; Are You BuyingYour Groceries Right ? If you. want anything in fancy or staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables remember that we have the largest stock in the city and our prices are always right 2 i i Yours for fair a. d; rodgers ISTISLSOIM FLETCHER FIREINSURANOE AGNC Y REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Flro Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Dlooklyn. New York. Oontlnentol of New York Olty. Niagara Fire Insurance Company. Conueutlcutt Flro Commercial Onion Assurance Co.. London Clermanla Fire Ins. Co. tnteof Omaha Palace c. ONK III uCK WEST OF TUE NEW ZOINDEN BUILDING. 'Phone ALLIANCE HOSPITAL GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE i HOSPITAL STAfr Or. Bellwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to VAI1 Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. trm ... Gives von the readioc: matter in M flftr rmOfWMtSf rMM&F which you have the greatest in issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the f.uni!y. should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. First-class Views and Commercial Work jt . Alliance Art Studio M. K. CHKIIK, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALI.IANCK. NEIIK. NOTICE Owing to the fact that our patronage has increased nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindly ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos sible. Phones 131a and 131b. Palace Meat Market S. H. DESCH, Prop. 1 fcjr... W ih Ha U-Uth- gKMl k Ta CaWj-ata InUtr. Varjr htt htalmaM: 04v Imhc, faMWal Mrvfc. Trlainlicf perfect. Thread, Irish Hae. Worfcnea, mister we dMake. Made Is all ityltf. Ask your dealer he ka them. Stand up fer Nebraska. ENDS OF TRACES STAMPED BwcKstatiY Bros. Mfg. Co. - dealinjr Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. New UunipMilro Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. .to... Hartford, Conn Kin-mans Fund In&uranfe Co. l'x"insU'r(Jorimtii Ins. (to. Office I'D-Stnlrs. Fletcher Mock. 'jffltffj& Livery Barn C. SS3XIXM. Prop. (SticciHhor to S. II. Ilcch) Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to al) has won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. terest the home news. Its evei z Enlarged Portraits In Every Style j & & UCKSTAFF BB HARNESS MT THE BEST MABE 1st, Nl. pJDJ NEWS OQEBRASKA. Poultry Show Opens in Audi torium at Omaha. Record Making Display From Every Part of the Country Also Includes Diversified Exhibits of Pet Stock. Nebraska and Iowa Lead. Ouiaha, Dec. 28.- When tho Trans Mississippi Poultry and Pet Stock as soclatlon's big show opened today, the big leghorn cock'o-the-walk announced it early by starting d crowing, which was taken up by many other feathered fowls which have cages In tho Audi torium, with the result every exhibit was awake before the caretakers wcro on hand. Tho big show promises to bo ono of the best ever held In tho Missouri val ley. Exhibitors are here from every part of the country, with Nebraska and Iowa leading. In addition to tho numerous cages of poultry and pet stock, many Incubator and breeder manufacturers have large spaces for their exhibits. The show will con tinue for four days. THREE SUSPECTS AT MINDEN. Men Arrested Are Being Questioned in Connection With Bank Robberies. Mlnden, Neb., Dec. 29. Three men have been arrested In Minden and are being closely questioned In respect to their whereabouts on the nights of the robbery of tho Farmers and Mer chants bnnk at Hartwell and the State bank at Keene and the Cercsco bnnk. These men, who have been hanging about Mlnden for two or three months, have made numerous trips In the vi cinity in a manner that attracted at tention and caused the local ofllcers to detain them. Two, Otis Legget and Albert H. Carr, live at Red Cloud. The third gives his name as Claude Lloyd. Suspicion was directed to the men by their frequent disappearances when these tallied with some of the recent bank robberies. On the night the hank at Keene was robbed, the men left Minden and went to Wilcox, where they ate lunch late and disap peared. Wilcox Is not far from Keeue. Governor Sheldon Pardons Set leek. Lincoln. Dec. 29. John C. Selleck of Omaha, who escaped from the peni tentiary several years ago, joined the army, went to the Philippines and fought with a good record, serving his country three years and' ten months, received an unconditional pardon from Governor Sheldon. Selleck has been in Omaha several months, where he married last September. He volun tarily revealed his identity and asked for clemency. L , Second Tragedy In Ambrose Family. St. Paul, Neb., Dec. 28. -Albert Am broz, Jr., living with his parents near Farwell, committed suicide Christmas day by shooting himself In the breast with a shotgun. It Is the second trag edy In the fnmlly within two weeks, an older brother having been killed in a runaway accident. No motive is as signed for the act of the young man, whose family Is prominent uuii wealthy. 20,000 Acres of Hay Land Burned Over Dickens, Neb., Dec. 28. -Twenty thousand acres of valuable hay lund was burned over and-$5,000 worth of hay destroyed near here.. The origin of the flre Is unknown, hut Jt burned for twenty-four hours before It was gotten under control. S. K. fowler, a ranchman north of town, was the heaviest loser, nearly a hundred tons of line hay having been burned on his farm. Youthful Santa Claus Badly Burned. Unrein, Dec. 25. During a Christ mas entertainment at the detention home, James Wise, the youthful "Santa Cluus," upset some candles at tached to the treu, and his flimsy clothing heennio Ignited. Prompt ac tion by Sheriff Hougland and District Judge Frost, who were present, pre vented a serious fire panic. No one was injured aside from Wise, who was badly, but not fatally, burned. Arthur Kloeooer Tires of Life. Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 29. Arthur Kloepper, aged twenty, took his own life by shooting himself in a fit of des pondency, resulting from til health. The young man belongs to a prom inent family near Clatonia. The par ents were away from home at the time and found the boy's dead body on their return. Burlington Brakeman Killed. -Cambridge, Neb., Dec. 25. The mangled remains of Harvey B. Patter son were found on the Burlington track near Holbrook. He was head brakeman on an extra that had passed over the road a short time before. Nothing Is known as to how he hap pened to fall under the wheels of the train. Woman at Dannebrog Kilted. St. Paul, Dec. 26. Whllo shopping In the store of the Dannebrog Mer cantile company, Mrs. Dldrlk Jepson stepped' Into an open - cellar way through the floor and fell to the floor below in such a manner that her skull was crushed and she lived only a few minutes after. Entire Family Is Poisoned. Beaver City, Neb., Dec. 2C Seven of the family or Henry Taylor, who lives In the south part of the county, are suffering from, ptomaine poison. Four are stlU In a critical condition. It is supposed that the poison wat contained In meat eaten for breakfast. ATTACKS AQENT AND IS SWOT. Alleged Participants In Attempted Holdup In Jail it Lincoln. Lincoln, Dec 28. A man giving tho namo of Joel B. Clarko and Oinahn as his home Is a prisoner In the city Jail, with a bad bullet wound In tho leg, the result of an encounter with W. D. O'Qradynlght agent at the Rock Isl and station. With Clark In Jail la a man who says his namo Is Charles Do Vorak, also claiming Omaha as his homo. O'Qrady charges tho two with attempting to hold him up at tho sta tion, and it is alleged their plan was to rob the depot. Tho men camo in on the westbound Rock Island train, and after Its departure entered the bag gngo room, where the agent was at wofk. Thoy Bald they were express company employees, and asked per mission to remain In tho room until daylight. O'Qrady refused to let them stay, nnd says they assaulted him, knocking him down. Ho managed to get his revolver and fired at them re peatedly, wounding Clark. Do Vorak ran for a passing freight and managed to get aboard, but policemen attracted by the shooting chased and pulled him off. Clark, on account of his wound, was easily captured. Tho men Ad mitted to the police that they had trouble with tho agent, but denied any Intention of robbing the depot. Clark explains his conduct by saying he was drunk. NAMED BY SHALLENBERGER. Governor Elect of Nebraska Announces Additional Appointments. Alma, Neb., Dec. 26. Governor Elect A. C. Shallcnberger has an nounced the following additional ap pointments for his administration: Dr. Joseph Perclval of Omaha, super intendent hospital for Insane at Nor folk; Dr. H. L, Wells of West Point, first assistant to Dr. Pesclval; Dr. J. F. Steclo of HasUngs, first assistant physician at Hastings hospital; Dr. Crutcher of Mount Clare, second as sistant at Hastings hospital; Dr. Halle of Ewlng, reappointed second assist ant physician at Lincoln hospital for insane; Dr. E. L. Rice of Beatrice, su perintendent of institution for feeble minded at Beatrice; Emma C. John son, superintendent of homo for friend less nt Lincoln; Dr. Ernest O. Web ber of Valparaiso, first nsslstant phys ician at Lincoln Insane hospitnl; Charles Femland of South Omaha, deputy food inspector; E. W. Carson of Edgar, deputy food inspector; J. E. Bodle of Lincoln, deputy food inspector. Apply Torch to Weed Jam. Beaver City, Neb.. Dec. 28.--By set ting fire to un immense jam of Rus sian thistle weeds which had formed In a cut a fow miles north of town, a most unique railroad blockade was raised. The immense propagation of the thistle the past two years has caused much apprehension to farmers. With a lark of snow thousands of them have been broken off and rolled In heaps across the prairie, filling the railroad cuts to an extent which made It necessary for trackmen to remove them with pitchforks. Conductor En right eel iire to the weeds and It took but a few minutes to clear the cut. Cutting Affray at McCook. McCook, Neb., Dec. 28. Otto Hen drlck and Harry Pearce, the latter colored, are seriously injured as tho result of a brawl and several other young men who attempted to take a part in the melee received slight cuts. Hendricks and Pearce quarreled over soiue trivial matter and both drew knives. ''They slashed each other in a frightful manner, hut none of the cuts touched vital spots. Several young men of considerable prominence urc said to have been mixed up in the affair, which has caused a sensation. Falrbury Girl Fatally Burned. Falrbury, Neb., Dee. 26. Miss Cora White, eighteen years old and a daugh ter of W. H, White, living at Twelfth and Oak streets, started a fire In a stove by pouring coal oil on the em bers. An explosion followed and she was so badly burned that her recovery is thought impossible. Her sister, who was In the room, was slightly burned and Mr. White, In trying to extinguish the flames, was badly burned on his face and hands. Suit to Oust Trolley Line. Lincoln, Dec. 26. A suit was filed here in the district court asking for a writ of ouster to eject the Lincoln Traction company from the streets of Havelock, u suburb. It Is alleged' that the franchise has expired. Recently a mob nttacked the street railway tracks and bridge near Havelock, the relusal of the company to give a 5 cent fare causing a popular outbreak. Lincoln Man Drowned While Skating. Lincoln, Dec. 26. Harold Bowers, a young business man of Lincoln, was drowned while skating on Salt Creek near the state penitentiary. He broke through the Ice and It was several minutes before his male and female companions could rescue blm, life be ing extinct. His parents are old and piomlnent residents of Lincoln. Child Dies From Burns. Falrbury, Neb., Dec. 26. A little laughter of John Crawford died from burns received while sbe, wth other children, was playing around a bon fire, which they had started. Her clothing caught fire and before assist ance could be rendered sbe was so badly burned that It was Impossible to pave her life. Two Boys Drowned While 8katlng. Trenton. Mo., Dec 29. While skat ing on a pond near here, Albert Blan chard and Carl Hlldehraud, each twelve years old. broke through the Ice and were drowned. SISTERSPUT0NTR1AL. Charged With Death of Captain J. Clayton Erb. Victim ef Shotting at Country Home Was Prominent National Guardsman and Politician and Husband of One of the Defendants. In a crowded courtroom at Media Pa Tuesday the unusual spectacle W88 presented of two sisters called upon to plead to the chargo of compassing the douth of the husband of the one and tho brother-in-law of the other. Both of the women pleaded not guilty. Owing to tho prominence of the vie tlm In the case, Captain J, Clayton Erb, who was a well kuown politician, national guardsman and lieutenant to Israel AV. Durham, tho Republican leader, interest throughout Pennsylva nia Is focused on the trial. One of SIRS. J CLAYTON ERB. tho defendants In tho caso Is Mrs. Florenco Erb, and the other Is her sis ter, Mrs. Catherine Belsel. They are each charged with voluntary and In voluntary manslaughter, tho charges growing out of the denth by shooting on Oct. 6 of Captain Erb at his coun try home, ited Gables, at Village Green, Delaware county. Media Is the county seat of Delaware county. Shot In Family Quarrel. It Is charged by the prosecution thnt Captain Erb wbh shot by Mrs. Belsel after a hitter family quarrel at Red Gables following a long scries of do mestic dissensions. Captnln Erb had forbidden his sister-in-law to visit tho house, but she wns admitted by Mrs Erb. Returning to his homo unexpect edly, Captain Erb found his sister-in-law there and ordered her from tho house. A quarrel and tho shooting followed- Tho chargo against Mrs. Erb Is that of being un accessory to tho shouting. Mrs. Beisel's plea is self defense, and Mrs. Erb denies any complicity in the shooting. Servants will be called upon to testify to the relations of tho deceased and the two defendants and to the occurrences on" "the dny of the shooting. Since the tragedy Mrs. Belsel has been confined in jail, but Mrs. Erb has been out on bail. The latter is a beau-1 tlful young woman, a fine equestrienne nnd has been prominent In society. NO DELAY IN PITTSBURG TRIALS. President Lends Aid In Investigation of Bankers. The prosecution In the corrupt prac tice of Pittsburg councilmcn nnd two former bankers under arrest declare the trials will he urged to as speedy a conclusion as the court machinery will permit. District Attorney Blake ley said he would try to have the cases disposed of before the municipal election In February, at which l..e councilmcn arrested are", candidates for re-election. Attorneys for tho de fendants say they will be ready to meet the charges at any time. In connection with the alleged brib ing of councilmcn by bankers to se cure deposits of city funds, It Is said the plan followed was to havo tho banks' New York correspondents for ward the amount of the alleged cor ruption fund to another Pittsburg bank to the credit of the councilman negotiating the bribery deal, he to make distribution to the other coun illmen. Some, of the most wary coun climen operated through safety de posit boxes, but others wrote checks against the fund. It Is said a num ber of these checks will be presented as evidence. This feature, It Is said, has been receiving the attention of federal agents, who likely will testify in the trials. President Roosevelt, it Is believed, has been- instrumental In pressing the federal investigations since the first suggestion of Irregular ities by national bankers reached the department of Justice. Atlantic Fleet Passes Aden. The sixteen battleships composing the American Atlantic battleship fleet, under command of Rear Admiral Sper ry, which Is cruising around the world, passed Aden, Arabia, Monday, bound for Sues. The fleet left Colom bo, Ceylon, Dec. 20. Coopers Are Denied Bail. Judge Hart has refused fall to Colo nel Cooper, Robin Cooper and John D. 8harp, charged, with the murder of Senator Carmack at Nashville, Tenu. ! II 1 1 aBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBHBHlBBwirf-SSBBBBBBS. ssasMrfjfUttI 4iL-Y2BsaaaaaT I w'uHsV I9bbbbbbt I slislMnar ..tSBBBBBBBBBsflsBW T& 1 JbbWIBsWsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI mjmmmmmKPjttB&UkmBm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKJssbbbbbH ' "Box 'Butte o&vtt Mct, "Krtn iVi 5rjT YKA1U0At MV&. S-ATtalctA CfcStS QtrVrata E. CtauYiNU, ts. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, PbrBtctan anoSargcon Day and eight cclla. Ofllce over lloguo Store, Phone 150. H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phono 300 Calls answered promptly day and nlfiht from offllce. Offices Alliance National Hank Uullillng over the PmtOfHco. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Wofk GEO. J. HAND, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN A'1 SUIiaiiOM Formerly Interim Homeopathic Hos pital University ot Iowa. Phono 51. Omen over Alliance c'hoe Btore Itesldfliicu 1'liona 'J0I. DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SfHOKO.V (Successor to Dr. J. E. Mooro) , OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Ontco hours U-12 n4rt.,a-l p.m. 7iSO-o p.m. Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Bank Hide Rooms 456 Office hours, to to t a. in,, 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Office Phone 65 Res. Phone 16 & 184 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer OFFICE PHONE 2Q"J RES. ritONE 498 ALLIANCE, NEBR. A. II. THORNTON, Physician an Surgeon Office Phone, No. 4 Kes. Phone, No. 187. . OFFICE IN NORTON BLOCK Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS tSticcesM)!-) to Dm. Frey ,t Haift) 17 and iS Rtimer Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LS.W. ALLIANCE, . NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Offic in rvn. form-srlv occupied bv H. C. Noleman. First Nal'l Bank blk Phone 8o. ALLIANCE. NI'.R. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, 3MISB. SMITH P. TOTTLI. RA X. TASB TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North MalnSt., ALLIANCE, NEB WILCOX & BROOME LAW ANI LAM) ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office In Land Office Uullilng. AI.LIANQK - NEBRASKA.