The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 19, 1908, Image 8

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MILLER BROS'. China and Furniture Store
AN exceptionally strong line much larger than we have ever carried
before. Everything in necesseties to start housekeeping with, and a
fine line of Parlor Stands, Rockers, Buffets, China Closets, Etc; suitable for
Xmas presents.
XH1S Line is our first love. The one we started in business with and the
foundation that has made our business such a success. It is more
complete than ever and is absolutely the largest in this state west of Lincoln.
HpHE Wholesale Samples this year were so large and attractive that we
just could not resist heavy buying. We think you will agree with us
that our Toy and Doll stock is the largest and most complete you have
ever seen outside of the cities.
A Complet Line of the famous 25 year guaratee "Community" Silverware.
Many new and beautiful designs. r
"UR Cut Glass is polished by a secret process and is absolutely nsur-
passed for brilliancy. We sell at prices lower than you have been in
the habit of paying.
Complete Line of Gift Books and Bibles.
Visit Our Store and Bring the Children.
Eastern Stars Entertain
With Royal Banquet
Tlio moat notable event In the his
tory of the Aloyah Chanter, Order of
the Eastern Star, liu this r.lty wus
glveni Tuesduy evening In tho Ma
sonic hall, at their regular mooting
in honor of the Worthy Uraml Matron
of Nebraska, Mrs. Marie L. Apian
of Itushvllle,,
Tho occasion belug her official
visit, Tho Grand Conductress of Ne
braska, Mrs. Margarpt Gardiner of
Gerliy?, honored the chanter with her
presence. Visitors from the follow
ing chanters uttendod: Sheridan,
Wyo., Atchison and Wellington, Knu.,
Deadwood, So. Dak., Norfolk, IJave
lock, Holdrego, Ilyaiwls, Crawford and
Scottabluff, Nebr.
A sumptuous banquet was served at
630 n. m. In the spacious banquet
hall at which one hundred guesto
and members participated. The menu
constated of chicken pie, mashed pota
toes, baked beans, cabbage salad,
hot rollB, plckk'B, celery, sherbet, as
sorted cake and coffee.
After the banquet all assembled in
the chapter room where the buslncs
of tho chapter was transacted. Two
candidates were initiated Into tho
mysteries of tho order and the floral
work addenda given. A very benefi
cial school of instruction was con
ducted by the Worthy Grand Matron,
at which time she complimented the
chapter upon tho efficient corp or
officers, giving much praise to the
able manner In which they performed
their duties and the commendable
manner of the exemplification pf the
Floral work. The! beautiful cut
flowers used in the work were pre
sented to the honored guests Worthy
Grand Matron and Grautf Conductress.
Mrs. Geo. Davfs In behair of tho
chapter in a neat speech of senti
ments of appreciation presented the
Worthy Grand Matron with a hand
some souvenir spoon, as n token of
the esteem and respect in which she
is held by the chapter. Mrs. Apian,
Cupid Awake & CupW Asleep
(Copyrighted Carbon Pictures) in 8x 1 0 Oval frames at
S Each 5 0
On sale Friday and Saturday, November 20 and 2 1 st
Quantity buying secured a low price we give you
the benefit & See display window
In, jhor own pleasing and most able
manner responded, thanking the chap
ter for the tokens und many kind
nesses they had bestowed upon her.
Sho Is a lady of raro ability and very
efficient In discharging tho duties of
a grand officer.
Tho Worthy Matron, Mrs. Ira E. Tash,
called upon each of the visiting mem
bers for a speech and all responded,
som(j with much credit. The chapter
closed after a most enjoyable even
ing, the events of which will alwoys
reuiatu In the hearts of all present,
the only 1 egret being that Mrs. Apian
1b. unable to honor the chaptor with
her presence more often.
Memory, Not Mystery.
"Memory can play the strangest
of tricks," says a specialist, "and it
it responsible for not a few super
stitious fears in sensitive people.
"A lady once told me that 6he
found herself at times in places
where her surroundings seemed to
have been known to her before,
though she knew that she had never
been there previously. Probably
j-ou will recognize this experience,
which is common enough. How
manjT people, when reading or lis
tening to a conversation, become
vaguely conscious that they have
read the passage or heard tho iden
tical words in 'the dim, long past!'
"It is not a haunting mystery, but
just a way that memory has, In
numerable impressions of the most
trivial things are stored in the brain
and will come out when called upon.
In the lady's case she had probably
seen n picture of the scene at some
time, and a view of the actual place
produced, memory's feeble effort to
recall it."
They Kept Large Collar.
One hot day in the summer of
1901 ex-Speaker Heed was in Ports
mouth, N. H., and, having to wait
over for a train, he decided to make
an impromptu toilet, changing his
collar, etc. So he hied himself to
the nearest haberdasher's and began
a general survey of the collar dis
play in the store.
'Waited on, sir?" queried one of
the clerks.
"Not yet". responded Reed. "I
would like a collar."
"What sac?"
I "Size twenty."
j "Wo don't keep collars so large,
but I think you may be accommo
dated throe stores above,"
0til1 wn to Hie third storo
abovo It was a uirnes 'hop.
is almost here and a photograph is one of
the most acceptable
you could give a friend or relative.
The Alliance Art Studio has just finished some
of the latest styles for you to inspect. Carbon
Black, Green, Sepia and Platinum gives one
all that could be desired in a photograph . . .
We enlarge any photo from original negative for
f We are offering the choice of 200 k?
9 Mens Suits that sell at $15 to $17.50 S
at the special price of
$1 2.50
m l-T a. . u. jJ ... .! . ft
fcDH. auie cinu see tnese exceptional Ui
IK offerings before you make a selection Jk
Mens Heavy Eft
fleece underw'rSjUC
Boys Heavy IJJF
fleece underw'r9Q
Ladies Coats
full satin lined
Ladies two-p'ce
Underwear . . . .
29c f