v.VJJ rs. tr9PrtiiW V-W 3$i v VjfcwWrWHWfci ir Bin to Historical Soolrty The Alliance Herald. Official Publication o the City and, County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. vJ ; VOLUME XV, ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1908 NUMBER 51 Wi Find Out for Yourself That, Alliance has one ' of the' best banks in The First National Bank, CHAUTER NO. 1S2A. At Alliance In Die State of Nebraska, at Mm riota of business. November 37, IPOS. Nebraska. That this bank per- IlKSOUIlCKS. Loans and discounts $394,75i 8fl 0erdrafts,sccurcd and unsecured.. l.OflrJ 07 U.S. boudto secure circulation.... 50,000 00 OtherUonds to secure U. 8. Deposits 56,800 tt) llanking lotis( furnlturo and tl- tur..... 11,000 00 Duo from national banks (not re- , Due from Sttito Banks and forms withfiintelligence l)uo froippwfed'reservG ' ... iS'. ntmntji..... ft.VM78 Chocks and othercasti items 308 00 Notes of other national banks. 1,700 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels und cents 130 Si LAWFUL iMONKY ItESEnVE IK ItANK, vras ) Bpocio $iaaoo ' icm tenner notes i,uw w iui,iut.ii and discretion any legitimate b a nk i i g service it can properly undertake is proven by the volume 'of its busi ness. ji ' ' Our business now lCMlemptlon fund with II. 8. Treasurer is per cent oi circulation) , Due from U. 3. treaourer other than 5 per cent redemptlon.fund 2,500.00 '- 50 3,302.50 Total SUJ2,l0Sfl3 MAMt,ITIKS. Capital Mock paid In 5 50,000 00 7U,VAJ W Stirplus flHHl UnUl tnvnu n National bank jiotcsoutNtiindlng.... lvided nrotlts. lens cxnenMjs and taxes nam. foots over i $622,000.00 We thank our friends i and customers for this splendid showing. 2.850 117 W.000 00 Due tostnto ll.inks una Hankers Xvrii 23 Individual deposits sub ject to check 2S5.003 40 Demand certlflcntes of de posit ttf4 Time certificates of deposit 1S9.KB 00 United States Deposits. . 45.000 00 40i),30H W ' Total . .. .8032,168(0 Stale of Nebraska, county of llox Huttu, ss. I. 8. If. Warrick, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that the abovo statement is true to tho best of my know ledge and belief S IC. WjtHHU'K.CllSllllT. "o n i tEcrr A t tst: li. M.Hampton, I A. M. Kbkd, ' Directors. On as. K. I'oiU), l Subs:rtl)ed ami sworn to Iwforo me this iX day of Dovniler, A. D. lOfei. KUGENE IIURTON, (.seal Notary Public. My comm'sslon expires July Ttii, 1012. The First National Bank of Alliance , O&A V'1 FIRST STATE BANK HEMINGFORD, NEBR. Capital and Surplus, $15,000.00 Keith L. Pierce, Cashier Notary Public in Bank & Insurance Written J Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits & Real Estate Loans, any size, made or negotiated , NEW LINE SHIRT WAISTS REGAN'S mvm We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. Christian Science services held eveiy Sunday at u o'clock,. in Odd Fellows' hall. All are cordially invited to Attend. so-tf. HARRISON'S HOME-MADE CANDIES AT I A JOfrUVQA6 f ?-hhm--H":-h5H"H'.. I TIZi KRJSAMER, DBJTTIST f-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk.T $ Over PostoftTce. X 'Phone 391. "x ?-:::-h-w--h:4kh:S"j4 REPORT OF ENGINEER ROSEWATER RECEIVED Wsrk Startri by Cimmircial CM lifeg Carrtal On The following report from Engineer Rosowater, of Omaha, who was here a few days ago, was received by tho city council and acted upon at the meeting last evening. Oniuhn, November 2fi, "1U0S. To tho Honorablo, Tho Mayor uud City Council, Alliance, Nebraska. . Gentlemen: As promised when vlsl iogyour city, r herewith submit to you nn abstract of my views rcln tlve to plans and cost of. soworngo systom suitablo for the City of Alii anco when It shall have nttalucd a population of twenty thoueand. The City of Alliance lies exceed ingly favorable for tho installation of a system of sovvore. Tho topographV of the City is such as to admit ot u Rlope from the North, West nnd East, towards tho lino , of low depression which" traverses tlio City In. a North westerly and southwesterly direction along tho tho catst lino of the pre sent townsite. This admits or the construction of a main sower along tho lines of streets nnd alleys nearest tho low depression and through the medium of lntcrala emptying Into this main, sewer providing for the dls-i chnrgo of tho sewerage of fhu elty to some point to the south of the city favorable to tho construction of a suitablo disposal plant. Cities of tho oharacter of AlUnnco Cannot, us a rule, provide for a storm walor system of sowers and provl-'tct line of Idaho street, extended east, slons for tlie dissipation of btorm T'd along tho north lino of the B Hidcrnblo enlargement of area iu this direction, their capacity bolnj nmplo for such extension,, I transmit licrowlth plans Bllghtly varying from 0110 another both of which, In my opinion, will rtdmlt of greater economy In the arrangontciit of pipes. As per plun 2, for thnt part or Alli ance lying north of tho B. & M. rail road, and west of Mississippi avouno, but Including tho extension of the main to tho south limits of South Allianco, tho approximate cost Is as follows: 740 feet of 8-lnch mains Includ ing 2 manholes.. '. $ 706 00 5780 feet of 10-Inch mains, In cluding 14 manholes,. .. 7317 00 3020 feet of 12-lnch mnins, in cluding 7 manholes.. .... 4125 00 060 foot of 15-Inch mnlDB, in cluding 3 manholes 1390 00 2090 feo't of 18-Inch mains, In cluding G manholes 5142 00 Total , .. .. $18970 00 In this arrangement, 5070 feet of mains extend through alloys and will preform doublo sorvlco as rnalnb and lateral district sower. At eighty cents tho prlco which should bo taxed for lntorals, there should bo deducted from tho total cost, ?4,530.00, making an actual cost of tho mains for tho sectlou deferred to, of $14,131.00. Provisions have been made us will bo seen on the plan, of a mnln sewer extending oast and west along tho center lino of tho County road from tho wpst, to tho cast of Allianco, covering 4,520 feet df 10-Inch plpo and 14 manholes, at a total cost of $5898.00 This amount is Included In my total estimate, but may bo omit ted for many years, until required by tho growth of tho city. Provision Is also mado for I2ast Alliance, by mains through tho con YOU CAN SEE A HUNDRED water over tho surface of streets, can he readily provided for by an ade quate system of grndes. Tho dis posal, however, of house sewerage Is a matter of great monumt from At. M. railroad. This oiubraces a total 6f 2420 feet of 10-ineh plpo and five manholes at u total ro&t of $3033,00, Adding to all this, $2500 for engln . H T . tho standpoint of convenience to house eerlng And supervision, wo havo a Just Received ! holders as well as from a sanitary standpoints - ..-. !- The bcparute system of scwertf whlo lias a potnihitlon of about five thous and. Tho oxcrotnl wnnle from such population amounts to about four pounds per capita d.tily, making u ! total of tonj tons per diy deposit In tno soil. This, m a cnr, amounts to throe thousand six bund ml fifty tons. It does not require any appeal to wason to convince th" moat skep tical Uint a city with no provisions (or the disposal of so much putrid matter, will soon oyjhw ItFelf to dls caso, resulting from tho putrefaction golttig on in tho soil, total coit of tho mains and sub-mains Tho disposal of tho sewerage re quired, taking It to the south lino of South Allianco, may bo- done In ono of several methods but, for the pre sent. In my Judgment, tho most ecuoinlcal method Is by tho purchase of fotty acres, estimated at $2,000 unci the construction of a sedimenta tion, or septic tank, at a cost of $10,' 000 and providing for olthor tempo rary filtration or Irrigation over the forty acres and utilizing the same for garden farming. Allowing $7,000 for tho lutter purpose, we huvo a total necessary Investment at this time, of and more Overcoats and Suits here, that will fit you, hang ing on racks so that you can compare the styles. No maker controls this store. We have the whole market to select from. Our outlets for the better apparel gives the first choice of lead ing makes. You will find the fine hand-tailored Over coats Tind Suits from several famous tailoring establish ments shown side by side, many of them made of fabrics that.wers not obtainable at the opening of the season, The preferred winter styles in the best of values, at all, prices from i $10 TO $30. NORTON' which he secured, and Augustine held in the sum of Ji.ooo, in default of which lie is held in the county jail. rot; alpo-ByfltGut,,of$25,SE5,-,.lThc. injured -girl has -recovered 'and hence the case is not as serious as first indications would indicate. C. A. Anderson Disposes of Blacksmith Business The Bcperato system of sewera which $19,000 for tho treatment and dlspo- admits of tho disposal of all liquid and excretal waste at a minimum cost, conies witliln tho icach of cities situated an Alliance is and It can be Installed at a reasonable cost. The main requisites of such u system tiro the proper proportioning of idpcs which, with automatic flushing de vices at the uppor ends, can be mudo to readily dispose of all waste empty ing iuto them to a suitable outlet be yond Hie city. Jt being desirable to accomplish, this, tho pines must be so propoitloned with reference to grades as to develop a self-cleansing velocity when running half-full. Such a velocity, I find upon computation, can he developed In a sewer Hystem in your city. It Is tho ctibtaut, and yery pro perly so, for cities In conducting sewer systems, to tax tho 'entire city for the construction of the main In tercepting sewers and their sub-roalns into which all laterals discharge. In the plans submitted to me, up on) which my opinion Is asked, tho size of the mains and sub-maiuB is ample to meet the requirements of a population of over twenty thousand and the estimate of cost of the sew er Bystem itself Is, if anything, In excess of the amount requisite for that purpose. There are some fcatnif-s connected with the arrangement, of pipes with respect to developing velocity aud alBO more particularly with respect to the utilization of mains wherever practical for doliig double duly of. mains aud laterals which admits on considerable improvement and I have shown such arrangement as will ad mit of a materia! reduction in the investment for laterals upon tho plans which 1 horowlth U'ununili. I havo also provided suh-inu'ns to servo the torritory a quarter of a mllp to tho North of Allianu a well as tho territory to (ho cast of tho fame. Tho mains, by being extended to tho w'Ht will nlt-o Hdnilt of onn- sal of sewage which, added to the $25,865 already called for, makes a total of $44,805, 'or roughly speaking, $45,000. In this system theio will bo automatic flushirlg tanks at the ter minal polints through the medium of which, the ontiro system will bo kept la u continuously clean condition. Thlrty-slx flushing tanks will bo re quired, which will consumo 20,000 gal lons of water dolly In flushing the sowers, Trusting that 1 havo fully answer ed the questions involved, in refer ence to tho main sewers nnil the gen eral sewer system ofthe city, and acknowledging with thanks courtesies extended to me during my visit to your city, I am Very sincerely, ANDREW noSEWATEIt. Consulting Engineer. After reading the report it was plac ed on file until a report could be re ceived from the city attorney stating what step should be taken next. Inas much as Mr. Rose water states that the plans and pipes specified are adequate for a city of twenty thousand people, and that 145,000 will build the system, there is very little doubt about it carrying. Alliance is being held back at the present time by a lack of sewer age. Llod C. Thomas, Sec. of Alliance Commercial Club. C. A. Anderson, Alliance's old te llable blacksmith, disposed of his shop this week to Messrs. Kosenkrauz &. Meints, who took control of the estab lishment Tuesday morning. Mr. Rosenkranz is an experienced horse shoer aud will no doubt sustain the trade built up by Mr. Anderson in this particular. Mr. Anderson will take life easy for a time at least for he has surely earned a rest after so many years of active life. The new firm no doubt will meet with success for they are both popular and competent. CONTRIBUTIONS TO SISTERS' ACADEMY: Witkly Rt if Pkymtiits Ttwar The ErectiM if tin SckMi luMtfli. HOW THE FINANCES STAND TODAY Previously acknowledged I14.180.oo- - r- . Bound Over It the District (tort Petition for Grand Jury A petition was circulated this week by Mayor Smith and R. M. Hampton to ascertain the wishes of citizens in regard to calling a grand jury for this county to have the matter of illegal selling oi liquor and any other viola tions of law which may be brought to their attention investigated. The peti tion was generally Bigned and if Judge We8tover grants the request the jury will probably be called next month. A remonstrance against the calling of a grand jury is being" circulated to day by C, L, Drake. Dan Dunn Watson & Watson J. Manion , P. Ilowlan J.P.Nolan J'L. Barry... ... L. BuchseDstein.. Mrs. F. Gilleran.. Geo. FendrJch.., B. L, Fenner... ., IO.OO- ' 50.00 'ij.oo; 100.00 25,00 50,00 5-o 25.00 Total, .$14,490,00 :: PKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 2 ) ) . iiKPORTcn r X $ A. K llALDMIKlK, Houdd Abstrneier ' rtHKv-MHM-HH-4 George F. Tucker to John Meyer, se4 of 2-24-49. Charles A. Rowland to Roy Hickey, lots 1 and a, blk 14, original town of Hemings ford, $2,500. J. A. Abbott to R, C. Hibbs, nw'i of 1 26-28-49. $1,400. The preliminary hearing of Charles Equitable Land Co. to Inice L. Mc Brower, who on Sunday night, Novem- Corlle' 5e of 3-aM9. S1.00 and val. ber 8th, shot his sister, Edith, and j Tne Bennett Loan 1 Trust Co. to A, L. Frank Augustine, charged with statu- i Whi,e- s' of nwJ f 3-24-48. Si.oo. tory rape against Browet's bister, came up for hearing betore Judge Bullock last week. Brower was bound over to the district court in the sum of $500, Morris S. Trimmer to John C. Corkle, sei of 25-20-49, $1,600, M. See Dr. Warrick Thutsday, Decem ber 17th. HOLSTEN Headquarters for SCHOOL SUPPLIES TABLETS NOTEBOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER , PENCILS ' PENS, INKS ' . CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAINTS WIEHS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN'S DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST 1'alnleM Extraction 8uf. Sure ALLIANCE? Lutett Msthcxls Ml Jl 11 NKBKASKA