The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 31, 1908, Image 1

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Official PublickkMi)
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of anyNcwseiipcr in
Western Nebraska.
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"The Old Reliable"
Its niany safe-guards for the peoples' money:
? Jt large capital and surplus; '
W; Its alert Board of Directors
Its conservative policy
are for r .
Headquarters for
; .. . , v ' A, ....: .
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
W. C. Hibbs, Mgr.
$1.50 Books, $1.00
75c Books, 50c
35c Books, 20c
-- 4
4085ce jn Alliance National Bank 13 Ik. 4-
'Phnt'fi inr A
Rejoice Over
Their Good Work.
The members who comprised the so
liciting committee to raise finances for
the erection of St. Agnes academy
were invited to meet with Father Mc
Namara last Monday night at Holy
Rosary parsonage, and accept of his
hospitality at a six o'clock supper.
AVliila-tbe'fullquat(U'of tliecomim'tteefH'
was not present, there was a good turn
out. A delicious banquet awaited the
guests who arrived in time to take their
places at the table at the appointed
hour. The sumptuous repast was the
result of the supervision of the house
keeper, Miss Bridget Burns, who surely
has won a warm spot in the hearts of
each of this committee. After supper,
FatherMcNamara arose and explained
the purpose of the gathering, that he
felt like showing his appreciation of
the efforts of those who assisted him
in the erection of St. Agnes' academy,
and in this small way desired to express
his heartiest thanks. Each member
was called upon to give his experience
in the collecting of funds. These were
most interesting and in some instances
amusing stories were told that created
great laughter among the assembled
guests. But there was also an'other
side to the experience of raising funds,
which was most touching, and in some
cases, pathetic. The widow's mite, so
to speak, found its way into the con
tribution box of St. Agnes' academy
along with the dollars of those better
able to give to such worthy cause.
Eacli speaker was profuse in compli
menting Father McNamara in the her
culean work accomplished for thecause
of education in western Nebraska.
There only remains a little more than
one hundred dollars to be collected
when the task of raising $15,000' will
have been completed. This is a grand
showing ior such a magnificent struc
ture and we believe every person in
Alliance and vicinity will join in thank
ing Father McNamara and members of
the committee he so handsomely enter
tained last Monday evening, the anni
versary of his birthday.
Wwfcry Rtft if Payments Ttwarrf
The ErictiM if the SckMt twMMf .
Previously acknowledged $1,85.00
M. T. Keane
C. Kennedy ',..,
Mrs. Sears
S. Sears
M. Mangan .. .
E. Judge
T. llegan
25 oo
5 00
M 95 00
The Dying Year.
The last day of the year is coming
to a close, and the history of 1908 is
about completed. What has it brought
to you? In one household we hear the
prattle of the infant, that found birth
in the round of that fleeting year, In
another reigns death-like silence, which
tells us that a favorite one has closed
his or her eyes in eternal sleep, ouo
whose presence and influence is forever
gone. One business man crouches
over a page of deficits and losses, white
his brother across the way rests con
tentedly over the profits that the year's
business has given him. ' In one dwell
ing, health gives pleasure, and 111
another illness foreshadows the way
to the grave. One is blessed with
health and happiness, while another
staggers under adversity. So closes
the dying year, 1908, and so closes
every year. It is simply a journey to
the grave. One year we are enjoying
the blessings of fortune, while in an-,
other we are reminded that each has
his burden to bear. Realizing that we
are all worms, and not the very best
quality of worms either, let us mingle
our blessings with our brother, and
carry each other's burdens even "to
the grave.
Mrs. J. C. Birdsell and 'daughter,
Arlene, will leave soon for California to
spend the winter.
Sgnruiug the lleui Jcaf
With reverent heart we turn anew v
An untouched page of time.
'Tis ours to fill with" noble deeds
Or stain with sin and crime;
Then ere we mar its surface pure L
Ere. we begin anew,
'Tis well that o'er ourst year'swork $ -
'"We take a short Review. " """"' -V ''
..- j
Alas! we scan through tears the page
We meant should be so fair
The blotted page where records live
Of hope and toil and care; ,-"
The page that ends the finished year
Of loss and gain and strife,
Of love and home's sweet happiness,
And peace that blesses life.
So milch there is of , pleasantness -
Our-record has to tell
And so much done unworthily
We might have done so well!
Though mental retrospection shows
That shine exceeds the shade;
Too late we would erase the blots
Of past mistakes we made.
Then turn the new leaf. Look not back
To grieve o'er loss and pain,
But view, the future's spotless page
Where we begin again;
And here resolve, by God's own grace,
That we will do our best
To keep life's record clean and pure
And trust Him for the rest.
inarnnrrt Stnit Hall.
Will Support Alliance
for State Normal School.
Win. Ritchie, 'county superintendent
of schools of Cheyenne county, was in
Alliance yesterday. His home is in
the north part of the county out of
which the new county of M orrill was
formed and he has tendered his resig
nation as superintendent of Cheyenne
county. Mr, Ritchie, who is a demo
crat, was at democratic headquarters
when the returns were coming in during
the recent election and he says there
was much comment on the splendid
showing made by Box Butte, which, by
the way, was one of the two counties
in the state making the greatest gains
for the democratic ticket. The other
county is Dawson. Mr. Ritchie has
great faith, in the future of the new
county of Morrill and Bridgeport, the
county seat, where he lives. Concern
ing the state normal school, he is strong
for Alliance, believing that this is the
logical point for it, that no other place
In the western part of the state could
secure the school, and that all other
towns in this part of the state should
work to sooure its location here in
preference to see it located in the east
ern part. Mr. Ritchie expects to be
in Lincoln when the legislature con-
venes and he will boost for Alliance.
Grand Jury Will
Be Called to Act
Word was received by the county
clerk this week from Judge Harrington
to call a grand jury for the coming
session of the district court, which will
be bold in this city January 10. The
instruction makes it mostpositive that
the complaint of violation ot the liquor
Jawg in this city Will lie thoroughly
looked after. The county attorney
will have to push these cases and there
is every indication of fun (or trouble)
ahead, Each witness, according to the
letter of the law, subpoenaed to testify,
will be sworn by the clerk, and then
taken into the presence of the jury
to gvo his evidence. There will be no
bunching of witnesses bo that there
may be framing of evidence, and every
one who is called to give testimony
will have to rely on his own merit in
the mutter. If the anti-saloon league
succeeds in scaring up as much evi
dence as there is indication of violation
there will be blood on the moon in a
short while'.
A. H. Morris, who is employed by
Geo, Darling, went to Denver to 6pcnd
Christinas with his family. Mr. Morris
will bring his family with him on his
return and become a "permanent fix
ture" among us, so to speak. We are
pleased to welcome them.
Pathetic-Death of
Mayor of Sheridan.
The whole city of Sheridan, Wyo.,
is in mourning over the sudden and
tragic death of their beloved mayor,
John S. Taylor, who was found dead
in a ravine near that city Christmas
morning. Mr. Taylor had been down
to Denver and returned to Sheridan
Monday afternoon. He was not in his
right mind, as the testimony before the
coroner's inquest showed, and the doc.
tor's testimony was to the effect that
Taylor had been suffering with nervous
prostration. When the mayor alighted
from the train he was welcomed by
several people at the deot platform
who noticed his pale face and peculiar
manner. He carried a box containing
presents for the members of hi family,
and a grip. These articles were found
by the searching party Friday morn
ing, and later the body discovered in a
lonely ravine near the state hospital,
in the northeast part of Sheridan.
Death being caused by hunger and ex
posure. Mayor Taylor was most popular, and
his official career has been commended
by all, He leaves a wife and two
children. Deceased was jS vears old.
Be sure and go to the Crystal Friday
night and help swell the library fund.
The New Year
alls forth new resolutions. Among: them is
one to save, i his can only be accomplished
by depositing your SAVINGS in a bank, and
those who appreciate conservative banking"
naturally select a barlk with ample resources, ,
long- experience, and a fixed policy of invest
ing only in approved ahd marketable loans
and securities.
Our growth is evidenced by the following
statemcnt.of DEPOSITS:
November 27, 1904 .. . . $136,001.03
November 27, 1906 .... 211,129.03
November 27, 1908 .... 283,429,26 .
A liberal rate of interest allowed
on Certificates of Deposit.
As the Years Mark!
Time for
The old-fashioned sun dial, after all,
was the true time piece. That little.
3) pocket sun dial that
n u uru iuiu cuuuieu
all the hours "when
the sun shone" made
the perfect record
of human days. The
noisy clocks and re
morseless calendars
that told off the
Avorst and weariest
of time's move
ments II tern 11 y
spoiled the reckon
ing. History organ
to build Itseir upon
wr,eloh(Ine8s of a people, and all cre
ation to take note of time by Its loss
Distend of Its jjofden gain In thY hours
of perfect sunlight.
Kul the reaction has set in, It Is
the glad hours and not the sad ones
that are to be made to count.
!.t us tarry awlitle
At thn hIkh of Die smile
Is the watchword which even pious
pilgrims are sending out to upset the
ancient reckoning, "Let I he smile
become the Christian's rather than the
devil's sign" they cry In chorus, and
the joy of the spirit become the meas
ure of its days. Good Isaac Barrow's
picture of the child of heaven "'smil
ing always with a never-ending se
renfty of countenance nnd flourishing
In an Immortal youth" has at Inst tak
en hold of the Christian world and,
spurred on by the new thought rhap
sodies, promises to turn back the cal
endar of all our days. Counting tlmo
by heart throbs Is no new method, to
be sure, but the kind of heart throbs
that "always find man young and al
wuys keep him so" were rather lost
with the mm and milure worship of
the early world.
When men went to nature for their
reckoning It was as Wordsworth tells
Ttiv frit
As If the moving (Imp liad tfn
A thliiR us KfrmlfABt an tho xene
On which they (razed tlifinwh-eg uway.
Centuries young were those children
of the morning, before even the
sun dial bad begun to tell them of
She flight of time. It remains true still
that whether nature or the soul
strikes the Joy-note In the human
breast, the poet's question rises In
stinctively to the lips:
O what have I to do with tlmt,
Kor thl tha day wait made.
Man Has Hla Choice.
Good or bad, the years come out of
the bosom of the Infinite bearing some
boon from the eternal for man to lay
hold of if he will. To choose the per
manent from out the mutable and
fleeting Is the life secret they carry,
and how much hangs upon the choice
eternity alone can tell. There are
watchmen at the gates who assure tis
that each year brings gifts peculiar to
Itself, and one year or one world does
not lestore the lost offerings pf the
other. "Long after we have passed
away out of men's sight and out of
men's memory the world with some
thing that we have left within It, will
be going on still," aaya Phillips
Drooso, "an long after the world has
passed away we shall go on some
where, somehow, the same beings
still, carrying Into the depths of eter
nity something that the world has
done for us that no other world could
Alexander Mocked.
New worlds, with each new year,
to conquer, mook the cry of Alexander
and declare Indeed a new kingdom
wheielu to reign. Closer and closer
comes the promise of that awakening
hour when man shall In truth become
"a living soul," and "with an eye
made quiet by the power of harmony,
and the deep power of Joy," shall "see
4f V3t PR
Into the life of things." How many a
rose of morning and ripe fruft of tho
golden noon shall then return to him
the Bcienco of life, which permits no
lost good, nor wasted atom even. In all
creation's bounds, may gloriously de
clare "Whore are the snows of yes
teryear?" whispers the tender poot,
but the green of spring and the bloom
of summer are nature's answer to his
yearning cry. &? :' ,
And shall man be jeris blessed than
nature in garnering the treasures ef
the year7 Is that evil genius, that:the
indents beheld standing at tho door
of the new year, forever to give letho
to drink that he' may wander blindly
Into the unknown way, shorn of the
best boons and talismans of the bast? .
Ah.'nBepoTs" wT.o'Tlfevt "' '
know better. , r
Kucli new year l" a loaf of our loVe'w
roue; ,'
It fall, but quick another lose leaf
So Is the lower from year to year , the
But riches, for the dead leaes feed the
Thus they read the riddle and the
"nillllon-centurled" sweetness that
goes with it today. Neither Is man
drugged by any god or genius but lhs
one within him, that he may "tell no
tales" and carry no tokens from the
departing year. What ho tolls to
cheer or depress bis comrades, what
ho carries to help )r hinder both tbe'uY
and himself. Is Irj the power of his
own open-eyed chutae. Perhaos the
best hint that wus ever offered to
guide him Is the brief and pointed one
given by the sage, when he writes:
"A man should make life nnd nature
happier to us, or he had belter never
been born." It Is tho one pre-eminently
In the air-at the present moment.
It would till all the newspapers In the
land and drive the quolatlon-ubhorrlng
editors mad If one-quarter of the stout
maxims of this nature which tho times;
offer should demand place In their col
umns. Already their humorous writ
ers are trying to demoralize the'ui and
send some of (ho cheerful and cheer-ing-up
people over to his Satanic
majesty, where no doubt they are
needed since the dry season set In.
Life's Logic Quaint.
If there he such a Satanic monarch,
probably he loves the cheerful sinner
just hb heaven must love the cheerful
saint. Yet the logic of life is against
him, The smile Is not legitimately the
devil's sign. It Is the pessimist who
Is playing Into his hands, treating his
sovereignty ns If It culrt overthrow
lie:. .n'b aJ'J a!! ilit- puwe( of the
Ete-.K-l tjT-'j'-- To act fi !f tbey
bad a taith worth smiling ove- would
seem to he ih tiMiMid of nico who
believed In soveielgn f love '.sod,
oioiili-oiuce ratbtir ihau one of mal
evolence and black, arts, and It may
be. that the Christian world Is at last
I finding; it out. Certainly the Gospel
evangel ' iiejoice, rejoice; is sound
ing anew through all the realms'' ot
Christendom sad becoming a part ot
culture ai philosophy every
where. Fuller's counsel: "Be '
happy In the present moment
and put sot off being so to a.
time to come,
as though that
lime should be
of another
make from
this," prevatls
in the intel
lectual as re
ligious world,
and promises
to show "life
whole" to
more than a
handful of
seers and