f.P3sn,tijp 811,18 Ulatoricnl Society The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. , , .Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. . . Mi VOLUME XV, ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908 NUMBER 52 Find Out for Yourself HHMHHHHniHBHHMaMHlsBRMaVaHBHHMMIMaHMMHMBNIMMiBMMMNaMnMaiMMa TKe First National Bank, That Alliance has one oiiahteu no. jsm. At Alllanc. In tlio Stale of Nebraska, at tho cioso of buMncss. November 87. IPOS. of the best banks in 11K8OUI10ES. Iamim urnl Ulheoiints S301.75& 81 M.U.t.n oonlrarw,MWurcd awl unsecured . i.OOJ 07 lNeuraSKa. u. 8.xwH to swuro circulation.... 60,000 00 OOiurllonds to secure- U. 8. Deposits 55.S00 00 Hanking house, furniture and flx- T! . i l 1 ' tutoH.... , 11,000 01) J hat this bank per- Duo from national banks (not ro- bervo acnts) $10,003 49 Duo from State Hanks and t ,. ii Bankers S 0,155 38 forms With intelligence Duo from approved rcsorvo te agent 05,51278 Checks and othcr.casti Items 308 00 d,. . Notes of other national ' discretion any banks 1,70000 Fractional paper currency, nickels anil cents .... 130 W , ... . i ., i . Lawful JIonev HEsniiVB i,n Hank, legitimate banking viz: e M M fe Rpccio Siasoeoo tagnltcudcr notos ... ..... l.WX) 00 107,108.15 - -..-l.. Uedemptlon fund with I). S. Service It Can properly Treasurer (5 per cent of 1 J circulation) 2500.00 Due from V. S. treasurer , undertake is proven by !ieu,&funr CT. aso 2,502.50 " " " Total Sii22,103C3 the volume of its busi- . maiuutifs. . v Capital stork paid In 5 50.000 00 Surplusfuud 50.00000 Undivided proUtR, liw.oxpcnses and neSS. ' taxes mid. ..., 2.8-0 ? National bank notenoutotaiidliiK.... M.ooo 00 Duo toSUito Hanks and . , 2 Hankers 3,024 22 Our business nOW individual deports "ob ject to check 28002 40 Demand certificates of do- - , ' posit tVM4A fOOtS OVer Ttmo certificates of deposit I2,IC8 0 United States Deposits . 45,000 00 4CU.U03 UP Total.. . 022.1BH 03 $ 622000. OO Stato of Nebraska, county of Hox Itutto, ss. 7 I, g. K. Warrick, cashier of tho abovo- tuinuMl liank. do solemnly swear that; tho iibovo statement Is true to tho l)et of my We thank our friends knowledge and belief Wahi(m.k 0ilsl(i,r roiiiinT- Attest: K.M. HAMPTON. J and customers for this Woni.. mwtor- Sulwcrllnid and sworn to before- iui this , .. i 1st day of Dwember, A. 1). 100K. splendid showing. kugenk hithton. nbai, '. . , Notary !'ubk My connn sslon expires July 7th, 1012. The First National Bank of Alliance Will Advertise Box Butte County J. C. McCorkle, manager of the Nc braska Land Co., departed for Omaha today to attend the corn show. Mr. McCorkle took with him a lot of book lets discriptive of Box Butte county lands and Alliance which he will dis tribute. His company has sold about 25,000 acres of land in this county during the past year and expect to sell as much more during the next twelve months. Mr. McCorkle says that they have received many communications referring to the new Sisters' Academy at Alliance which he believes has been advantageous in selling, land and en hancing values of real estate. Hotel Charters Bought by W.D.Rumer A deal was made the latter part of last, week between V. D. Humer and J. P. Colbum, whereby the former be comes -owner of the Charters hotel property, the consideration being 57500 The stock of merchandise owned by Mr. Rumor, the value of which was about $2500, was taken on the deal by Mr. Colbum who has already bought a new stock to add thereto and expects to open the store for business next Satur day. WWW Lecture Course Announcement The third number of the lecture course will be given at the opera house next Wednesday evening, December 16th. This will be a lecture to be de livered by Col. G, A. Gearhart. Col. Gearhart is one of the strongest lecturers on tho' American platform today nnd a great treat is in store for all whotgo out and hear him. Follow ing are extracts from a few press no tices: 1 "The lecture last night by Col. Gearhart was superb, the'audience was delighted." "I have heard the greatest living lec turers in the United States, and I tun confident that an unprejudiced judg ment will place Mn.Gearhait well to the front in the first class." One lady voiced the sentiment of the audience in saying, He said more good things in a given time than any lecturer 1 ever heard before in my life." "The fmeBt lecture I ever listened to, etc" You "can't afford to miss this num ber. Admission 50 cents for adults and 35 cents for children. Seats reserved at Holstcn's drug store, commencing Tuesday morning, the 15th. Frank Mahara's Minstrels This . big colored minstrel show will play at the Phclan opera house one night, Thursday, Dec. 17. There are twenty-five performers in the company, traveling in their own special car. They carry a splendid brass band and orchestra. Give a street parade at noon and the press everywhere speak of them in terms of high praise for the excellence of tho performance. To make the special jump from Crawford and returning to go east over the Elk horn, is an expensive undertaking but believing that Alliance will give them a good patronage is why they are going to do it. Everybody will get the full worth of their money from attending this great minstrel show Thursday night, pec. 17. Mrs. H. G, Holdcn arrived from Sterling, Colo., Tuesday for a few days visit at her parental home. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY MEN'S WORK SHOES We find ourselves overloaded on Men's Work Shoes, and will put prices on these goods that is bound to move them. 500 PAIRS, ALL SIZES, Sj4 to 12 $3.00 vahws, sate price $2.502.75 vates, mw $2.2S $2.50 valws, sate irice $2,00 A Few IrtfM (.its at Li$s t?TDo not miss this opportunity, as these are nl) excellent values, and well worth more money Alliance Shoe Store ..SlrOtS FOR THC FAMILY.. IMMENSE Clearing Sale LADIES' COATS ..- t v REGAN'S t Opera House Block Alliance, Neb. -.r r -r- H .Hpgii. wwMii WHAT TO BUY HIM IF YOU will come to us we will show you America's best makes in every line from Hats to Sox. With standard goods such as we sell he will appreciate his Xmas present. In men's clothing there is only ONE line in this town, Hart, Schaffner & Harx, for which we are sole agents. In the cheaper grades, such as some stores have for their best, we will show you a dozen different lines. THIS is the all absorbing question right now. Only 12 more working days to complete your holiday buying. In the list below you may get a suggestion that will be helpful in making your suggestions. COJ1E EARLY. Don't Aedt LJntil the Last Day Suits, Overcoats, Raincoat s9 Smoking Jackets, Umbrellas, Neckties, Fancy Hosiery, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Shoes, Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Vests. BIG ASSORTMENTS LITTLE PRICES 100 rien's Fine Suits worth tfOfl $25 to $30, specially priced at P-" Overcoat Specials at $10.00, 12.50, 15.00 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Stetson Hats, Douglas Shoes, Hanhattan Shirts, Dents-Adler Gloves. Fine lines of Boys Suits and Overcoats Rightly Priced. PRESIDENT XMAS SUSPENDERS 33c One Pair to Customer i i Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 25 SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 25c Reservations cheerfully made upon small payments until Xmas The Famous sells for Less Come early while stocks are at their best. You will get better service, too. The Famous Clothing House HEADQUARTERS FOR MEV AND BOYS i , V' t ,! "V i t, ,