ml. Are You Buying Your t Groceries Right ? If you want anything in fancy or staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, . Vegetables remember that we have the largest stock in the city ' and our pricesvare always right Yours for fair dealing A. D. RODGERS NOTICE Owing to the fact that our patronage has increased nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindly ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos sible. Phones 131a and 131b. Palace Meat Market S. H. DESCH, Prop. Y 0.&B NELSON FLICTOIXISTfc FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. North American of I'litl&dclphla. Pboenlx of Blooklyo. Now York. Oontlneotal of New York Olty. Niagara Fire Insuranco Company. Conncctlnutt FJro Commercial Union Assurance Co., London ' Germanla Flro Ins. Co latof Omaha Palace Livery ISam C. C- SMITH, Prop. (Successor to S, 11. Dcscli) ,N one ill west op Good turnouts, strict attention .to our business, THENE'v zuiNDEN anl courteous treatment to'all has won for us the BUILDOv'G. 'Phone ' excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. I iB ( ( I JWktfsHK II If I ' . 1 V t'IiTit 11 -. I I -n VI Art. Garland and O-. D-- .. Radiant Home KaSe OUmerS For Hard Coal. Round Oak and Cole's Hot Blast For Soft Coal. All Sizes, Sll.OOup. Newberry's Hardware Co. mm -&'. Livurijool. London and Globe Ins. Co. Herman American Ins. Co., New York. New llajiinnlilre Columbia Fire lnsurauee Company. Philadelphia Underwriter. Phoenix Ins. 'o.. Hartford, Conn Flrt'tuaiib Fund InsuraueeCo. llocliiitr Oernian Ins. Cri. Office I'D-Stalrs.Hctchcr Mock. Wallace's Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone 1 frank Wallace, Prop'r. Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber 6Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. TAFT 11 JEW YORK. President Elect Addresses So ciety of North Carolinians. Urges Dixie Voters to Break Away From Political traditions Declares North Yearns for Closer Association With South Negro Question. President Elect Taft was the prin cipal spanker at the tin mini dinner ot the North Carolina society In New York Monday night. Mr. Toft, in the course of on ad dress Mhlch was confined entirely to the south and its problems, did not hesitate to follow up whnt he regards ns the advantages of his trip through the south during the recent campaign and urged again thnt the voters of that section should break awny from the outlived sentiment and traditions of their past political nMlliattons and cast their ballots In accordance rnthar with their economic and real political be llefs. Mr. Taft declared that nothing would give him greater pride dmlng his coming term in the chief executive ofllco than to so direct the policy of the national government with respc-t to these southern states as to con vince tho Intelligent citizen of the south of the deslro of his administra tion t nid them in working out satis factorily the serious problems before them and of bringing them and their northern- fellow citizens closer and closer In sympathy and point of view Mr. Taft frankly expressed htmself regarding the so-called "negro qucs tlon," nnd' declared that neither he nor the Republican pnrty had any Idea of forcing upon the people of tho south tho dominance of an Ignorant clasB. Mr. Taft declared that tho north yearns for a closer association with tho south, and quoted statistics to Bhorv that the Industries of the south had grown and prospered more during tho past decade than any other sec tion of the country. EIGHT TEAMS TIED FOH LEAD. Riders In Six-Day Bicycle .Race Far Ahead of Old Records. Kew York, Dec. S. Furious riding, which resulted In the establishing of new records and two serious acci dents, marked the six-day bicycle race at Madison Square Gardeh. From the stant the contest has been a succes sion iof sprints for mile after mile, tin vtil the riders are far ahead of tho old records. Two teams have dropped out of the contest because of aucldents. Menus Redell was -caught In a pocket and before he could extricate 3ilmself one of the contestants came up from behind and' catching his pedal, scar the unfortunate rider sprawling on the track, breaking his right shoulder bone. Two hours later Patrick Logan, during ix desperate mix-up, was thrown heavily. He was carried off uncon scious, bleeding from the head and mouth, zaid his case is pronounced se rious. Eight teams nro tied for the rfad. wiin ionr one lap neiuno and two win ers far in ne rear. .11 : RUEF CASE NEARING AN END.., Defense Rests Without Calling Wit nescs to the Stand. San Francisco, Dec. S. Abe Ruof's third trial upon an issue of municipal bribery exposures of 190G the alleged bribery of a supervisor In the award of'lbo United Railroads trolley fran chise is approaching an end. Some time tomorrow tio Jury will begin consideration of a .verdict. Arguments are' now being made and It is practic ally assured' that a verdict or a dis agreement will be included iu the rec ords of ue court before the end of the week. The decision of the attor neys for the defendant to call no wit npsses has undoubtedly shortened the proceedings by many days, and while the move va5 not erjtirely unexpected, there was much surprise when Henry. Ach, Ruef's lending counsel, an nounced that the defense would rest. GRAND JURY ON NIGHT RIDERS. Soldiers Guard 40 Prisoner While Civic Body Passes on Evidence. Union City, Tenn., Dec. 8. The stage is set for the final drama in the story of night riders of Tennesseee A special graud jury Is preparing a fresh set oflndictments. Across the street, in a great bridk building, guarded by soldiers with fixed' bayonets and loaded rifles, are forty-nine of the accused night riders some of them in their shirtsleeves, others in overalls just as they were taken by the military. Erkstromep Commits Suicide. St. Louis, Dec. 8. Charles A. Ekstromer, Swedish vice consul In St Louis, who committed suicide at his home here, was short In his accounts as manager of the St. Louis office of the West Disinfectant company, ac cording to a statement made by Emit Taussig, president of the company De Oro Wins First Game. St. Lolus, Dec. S.ln a fast game. Alfredo De Oro of Cuba won the first f three matches that will determine the three cushion billiard champion ship of the world, defeating Thomas A. Hueston of St. Louis by the score of 50 to H. Parsons Man Breaks Jail. Parsons. Kan., Dec 8 Paul Weg gen, a policeman held for complicity in the burglary of $5,000 worth of mer chandise from the Stresburger general store here last month, broke Jail and escaiieil GOVERNORS MEET AGAIN. Conservation Conference Calls Then Together at Washington. Washington, Dec. 8.Not slnco last May, when tho governors of tho states met here in response to tho lnvltutlou of President Roosevelt to discuss the question of tho conservation of the na tion's lesourccs, has tho national capi tal been thu scene ot so notable a gathering as that which asseniblotf hero todu. Tho governors of tho ntntes arc again here, either In person or by proxy, with a great .throng or other distinguished men The purpose of their meeting is a Joint tonsvixntloi) WHWHWWk't,WWl ' """" - llIIWNWWMWW I- T GlFFORD PINCHOX conference" with the national con servation commission In order to get under way tho most Important part of the work of tho conference tho re port to the president on tho natlonnl resources. The report is duo Jan. 1. Today's session began this morning with an Informal meeting Jn tho red room of the Wlllard hotel for the pur pose of organizing. This uftcrnoon there will bo a great general meeting In tho Relasco theater, at which Presi dent Roosevelt and President Elect Taft will be among, tho speakers who will address tho members of the Joint conservation conference, tho rivers and harbors congress, the southern commercial congress nnd other organi zations with allied objects whoso ses stons In Washington help to make up what haB been called "conservation week." After tho opening scsslom the Joint conference will take up it's business in earnest at the Hubbard Memorial hall. The plan Is to take up one nfter an other the main subjects which the na tional -conservation commission under Chairman GIffoi'd Plnchot haB been studying wates, lauds, forests, min erals. Distinguished men, including gov ernors, senators;" representatives, bankers, buslnesB men nnd othera, will address the meetings. J. J Hill, .John Mitche'll, Andrew Cnrnegle and a score of other representative tnen have ace-Opted Invitations to be present Slnco vtho conference seven months ago, when the president quickened the interest of the entire nation in ono of Its most perplexing problems the na ilonnl conservation commission hns made an inventory of the natural re sources A the country This Inventory will bo presented to-Chalrman Plnchot. who In hiB Teport to the president Ian 1 will make tecommeridotlons wlrtcti both the wprk of the comnilsslon'sTd the Joint conference may suggest vital In solving the conservation prob lem. Tho Inventory Is completed now an far as present knowledge can go. nThe members of the commission declare and the f country as u whole 'is con vinced thnt the state of affairs is one that requires 'immediate and -effective action FRAMING NEW TARIFF BILL. Congress Gives Committee Power to Subpoena Witnesses. Washington, Dec. S. The work of framing a new tariff bill will bo active ly begun by the house ways and means committee tomorrow. The ma jority meuihers of the committee will be designated '10 draft the bill A reso lution offered In the house by Chair man Payne of the house wuys and means committee, which was adopt? gives the committee power to sub poena witnesses for the tariff hear ings. ' An executive meeting of the committee probably will be held to se lect the names of thosp whom It is desired to have appear before it. President Van Cleave of the National Association of Manufacturers probably will be one of the first called FretH Disturbances in Persia. Teheran. Dec 8. The nationalists at Meshed, a holy city of northeastern Persia, have routed the garrison snd seized the government offices Fresh disturbances are reported at Ramadan, Kermanshah and Tallsh Reprieve Granted Bllllk. Acting Governor Sherman of lllluols has granted Herman Bllllk of Chicago a further reprieve until Jan. 29, J009. Bllllk was sentenced to he hanged Dec. 11 for the murder of Mary Vrzal Shoots Mother, Thinking Her Burglar. Detroit, Deo S Raymond Schnil zer, aged twenty-two, shot his mother, whom he mistook for a burglar Shu was seriously wounded, but will re cover Contract for Chicago's New City Hall. Chicago, Dec. 8 The contract for building Chicago's new city hall has been awarded to the Noel Construction company of Uultimore, whose bid was J3?15 000 OF Defense Springs a Surprise tn Rustin Murder Case. New Witness Produced Who Testifies She Saw "Woman In the Case" on Morning of the Murder Trial t Nearlng End. Omaha, Dec. 8. The defense In the trial of Charles E. Davis sprung a sen sation when Mrs. Emily Allen testified that she saw Mrs, Abblo Rico tho morning of the murder buying a paper at Sixteenth and Fnrnam streets at 4 a. in. The prosecution tins introduced several witnesses to show thnt Mrs. Rice took n enr near tho Rustin homo at 1130 tho night of the murder nnd went direct to Clara Gloason's house and remained there until tho next day. The testimony created n sonsation, and County Attorney English put the wltnoss through a vigorous cross-examination, but was nnnblo to shake her testimony. Mrs. Allen snld she had known Dr. Rugtin several years, and thnt she had often scon him with Mrs. Rico, always believing her to be the doctor's wife. She was sure It was Mrs. Rice Bhe met downtown the mortilhg of tho shoollns. STATE ASYLUM REPORT, Superintendent Hay Points Out Necdi of Institution. Llnr-oln, Dec 7. Superintendent Hay of the state Insane asylum hns made his annual .report to tho gov ernor, and has some recommendations to make relative to the needs or the institution. Ho says tho coming legls laturo should appropriate not less than 150,000 for n men's building, thus se gregating the men from the women. He also asks that $1,000 bo appropriat ed for nn open sleeping porch for tu berculosis pallunts, mnny cases of which have developed durlhg recent years. Superintendent Hay believes mora attention should ho given to dipso maniacs. About 700 patients hnvo been treated in tho institution for tho drink and drug habits with much suc cess, and he recommends that tho state go so far as to hnvo a separate Institution lor-them. Douglas county .did more business with the institution than any other county In the state. It sent 1G3 In mates to the asylum, Including 111 in sane patients and forty-slx dlpsomn lilacs. Lancattcr county was a close Second', with 143 patients. No other county had moro than thirty pantlents. DR. YOUNG FILES REPORT. Superintendent of Norfolk Asylum Gives Statistics of Institution. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 8.A report just made by Dr. G. A. Young, super intendent of tho Norfolk Insane nsy Juni, shows that of the $229,000 ap propriated by the last legislature, $87, 000 remains to pay the expenses until next April. Tho estimated expendi tures for the coming two years la $292. 000, of which $110,000 Is for perma nent improvements, including $20,000 to complete a rw building now in courso of construction. Additional buildings are asked for, including' 0110 for men to cost $5,060. On Nov. 30 Uie Institution had 2C2 patients, 43 being nt homo on jia rolo. During li,o year 227 were receiv ed. and SO discharged. Ityrty-seven pdtlents dle'd'a't' the aay'ltini during the year. Body Not That of Williams. Valentino, Neb., Dec. 8. Mrs. Wil liams has JuBt received a letter from her son, enclosing his photograph, to prove thnt he ,ls, not dead, as reported eouie time ago. A floating body was found In the Niobrara river and Mrs. Williams went to tho spot and identi fied It as that of her son. Prepara tions were being made for the funeral when she received tho letter from her son, denying emphatically that he was dead. Preachers. Are Champion Bowlers. York. Neb., Dec. 7 The preachers of York are the champion bowlers of the city. A team composed of minis ters, were easy victors over a picked team from the poBtofnce, defeutlng the latter by 200 pins. York is supplied with more ministers than any. other city of its size In Nebraska, and pos sibly In thj country. Banquet to Sheldon Abandoned, Lincoln. Dec. H The proposed b!Ri quet to Governor Sheldon the night of Jan. 5 has been abandoned Although It is not so stated at the executive office, It Is understood the reason for not holding the entertainment Is the result of a request from the governor Alleged Barn Burners Arrested. Papllllon, Neb.. Dec. 8. James Chandler and Bert Bressman have been arrested charged with burning a barn and its contents at Rellevue. They arc held on a charge of arson and will havo their trial arly In the coming term. Johnson County Industrial Contest, Tecuivseh, Neb., Dec. 5. More than half a hundred prizes have Just been distributed among tho boys and girls of Johnson county by the Johnson County Farmors' Instituto, which has just closed Its first annual Industrial contest. Burns Defeats Austrian Champion. Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 5. In the wrestling match here last night. "Farmer" Burns of Iowa defeated Charles Dellvuk. champion of Austria. Bums won two of the three fa'ls. w NEBRASKA 8LAGER GETS SQ YEARS. Mrs. Ruser Pleads Guilty and Is Given One Year. Papllllon, Nob., Dec. 4.John fllager hns been sentenced to bIx years In tho ponltentlnry for attempting (0 kill Emll Ruser, near this place, and Mrs, Ruser, who pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting Slager, was given ono year. Tho evidence showed that Sla ger, who had been employed on the Ruser farm, had become enamoiod ot Mrs. Rusor and thnt the two had con spired to tnko the life of her husband In order thnt they might become mar ried. 1 Singer made a futllo attempt to shoot Ruser through a window of his bedroom while he was asloop wllu his wife. Fine Exhibit for Corn Show. York, Neb., Dec. 7. All of the corn exhibits at- the t'occnt corn show hero have been shipped to Omaha und en tered thoro in tho Nntlonal Corn ex position, which opens this week. One of the best exhibits Is that of 540 bushels of corn which wns raised from ono bushel of Selected tiecd coin. Ac companying the exhibit aro affidavits ninde by responsible men who meas ured the six acres on which the corn wns raised', and weighed tho yield. York county -will furnish ono of the largest Nebraska exhibits at tho ox position, and several hundred persons are preparing to visit Omaha to seo the rompnrlson It makes with the com munities in the United States. Pierce Submits Insurance Report, ' Lincoln, Dec."4-'Jphvn U. Plcrco, deputy state auditor, wlfo-for six years has bee(n In charge of tho "Insurance, department of the atuto, bns jus com pleted his annua) report. Mr. Pierce has Been the Insurance department expand In Nebraska as it never did before. There hns been a clear profit to the state In this department during the past six years of over half a mil lion dollars. Doputy Auditor Pierce believes the Insuranco department of the stale government should ho on- . tlrely segregated from the auditor's' ofllco, and' recommends legislation to , that ond. He reports that 34G lnsur. nnce companies aro doing business in the state at this time. ' Many Applications for Clemency. -Lincoln, Doc '7. Much of Governor Sheldon's time Is being tnkt'n up Willi hearing of applications for clemency by convicts nt the state's big refoma; tory. With tho knowledge (hatliieut governor's term will soon oxplrot mnny restrained men who believe they aro entitled to their freedom havo had their friends very busy lit their behalf for somo time, and sis the time grows Bhortor those applications? in crease. Governor Sheldon has jiot taken dtifiplta. ae.tlQjiJn.jiu4:..or, 4hf& cases, but announcement Is expettifi. from him soon of tho names whlch'he has decided are worthy of merit. ' Nebraska Lutherans Celebrate Omaha, Dec. 4. Nebraska Luiuer nns.nre this week celebrating the es tablishment of the first Lutheran church in Nebraska filly years ngo by Rev. H. W. Kuhns. Several mefcHngs have been held in the large Lutheran .. churches) at vJilri ma.fiy, of tho.jd)d'J residents who were members, of tho Lutheran church u decade ago were present. Fourteen -persons Vete en rolled In tho first, congregation. Rev. Kuhns found only nine Liitlmraus In the Indian muling village known us. Omaha" In J,8j8.and it was not until 1802 that the "first church edifice was; built. . ' . t' Supreme, . .Court Vacancy, . ' Lincoln, Deo. 7. Interest Is still 'fff tense on who shall succeed Johnr J. Sullivan, who reslgned'IUpluce on tho v supremo henvh after Serving one day. Applicants are no-tIfs iium'erous than they were before any. appointments weie made, and the tff'.valryr Ik. evcu keener. There has beejfi no Intimation, from Governor StyeUlon who the new appointee will he, but It IS understood that he prefers to name a Democrat, The Democrats, on tbe'other hand, are trying to prevent snr-h action being taken, or to secure the resignation of any Democrat who may he named. Gretna Man Takes Morphine. Omaha. Doc. fi. H. R. Harrington, age dthlrty-two years, committed sul-c-lde In his room at the Merchants hotel by taking' morphine HarrfnR ton's father is said to 'be a California millionaire- The young man has lived at Gretna for some time and owns considerable realty there. He lias been drinking heavily for some days and this is believed to have 'caused him to take his life. Charged With Stealing Mall Pouch. Beatrice, Neb.. Dec. 5. United States Commissioner Cobbey of Kan sas City has caused the arrest of Will iam Keltey at this place on a charge of stealing a mail pouch from a car at Grand island some time ago. His hearing is on before the commission er today. ' - Two prisoners Neap Liberty. Clay Center, Neb., 'Dec. 7. Two men held -for robbing the Deweese,' bank made keys out of an Iron bed slat and had gotten through three doors -when Sheriff Sanderson discovered; them. Only ono door separated them from liberty when they were sent back to their cells. Society of Equity In Session. ' Indianapolis. Deo. 8. Representa tives of various branches of the Amer ican Society of Equity are In session to pass finally on the action of the or ganization's national convention which . was held In Milwaukee, Oct. 6, 7 and 8. The indications are that all the convention's deliberations will be ratified.