The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 12, 1908, Image 3

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-rwi Bsy I
4& L
Are You Buying Your
Groceries Right ?
If you want anything- in fancy or staple
Fresh Fruits,
remember that we have the largest stock in the city
and our prices are always right
Yours for fair dealing
Owing to the fact that our
nearly one-third in the last
ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos
sible. Phones 131a and 131b.
Palace Meat Market .
S. H. DESCH, Prop.
f 'd0.6J8
Hartford Hire Insurance Company.
Nortb American of Philadelphia.
Pboenlx of Blooklrn, New York.
ConUeental of New York City.
Niagara Hire Insurance Company.
Connecticut Fire
Commercial Onion Assurance 0o. London
Germ&ala Fire Ins. Co
State of Omaha
Palace1 Oli i tt e x sr Bax-n
C. O. MIXH, 3Pi-op.
(Successor to 5. 11. Rcsch)
one ill uCK WEST OF Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
THE NE'V 7.HINDEN and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
BUH.utNG. 'Pnone excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us.
ffW r( iBBPTTrPMilW'' XtnVJ
.aanatr,Hnodmea.,!.d Base Burners
For Hard Coal.
Round Oak and Cole's Hot Blast
For Soft Coal.
All Sizes, $11.00 up.
Newberry's Hardware Co.
patronage has increased
30 days, we would kindly
Liverpool. London and'Olobe Ins. Co.
German American Ids. Co., New York.
SJow Hampshire
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix Ins. Co.. Hartford. Conn
Fisemans Kund Insuranoe Co.
Ilatiliester German IncOo.
Office I o-Stalrs.Kletebcr lllock.
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone i
freak Wallace, PropV.
of ail descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber fiCoal Co.
Phaae 22 t. Waters, Mgr.
Ray Umphcre is Placed on Trial
, at Laporte, Ind,
Examination of Veniremen to Tr)
Prisoner on Charge of Quadruplt
Murder May Require a Week Mo
! tlon to Quash Indictment Overruled
' Tho stnto lu the trial nt Laporto, Ind.
of Rn l.nmphere for the murder oi
Mrs. Hello (iiinne3B and her three chll
tlren "passed tho jury," thereby ex
pressing Its willingness to nccept th
twelve men who filled tho Jury box.
The twelve men wore: Henry Mills
retired fnrmer; Jnmes Emory, farmer;
Andrew 1 Ames, farmer; Chariot
8chiaak, merchant; William Grey
fnrmer; Charles P. Nelson, farmer;
Charles Travis, retired farmer; John
Bents, farmer; V. W. Bartholomew
hardware dealer; I D. Collins, farm
cr; O. L. Small, farmer; E. R. Hart
retired' manufacturer,
Attorney Worden of the defens
challenged Mr. Ames arid Mr, Smnll
Both were excused for cause. Thosi
examined by the defense who appeal
to have been satisfactory aro Kelson
Schlaak. Bartholomew and Mills
It was on the morning of April 21
that the Gunness case first claimed
the attention of the country. With
her three children, two girl and
boy, Mrs. Gunness, a well-to-do widow
lived on n farm north of Laporte Het
first husband, Philip .Soronsen, had
died in Chicago under circumstance!
which gave rise to the belief that h
had' been poisoned by the woman. The
second husband, Peter Gunness, died
from the effect of a, crushed skull, re
celved one night after the fnmllj
moved to Laporte. The widow said
a meat chopper had fallen on him.
Later a child died rather mysteriously
and yet no general Investigation -followed,
last spring Mrs. Gunness cams
Into the limelight again by reason of
her troubles with Ruy lnrnphere, who
was employed by her as a farm hand
Twice she had liim arrested for an
noylng nor after she had discharged
him and finally whe sought to have him
sent to the' Insane asylnm. ' Sh
claimed that be had threatened hei
life and on Monday, April 27, she
called on Attorney M. E. Lellter, mad
her will nnd deposited $700 in th(
State bank. Sne then said Lampherfl
was following "er -around the streets
and that he threatened to hnrn her
house and to Mil her. The followlni
morning her house was found In mini
and in the afternoon one adult and
three small bodies, all burned to a
crisp, were found in the trnlns
Lamphere was -suspected and that
night be wa arrested.
'Oh the foilowln; Monday 'a: K
Heigelein came to Laporte from Aber
deen, S, D., after learning of the Gun
nesB Are, to seek ills brother, Andrew
Heigelein, who came to Laporte to see
.Mrs. Gunness, and who had dlsap
ipeared afier drawing $3,000 through
at Laporte bank from the Aberdeen
'.bank. On May 5, the dismembered
Ibody of Andrew Heigelein, wrapped in
xunny sacks, wet found burled in a
vshallow grave
During the next four day nine more
bodies were found In the little grave
yard on the Gunness farm. One waa
recognized as that of Jennie Olson,
arod another as that of Olaf Budsberg,
tut the others were never fully Identl
fled, although evidence was found to
show that at least seven other men
bad been lured to laporte by Mrs.
Guunefis through matrimonial adver
tisements, and that she had robbed
and the murdered them.
The grand jury indicted lemphere
for murder in the first degree, ar
son and complicity in (be murder ol
Andrew Heigelein
La bar Legislation Dinner.
Washington, Nov. 10. President
Roosevelt bus Issued invitations .for a
notable "labor legislation" dinner to
be held' at the Wfaite House, Nov. 17.
The guests will include many national
labor organliatie chiefs and several
prominent judges and executive offi
cials, but tt Is understood that Presl
4ent aompers, Secretary Morriboo,
Vic President O'Ceanell and Treas
urer Lessen of Uae American Federa
ilea of Labor are net included, Laboi
legislation will be diteutsed.
Mast Next at Sfeux Palls.
Fargo, N. D Nov. 10,-The Iftb
Mlsstaaary department f the Protes
teat Kplscepal i-burcb selected Sioua
Falls, S. D., for tbtir annual Meeting
flats ia J JOS. The bishops, clergy
ana' delegate were dined by tb
GetkafBJsne ;i Mea's - club. Strong
apeictae for cabra'effective mlsfifon'ary
work were dell'verd by Clement Chass
f Oraaba, the btskaps or Colorado and
Minnesota aad J. p Jobnon of Min
Fatal Clra In Ltatf Ressrt.
Iad. S. D., Nov. 10.--KJr started
ay a cigarette dropped under a bed
eaused the quickest and worst nolo
caust ia the history of the eity. Aa a
result of the Are that desrtoyed' the
resort of Aaaie Woods, oa Bleskei
atreet, while over a score of girls and
their rOBipanioaa slept soundly, Ella
Itussell and William Wataen are dead,
two others aasy die and several will
be crippled for ife.
Delegates Cheer Gomaere.
Denver, Nov 10. Hearty applause
was given President Samuel Gomperf
of the Ameilcaa Federation of Laboi
by the delegates to the iwenty-elgbth
annual c0Bentlon of the organization
at the clc&t of bis report, which he
read at the afternoon session, and was
interpreted o iadicate that there will
be no effective opposition t his re-elfciioc
Dean of French Dramalats Pastes
Away In Paris.
Vlotorlen Sardou, who had been III
for a long time, died from pulmonary
congestion In Paris. Ho waa the dean
of French dramatists and a member
of tho French' Academy.
Tho man whoso first play was hissed
and who then wanted to go to America
to seek his fortune, died rich and' hon-
ft. i sit r
ored, with the proud titlo of France's
greatest nnd most prolific contempo
rary dramatist.
Victorlen Sardou wns a man pos
sessed of singular charm and was
greatly beloved and there is universal
regret that ho left no memoirs. He
was born in Paris, Sept. 7, 1831.
Year's Crop Estimated at Over Two
and Half Billion Bushels.
Washington, Nov. 10. An average
yield of 2G.2 bushels of corn per acre
and nn Indicated Urta) production of
2,G41,C87,000 bushels "of corn nre pre
liminary estimates announced in tho
report of the department of agricul
ture. .The yield of corn per acre in 1907
was 25.9. as finally estimated, and av
eraged 25.J for ten years, while tho
production Is compared with 2,592,
320,000 buslielB, finally estimated in
1S07. Quality of corn is 8G;9 per cent,
compared with 82.8 in 1907, and 84.3
ten-year average. About 2.7 per cent,
or 71,124.000 bushels, Is estimated' to
nave been Jo farmers hands on Nov.
1, against 4,5 per cent, or 130,995,000
bushels a year ago, and a tea-year av.
erage of 4.5 iper cent.
The ptllminary figures for faiport-
ant corn states, giving In bubnels the
yield per acre and total production,
respectively .--ai-a j follows: - .Illinois
Si.6 and 294860,000 bushels; Iowa,
31.7 and 287,456,000; Missouri, 27 and
203,634.000; Nebraska, 27 aad 205,
767,000; Indiana, 30.3 and 137,35,000;
Texas. 26.7 and 201,848,000; Kansas,
22 and 152;900,000; Ohio, 38.5 and 130,.
000; Oklahoma, -24.S and. 122,239,000;
Sduth DaUota, i'9.7 and 57,677.000.
Commission Appointed by President
Begins Work In Maryland.
WashlngloH. Nov. 10. President
Roosevelt con Bid ere the appointment
of the comroifciikm on country life one
of the most important pieces of sari;
ibe has idone. according to the state
ment made by Professor 3. II Bailey
of Cornell university, -chairman of the
commission, after the president had
discussed the result of the first hear
ing at College Park, Md. A gathering
of representative Maryland farmeta
was present at the first hearing. The
only absent member of the commis
sion was Dr. Welter R. Page, who will
join bis fellows In Rlchaoond.
Dr. C. W. 8tiles. who was present
as a representative of the public
health aad marine service, declared
that typhoid fever is essentially a farm
disease in the southeastern states
The discussion biought out (he neces
sity of better sanitary -ontio) la
country districts
Among tho other topics brought up
were the need of rearranging the cur
riculum of country schools, with a view
to making them of more direct prac
tical value to the farmer, the effect
iveness of the rural church, parcelH
post, good road's and the formation of
fanning institutions, email local Insur
ante companies and ee-operative aad
buying agencies.
Maraa Pleaa's Pevsrty.
New York, Nov. 10.-CharJe W.
Morse, who two years ago was rates
as bsiapworth upward' of $29,000,000,
swore OaYer oath that he had not
enough moaey or securities left torn
his vast fortune to pay h)s debts.
This revelation was made ttben
Morse's attorneys appeared ia the
United States circuit court of appeals
to argue for the admission of Moise to
hall- Morse, who has beeu sentenced
to fifteen years' Imprisonment at hard
labor In the federal prison at Atlanta,
was not peimitted to leave the Tombs
prison, hut an afHdavit made by bin
was read. The motion was argued
before .Judges Lacombe, Ward and
Coie, and decision was reserved
Kills Sen While Deer "Hunting.
Calais, Me., Nov. 10.Word was re
ceived here that the fourteen-year-old
eon of D. C. Rollins of St. Stephens,
N. B , had been accidentally hhot and
killed by Ms father while deer hunt
ig Farmer Commits Suicide,
Kearney, Neb., Nov. 9. Frank U
Mcrriman, a well-to-do farmer living
near Miller, committed suicide by
ahoo'lng himself la the neck with a
Governor May Call Extra Ses
ion of Legislature.
Telegrams Have Been Sent to Mem
bers and It Is Reported That Majori
ty Have Pledged Themselves for
Option BUI.
Lincoln, Nov. 10 Governor Sheldon
is seriously considering tho advlsnbl)
Ity of calling a special session of the
legislature to pass upon a county op
tion bill. He tins sent telegrams to
members of tho legislature, including
Democrats ashing them their stand
on such u measure before making up
hit mind. NuraoroiiB replies were re
ceded It Is declared that with the
Democrats, who were defeated for re
election and who have responded, a
majority of tho legislature 1b already
pledged' in favor of such n bill In re
aponse to the governor's requcots.
One matter to take into account in
calling the session is the number of
members who have removed from the
state, or who have resigned or died.
The details aro being thoroughly can
vassed In the executive offlco.
Emery Matthews Kills David Fisher
by Blow Over Heart.
Lexington, Neb., Nov. 9. Emery
Matthews, living fifteen miles north
of tho city, is in Jail hero, charged
with tho murder Saturday night of
David Fisher at a dance. The two
young men, who were neighbors, hnve
not been on good terms for some tlmo
and when they met at tho danco hot
words resulted in a fist figliL Mat
thews struck Fisher twice, once on
tho Jaw and once over the heart.
From the effects of tho latter blow
Fisher fell to the floor and died in
less than a minute. MntthewB fled,
but was arrested severnl hours later
and brought to this city nnd' placed In
jnll. The coroner held nn inquest nnd
the Jury returned a verdict to the ef
fect that lusher came to his death na
tho result of a blow delivered by Mat
thews. The county attorney today
placed a murder charge against the
Three State Offices Close and May
Turn Either Way.
Lincoln, Nov, 9. The office of tho
secretary of state is the busiest place
In Lincoln. A large uumber of clerks
are at work tabulating the incoming
returns, which have begun to pile up,
and from ten to twenty anxious poli
ticians are busy tabulating tho figures
aa faet n turned over to them. Sec
retary Junkln la personally superin
tending; the work. All the state offi
cials gather from time to time to get
the latest reports on the outcome,
which will not be definitely known un
til all the counties have made com
plete returns. Railway commission
r, secretary of state and land com-
mlKSlonttr re the closest places on
the ticket and the winning candidates
will have very little to spare which
vr aide wins.
Hatfecll Suit Transferred.
Omaha. Nov. 7, The nult of Gov
ernor C. N. Haskell of Oklahoma
against W. R. Hearst for $600,000 dam
ages has been trausifcrred to the Unit
d States district eoutt. The trans
fer from the district to the federal
court is significant, inasmuch as in
the federal court punitive damages,
which form half the amount sued for
by Haskell, can be seemed, while the
trtate court cannot allow punitive dam
ages. To Teat Omaha Garbage Law.
Omaha, Nov. 10.- A suit has been
brought to the district court to enjoin
the police from arresting Peter Knders
for hauling garbage, and thereby
bangs u tale of an attempt o put an
end to Ibe alleged' garbage monopoly
In this city. John O. Yelser, who pre
pared the suit, declares that the ordi
nance under which the garbage con
tractor works is unconstitutional, be
cause tt fosters a trust.
Emma Goldman In Omaha.
Omaha, Nov. 9. Stoma Goldman,
known as the ''Queen of Anarchists,"
Is spending a week in Omaha giving
lectures on anarchy be declares po
licemen, soldiers and government em
ployes are a lazy lot, and are totally
unnecessary. She declares govern
ment is not a requirement of our ex
istence, and says anarchists ire not
bomb throwers
Abbott Announces Candidacy.
Tekamab, Neb., Nov. 10. Superin
tendent N. C Abbott, defeated candi
date on the Democratic Mcket for
state superintendent, has announced
his candidacy for the appointment of
superintendent of the school for the
blind at Nebraska City Abbott was
employed in the Institution during the
lacucabeaey of Governor Holcomb
Burned te Death by Lamp.
Taylor. Neb., 10. The infant child
r Mr. and Mrs. Parkburst was burned
to death by a kerosene lamp. The
parents bad gone out to milk and left
the child sleeping in Its cradle. It is
believed the child awakened and
pulled the table cloth off the table,
verturnlng the lamp as it did so
Bedford Wanted for Murder.
Beatrice. Neb.,- Nov. 10. Informa
tion has beeu received from tho au
thorities at Marengo, HI., that John
Bedford, in jail here, Is wanted there
far the sawder of Oscar Higanaon,
Brother Fatally Wounds Sister and
Slightly Injures Her Escort.
Alliance, Neb., Nov. 9, As tho ro
sult of n shooting affray near note,
Liizla Drnnor Is in tho hospital fatal
ly wounded, and her brother, Charles
Drancr, who did tho shooting, nnd her
sweethenrt. Prank Augustino, arc In
the county jail
Brnncr objected to the attentions of
Augustine to his sister, nnd when the
young couple went riding Inst night
the brother followed them. Miss
Branor was wearing tho fur cont of
her escort, nnd mlHtnklng her for the
man, Hriinur shot her nl short range.
Discovering his mistake, ho fired at
Augustine, but Injured him only
After MIbb Brnner wbb taken to the
hospital sixty-four shot wore picked
out of her buck, and her condition in
critical The affair has caused a pro
found sensation, nnd young Brunei- Is
heart broken Augustine will probnbly
be released within a day or two.
Locates Body of Man She Says He
Murdered Four Weeks Age,
Ogalalla, Neb., Nov. 6. Mrs. Jennie
Smith locnted tho body of Vally Mann,
four miles south of Ogalalla. M&nn
waa murdered four weeks ago nlno
miles east of here.
Smith and, his wife wero travoling
by wagon and Mann asked them for
food. Smith, according to his wife,
shot Mann behind the ear, rifled his
clothes and took (8 Mann'B body was
placed in a wagon and taken to the
place where it wab founu. Smith do
sorted his wife in Denver, taking $900
of her money, and she then notified
the police
W. R. Cnyler, a Denver reporter,
brought Mrs. Smith here. They took
the sheriff of this county with them
in nn automobile and found tho body
of Mnnn where she told them it would
he found. John II. Smith, the alleged
murderer, Is missing, but will probably
be caught.
Head of University of Nebraska ,to
Quit Jan. 1.
Lincoln, Nov. 7. At tho mooting of
the board of regents last night, Chan
cellor D. Benjamin Andrews of tho
University of Nebraska tendered hla
resignation, to take effect Jan. 1 noxt.
The board of regents voted to ac
cept tho resignation. No suggestion as
to hia probable successor was offered,
The resignation of Chancellor An
drews was not a great surprise, Sev
eral months ago, following indifferent
health, Dr. Andrews tentatively re
signed, but tho regents at that time
urged him to remain. Since then his
health has so Improved thaUhls stay
as head, of the school was suppofled
to be Indefinite. So far as known' tbern
fans been n,o friction between the chan
cellor and tbe regents.
Commission Plan for Lincoln.
Lincoln, Nov. 9. One of the results
of the recent election will be to prob
ably place Lincoln city under tho conv
mission plan of government. New
legislation will be necessary to com
plele the work, and the city officials
will probably present a bill for enact
ment by the legislature which will
make provision for a commission gov
ernment. An electlon'wlll then be nec
essary for the selection of members
of the commission, and this Is to be
so held as to inalie It a non-partisan
Stock Yards Case In Supreme Court.
Lincoln, Nov .-The case wherein
the Union Stork Yards company of,
Omaha asks the stale railway commis
sion to give it authority to raise its
rates for switching about 100 per cent
is again before the supreme court.
The block yards company wishes to
get before the commission I he valua
tion of I he property used In doing the
First Street Car Made In Nebraska.
Omaha, Nov. 7 The first street
car ever made In Nebraska has just
been turned out of tbe Omaha shops
of tbe Omaha and Council Bluffa
Street Railway company and has had
its trial trip. The car was constructed
entirely in this city, except the cast
ing of wheels, and l.n of the standard
eize and construction. The company
in the future will build moat or its
twa cara
Automobile Is Fatal te Tw.
Falls City, Neb., Nov. 9. Mrs Au
gust Mueller was killed aad her hus
band probably fatally injured when a.
buggy In which they were riding was
run Into by an automobile. The driver
of the automobile sought to stop his
machine and partly succeeded, but tae
horse of Mueller's plunged wllely,
throwing the occupants under the Bug
gy and the automobile
Rosewatsr Thanks Newsaapera.
Omaha, Nov. I. Victor Roaewater.
who has been ia charge of the Repub
lican literary bureau at Cfeicago dur
ing the recent campaign, baa com
pleted his report t Chairman Hitch
cock, and takes occasion to especially vvr
thank the Republican newspapers of""'v'
the entire country for their anpport
of the ticket
Want Judge Loomls Appointed.
Fremont, Neb., Not, 6. The Dodge
County Bar association has prepare!
a unanimous petition to Governor
Sheldon, in which It ask? the governor
to appoint George L. Loomls a judge
of tbe supreme court to fill one of tbe
vacancies created by tbe adoption of
a constitutional amendment atovidlua;
for additional judge.