The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 17, 1908, Image 5

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Cenmercial Chili KeMs Regular Meet
ing Monday Evening.
If the members of the Commercial
club will turn out to allof the meetings
as they did Monday night, and if they
will manifest the same amount of en
thusiasm, the club will accomplish
much more. A great deal can be and
is being accomplished by the club, if
the members will all pull together.
' The ,cltib is not a religious uor po
litical organization, and it is for all the
Alliance business men, as well as the
farmers and ranchmen in the county.
The committee appointed to collect
funds for the club was out Tuesday
afternoon and in a short time raised
over 100, and secured five new mem
Regular meeting of the Alliance
Commercial club.
Alliance, Neb., Dec. 14, 1908.
Meeting called together at 8 p.m. by
tho secretary in the absence of both
tho president and vice president.
On motion, R. M.' Hampton was
appointed temporary chairmanfor the
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
The treasurer's report was read and
A motion by Rev. J. L. Vallow, sec
oned by Lloyd C. Thomas, that an
honor roll be opened for men who
would give one dollar or more toward
the support of the club, and that a
committee be appointed to solicit mem
bers for this purpose, was carried.
Tho committee consisted of the follow
ing members: V. D. Rumer, I. E.
'fash. C. V. Mollring, G. L. Griggs,
C. C. Barker, F. v Harris, Lloyd C.
Thomas, V. W. Norton, J. W. Guth
rie, Jas. Graham, L. H. Highland, F.
A. Pierson, Glen Miller, John O'Keefe.
A committee representing the Wo
man's Club was received, and a motion
by Rev. J. L. Vallow that the ladies be
extended all the privileges of members,
entitled to vote, etc., was carried.
The purpose of the visit of the com
mittee from the Woman's Club was for
the purpose of getting the support of
theiCccimerciaLt-club- in -getting, a4i
brary for tho city. A letter from An
drew Carnegie to Mrs. H. M. Rowan
was read. It was as follows:
New York, Dec. 10, 1908,
Mrs. Helen M. Rowan,
Alliance, Neb.
Yours received. If Alliance, Neb.,
has ho library building and desires Mr.
Carnegie's assistance in getting one,
those interested should have the prop
er authorities address him on the sub
ject, stating what the city will do for
its part. Respectfully yours,
(Signed) Jas. Bertram,
P. Secretary.
Mrs. Rowan stated that Mr. Car
negie required the city council to raise
ten per cent of the appropriation each
year for the maintenance of the li
brary. He would build the building
only. The site and books would have
to be furnished by the city.
A motion by Prof. Haves, duly sec
onded, that a committee be appointed
to wait on the city council asking that
they take the necessary steps to secure
Mr. Carnegie's assistance, was carried.
The committee appointed was G. L."
Griggs, chairman; D. W. Hayes, Mrs.
S. K. Warrick and Mrs. H. M. Rowan.
A motion by C. C. Barker that the
library committee be instructed to take
up the matter of a building for library
with the city council on a basis' of
10,000, this requiring the sum pi
1,000 to be raised annually for the
maintenance of the same, was carried.
The report of the committee on man
ufactures and traffic was taken up and
the coal rate question discussed, The
letters written by the secretary to Mr.
Spens, general freight agent, at Oma
ha, were read.' '
A motion by I. E. Tash, duly sec
onded, that the committee on manu
factures and traffic take up the matter
of coal rates with the inter-state com
mercexcornmtssion, was carried.
A irnotioti by L H. Highland that
the committee on manufactures and
traffic take the coal rate matter before
Jthe inter-state commerce commission
and that they endeavor to stay the re
ported advance in coal rates on Janu
ary 2nd until a hearing could be had,
was carried.
Rev. J. L. Vallow stated that Dr. E.
L. Thomas of Fullerton, Neb., was
desirous of putting a wholesale grocery
in Alliance, the capital to be about
A motion by I. E. Tash that the
secretary be instructed to write Mr.
Thomas and extend him an invitation
to visit Allianoe, for the purpose of
looking over the matter of a wholesale
grocery and that the entertainment
committee tc instructed to care for him
while here, was carried.
The report of the committee on pub
licity and statistics was read and ap
proved. The report of the committee on or
dinances and legislation was reenved,
Mr. Barker and Mr. Tash both talked
favorable to the annexation of the low
er half of Cheyenne county to Box
Butte couuty.
Mr. Guthrie made a motion that a
committee be appointed to draft and
circulate petitions in Cheyenne couuty
for the annexation of the lower half of
the county. This petition was amend
ed to state that tho question be tc
ferrcd to the committee on ordinances
and legislation. It was carried,
A motion by Lloyd C. Thomas that
the city council be requested to call a
special election at the earliest moment
for the purpose of voting on the sewer
age question was unanimously cat tied.
A motion by G. L. Griggs that the
city council be requested to call a spe
cial meeting at the earliest date possi
ble for the purpose of calling a special
ejection was carried.
A motion by-Lloyd C. Thomas that
the subject of a Y. M. C. A. for Al
liance be relerred to the committee on
civic improvement and health for the
purpose of taking up the matter with
the state secretary was carried.
Mr. Highland talked on the ad van-
tagc of a credit system for the mer
chants and urged that one be estab
lished. ' Mr. Guthrie talked on insurance
rates and stated that the Alliance fire
department is one of the best in tho
state and in the finest condition.
A motion by C. C. Barker that the
secretary be instructed to write A. G.
Beeson of Omaha protesting against
the raise in rates for fire insurance in
Alliance, aud asking for the reason for
proposing to do so, was carried.
The meeting adjourned on motion of
I. E, Tash at 10:40.
Llod C. Thomas, Secretary.
Mrs. F. D. Beers is visiting in Den
ver this week.
Engineer H. Rennau is in Omaha
this week on business.
, Eqgineej; W,,B. Iiosiw is sojourning
in Chicago this week.
H. Pauly and wife are visiting in
Grand 'Island this week.
Mrs. A. E. Bates is on an extended
visit with relatives in, Kansas City.
Engineer W. W. Cook has resigned
and left last week for Kansas City.
Machinist Wm. Healy will spend
Christmas in Denver with his folks.
Conductor R. J. Burke left today
for an extended visit with relatives in
L. E. Cook left a few days ago for
an extended visit with relatives in Des
Moines, Iowa.
Foreman J. F. Lawler will leave in a
few days for a weeks visit with his
family in Sheridan.
Jack and Jerry will leave in a few
days for an extended visit to their old
home in Hannibal.
Engineer W. H. White and family
expect to leave soon for Seward to
spend the holidays.
Lizzie Phillips will arrive in a few
days from Sidney to spend(the holidays
with her parents.
Mrs. R. M. Rae left a few days ago
for an extended visit with friends and
relatives in Beatrice.
Miss Irene Roupe will return from
Lincoln in a few days to spend the
holidays under, the parental roof.
Fireman J. P. Carter and wife left
Sunday to spend the holidays with
friends and relatives in Table Rock.
Mrs. F W. Irwin will arrive in a
few days from Beatrice to make this
her home, Mr. Irwin being employed
here as fireman.
P. I. Beach, who has been attending
school at Lincoln for the past year,
arrived this morning to spend the holi
days with home folks.
G..E. Cornu of the master, mechan
ics office went to Lincoln Saturday to
join. Mrs. Corpu, who has been visiting
in Columbus for the past two weeks.
Fireman F. J. Mahoney, who has
been running on the njain line from Al
liance to Edgemont, has been trans
ferred to the Deadwood line.
Felix Eckluud, traveling representa
tive of the International Association of
Machinists, was here Wednesday look
ing after the interests of the machin
ists. E. S. Parks, who used to run an en
gine out of here a few years ago, is
now running a switch engine out of
Salt Lake City on the Rio Grande
Western railroad.
Engineers F. C, Wood and'G. F.
Wilsoti have been assigned to runs on
Crawford hill.
Tho Burlington paint gang is at
work painting tho Burlington hotel mid
are doing fine work.
Switchman M Landrigan and J. C.
Ferrell, machinist, returned from Al
liance, where they attended the K, C.
council and report an elegant time.
G. J. McElroy has been promoted to
roundhouse foreman, effective Dec. 15,
vice C. A. Laudbcrg, who has resign
ed. Mr. Laudbcrg and family will
leave iu a few days for an extended
visit with rclativsi before locating per
manently. L. H. West, a trusty employee of
the Burlington employed in the bridge
department, met with an accident near
Kirk, S. D., the gth from which he
died at the hospital in Deadwood the
tttli. The deceased, together with
ouie of his men, were going into Dead
wood on a push car when they were
stiuck by an ore train with the above
result. A couple of the men with Mr.
West were also considerably bruised
up, but no more fatalities are looked
for. Mr. West was 45 years of age
and a single man.
The Union Pacific work on the North
Platte extension has been temporarily
suspended and the teams are in winter
quarters. The rigorous weather is
unusual for this season of the year,
and it is believed that this is the sole
cause for the discontinuance of the
work. It is stated that the engineer in
charge of the work has given it out that
the present force will not only bo put
back to work early in the year, but
that it will be augmented by the addi
tion of three hundred teams and a cor
responding quota of men.
Quite an excitement was created
during the time No. 43 was iu Alliance
Monday afternoon. The electricians
were busy taking down the overhead
wires, tho underground wires now being
in commission, and. as No. 43 engine
was backing down the track to go to
the roundhouse, just opposite the de
pot the cab caught the sagging wires
and pulled everything loose, A foreign
laborer was struck on the arm by a
cross-arm falling from the roof of the
depot, breaking a small piece of bone
off his elbow. Luckily no one was
otherwise injured.
L. Br Lyman will succeed Cl' Bf
Rodgers as superintendent of the 'Bur
lington at Wymore. William Weld
enhamer will succeed Mr. Lymali as
superintendent at Sterling. No ap
pointment has been made to fill the
vacancy of trainmaster on tho McCook
division made by the promotion of Mr.
Weidenhamer. C. B, Rodgers, who 'Iff
being relieved at Wymore takes the
position of genera)' m'aEh'ger of the Gulf
Coast Line in Texas iu a short time.
It is understood that he goes to the
Texas road in response to an offer that
looks big to his railroad friends.
A special dispatch of the nth inst.
from New York says that after having
predicted in Chicago that "any man
who is a bear on the future of this
couutry will go broke," J. P. Morgan
returned to New York last night from
a remarkable , f rip on a special train
over the Lake Shore and New York
Central railroads, The journey was
made in seventpeu hours and one min
ute, which is one hour faster than the
Twentieth Century limited. Mr. Mor
gan was in a hurry to reach New York,
it is said, because of a business en
gagement, and for that reason procured
the special train. The special made
from fifty-eight to sixty miles an hour
for the entire distance, with only six
stops between Chicago and this city.
It is estimated that the trip cost the
financier $100 an hour, W. C, Brown,
senior vice president of the New York
Central railroad, was the only other
passenger on the Morgan train. Two
private cars were used, and two heavy
baggage cars were attached to balance
the train as it whizzed eastward. Lo
comotives were changed six times at
South Bend, Toledo, Cleveland, Buf
falo, Syracuse and Albany. The rec
ord run from Chicago to New York is
sixteen hours flat.
Raikead Notes frem Edfwr.Mt
Edgemont Express.
J.T. Crandell, the head light man,
has left the service.
Conductor Mike Haskins of the
Sheridan division is laid up with the
Boilermaker W. A. Matthews is off
on the sick list.
Boilermaker F, M. McNamara is
off on the sick list.
Boiler Foreman John McNamara of
Alliance was an Edgemont visitor Sun
day. L. Bartlett, master mechanic from
Alliance, was in Edgemont Sunday en
U IxlxJbb i IU JN a
For Men
Wc are showing' for the
man, nobby Neckwear both
in ties and Scarfs, and
pretty Pins to match. Wc
offer a special in Silk
Hosiery, 3 pairs in a box at
An especially attractive
Walking Glove in Cape
Goat at $1.25
Men like new slippers once
in a while even if the old
ones aren't falling to pieces.
They only cost $1.50 and
We carry the largest stock of Books and Music in western
Nebraska. Handsome Holiday Books in sets and single volumes
Many are beautifully illustrated and attractively bound. There
is nothing that makes a more acceptable and lasting gift than
The Horace Bogue Store
Weekly Report of Payments Tiwsri
The Erection sf the ScnmI luHitng.
Previously acknowledged ,$14,655.00
J. Curran 5-00
P. Kicken , 10.00
W.' Buchsenstein 10,00
P. HoKan ..-- 3'o
W. S. Simonson 10.00
M. E. Reardon, Jr. 10.00
I. J. Ingstrom. . . ,..,.., 10 00
Tot3l $14,713.00
Fireman P. E. Shanks is on the sick
list aud has gouc to Alliance.
Engineer J. H. Carter has heen
transferred from Alliance to the Dead
wood line.
Dan Fitzpatrick, road foreman of
engines with headquarters in Alliance,
was in Edgemont Tuesday.
Mrs. K. C. Spatz and children left
this morning for Atchison, Kas., and
other points to visit with relatives.
Wm. Dawson, who used to be here
as foreman of the roundhouse, bad the
misfortune while working for the Union
Pacific at Omaha to loose one of bis
eyes. The news was given us by Mr,
Ecklund, who was here on business
for the machinists. Mr. Dawson is
now in California.
Mrs, H. C, Haken, public stenog
rapher, Commercial club office. Phone
677. wwww 48-8w
' The Bee Hive store for all kinds of
notions, candies, etc., etc.
The ,4Crown"
' Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Try Pardy's Cottage Bread.
Go to Pardy's Bakery for your Pies
and Cakes, ,
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk
Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana
6treet. .--wwwwww
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
For Ladies
There is nothing nicer for
your wife or sweetheart
than a nice Fur. We are
showing Fur Coats from
$75.00 to $40.00
and Sets $5.00 up. There
is a large and handsome
assortment of fancy Collars,
Ties, Belts and Gloves at
all prices. In the Hand
Bag line there are handsome
Alligator bags from $4. 00
up to $15.00. H you
want a pretty Skirt or Coat
or Suit we will fit after
Xmas without charge.
For Rent A large east front room,
close in. Inquire at Herald office.
Two story dwelling, eight rooms,
with furniture. Corner Niobraria and
Dakota street. Apply to F. B. Dismer.
40'tf. rj.
The Geo. P. Bent
'Crown" Piano
Christian Science services held every
Sunday at n o'clock, in Odd Fellows'
hall. All are cordially invited to
attend. so-tf.
The " 'Bent Crown"
Remember It Draws Ten Per Cent
Taxes are due Nov, 1. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec, 1. Land tax
delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fred Mollring, Co. Treasure.
"No bill so large,
No bill so small,
But this expert
Can collect them all."
Expert Bill Collector Phone 677
Commercial Club Office 5otf
The Alliance and Box Butte county
Anti-Saloon Leagues will pay $100.00
for the arrest and conviction of any
person found illegally selling intoxi
cating If 'uors in Box Butte county,
Nebraska. 51. tf
New Year is coming and most busi
ness men who are -successful have all
accounts straightened by that time.
Let me collect those old ones that have
been standing since the year one.
Mrs. H. C, Haken. Phone 677.
Wanted to buy small house in north
or west part of Alliance. Inquire at
The Hejt aid office.
Pianos and Sewing
See Threlkeld
Phone 498
If you want to rent a
house, flat, store, or barn,
see S. . riiHer. He has
them. 30-tf.
For the Children
We have not forgotten the
children. Besides Toys and
Books we have Fur Sets and
"Dorothy Dainty"
Hair Ribbons, Perfumes
and Music Rolls.
f "Ni, I I gr "V
fife! -lib!
:3e; , is4k.
A New Call Boy
The, Burlington railroad endeavors
to hire only ambitious young men for
call boys, and all call boys look for
their men at Wikcr's pantorium, op
posite Hotel Charters, Phone 212.
Sale and Supper
The M. E, Ladies' Aid will hold a
handkerchief Tind apron sale and serve
supperin connection, in the Charters'
hotel dining room Friday, December
18. Everybody invited.
Christmas Entertainment
There will be a box social on Thurs
day, December -ith, at the school
house in Dist. No. 130, eight miles
north of Reno, with a program in the
evening;'rtlien distributing of presents,
after which will be the selling of tbe
boxes. With each box sold there will
be' a free ticket given for the dance.
Hot coffee will be seijwed with the
Wanted to Winter 300 to 400 cat
tle, plenty df hay and range. D. W.
Albright, Kenomi, Sheridan Co., Neb.,
or Hall & Graham, Alliance.
Geo. A. Hills pavs 6 cents for hides.
Furnished rooms for rent at 404
Wyoming avenue, or phone 205,
Piano tuning and repairing, phone
Wanted Anyone having a car of
more of potatoes' to sell, write us best
prices; smooth, screened, matured
stock. Johnson Bros., Nebraska City,
For Sale Two milk cows, coming
tresn. U c., Kosenberger, Hemmg-
ford, Nebr.
Taken" ,Up One three-year old steer
branded - on. left hip and 5 on left
jaw. Owrier 'can have same by prov
ing property and paying charges. -F,
M, McCoy1. , 3w
$100,000 to loan on real estate.
F. E. Reddish. x.8w
Carpet cleaning by the Vacuum sys
tem. No more free rooms. .Prices
right. Phone 507. L. H. Brown, i-tf
Estray Mice
Taken vv October 21, 1908, by the
undersigned on his premises, section
31, twp 25, range 48, Box Butte county
Nebraska. One red and white heifer,
two years old and one red and -hit.
steer, two years 01a both branded
J. E. Wilson,
tp Dec. 17-5-w Alliance, Neb,