The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 10, 1908, Image 6

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Can You Answer These 3 Questions?
To enable me to answer vour three questions send mc the premium
I was born on the day of. 18.. .
Name ... ... .
Business Address . .. Date 1908
GRAY & GUTHRIE, General Agents
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.
is almost here and a photograph is one of
the most acceptable
ou could give a friend or relative.
The Alliance Art Studio has just finished some
of the latest styles for you to inspect. Carbon
Black, Green, Sepia and Platinum gives one
all that could be desired in a photograph . . .
We enlarge any photo from original negative for
New Year
To be Given by
Cincert to Commence at 8 o'clock, Grand March at 9 o'clock
The Orsnu March and Opening Waltz by the Kntire Band
Tickets will be on sale at all Business Hotisos
Price, $1.00
The Home Paper
issue will
prove a welcome visiter
should bead your lift of newspaper
Winter Tourist Rates: Daily reduced rate excursions
to California. Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Rrsorts.
Landseekers Excursionst
east oithe cheap Landseekers Excursions on the first and
third Tuesdays of each month, and help settle up your coun
try. We run personally conducted excursions on the first
and third Tuesdays also to the L Horn Basin and Yellow
stone Valley and help buyers locate on the new Government
Irrigated Lands. Excursions in charge of D. Clem Deaver,
General Agent, Landseekers Information Bureau, Omaha.
Tell )our old home friends about this good chance to own an
irrigated farm watered by Uncle Sam, the greatest irrigator
the world has eer known.
F. D.
L. W.
Alliance Band
Gives you the reading matter ia
which you have the greatest in
terest thehornenews. Its every
to every member of the family, it
had periodical subscriptions,
- Advise your friends backi'ttS't't
Alliance, Neb.
WALELY, Q. P. A., Omaha
Wednesday, December 16
I will offer at public sale to the high
est bidder at the place known as Dono
van's ranch, iH miles northwest of
Alliance and 3 miles south of Bcrca,
the following described property. Com
mences at 10 o'clock.
15 Head of Horsey 1 pair of geld
ings 7 years old; 1 span of driving hor
ses, well matched; 1 yearling filly; 1
weaning mule; l pair of mares, 4 years
old; 4 brood marcs ranging age from 6
to 10 years; a weaning colts.
8 Head of Cattle 4 milk cows, 2
good ones giving milk now; 4 calves.
30 Head of Hogs -15 of them regis
tercd Du roc-Jerseys suitable for breed
ing purposes.
Six dozen Plymouth Rock chickens.
Farm Implements 2 wagons, 1 Mc
Cormick 7-foot binder, 1 ift-16 disc
barrow, t champion mower, 1 plow, 1
spring wagon good as new, 1 i4-disc
press drill, 1 3-section steel lever" bar
row, l'cultivator, t bay rack, 5 sets of
harness. "
Grain as follows: -200 bushels Maca
roni wheat, 175 bushels of oats, 150
bushels of barley, 150 bushels of spelt,
200 bushels of good potatoes, '400 bu
shels of corn sold in lots to suit pur
chasers. This grain is all in fine con
dition and good for seed.
Household Goods 1 Majestic Steel
range, 1 Coles Hot Blast beater, 4 iron
bedsteads with springs and mattresses,
1 Quick Meal gasoline stove, 1 library
table, sewing machine, tables, chairs,
canued fruit consisting df peaches,
apples, etc. Other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms $10 and under, cash in
hand. All sales of over $10, y months
for marketable paper with interest ut
10 per cent. E. C. PRINGLE.
Cot., Drake, Auct. 52-it
Railroad Notes from Edgemont
Edgemont Express.
H. J. Peters has1 gone to work again
after being ou the sick list.
T. J. Davis has gone to work as a
hostler, coming here from Alliance.
Fireman George Hitter of the Dead
wood line has gone back to Alliance.
Doctors Bctdeheim and Hlatchlev
Fwerc in Edgemont this week examining
men for the relief. - '
Engineer A. J. Cole hag been assign
ed a run on the high line from Dead
wood to Edgemont.
Thomas O'Neal, boiler inspector,
vas in Edgemont this week, leaving for
Alliance on 42 Tuesday night.
Engineer V. V. Cook has gone to
Alliance to-a'rrange for aplace "for'bis
'family to live when they arrive from
the east.
George W. Fox, bricklayer and
plasterer from Alliance, is here work
ing at the round house putting in var-
i ions repairs.
On Wednesday a gang of telegraph
men were sent to Chilson to do some
repair work on the Western Union
Telegraph system.
S. M. Lloyd, one of the boiler maker
helpers, has gone to Alliance where he
will make arrangements to move his
family to Edgemont in the near future.
The Knights of Columbus meetinc.
that was to have been held in Alliance,
has been postponed until December
Oth. A lasge class is going there from
Fiicman S. E. Bartholomew,. R. B.
Bettis, H. A. Milne and J. O. Sander
son have been assigned to trains 41,
42, 43 and 44 between Edgemont and
Lou Vandervooit, who was engineer
011 the road two years ago and who
quit .to go ranching, has again gone to
work as engineer between Edgemont
and Alliance.
Switchman M. Lanuigan went to Al
liance last week expecting the Knights
of Columbus to meet there. He was
disappointed in this but had a good
G. W. Wooley, chief mechanical
draughtsman for the general superin
tendent of motive power at Chicago, is
in Edgemont sketching the different
motive powers in use by the Burlington
at Edgemont.
H. Lawler has been transfcrted from
Sheridan, where he was foreman of the
round house, to Alliance where he will
assume the position of general foreman
of the round house ut that point. Mr.
J. D. Brandt, who has been foreman
of the round house at Billings, will
take the place vacated by Mr, Lawler.
From th Sheridan Division
(From the Post)
The night round bouhe foreman, Mr.
Burns, has been transferred to Billings,
relieving J, L. Brandt.
Jack Lawlcr, who Jjas been employed
at the round house for several years,
has been transferred to Alliance.
Twenty-one earn of fat cattle from
the new Billings and Northern line, eu
route to South Omaha, fed at Sheridan
Sunday. This is the first large con
signment of stock that has been re
ceived from the new road.
Business in the local yard has been
so heavy that it required a half and
half cngiuc for the last few days.
Night Yardmaster Walton returned
on No. 43 Monday morning from a
week's visit in Alliance and Denver.
Postmaster W. F. Walker. Editor.
Wedding bells In the ,near future
Joe Herncall made this place a few days
Visit the last week.
Mrs. Jennie Broshar of Canton is spend
ing the week in town.
C. W. Drown and Monte Ureen were in
Alliance the fu3t of the week.
Wm. Iodcnce and sod, Gladstone, were
in from the ranch Tuesday after supplies.
A. M. Miller .shipped two big carloads
of grain to the eastern market this week.
J. J. Smith is quite ill at this writing.
It is hoped that he will soon be around
again. '
Lee Holland was down in the eastern
part of the slate recently, returning last
Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kinsley were in
from Sioux county the first of the week to
do some shopping.
Misses Sylvian Potmesil and Nora
Brown were shopping in Alliance a couple
of days last week..
Miss Carrie Bushnell was quite ill a few
days last week, but at this writing she is
very much improved.
There seems to be considerable sickness
in this locality of late as all three of onr
doctors are kept busy.'
H. E. Jones returned from Randolph
Saturday where he had spent several days
looking after business affairs.
Mrs, Quincy and Miss Blanchard were
Alliance visitors over Saturday night, re
turning on belated 53 Sunday p.m.
Walter Osgood and Earnest Schlaman
went with B. E. Johnson's shipment of
cattle and hogs to Omaha Monday. 1
Mesdames Everetts and Rolla Johnson
were visiting friends and tntding in the
county capital last Thursday and Friday
Gt F. Hedgecock was infrom Sfoux
county Tuesday He took' veterinary
Curtis out to the ranch the same evening.
Mr, and Mrs. H. E Jones, Mrs. Ever
etts aud Mr. Iverson with Mr. Sloan at
the wheel autoed to Alliance Wednesday.
Our informant says that D. W. Mcln
tire has accepted a permanent position
with'C. J. Wildy and that the family will
arrive soon. We extend a cordial wel
come. Dr. Little has made several trips to the
Jim Moravek home near Canton where
Mr. Moravek is suffering from heart
trouble. It is hoped that he will soon be
around again.
The twelve year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, E. Rasmaussen has been dan
gerously ill with pneumonia. At present,
her physicians have great hopes of a
speedy recovery.
Word received from the Beaumont fam
ily states that they reached San Diego O.
K. Mrs. B, stood the trip well but was a
little tired. The rest of the family were
in the best of health.
Willie Crossley, who has spent the last
year here, returned to his home at Hast
ings, Nebr., last Thursday where, we are
informed, he has a good position. His
many friends here wish him success and
hope that he will return in the not very
far distant future.
The new bell for the school house ar
rivetl and was placed in the belfry last
weelfatid now the first bell in the morn
ing rings at 8:30 and the second one at
8 yj. This will no doubt be of great value
to the pupils and patrons of the school a
there will be fewer cases of tardiness.
Tbo lecture at the Congregational church
last Saturday was a very instructive and
beneficial talk. Prof. Downey fully sus
tained his reputation as a lecturer. The
vocal solos were fjne. It is regretted that
the .attendance was not larger, but this,
however, was due to the fact that the )k
ture was not very thoroughly advertised.
G. L, Taylor of south table was trading
in town on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. II Miller- have re
turned from Casper, Wyo.
P. j . Clalterbuck is building a barn on
his lots south of main street,
Burl turman is securing signatures to
papers - "necessary to make him a notary
Peter Allison of the O. V. ranch shipped
four more cars, of cattle to South Omaha
G. Joralman has taken up the drayage
business again. Ring up No. 14 when in
need of the dray,
Arthur Poole drives a fine new rig. A
fine tandum buggy and a harness strung
with gold dollars.
There was a party at E. T. Gregg's on
Friday night which was quite largely at
tended by tki young people.
L. Snow and Mr. McLaughlin drove
out to see Charley Mareen, on Monday,
who is confined to the house this winter,
The children are in training for a Xmas
exercise which will take place on Xmas
eve. We understand they will also have
a tree.
C. H, Richie has been confined to his
bed for a week with sickness. At this
writing he is a little better, though still
very sick.
A gas appliance was installed in the
Presbyterian church during the protracted
meetings which lighted up the building
0. Livingston, traveling salesman for
the Kirkendoll Shoe Co., was in town on
Saturday and took an order from the Mc-Gogy-Poole
Trading Co.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burns were trading
with our merchants Saturday. These are
busy days for Mr. and Mrs. Burns, both
of whom are teaching and carrying on the
ranch work also.
Rev. McLaughlin and Mr. Clanson, a
singer, closed a two weeks meeting at the
Presbyterian church Sunday night. Many
good sermons were preached and good
singing was had throughout.
Messrs. Small and Brush Hall with
their wives have moved over to the north
side of Pine Ridge, where they will spend
the winter trapping along the numerous
creeks in that section of the country.
J. C Wood was in town Saturday run
ning feed through Bellamy k Miller's feed
mill. Mr. Wood concluded that it was
too far to come with grain, so bought the
mill, loaded it into his wagon and took it
home with him.
Marie Walbridge, the little adopted
daughter of Mrs. G. A. Walbridge, was
taken to the hospital at Alliance the latter
part of the week, being down with a se
vere attack of typhoid fever. At this time
we hear she is no better.
Dr. Willis' drug store presents a pleas
ing appearance now, being filled up with
all kinds of beautiful things for the holi
days. He has a fine line , of jewelry,
Roger Bros silver ware, etc., also thous
ands of holiday post cards.
A blind man gave a show vat the school
house on Thursday night which consisted
mostly in voting off a ring 'to the most
popular girl, and a pair of infant's socks to
the homliest man. Otie Hnusaker got the
ring and, needless to say. True Miller got
the sock3, much to the chagrin' of one or
two other gentlemen, who wore the laurels
.untjl True came to tQwn. '
Notice is hereby given that Box Butte
county warrants tegister No. t to 89
can be paid and interest stops. Frko
Moi.i.iuno, treasurer.
This ordinance will be enforced to
the letter tin the future. Published by
order of city council. Ordinance 0,
Sec. OilO and 11.
See. M. Every physician practicing
his profession in this city shall Immed
iately on becoming' aware of the exist
ence within five miles of the city or
within the city, of yellow fever, chol
era, hinallpox or any other Infectious
or contagious uiseabe, report the fact
in regard to the same in writing to the
mayor or health otlieer of the city
Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the
health oflicer to cause a notice to be
printed or written iu large letters to
be placed in a conspicuous place upon
or near any house in which any person
nmy bo infected with smallpox, cholera,
yellow fever or any contagious disease.
Said notice shall contain the nume of
the disease of the person within such
house, and shall be kept so posted tin
til the health otlieer otherwise shall
direct. No person who is afflicted with
such disease us above mentioned shall
bo permitted to leuve the premises in
which he or she i taken sick without
the permission of the mayor or health
otlieer of the city. In ca'so of severe
vlsitutlon of any of the above diseases
it shall be the duty of the board of
health to provide hospitals and pest
houses, to stop, detain und examine
any person eomiug from any place
believed to be infected with uny such
disease, ami If necessary send such per
son to the pest house upon the. certifi
cate of the uttending physiclau, or
cause uny resident of the city who is
infected with any such disease to be
removed to the pest house or some
other suitable place if the attending
physician shall certify that such re
moval is necessary for the preservation
of, public health, and make all neces
sary provisions for proper care of the
sick and shall have authority to exer
cise any and all powers ineideut to the
preservation of good health of the city
in such eases; to remove or destroy
furniture, wearing apparel or other
property infected with such disease, to
cleanse infected or unwholesome build
ings or places, and said board is au
thorized to prevent the spread of such
diseases by establishing limits within
which no person shall enter except
those necessarily in attendance upon
such person or persons or upon order
of said board, and it shall be unlawful
for any person to enter such limits at
such times contrary to the provisions
of this section.
Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the
health otlieer to see that this ordinance
is executed, und any person who shall
violate or fall to obey uny of the pro
visions of this ordinance shall upon
conviction thereof be fined in uny sum
not to exceed one hundred dollars in
the discretion of the court, for each
offense und shall stand committed to
the city jail until Mich line and costs
urn paid or discharged uy due process.
Just Received
II.. .1 !- .. , l.l-W .. I... IMI I I.
- AT
Hand Painted
and other importations in most
pleasing artistic designs, x
Also a fine line of
.Cut Glass Ware
Call and see the new stock
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 641 'Alliance,
Nebr. .
Wm. James,
Dealer in
,.. WOOD
No. 5.
In the District Court of Box llitlto Cousty,
.lames V. Mellaril Plaintiff J
Nulllo-0. nichjinls, Defendant 1
To Nellie U. Richards, noii-reVdniit dcfolid
unt: i'
Von nrt hereby untitled Unit on the 3rd
clay of December, 1W& .lames I Richards Med
11 petition uguhistyon lutliu district court ot
I.Iox lluttu County. Nebnibkailie object puiL
prnjerof Vhtcli uro to obtain si divorce from
you on tho grounds that you hare been guilty
of oxtremu cruelty towards tlmplalntlfT, with
out just cause or provocation on puHof phiin-
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the Jtth day of January,
Ja.mks F. liiciiAitiit, lMiilirtin.
by V. Mitchell, his attorney
Hated Decembor 2nft lllK '
fp Dec. :t4w
CON! EST NO no-.
Alliance, Nebraska, October. SI, JDOS
A sulliclent contest nlliduvit having bcun
llleil In this ollico by I'reU J, lUrnes, content
unt. against homestead entry No. OOiinml ser
ial No. OIKS.', tn&do April 1, 90i. for liwhf
section id. township 25, range 52, by .lame F"
Coleman. Contustec, In which it Is alleged that
suld James P Colomuu has fulled to restdo up
on nnd imnrovo oald tract us required by law,
and has wholly abandoned tho Mime (or more
than six uontlis last p.ittt. eutd parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond und offer
uvidence touching said allegations at 10
o'clock a. m. on January 12. IftK), before llio
ItogUlor aud Kecelver at the United .States
Lund Ufllee in Alliance, Nebraska,
TIih kuIiI contestant having, In a proper
.illldavlt, tiled October 23. ltXW. sot forth fuots
which show that after due dlllgouce personal
service of this notice cannot be mude. It Is
hereby ordered und directed that such notice
be given by due und proper publication
f p Nov. itl-rtw w. W. woon, IleceUer.
i.i:av I. NOTICK.
In the District Court ofllox Hutto county,
I.uoy Horsh, Plalutlir I
vs. i
Frank llcrxh. Defendant )
To Frank llersh. non-resident defendant:
on uro hereby not I lied that on the 8th day of
December, l0X, Lucy Herh Med a petition
against you in the dltrictcoart of Iiox llulto
county. Nebraska, the object und prayer of
which uro to obtain a divorce from you ou the
ground that j ou have been gully of extreme
cruelty towards tho without Just
causoor provocation on part of tlieplalntlir
and have grossly, wantonly, willfully und
cruelly fulled aud neglected to Huptmrtund
provide sultablo maintenance for thoiilaliir
tltr. although of eufllcient ability to do no.
lou are required to answer said petition o
or IWnro Monday, tho 8th of January, looy.
Mjoy IIkhhh, Plaintiff.
Hy W. Mitchell, her uttorney.
Dated Decemlier Hth, IdOi
fp Dec 10-4w
In tho District Court of JJox Unite County
John O'lveefo, l'Jatntitr 1
vs. j
llobcrt Currv and Mrs. I
Curry, wlfeof defendant,
uooert uurry, nrst real
namo unknown, ueienu
ants. Itobert Curry and Mrs. Curry, wlfo of de
fendant. Itobert Curry, ilrst real name un
known, non-resident defendants, defendants
will take notice that on the 2nd day of Decern
lier, luw.JohnO'Kecfe. plaintiff herein, tiled
his petition in the district court uX Box llntto
County, Nebraska, against said defendants,
tho object uud prajcr of which are 10 foreclose
a certain mortgage executed hy the defendant.
Robert Curry, to J. I. Case Threshing Machine
Company upon the Southeast Quarter of Hec
ton S3, in Township 20, of flange 00, la Hoi
liatte, County, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of two certain promissory notes, both
dated August 15. lPOC both for tho sum of
II200..00 each, one doe September 1st. lPOO. and
other duo October 1st, faoa, which said two
jromlsory notes und mortgage been ring same
was duly assigned aud wld to the plaintiff, for
a valuable consideration, on February 0th.
IW. by J. 1 Case Threshing MuehineOom
puny, und plaintiff Is now the owner and hold
er of said two promissory notes and said mort
gage securing same and entitled to all moneys
due thereon; that there Is now due on said
two notes and mortgage the sum of 73aKJ.
for which sum, with Interest from this
date, pla nlllT prays for a deereo that de
fendants Ik rvoutred to pay same or thut said
promises may bo sold to satisfy the amount
found due. You ure required to answer said
petition on or before the tlUi day of January.
l!V.t. JouKO'KKKrc. Plaintiff, ,
...-i n- , '&$ & "I" Mtormv.f
rWMK -pj. iXi,7.),f.-
tz.tamr 5r'xrvj sv-