1 f ix V A Christmas Heart 7. ? ?- - t ? T-i hV "X . HE lincst thoughts and the noblest acts are born Tof tin Christinas spirit. The Christmas spirit is the kind ot philosophy, the kind of morality, the kind of religion that the whole wide world k-nnws. understands and believes. It is the sum total of all the kindness, the humanity and the af fection that the Creator implanted in the heart of man kind. There will be many in our city who will have no real Christmas. They will not all be poor in material things. Mam will be among surroundings of luxun. As a matter of fact, the most of those who fall outside the pale of the Christmas idea have plenty and to spare of things to eat and to wear and all the physical comforts. You mav not know mam , we may not know, many Iwho won't have- ji Christmas, but we all know some whosc lives can be made brighter. Then, because it is not always possible to see the heavy heart, if we loose no opportunity to carry this Christmas spirit into the Jives of all we come in touch with, there will be few ,who will not have the jov of the Christmas time. ft -A . You may have thought you would not give any thing to this one or that one. Are you sure there may not be a heartache there that your thoughtfulness might takeaway? You maj have said. "I'm going to be more economical this ear and not do as much as I did last year." Is that real econonn ? When you think that economy really means getting the most possible out of everything, including your life, would that be real econonn ? The time is short till the great da,but there is remaining enough time so that if all of us will do out part there will not be a sore spot anywhere on Christ mas morning. Let's all have the Christmas heart. W. W. NORTON Pleasure is the spice of life. You will be pleasantly entertained if you attend The CRYSTAL i . Theatre "The show for Ladies and Children" Special Xtnas Program AFTERNOON AND EVENING ilagnificent Display of Floving Pictures SUCH AS "When Women Vote" ' 'Simple-minded Peasant" "Macbeth" "Fashionable Mat" "Your Wife is Unfaithful" "The Prodical Son" "The Fatal Hand" Special Music in Vocal and Instrumental Selections. 4MH48(f H0r4H H8' CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS fir"! r- L Maddox Tables "-& feasss PERFECT IN MATERIAL r rAND FINISH- J, No glue. Put together with p in l If ml iL 3138 x , :tj ij holts and screws. Cannot jret Quartered Oak, Polished Innca nnri choli; I on rf mi'- ished. 2 2X2 2, Price 27x39' X Quartered Oak, Pol Price $15.00 $6.50 en apart in a minute. We Have Many Other fe;& :?& ji. Cienuine Mahogatn Colonial Polished Price. $12.00 from which to select a Christmas Present for your wife or sweetheart. CALL AND SEE OUR Xmas Goods Genuine Mahogany Polished. Price $24.00 Styles I THE GADSBY STORE ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Hardware, Enameled Ware, Stoves. Ranges, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Picture Frames, Washing Machines, Sewing Machines, Pianos Jf T arcves &vavam ' wants you to know that he can sup ply you with everything good to eat for your Christmas and i New Year's Dinners Fine Groceries, Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and a world of other toothsome articles. Fresh Meats, Poultry, Oysters The Choicest in the Land Come on, load up for a good feed ft. r r