The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 26, 1908, Image 3

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vs.-.- i
Are You Buying Your
Groceries Right ?
If you want anything; in fancy or staple
Fresh Fruits,
remember that we have the largest stock in tbe city
and our prices are always right
Voors for "fair dealing1
Owing to the tfact that our Patronage has increased
nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindly
ask patrons to .give us their orders as early as pos
sible. Phones 13 la and 131b.
Palace Meat Market
S. H. DESCH, Prop.
Harvrtord Fire Insurance Company.
North American oC Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Blooklm. New Yorlr.
.Continental ot New Vork Olty.
Niagara Plre insurance Company.
Connecticut t Fire
CommerclB) Union Assurance Co., London
Germaula Fire Inn. Co
(state . Omaha
GU C. SMETH, Xrvjp.
(Successor W 6. II. Dcsch)
CHE Hi ucit west op Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
TKE NEW ZBJNOEN an(j courteous -treatment to .all has won dor us the
dvzt.MKQ. 'Phono excellent patronage we enjoy- Try us.
BlBBlBBlBBB8HlsHH?'Wtllr" hSflUL
,.gjig- jn v
Rratdiaanatr,linodmea.n.d Base Burners
For Hard Coal.
Round Oak and Cole's Hot Blast
For Soft Coal.
All Sizes, $11.00 up.
Newberry's Hardware Co.
Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Os.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
New Uiitnphlre
Columhla Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Under writers.
Phoenix Una. 7o.. Hartford. Conn
KIreuiutWil'und luMiraivjeCo.
ItochestenQerman In. Jo.
Office He-Stalrn.Fletckcr Block.
iTrer-37 Barn
Transfer Line
Househ'old goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone i
frank Wallace, PrepY.
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber dW Co.
Phone 22
D. Waters, Mr.
Tw Tornadoes Claim at Leasl
Thirty Victims.
Northwestern Section of. State Laid
WasteTwelve Reported Killed at
Piney and Ten at London Many
Persons Injured.
Two tornadoes, one north and and
the other southbound, swept over west
Arkansas, destroying many Jivtrs and
much property.
From reports received at least thirty
lives were JosL Tho property loss will
reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.
One tornado started in the extreme
southwestern part of the state and
went north, following tho second tier
of counties from tho western boundary
line. Tihe other started in tho ex
tremo northwestern otrncr of the
stntc and went south, following the
second sind third tier -of counties.
Reports from Rimsellvllle are that
.twenty persons were tilled bud about
thirty injured In that iplaco.
It is reported that the destruction
of tho itown of Cravens was complote.
The dead are John Rosin, wife and
four children. Dr. Hill and' wife aro
fatally Injured. Eight .are missing.
At Rtney It Is said that twelve per
sons were killed ad n number In
jured. Practically the entire settle
ment was demolished. At hundon ton
are reported' to have lost their Uvea,
and considerable damage ito property
Waricrvllle and Jethroe-ove reported
destroyed, several fatalities occurring
in each place.
In .the vicinity of TVfiilberry tho
dtath list Is placed at sorcn.
At Berryvllle, one woruun, Mrs, J.
O. Hosldns, was seiftously Hnjurcd and
several other persons sustained
lessor fiijutles. A path lOOiyanlB wide
was cul through the iown, six build
ings being completely wrecked and
a number of others damaged', either
being torn from their foundations or
unroofefl. Here the propurty loss Is
estimated at about $25,000.
At IjoIII, three buildings wore de
stroyed and one woman seiiinusly hurt.
Advices from IowlsVillo, In tho
western portion of Lnfayutte county,
report the destruction df several build
ings at that place, and at Palmos con
siderable damage to property, as well
as Injury to a number of persons.
.Says Hts Plight Is but Indication of
.- Dqpth of Iniquity.
Tho San JTrancisco Call .prints the
lfirst interview granted ttza .press by
iFrancis J. Heney since tbe district at
rtorney was ahot In Judge Lawlor's
(Gourt room, Nov. 4, by Morris Haas,
while the hearing of one of tbe .cases
against Ruef was In progress.
.After expressing devout tkaxfha for
tdn escape, Mr. Heney said: "In this
gneat human baAtle against rice nnd
conniption, 'let no one believe ithat
VlA itnifl rmiAn d.1' d-A tin Aia.A In it.j.
fadbtirliial dynara2ters. Jury bribers,
kfuaapors and axKaeRlns and that their i
expulalon means ultimate victor?'. St
ha Ihwn a terrible sacrifice, hot miy j
uiwu ,hiio uui urcu nuvu ill (iux Ui
the astassin's hullex has suddenly
disclosed to the public eye the hjdo
ousnefis .of tho gigantic conspiracy to
defeat the law, then I hnll feel tbat
I have uat lived In vala, that my paor
efforts have met with immeasurable
benefit to any beloved cliy nnd state."
The wounded man Is well on the
road to raeorery and stated that he
was eager o et back to ile prosecu
tion of tbe $ cases a gate.
Men of Fleet to Land at Manila.
Reassured by reports that eiiolera
ha disappeared from Manila. Rear
Adnfral Sperry baa altered his deter
mination not to permit the men of
the Atlantic bnttleahlp fleet to last!
and "has notified Governor Gepersl
Smith that the fleet ! prepared to ac
cept the reception originally planned
by the city arid that he will endeavor
to carry out such portions of the pro
gram as possible before tho departure
of the neeffor the Mediterranean.
Admirals Praise Navy.
Critics of the navy who' condemn
warships because of minor defects
were publicly answered at a banquet
of the United States naval arademy
alumni of tbe east. Six rear admirals
sat at tbe banquet board at the Audi
torium hotel In Chicago and letters
scoring recent critics and praising the
navy were read from Admiral Dewp'y,
Rear Admiral Schley and Rear Ad
mlral Evans.
7 "
Russians Fire on Balloon.
A German balloon that passed overj
iiuBsian iprruory near erKow was. what he knows about the steel Indus
fired on bv Russian frnnitor .iior.i. I . i .i. .. , .. .. .
No less than fifteen shots were fired, i'
and this In spite of the fact that the'
balloon was flying tho German flac.
The bullets hissed all around the air
ship and one of them pierced a sack
of ballast. .Tbe aeronauts mado a
hurried descent and succeeded
ing on German territory.
1 r . ,
Mrs. Read Identified as Alice Brown. '
Through a photograph and her hand-i
Ait... i-r hMli ,vh ,,"". '.w,;
..... . ,,.nt .!- .v iii ii nu 1(1
blackmail Mrs. Phlpps of Denver
for $20,000, has been positively Identi
fied as tho woman who, under the
name of Alice Chene Brown, attempt
ed to secure from u brokerage firm In
Chicago Nov 2. $20,000 worth ef j
bon-ls 1 1. a Lad iheilt
Four Cases of Disease Discovered
Among Cattle In Philadelphia.
The first cattlo In Philadelphia
found to he suffering from hoof and
tnouth disease, wero located through
the department of health. Inspectors
learned that four cattle had been
shipped from an Infected district near
Norrlstown to Jacob HaeBlor, a dairy,
man. it was found that two caws
were suffering from tho favor. They
were In a pen with fifteen others, and
s n matter of precaution, the depart
mont killed the entire herd, confiscat
ed a largo quantity of milk, disinfect
ed the tarns, and quarantined tho
A report that reached Dr. Leonard
Pearson, tho state veterinarian, that
eight cattle had been shipped from
an inTocted district to a. slaughter
house In the lower section of the city,
caused the Inspector to quarantine
that place also and -order tho destruc
tion Of the cows and 1-25 sheep du tho
yards with them.
Dr, Herbert Fox, 'chief -of tho laTtora
tety of the state department ot licalth,
who was sent to Dmrdllo Inst week
to examine seven children supposod
to havo contracted tho cattlo disease,
aid that here need loo little ifcar ot
tho i fever becoming -epidemic among
humans. He said !ho does not Relievo
tho disease Is liltorconimunicablo be
tween cattle and' iroen by butter and
Restrained From itnterferfria "With In.
dependent Companies.
Judge Taylor .granted an Injunction
against the American Telephone and
Telegraph company (Bell iong dis
tance system) and tho Central Union
Telephone company Bell company
operating hi Ohio, Indiana and 1111
nols) restraining them from interfer
ing with the business of the itndopend
cnt companies qperatlng in .those and
adjoining states.
It Is charged She Bell system Is pur
suing the policy of buying independ
ent exchanges .or soiling Bell ex
changes where there are .competing
companies and In some Instances ab
sorbing independent companies, by
merger ami consolidation, or division
of territory, so as to eliminate compo
sition and -establish a complete Bell
Tang Shao Yl Hears News of Dowager
Empress' Death.
Conveying to Amorlca the gratl
tnde of the Chlaoso people for remit
tance of a debt amounting to nearly
$14,000,000, Tang Shuo Yl, a powerful
figure- In the affairs of the Chlncso
empire, arrived in San Francisco on
the steamer Mongolia. With him was
Prince Tsal Fu, a member of the royal
family, and a large '.retinue.
Not until the Mongolia dropped an
chor in the harbor did Tang Shao Yl
and .his staff leans (that the dowager
erapness of China was dead. In Hono
lulu -.the cable brought news of tho
emperor's death, liut said' nothing
about the dangenaue illness tbat
threatened the end oftthe dowager can-
DreS8' srpmarkable career.
Verdict Cs Believed 1 ,Man Collapat-
of Rial Cases at Springfield, III.
The jury at 8prlngflld, III., la
the case ivf Abe Raymor, alleged to
have been rthe leader of thejmob In the
irace riota last August, returned a ver
ittict of not .guilty. He was dried ou a
.charge of muillclous destruction of
(Property. WJn'n tried several weeks
ag for murder. In connectlun with the
lynching of W. JC. Donnigaa, ;an aged
negro, Raynier was also Couud not
guiUjv The verdict Is taken it tnean
a oatlapse of tbe ariot cases.
Silent on Kaiser's Interview,
Fewfft the Loudon papers commeut
on the alleged Eropejur William Inter
view which was suppressed by the
Century (Magazine. Some of them de
cline to publish extract In any shape
and severely deprecate iheir publica
tion in the United State, as being In
extremely doubtful taste. The Daily
News and one or two other papers, in
editorials, take the line that the fern
peror it be gave expressions to tho
alleged sentiments, can only have
done so In a moment of super-excitement,
and that having since made the
amende, the publication can hare no
effect upon the good relations p( the
English and German people.
Carnegie Invited to Appear,
As a result of tho declaration of An
drew Carnegie In an article in the
forthcoming number of the Century
magazine that the tariff schedules on
Iron and steel should be reduced, the
ways and means committee of tho
h0U8e formally Invited Mr. Carnegie
to appear before It this week to tell
Hon of the tariff on Iron and steel
Thirteen Killed In Football Season,
The football season, now practically
closed, reaped the usual terrific harvest
in killed and maimed youths. In all
there were thirteen deaths directly
due to trie game and 129 players seri-
ous,y wu"ndfJ;
Four perish In Utah Min.
Copper company's mine at Bingham
The dean: Donlnic-k Shatta. F. Kent
Smith, foreman; Hugh Dumb and
George WJteon.
Gas Explosion Kills Fifteen.
Fifteen persons loht their lives in
an explohlon or gas whUh tore up a
grrat section of Gold street Brooklyn
Shallenberger Announces Big
Batch of Appointments.
Governor Elect Names Heads of Sev
eral state Institutions Six Thou
sand Pythlans Take Omaha by
Storm Cash for Rosebud Indians.
Alma, Neb., Nov. 23. Governor
Elect Shallenberger has given Out tha
first big batch ot appointments which
will become effective as soon as the
new administration goes Into power.
The governor Is still confined at hla
home with a broken ankle, which ha
keeps suspended In bandages. The list
of appointments follows;
Dr. D. S. Woodard, Aurora, superin
tendent of the hospital for tho Insana
at Lincoln; Jesso Qldlcy, Wahoo, stew
ard of tho hospital for the Insane at
Lincoln; Ell Barnes, present com
mander ot the Grand Army ot the Re
public ot Nebraska, commandant ol
tho soldiers' homo at Grand Island:
David Rowden, Omaha, commandant,
ot Urn soldiers' homo at Mllford; C. B.
Manual, St. Paul, superintendent ol
tho Industrial school at Kearney; J. I,
Bennett, Kearney, physician at the In
dustrial school at Kearney; Dr. Low
ery, Lincoln, physician of tho elate
penitentiary at Lincoln; Louis Wen
uer, "Beatrice, steward of the hospital
art "Beatrice: S. L. Mains, Crete, -chief
deputy food commissioner; W. M.
Sohwlnfl, Lincoln, deputy 'oil inspcctoi
First district; Frank Colter, deputy
-oil Inspector Fifth district. Military
'Staff: &. D. Fetterman, Omaha, In
spector 'general; Juage Mitchell, Alli
ance, Judge advocate general; Dr A.
5. FittslramonB, Tecumseh, surgeon
.generals 'Colonels: D. J. Gates, Al
bion; E. D. Westerfelt, Lilncoln;
Charles Fanning. 'Omaha; James Boll,
Franklin; deputy game wardens, John
."Donovan, Madison; J. Boehler.Orlens.
iBody Of Japanese Laborer Found In
Thicket Along Platte River.
'Gothenburg. Neb., Nov. 24. A man
w3 found dead hi the undergrowth
-along the Platte stiver near hore. Tho
bo was that of .-a Japanese laborer,
who must have .been murdered and
jhaiHeO to the spoLand thrown tlnto the
undergrowth. Tbe murder -evidently
wbb not eomsaitted for money, as In
one ;;pocket book Ubere was $10 and in
.another $20 and other bills partially
trotted and fa a ithird a poehctbook
-containing -silver, lit was the -opinion
Hiftthe medical l?rtB that the body
ib ail .been lying -rfJere It was round
ifare'KhteeH ortwonty-four months.
Skrrheuasllfyttiians In Omaha.
Omaha, Nov. .2.4. iNearly six hou
aatnd Knights of .Pythias and a thou
sand women who accompanied Uiem
arc :l tbe city 'to qelebrate the for
detn anniversary -of the founding of
tbe .first lodge went of the Mississip
pi river Last nlghtfs program vwas
caurried out at tbe Auditorium and vivas
aeaet. .The tola team conferred the
third iKHOk on l.r80 Members, the latg
est Jlaiw ever clvea thla degree at
one tJmft-'.Tfit ladles were entertalued
at Myrtle hall with a dniice and n
other ways by the 3ocal ommlttH-.
Nebraska. and lowatncnMhed the larg
est quota (Of visiters, nearly 000 coin
ing from wheac Iwo atates.alflne.
SSaete Bar Association.
.Lincoln, Nov 24 ffihe tState ,Bar
.asoclnt(oH Aa winding ip dts annual
eoiin'entlon id tiny. Defctre .adjourning
thifi afternoon the as.iotifHtloM will
Baalce recommendation to ithe governor
nf itwi names iflve each Republican
and iDemocratlr- for the vwant.plsceg
on the supreme- bench. From thrtso'
ten tb executive will be asked 40
choone jfour, as provided by Uie iuev
law. ,
Cash for Rosebud Indiana.
Valentine, Neb., Nov. U4. The gov
ernment it d'lstrlbuUng $ir,0.004 In
cash 10 the Rosebud Indians. They
receive $29 7? 'ach on this allotment
The money, acconpanled by a strong
guard of Indian police,, was sent to
the enervation yesterday and distinc
tion begins today. Traders at and
near the (enervation are preparing to
rmi u harvest
Gored to Death by Mad Bull.
Huntley, Neb.. Nov 24. Charles
Grote. a well known farmer living near
here, was gored to death by a mud
bull The appearance of G rote's body
gave evidence of struggle A wagou
rod which he carried was found pear
the body badly beut The man's body
wat badly mutilated by th mad an
imal's horns
Nebraska's Alfajfa Crop.
Lincoln. N'ov 24 Nebraska's alf
alfa crop Is valued at $14,773,000. de
clares Labor Commissioner Ryder,
who lias had charge of the statistics.
In addition, 6.500.000 tons or tame and
wild hay were harvested this year,
valued at nearly $42,000,000, making
the total value of Nebraska bay over
Samuel Dunmlre Stricken Suddenly,
Holdrege, Neb., Nov. 24. Samuel
Dunmlre, a well-to-do farmer living
near Mlnden. died suddenly as he was
!caing the illghllno train here to
take a train for his home Ho bad
been In the western part of the otae
on a land deal Heart disease U be
lieved to have caused death.
Edmisten s Sentenced,
Omaha. Nov. 23. J. H Edmisten.
former Populist official, pleaded gull:
to defrauding the govcrnnipnt out M
land and was fined $1,000 and four
months In jail
- b'ENott foai cAusEi'WnEckr;
Engineer and Fireman Killed In Cratf
Near Red Cloud.
Red Cloud, Neb., Nov. 23. A freight
wreck a mllo west ot the city caused
tho Instant death ot Engineer George
Bartholoma and Fireman Donald
Snoke. Bartholoma was thrown down
the bank and killed by having his
head and body ciushcd. Fireman
Snoko wbb found burled beneath the
engine ot hla train. Brakeman Llch.
tenberg suffered n broken ankle.
A heavy fog was responsible for the
collision, which was between two ex
tra Burlington freight trains. Tho
westbound train wbb very long nnd
had overrun the yard limit, tho east
bound train was running nt good
speed to get onto a elding to clear a
passenger trnln which was duo hero
In a short time. The engine crew of
tho westbound train escaped Injury
by Jumping.
The Incoming extra was composed
of live stock and several cars of hogs
and cattlo wero demolished. Two or
three hundred hogs were dumped pro
miscuously on tho right of way, many
of them killed and' Injured. Two car
loads ot cattlo suffered equally bad,
and fifty or more bead of cattle were
Man Who AssaultedTEvangellst Miller
Seward, Neb,, Nov. 23. In the case
against Rngan, charged with assault'
Ing Rov. Frank Miller of Lincoln on
the streets of Utlca last March, the
Jury returned' a -verdict ot guilty and
Judgo Gogd will sentence Ragan at
tbe next session of the court, Dec, 3.
A second bearing, growing out of tbe
same offense, was also decided in fa
vor of the state, when It was held that
tho fine paid by Dave Hulbcrt In police
court did not act as a bar to further
prosecution in the district court Hul
bcrt will be tried later, probably ut
the nex,t sitting of the couru
Another Conference at Lincoln.
Lincoln, Nov. 21. Governor rihol
don nnd Governor Elect Shallenberger
had another conference In regard to
appointments, the supreme Judgeship
being the question ut Iwstue. There
has been a difference of opinion as to
whether Governor Sheldon had tho
authority to appoint) the four Judges
provided for In tbe amendments just
adopted, since It would be necessary
for tbe legislature to canvass the re
turns. Governor Sheldon Is now look
ing up tbe legal phase of tbe matter
before taking action. There may be
another conference soon, at which tha
two will agree on the' Democrats to
be named. Governor Elect Shallen
berger Js Improving rapidly.. ami left
fwr bin feeme In Alma.
.Diamond Robbery,
Oaaaba, Nev, 21. A sample casa of
Jewelry 0ed at $40,000 and beloag
fr tCharlcs F. Hartshorn, rapre
seating tbe Kermltz Jewelry company
of Newark, Jtl. tl wbb stolen from tbe
sidewalk tin front or the Hessbaw ho
tel CfearJes .Leonard, a porter at tbe
hor, left itown on the first train and
was mispected -of the robbery. The
police "kept tjhe wlreH busy and Leon
ard was arrested .at St Joseph. The
sample vase .was .located and held at
Hamburg, la. Jtn contents aro sup-poct-d
tn tact
PyUtiana iGather at Omaha. '
Omaha. Nr. .23. The vanguard of
UiOOO PythJaas Ihegan arriving in Oma
ha to aread ttie .celebration of tho
trourttlltig of tte rder in the west.
IHcadrjuarters wesre opened today In
'threo of the lurse .downtown hotels,
And" the local reception committee Is
.busy curing for Hit rch arrivals. Sev
eral western staim will maintain
Jiauicpiarters uViring th? celebration.
The 3-ar-k lola iaiii of Dayton, O .
will fte- one or theMitiM-e nf tbe gatl
ertng It ai lived' Ju a !-iv!al ttain
this aioriilng
Matthews Held for Murder. '
fjexingtou. Neb. Nov 21. Emery
Matthewc bus been hound over to.the
district xjiih lor ihe murder Nov. 7
of David Fisher Tbe killing resulted
from two fiki blows, following a qtar-
fl between tbe men .Matthews ban
a wife and four children Jn destitute
clrcumstanies, ?hu werts in .court dur
ing the hearing.
Slugged and Robbed. -!.
Table Hock. Neb.. Nov 23 Curtis
Bain, a well known young man here,
was slugged and left to die on the
sidewalk in the vicinity of tbe depot,
presumably for the purpose of rob
bery He was found several' hoiira
later and taken home, but has not re
gained consciousness Ills bead Is
bad!) bruised and' he may not recover.
Two arrests have been mado
Game Laws May Be Modified.
Lincoln. Nov. 20. Tbe game laws of
Nebraska will probably be modified at
tbe coming session of the legislature
In a manner which will make it pos
slble to sell game In the state which
is brought In from the different parts
ef Nebraska The game laws at pre
eat do not permit of this being dona.
Cone for Clerk of House.
Lincoln. Nov. 23 Trenmore Cone'
of Saunders county will probably bttJ
the clerk of the house of the neit""
legislature Mr. Cone has been mak
ing a canvass of the members and in
timates that he has received sufficient
pledg" to make bis election sure.
Ossenkop Held for Murder.
Plattsmouth.'Neh.. Nov. 20. Fred
Ossenkop was bound over to the dis
trict court and held In $10,000 ball
for the murder two months ago ot
Charles Bums In Eagle a village near
here The preliminary hearing show
ed It to have been a brutal affair.