The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 24, 1908, Image 7

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Lessons from
the Christmas
TELL you wp ought
to cut It out tlila i ear."
said the haul-up htm
baud. Tho Christmas wom
an put both hands on
his shoulders "We
can't cut out Christ
mas, dear," she told him.
gently, nut that llvo
dollars which my broth
er gave me on my
birthday Is going to
cover every cent I
spend. They'll be just
little remembrances."
-That's It," ho nn
b w c r o d. Impatiently.
"You'll keep It up, one
way or another and at the last min
ute I'll feel mean If I don't get into
the game and squander a lot of money
on presents."
He closed the door and went away.
By the time ho hud boarded tho car
for town ho knew that sho was right.
But the Christmas woman didn't
know that ho was thinking this.
She was busy In her own room,
whore, on a work table, lay a whlto
shirt waist pattern stamped with a
graceful design for embroidering. She
cad bought It for CO cents, marked
down from one dollar because it was
tho last. Her plan was to transfer its
design to other pieces of cloth which
he had in the house and so evolve
three shirt waists, stamped for em
broidering, to bestow on the three
nieces, who liked to embroider. And
all for 50 cents!
But the Christmas -woman had Just
begun work, trying bravely to forget
the hard-up husband's last words,
when she was called downstairs to see
the perfectly discouraged pefson,
whoso plaint was after this fashion:
"Oh, dear! It's nothing to me how
many 'shopping days' there are to
Christmas. I can't buy a thing."
"But, my doar," said the Christmas
woman, "think what you can make out
of that luxurious box of pieces you
showed me the other day!"
Thereupon she poured forth many
suggestions about aprons and holders
and shoo bags and top collars enough
to inspire a church bazar.
"Oh, yes, but everything you make
costs a little for ribbon or something,"
tho perfectly dlscournged person con
cluded, at the end of her depressing
call. "1 wish Christmas was past!"
Then she went straight home,
pulled out her box of pieces, pondered
over tho Christmas woman's sugges
tions, schemed. out a plan for saving
a little money here and there, and
then fell to work on her Christmas
presents with new courage.
But that Christmas woman didn't
know this.
She was getting at her own work
again. This time she worked for
fully five minutes undisturbed, then
another visitor claimed her this time
tho tlred-to-death woman, who couldn't
get away from her teething baby to
go shopping, or to take one stitch on
Christmas presents,
"Give me your list, and I'll shop
for you," the Christmas woman vol
unteered. "Mercy! I couldn't possibly tell
what I want without seeing things,"
tho tlred-to-death woman protested.
Not until she wa well on her way
down the street did she realize that,
with a little planning, she might shop
by proxy after all. The Idea, once it
had penetrated her mind, pleased her
so much that sho was smiling like a
really zested woman when she reached
home and sat down to make out her
But the Christmas woman didn't
know this.
"Have I called you downstairs when
you were doing something Impor
tant?" the dead-broke girl was asking
of the Christmas woman by that time.
"I'm sorry if I have, but 1 had to ten1
you my troubles. I'm in debt up to
my ears. I haven't any right to give
Christmas presents this year. I'm
going to be cross until December 26."
"Oh, no!" tho Christmas woman
protested. "Why, keeping cheery Is
one kind or giving! And at least you
can write Christmas letters."
"Why, who cares for those?" was
the cynical answer.
Yet an hour later, at her desk, tho
dead-broke girl was busily writing
Christmas letters, filling them with
borrowed sweetness and humming a
happy tune as the words flowed from
her pen.
But the Christmas woman didn't
know this.
She had gone back to her room for
the third time to find her work table
empty. In 'vain she searched for the
shirt-waist cloth.
"Bridget," she called at last, "have
you taken anything out of my room?"
Bridget was washing the windows.
"Only the clean rags for pollshln' the
glass, mum," she answered. "You said
they'd be on your table."
"Oh!" she began. But at sight of
Bridget's sorry face she caught her
self. "Never mind, Bridget," Bhe add
ed. "Don't feel bad about it."
"Feel bad! Mo?" echoed tho aston
ished girl. The look in her eyes was
full of admiration. "Sure, now, this is
tho first place I ever worked whero
tho lady didn't get cross before Christ
mas!" This time the Christmas woman
With groat gladness, because she
had carried the message to ono heart,
she said, softly:
"Oh, but, Bridget, what do three
llttlo presents matter' V'v joy that
wo must give' '
Doors and Windows Smashed In by
tha Fury of the Gate.
Boom! Boom! Boom! The Vlgnal
bad change! to the ominous nnl-green-red,
nnd the three dynamite
bombs were the warning: Mint the
tjplioon wan upon us. No need to
hurry the sertunts now every ono
was onij too anxious to nssWt. The
wind was tenrlujr round the houp
teumliiKl. In all (litvnlons. but Mronj:
est from the north, unit the nolno of it
was louder Minn thunder One out
Bide room, more exposed than tin rest,
Beeiued to be its especial hull "Wo
stayed there for a moment to listen to
the rnglnir of thp storm, but even the
stoutest heart could not sleep In that
pandemonium of .sound. It was well
shuttered and barred, but It was in
credible that It stood In Mint tornado
of wind. The doors creaked and
groaned with the strain, nnd the v ii
dowa clattered with a shriller nto
while outside It seemed as though nil
the Minds of nil t he . ages were H
loose for destruction. In the ceuier
of the house, though the noise w is
less, one could feel the building to '.
Ing on Its founduthms nnd hard'y
dared speculate how much the late
heavy rains hud weakened them. Uv
cry moment we expected the roof
would go.
Crash! The upper part of an Inner
glass door had blown In. There was
n stampede for that part of the house,
for the wind must be kept out nt nil
costs. Sofa cushions, sheets, blankets
from the beds, nil were requisitioned
to stuff the broken panes. We had
hardly finished before there was a tcr
titlc noise In the basement nnd such
b shouting In Chinese that one could
hear the boys above the din of the
storm. It was the door of the cook's
room which had burst its hinges and
bolts, and once the wind had found an
entry it inado the most of Its oppor
tunity. Twenty-seven panes of glass
clattered to the ground In the base
ment before they could get the door
wedged back Into place with great
difficulty. But there was little time
to think of the servants, for we had
our own troubles upstairs.
The wind suddenly veered round un
til tho full force seemed to be coming
from the southwest, and the front of
the house begnn to feel It. Tho ball
door wrs straining on Its hinges, and
we had to improvise struts nnd pile
heavy furniture behind It to help Its
resistance to the wind. Then n rush
upstairs, for n bathroom window hnrl
crushed In nnd the door was straining.
Every moment the wind was increas
ing In fury, but the roof heldi Be
tween 3 and 4 the typhoon was at
Its height, and It is impossible to de
scribe the sense of helplessness one
feels In such u wild raging of the ele
ments. Sleep was out of the question
until the wind nbated toward morning,
and we rested a little, a tired, sorry
looking household, encamped in the
safest part of the house. Nan Peacock
In Leslie's Weekly.
The Chances Are Always Vastly
Against the Player.
Just a word about systems of gam
bllng followed by various players.
Their nnme Is legion some plausible.
koiiii' ridiculous, some based on elab
orate calculations, some giving won
derful results on paper, nnd all falling
woefully nt the tables.
"After fifteen years of experience at
Monte Carlo," "writes a newspaper cor
respondent, "costing n sum I should be
ashamed to name, after a thorough In
vestigation of more than -100 different
systoms nnd progressions, after hav
ing employed a mathematician, I can
say with certainty that It is absolutely
Impossible for rny system to win nt
Monte Carlo. Sir IUram Maxim Is
wrong when he says the chances nre
ten to ono against the player. I say
they arc a hundred to one against the
This Is rather an overstatement, for
a few players do win, by luck, not by
system, or by a system based on luck,
as when n man backs the number of
his hotel room or a woman backs her
age. Perhaps 2 or 3 per cent o tho
players win occasionally, and the rest
lose, not only because of the bank's
percentage and the restraining maxi
mum, but because this Is a struggle
between a mnn and a machine a man
with nerves and emotions, n machine
with no nerves and no emotions. Let
tho system be ever so perfect, the gam
bler with strength of will to follow It
has not yet been born. If he had such
strength of will, he would not be a
gambler. Cleveland Moffctt In Suc
cess Magazine,
Rather Ambiguous.
When Weber and Fields wore play
ing together a couple of husky west
ern visitors, seeing New York for the
first time, dropped Into tho Weber
field Museum of Drama to see tho
"Which Is Weber and which Is
Fields?'' asked one, who forgot what
a programme was for.
"Domed if I know," replied the oth
er. "But whichever Is which, I'd rath
er be the other one." Bohemian Mag
azine. Missed the Accessories.
"I hear you are receiving attentions
from an actor."
"Yes, .and I think ho would propose
If I could rig up a spot light in the
parlor nnd sort of arrange- the pianola
for a llttlo slow music." Kansas City
Wonderful Effect.
Mr. noward Isn't It woudorful
what force Niagara has? Mrs. Talk
much Marvelous! Do you know,
when I first saw It for n full moment
I cmldn't sn-iV Brooklyn TKe
Venezuela and
The Dutch.
The Acting President of tho South Amcrl.
can Republic, Juan Vlnccntc Gomez,
Whom Castro Left Silling on the
lid Tho Gcldcrland.
HEN President
Clprhiuo Cas
tro of Vene
zuela started for Ku
rope, for Mie pur
pose, ns he announc
ed, or being treated
by a noted physician
in Berlin, lie left sit
ting on the lid at
the Venezuelan cap
ital tho vlco presl-
Juan Vincente Gomez. That put
to Gomez, as acting president, to
le any problems arising In the ab
p of his chief, nnd tho first Buch
problem was presented when the Dutch
began their pnme of capturing Vene
zuelan warshtps, tho Initial Incident In
the performance being the seizure of
tho gnnrdshlp Alexis by the cruiser
In anticipation of the necessity of
doing something to bring tho Vene
zuelan government to terms tho Dutch
had Bent the cruisers Gcldcrland and
Frlcslaud and the battleship Jacob
van Hcemsklrk to South American wa
ters, and they had paraded up and
down off the coast within sight of La
Ouayra. The Venezuelans pcrhnps
throught that the demonstration would
be confined to n parade, but if so they
were disappointed when tho Dutch ono
fine morning seized the Alexis nnd boro
her away to Curacao as a prize. As
dkm' t.vsnto.
the governor of Curacao put It, thla
was done ns "merely a reprisal against
Castro's government, which refuses to
give satisfaction for his unfriendly
acts toward Holland."
Acting President Gomez, who Is try
ing how It feels to run a country when
there Is n prospect of n fight with an
other nnd greater power. Is noted for
his sporting proclivities, ne Is snld to
have celebrated his accession to the
temporary presidency by losing ?3."i,000
at a cockfight. He was acting presi
dent once before, In 1903, when Gen
eral Castro tendered the reins of gov
ernment to him while ho went on a
mention down the Orinoco.
The South Americans call the resi
dences of their executives palaces, and
that of the Venezuelan president,
which President Gomez Is occupying
temporarily, Is called the Mlraflores
palace. It is also known as the Yel
low House Instead of the White
House, ns the executivo mansion nt
Washington Is termed. The Mlraflores
palace Is n handsome structure In the
Spanish style of architecture In the
central portion ofCaracas.
The strained situation between Ven
ezuela and the Netherlands arose Indi
rectly from the expulsion from Cara
cas of M. do Reus, the diplomatic rep
resentative of Holland, but It had al
ready been rendered acute by the
course of Venezuela In issuing a de
cree that practically killed tho com
merce of Curacao, the Dutch posses
sion off the Venezuelan coast.
Tho Gelderland, which has visited
the United States several times, is the
vessel that took Paul Kruger, the pres
ident of the Transvaal, from South Af
rica to Marseilles after the collapse of
tho Transvaal's defense In the South
African war. Sho represented the Neth
erlands nt the Jamestown exposition.
President Castro is reputed to be
.worth about $40,000,000 and Is said
to have taken n good many of his mil
lions with him on his European trip.
On his arrival In Berlin he went to
tho Esplanade hotel, where the whole
first floor was reserved for his party.
Tho Venezuelan ruler, who Is accom
panied by his wifo nnd daughter, is
spending 1,000 marks ($200) a day for
his suit, nnd he took the rooms for a
On his arrival he was shown dis
patches recounting tho selrure of a
Veiiecuttlau, coast defease vessel by a
I)ut h cruiser. With a xesture ho re
plied -I will make Holland pay
through the nose fur It "
p WMSk
e '3aHffil!E"ls7
Mrs. Lou Kilo spent a few days Inst
ucckin Alliance. ,
E, T. Gregg was a business visitor
at Crawford. Monday,
J. M. Tollman is spending a few
days at Shenandoah, Iowa.
Mrs. T. Hunsackcr left ou Wcdnes
dny or Missouri, where she will visit
with friends.
Misses Kennedy and Nation wont tu
Alliance last Saturday to spend the
holidays at liqmc,
Mr. Waterman, of the 13 & M force,
was at E, T. Gregg's Monday, inspect
ing tho new crop of rice at tho pond,
Mrs, Kate Walbridge, who is at the
Alliance hospital is tccoveriug nicely
from a serious case of typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs, Blndle nnd Mis.
Michael were Crawford visitors recent
ly, going over on Tliurday and return
ing Friday,
L. Snow lias been oiling the interior
wood work of F. R. Bellamy's new
residence while carpentar Ydckoy is
putting on the finishing touches to an
cast side veranda. '
The friends of Landlord Richie are
glad to know that he is now on tho
high way to recovery from a serious ill
ness of three weeks, and ts now able to
be up a little each day.
We hear that Roy Lemons, who has
been running tho Hughes ranch for the
past three years, will not re-lease it
but will go to Wyoming and try his
fortuuo at horse ranching.
Great quantities of goody goodies,
all kinds of fine candies, etc., arc ex
hibited in our stores, and so tempting
is the array that many of our hayseeds
keep their hands muzzled with mittens
while transacting business.
Mrs. Hughes is quito the worse from
n little scrap which she engaged in re
cently. In hitching up her team she
forgot to snap the inside lines, and as
a consequence each horse went his own
way. The result was a badly smashed
luiggy, and the .driver was pitched to
the ground, alighting on one shoulder.
No serious results followed but just a
general shaking up.
The section force is now reduced to
one man, Tony' and Pete, tho two
Italian boys who have held jobs at this
place for so long, tossed up a penny to
decide which would travel, Tony got
tails and so left for Chicago Saturday.
People were really sorry to see this
nice boy, from sunny Italy, have to
leave, but such is railroading.
A bank will be opened up at this
place at the beginning of the new year,
and will have quarters in the old Austin
bank building, used of late years as the
residence of F. R. Bellamy. The
officers in charge will be: H. G. Fur-
man, Pres., A. S. Enyeart. Vice-Prcs.,
Burt Furman, Cashier. They will
operate a general banking business
which will be a great convenience to
the people of the town and vicinity.
Mrs. Nellie Heath is on the sick list,
Trenkle Bros are hauling lumber for a
new barn.
Sevpral of the neighbors gathered at the
church Tuesday and erected a wind break
for the horses. t
J. R. Lawrence hauled spuds Monday
and Wednesday of this week.
C. J. Benjamin and Henry Thorlton
were Fairview callers Monday,
L. J. Munger and Miss Letlia Watson
were Sunday guests of Clias. Bauer and
Grandpa Hadley and son, J. B., also
Otto Vogel and wife, were Sunday callers
at J. K, Lawrence's.
M-s. Emery of Spearfisb, S. D., was
the guest of Grandma Lawrence from Sat
urday until Tuesday.
Vincent Taylor came up from tho state
university near Lincoln Monday to spend
Christmas with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Aultna Gerdes.
There are a few cases of mumps in this
neighborhood at present but we ate in
formed that all thqf e who have them are
getting along nicely.
There will be a dance at Mike Collins
Christmas night. Come, girls, and bring
your beaux as this will be your last chance
as leap year is about gone.
Ranch to Lease.
To lease, for from one to three years,
the Hughes ranch, one mile southwest
of Marsiand. This ranch consists of
eleven quarter sections, one half under
irrigation. Good buildings, corrals,
etc. For particulars, address Mrs.
Mary Hughes, Marsiand, Neb.
A NevTCaiTBoy
Tho- Burlington railroad endeavors
to hire only ambitious young men (or
call boys, and all call boys look for
their men at Wiker's pantortuin, op
j posito Hotel Charters. Phone 212.
?,;r. stavbolt as santa claus
Some Things He Would Like to Qlve
If Ho Could.
"Do yon know the Christmas pres
ent I'd like lo make If t cculd?" said
Mrf Staybolt. "I'd like to give cheer
fulness to tho downhearted; courage
to the timid, and strength to tho weakj
the power of self-denial to thoso who
ylolil too easily, nnd n desire to work
lo the lazy.
"I have often thought what a pity
It Is thnt you can't buy all these
things, these helpful qualities, already
put up and nt such n pi Ice as to put
them within the roach of nil; canned
cheerfulness, bottled hopefulness,
courage. Ill tablets, nnd strength, say,
In the form of a powder, and so on;
or you might, I suppose, put 'em nil
up canned, for that matter.
"But In the ahsonco of such market
preparations and our consequent In
ability to buy Btich things and send
them ns gifts to those whom they
might most benefit perhaps you will
permit me to offer to' each a word of
"To the dlspltitod tiiKo a cheerful
view. To the downhearted, don't dwell
ou the doleful side. Tu the timid,
don't be afraid. To tho weak, of thoso
who fancy themselves so, try your
strength. You'll bo surprised to find
how much you'vo got.
To those who yield too easily, deny
yourself once, and again, and feel the
joy and strength thnt will como back
to you. To the lazy, get a Job with a
shovel, In a gang of laborers, under a
driving boss; and If you nro not glad
to get back to your present Job to do
tho best you know how at It, I miss
my' guess.
"I can't send you these things in
cans or bottles; but If nnyono of 'you
will take my advlco and stick to It,
you'll think thnt Mr. Staybolt was a
very kind Santa Claus."
Tho lovo-llght in the eyes of the
precious ones of the household 1b tho
most brilliant of Christmas Illumina
tions. The soft Christmas light 1b not tho
least welcomo whore tho shadows of
bereavement have fallen during tho
year. The Christmas angols hover
over such dwellings of sorrow In mln
istrlts of dlvlno lovo.
It was the Christ who said; "It
1b more blessed to give than to re
ceive." Again, he said: "Innsmuch
as ye have dono It to ono of tho least
of these, my brethren, ye have done it
unto me."
U riltrucTot
TO t0
we mr
n Jva .rueuit rr
r sxv inv
At the Manger.
When first, nor Christmas wutcli to keep,
Came down tlio silent Ancel, Sleep,
With snowy snndaU lioi1,
Belioldlne what Ills mother's hands
Hud wrought, with softer swaddling
bands Sho awuthrd the Son of (loJ.
Then, skilled In mysteries of Night,
With tender visions of delight
She wreathed hit restlng-placo,
Till, wakened by a warmer glow
Than heaven Itself had yet to show.
He saw his mother's face
-John n Tubb. In Atlantic.
From the
H. E. Joues and faintly left yester
day for the winter's sojourn in Los
Angeles, California, the land j)f winter
flowers, and where no icy breezes blow.
May they enjoy every moment of their
stay, yet welcome the time for their re
turn home.
Word came from Crawford the last
of the week that Mrs, V. H. Fanning
was down with typhoid fever, so her
mother, Mrs. Woriey, went up to be
with and help care for her. Mrs. W.
came home yesterday leaving her
daughter much improved.
The railroad has another spasm of
ecouonical retrenchment by laying off
all section hands save the foreman and
one man, and he is the one man. It's
a sight to see the crew of one in the
stunt of replacing a broken rail.
Claud W. Brown has a sale of his
household goods Saturday afternoon,
intending to start for San Deigo, Cal.,
where his family now are. His sister-in-law,
Miss Carrie Bushnell, expects
to accompany him.
James Barry, G. L. Taylor, K. L.
Pierce and II, E, Jones are incorpor
ating a farm loan company, which will
be known as Hemingford Loan and
Trust Co. $30,000 will be tho capital
which will be paid up as rapidly as the
busiuess will warrant. It is designed
to restrict the business entirely to the
field of two, three or five year loans on
farms and ranches.
m r -,
9 1 1!
m W IL;
Mrs. II. C, Ilnkcn, public stenog
rapher, Commercial club office. Phone
f77- www 48'8w
Tho Bee Hive storo for all kinds of
notions, candies, etc, etc.
The Crown"
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Try Parity's Cottage Bread.
Go to Pnrdy's Bakery for your Pies
and Cakes, ,
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera House blk
Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
For Rent A huge east front room,
close in. Inquire at Herald office.
For Sale
Two story dwelling, eight rooms,
with furniture. Corner Niobraria and
Dakota street. Apply to F. B. Dismcr.
40-tf. .MMrww.
The Geo. P. Bent
"Crown" Piano
Christian Science services held every
Sunday at it o'clock, in Odd Fellows'
hall. All arc cordially invited to
attend. so-tf.
The " 'Bent' Crown"
"No bill so large,
No bill so small,
But this expert
Can collect them all."
Expert Bill Collector Phone 677
Commercial Club Office sotf
The Alliance and Box Butte county
Anti-Saloon Leagues will pay 100,00
for the arrest and conviction of any
person found illegally selling intoxi
cating liquors in Box Butte county,
Nebraska, 5t-tf
New Yenr is coming and most busi
ness men who are successful have alt
nccounts straightened by that time.
Let me collect those old ones that have
been standing since the year one.
Mrs. H. C. Haken. Phone 677.
Wanted to buy small house in north
or west part of Alliance. Inquire at
The Hetald office.
Pianos and Sewing
See Threikeld
Phone 498
The M.'E. Ladies' Aid will hold a
handkerchief and apron sale and serve
supper in connection, in the Charters
hotel dining room Friday, December
18. Everybody invited.
Christmas Entertainment
There will be a box social ou Thurs
day, December 24th, at the sdhool
house in Dist. No. 130, eight miles
north of Reno, with a program in the
evening;then distributing of presents,
after which will be the selling of the
boxes. With each box sold there will
be a free ticket given for the dance.
Hot coffee will .be served with the
Wanted to Wintcr3oo to 400 cat
tle, plenty of hay aud range. D. W.
Albright, Kcpomi, Sheridan Co., Neb.,
or Hall & Graham, Alliance.
Geo. A. Hills pays 6 cents for hides.
Furnished rooms for rent at 404
Wyoming avenue, or phone 205.
Piano tuning and repairing, phone
498. ,,
Wanted Anyone having a car of
more of potatoes to sell, write us best
prices; smooth, screened, matured
stock. Johnson Bros., Nebraska City,
For Sale Two milk cows, coming
tresn. c, li. Kosenberger. Hetinne-
ford, Nebr.
Notice to Patrons
The first of the new year will soon
be on us and there is no better time to
balance accounts. It is best for every
body. The Herald is sending state
ments to all delinquents and we desire
settlement this month. If you have an
account against us, please present it,
as we wish to find out 'where we're at,
square up, and thus start the new
year right. The Herald.
Taken Up One threes-year old steer
branded on left hip and 5 on left
side. Owner can have same by prov
ing property and paying charges. F.
$100,000 to loan on real estate.
F. E. Reddish. i-8w
Carpet cleaning by the Vacuum sy8.
tern. No more free rooms. Prices
right. Phone 507. L. H. Brown, i-tf