re
suit ol the election by being,, printed
this week on its big Cottrell power
press, the largest one in' the western
parjpf thetate. While it is not yet
working smoothly, the rollers having
been damaged in shipping, by the first
of tlje iicw year this office will be the
best equipped of auy printing plant in
Nebraska, west of North Platte, and
we promise our readers an up-to-date
newspaper during the year 1909.
VVm. Bignell of Gilchrist spent Wed
nesday night hi Bridgeport. . Mr. Big
hell had been, fn Sidney settling op
wiiq uneyenue county for the ast
ume, ana stopped off in Bridgeport '
g Hcpiainieu. with his new county
seat. He speaks in the highest terms
of the ability and integrity oft 'our' new
county ', commissioner, Hbrman' ik
Smith, and predicts a prosperous future
'for Morrill county aud Bridgeport.
Heretofore our neighbors in the remote
parts of the county have not been fre
ciuent visitors to Bridgeport, but t,he
result of the election proves that tliey
have tlm frinmllioct r.i :...... a . .'. .
. . . " '" -; T Ar '.'.'WJ .owariuma
! be friauds.
' Patdv'a Bakerv
' street.
8 114 Wegt Montana
-J!!VTOsl'V-. mci-.
. iKtfFV 1 ':')'
rj f. .:
.' "T-- B
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mSk ?ljiEii,,1tt&s!fcA- ii4aSiif!' ' JhA - Ir ; 1, JL&tef&iif. . :dl' - ,--.-- -i.a- &u J' tl- '