The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 24, 1908, Image 12
m -v m"'""mrx,a TPrl!J(r.8I-JKW'-M - Jifcf ,r Hi y jf J ?11 nr The Famous Clothing House js!smsmsei!jssmB&sL n i I ii ii : r; v I ( L' H 1 ii 1 WISHES YOU' A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year e KfV1 Next Saturday we offer all of our Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Fancy Suits that we sold at $25, $27.50, $30 for Your Free Choice at $20.00 Big Reduction on Overcoats THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE Remember, The Famous Sells it for Less. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 1 908-1 909 MI7DDV ME, 11 CHRISTMAS f AND The Savings Bank Ml 1 is safe fosters thrift protects earnings -provides for the future if you live. iMfe iiai-iiw iir-iif urin -M& m- nwrn wtw iehk With the compliments of the season, we wish to extend our most sincere thanks to our many friends who so very liberally have given us their pat ronage. We wish to assure them that we hope to merit their future confi dence by giving full value received, good goods and courteous treatment Sincerely yours, A. D. RODGERS' GROCERY TA Yjjjjf Ojif u, HI D, pa roiiey S is safer more advantageous fosters thrift safeguards savings provides for the future and the family whether you live or die. Absolute financial security Claims paid like sight-drafts COUPON Without committing myself to any action, 1 sliall Le glad to have you send me full particulars reaidm your now STANDARD POLICY. &qn .. . .... .. . . of insurance, on the life of r parson ,. years of ngf. Name - .... -' -. . ;- Address . . GRAY & GUTHRIE Alliance, Nebr. GENERAL AGENTS THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES no Broadway, New- York vrH-jH i , ! .wt. .M&J. jqfc . MiWgfrWfflP""' 1 a 43 CM m m 11 & i j