The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 12, 1908, Image 2
i'l B. t JXt & CARMACK IS KILLED Killed in Street Duel With At torney at Nashville. Tragedy It Sequel to Bitter Political Fight in Tennessee and Direct Re sult of Recent Editorials Aimed at Father of Assailant. Hon. Edward Carmack, former United States senator from Tennessee, waB shot and killed in n street duel at Nash' vlllo by Robin Cooper, a young attor ney. Young Cooper was wounded in the shoulder by a bullel from Car mack's revolver and is under police surveillance) lu a local hospital. Ills condition Is not serious. -Cannock was wounded throe limes, in the neck, the breast and left shoulder. Colonol Duncan B. Cooper, father of the younger man, was with his son during the nffray, but did not fire a shot It is said ho stood by with pistol in hand. Ho is detained at police headquarters. The direct cause of the killing Is a recent series of editorials in tho Ten nesscean, a dally paper, of which Mr. Carmack becamo editor after his de feat for the nomination for governor. The editorials in question had been vigorous ones in thoir commont on Colonel Cooper and hla alleged' connec tion with what Mr. Carmack termed C. M. MORGAN WILL RECOVER. New York's Postmaster Nearly Victim of Assassin, Who Kills Self. Postmaster K.M. Mbrgnn of Now York city, who was wounded in the abdo men by a bullet fired by E. 11. 13. Mackay, an eccentric English stenog rapher, who then committed suicide, is resting well and unless complica tions develop, he will recover. Mr. Morgan probably owes his life to the quick wit and bravery of hla fourteen-year-old daughter, Dorothy, who saw Mackay draw his revolvor, and struck it with her hand. This doCocted the bullet, otherwise the postmaster would have been fatally Wounded, for his as sailant was at close rango and fired four shots. Tho shooting occurred at One Hundred and Forty-sixth street, only a short distance from Mr Mor gan's homo, An investigation of tho life and rec ord of Mackny reveals that he was of a morbid nature and a former Inmate of nu asylum in Worcester, Mass. That his act was premeditated is made certain by a lotter he left, but aside from a fancied grievance against Mr. Morgan and the postofflce authorities concerning the handling of his mall, nothing has come to light to indicate why he should have sought to murder tho postmaster. LAUNCH BATTLESHIP, North Dakota Takes Water al Quincy Mass. Vessel When Completed Will Be Amer lea's Pioneer All-Big-Qun Dread I nought Miss Mary L. Benton ot ) Fargo, N, D., the Warship's Sponsor Amid shrieking of whlstlcB, the flap ping of flags and the cheers of a crowd of Invited' guests and shipyard officials and employes the new battle ship North Dakota slid off the way at Quincy, Mass., Tuesday. As tho great vessel quivered before taking ner first plunge Into the viutei Miss Mary L. Benton of Fargo, N. D, native daughter of the state from EDWARD W. CARMACK. "tho Democratic machine" and its methods. Colonel Cooper, who is well known in business, newspaper and po litical circles in Tennessee and tho south, had, it Ib said, notified Mr. Car mack that the references to htm must cease. Another such editorial ap peared Monday morning. The men fought at close quarters and there wero but few witnesses. They-soft o Seventh avenue north,, directly In front of tho "Polk flats," a fashionable apartment house. Mr. Carmack bad just lifted his hat to Mrs, Charles II. Eastman, a friend, who was passing. In a moment tho tiring began and' Mrs. 'Eastman was a horrified witness at closo range. So close was she that one of the' Coopers is said to havo charged Carmack with being a coward and hiding behind a woman. Cooper's frlonds assert that Carmack flred the first shot, but the dead man's frlonds stoutly protest that his opponent was the first to shoot The tragedy created intense excite ment throughout the city. FEDERATION OF LABOR MEETS. Twenty-Eighth Annual ' Convention Opens at Denver. The twonty-elghth annual conven tion of tho American Federation of Labor, which opened at Denver Wed nesday, will, it is predicted, bo the most important gathering of delegates to a convention of that' body in its history. Tho all Important question to be de cided is the indorsement of the polit ical program carried out by the execu tive council during the recent presi dential campaign, and which has gen erally been referred to as Mr. Gom pers' plan. Opponents of Samuel Gompers, pres ident of the federation, are working together In uu effort to organize a plan against his rc-olectton. They are charging him with VpernlcloiiB pollt leal activity" and using other argu ments to convince delegates that Gompers has lost his standing as a leader of worklngraen and tnat tue working classes need expect nothing from congress in the way of legislation If Gompors continues at the' head of tno federation. Sentenced for Defrauding Farmers. J. T. Mulhall was given 15. months at tho federal prison at Leavenworth, Edgar McConkoy to one year and one day at Leavenworth and Felix Nathan- son to six months in the county jail by Judge Purdy. Alleged fraudulent operation of tho Nicollet Creamery company in Minneapolis last fall ia the specific charge in the indictment upon which. the men were convicted. ,, Farmers throughout the northwest " are, said to have lost heavily by Bhlp- ninV nroduco which was never nald for. ,.- e . jf, v-.i-i j .fr-Mtt Shipwreck Victims Killed by Pirates. Thq bodies of seventy-eight victims of tho wreck of tho small steamer near Tungan havo been brought to Amoy. Tho steamer was licensed to carry 180 passengers, but 600 men wer on board, and of these only 400 were rescued. Many of the victims wero drowned, but some wero killed in tho water by piratical -boatmen in tent on robbery. Five of the pirates have but a arrested and will be bo-heu.ed H. CLAY PIERCE GIVES BOND. Case Is Continued Until January Term of Texas Court Austin, Tex., Nov. 10. H. Clay Pierce of St. Louis, chairman of the board of directors of the Watere Plerco Oil company, arrived hero from St. Louts, surrendered to Sheriff Mat thews and later gave bond in the sum of $20,000 to secure his appearance in court to answer to tho grand Jury in dictment charging him with false swearing in connection with the re admission of the Waters-Pierce Oil company to do business in the state of Texns after it had been ousted in 1900 for violation of tho anti-trust laws of the state. After the bond had' been signed, thp case was continued by agreement until the January terra of court. When the train to which Pierce's special car was attached arrived, neither Sheriff Matthews or any of his deputies were on hand to meet it. Mr. Plerco, accompanied by Judge H. S. PrleBt of St. Louis, his personal counsel, went to the ofHco of the sher iff and surrendered. It Is understood that Mr. Ptcrco desired an Immediate trial, hut the state was not ready, and the continuance was finally agreed, upon. I Shoots Wife, Mother-ln-Law and Self. At Wichita, Knn., Monday.Oscar Hu ber shot and killed his wife, shoe at his mother-in-law, Mrs. M. A, Turner, then turned tho revolver on himself and blew out his brains. His -wife, who was killed Instantly, held a four-months-old child in her arms and the weight of her' body fell on the child, seriously, and perhaps tatahy, injuring It. The shooting was the result of a family quarrel. ' Labor Mayor Day in London. London, Nov. 10. Prime Minister Asqulth was the principal speaker at the Guild hall banquet, which marked the Inauguration of tho new lord may or of London, Sir George Wyatt Trus sott, and brought to a fitting close tho celebration of the king's sixty-seventh birthday. Folk Pardons Dr. Todd. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 10. Gov ernor Folk pardoned Dr. J. D. Todd of Vernon county, who came to the peni tentiary March 2&, 1W6, under sen tence of ten years for killing Richard Wall at Richards, Vernon county. MISS MARY L. BENTON, which tho battleship takes her name, broke over her bow a bottle of cham pagne, declaring as she did so, "I name thee North Dakota." Among the invited guests who wit nessed the launchiug of the battleship was John Burke, the newly reelected governor of North Dnkota. Tho launching of the North Dakota means tho introduction or a new type of warship in the American navy. She will be the first American nll-blg-gun battleship or real Dreadnought- to fly tho Stars and Stripes. Tho North Dakota, which is slmllat in all respects to the Delaware, which Is under construction at Newport News, Va., will have a long forecastle deck extending from the bow almost to the center of the ship. The ten CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, Nov. 9. Liberal primary receipts offset the higher prices foi wheat at European grain centers and caused a steady tone in the local mar ket at the close, final quotations being unchanged to &c blghor. Corn and provisions were weak and oats firm. Closing prices: Wheat Doc, $1.01; May, $1.05V l.OGVi; July, $1.031.03a. Com Dec, Gl61&c; May, CPhc. Oats Dec, 480; July, 5050c. Fork Jan., $16.05; May, $15.07&. LardWan., $9.30; May, $9.40. Ribs Jan., $8.45; Muy, $8.57l,5-. Chicago Cnsh Prices No. 2 hard wheat, $1.02Vi8'1.03; No. 2 corn, GlHie; No. 2 oats, 49c. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Nov. 9. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,000; steady; native steers, $4.0007.25; cows and heifers, $3.00& 4.25; western steers, $3.505.50; Texas Bteors, $3.004.40; canners, $1.75l2.60; stockers and feeders, $4.75 5.00; calves, $3.005.75; bulls, stags, etc., $2.255.75. Hogs Receipts, 5, 000; 10C15c lower; heavy, $5.65 5.75; mixed. $5.6005.65; light. $5.40 5.65; pigs, $3.505.00; bulk of sales, $5.60'5.70. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; steady; yearlings, $4.255.00; weth ers, $4.004.60; ewes, $3.253'4.15; lambs, $5.256.00. Chicago Live Stock, ' ' . Chicago, Noyt 9.4-Cattlo Receipts, 33,000; 1015c lower; steers, $4.408 7.50; cows, $3.0005.00; heifers, $2,400 4.60: bulls, $2.5004.50; calves, $3.00 7.85; stockers and feeders, $2 504.60. Hogs Receipts, 55,000; 15020c low er: choice heavy shipping, $0.10 C20, butchers. $6.0506.15; light mix ed. $5X005.70; choice light, $5.70 6.00; packing, $5 7006.00-. pigs, $4.25 05.35; hulk ot sales. J5.CO0C.OO. Sheep Receipts, 40,000; 25c lower; sheep, $4.5005.00; lambs. $4.7506.60; yearlings, $3,8506,25. GOVERNOR BURKE. twelve-Inch guns ore arranged in five turrets, two to a turret, the forward turret being so located that the axes of its guns are twenty-four feet above the water lino, and just abaft this tur ret is another, tho barbette of which is of sufficient height for its guns to clear the roof of the forward turret. Abaft the break of tho forecastle deck and also situated on the axis of the ship are two more twelve-Inch gun turrets, the guns of tho forward tur ret In this pair firing over the roof of tho after turret. Abaft and near tho stern Ib the fifth and last of the big turrets. Naval men declare that no navy In tho world possesses a ship of the Dreadnought type In which the guns are better arranged. For repelling torpedo attack the North Dakota will carry a secondary battery of fourtoen five-inch guns. These guns are all mounted broadside, Tho vessel will be driven by turblues and Is expected to attain a maximum speed in excess of twenty-one knots an hour. WOMAN BLACKMAILER FOILED. ( Threatened Mrs. Phtpps With Death If Denied $20,000. Aftor haunting the residence at Denver of her intended victim for two days and making every effort In overy way imaginable to get Into communication with her, an unknown woman who threatened' Mrs. Gene vieve Chandler Phipps, divorced wife of Lawrence Phipps, the Pittsburg millionaire, with .death unless she was given $20,000 in money, was foiled in her design by the clover work of tho bank and city detectives. When she discovered she was beaten, the woman cast dynamite sticks, Intended for Mrs. Phipps, at tho detectives, but fortu nately they fell against the uphol stered wall of an enclosed automobile, which prevented thom from exploding. Tho woman was qulokly placed under arrest. She persistently refused to give her name, but insists that she is under the influence of a hypnotist and that this explains her attempt to blackmail Mrs. Phipps. The woman went about tho carrying out of her plans with a determination evidently born of desperation. She had repeatedly telephoned the Phipps homo and called there in an effort to havo an audience with the well known society leader. Finally Mrs. Phipps becamo alarmed and went automobll lng in City park to avoid the woman. The woman evidently saw her leave in the machine, for she attempted to attract tho attention of Mrs. Phipps as she was being driven along one of the park driveways. She was stand ing behind a tree at the time. Mrs. Pripps ordered her chauffeur to con tinue past the woman, but she leaped from behind the tree and Into the machine as it was going by. She quickly engaged Mrs. Phipps in con versation, assuring hor that her ap parent fears wero entirely unneces sary, that she wbb a magazine writer and had no desire to do Injury to Mrs. Phipps. Sho talked so kindly that Mrs. Phipps became reassured and they rode together for fifteen or twen ty miles. Suddenly the women produced two sticks of dynamite and demanded that Mrs. Phipps give her $20,000 within an hour or she would be destroyed. She directed that the nutomobllo be driven to the Wolcott school and that Mrs. Phipps' daughter be "taken along, this evidently for the purpose of having a hostage. Mrs. Phipps agreed to take her to the bank and get the money, whither the party headed, after stop ping at the school to gat the little daughter of Mrs. Phipps. Arriving at tho bank, all but tho strange woman left the machine. This evidently was not intended in the program, but she made no nrotest. Once inside the 'building Mrs. Phipps hurriedly related her experience to a bank official, and police headquarters were communicat ed with. Two detectives hastened to the bank. In the meantime a Bpeclal bank detective haddetalned the wom an In conversation from thb window of the enclosed machine next the side walk. The two city detectives detailed walked around the rear of the machine and slipped open the door on tho street side. The woman saw that sho was entrapped and dashed the dyna mite sticks at the two officers. The ' struck against the machine and fell to the floor Intact. Had they exploded great a'amage and loss of life would have resulted, for the scene is located in the very heart of the city. JAIL FOR MORSE; CURTIS FREED. Former High Financier Sentenced to Fifteen Years. From a cell in the Tombs prison In New York City, Charles W. Morse now directs the efforts of his counsel to secure his freedom, he having been sentenced' to serve fifteen years In the federal prison at Atlanta, Ga., for mis application of the funds of the Na tional Bank of North America and making false entries in the books of the bank. Alfred H. Curtis, former president of the defunct bank, who was Jointly tried and convicted with Morse, was given his liberty on a sus pended sentence. ROOT Nl AY. SUCCEED P..ATT. Leaders Will Support Secretary of State for Senator. It Is tho opinion In Washington that as tho result of a long conference at the White House between President Roosevelt, James Wadsworth, Jr., speaker of the New York state as sembly, and William L, Ward, Repub lican national committeeman, the man who will be supported by them next January to succeed Thomas C. Piatt on March 4, 1909, as United States senator, will be Ellhu Root of Clinton, N. Y., the present secretary of state. ST. AGNES ACADEMY ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 1908 This new institution, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Francis, is located at Alliance, a very healthy and pleasant resort of the west. Parents and guardians will fiiid it a homelike institution, where even' faculty is offered to educate effectively the heart and mind of young girls, to impart true refine ment together with practical knowledge, which will enable them to fill their future positions in life creditably. The course ot study adopted by the institution is systematic and thorough, embracing Primary, Intermediate, Preparatory and Academic Departments. The Academic Department embraces Christian Doctrine, Church History, Arithmetic, Algebra, Advanced English Grammar, Bookkeeping, Geometry, Latin, Rhetoric, Civics, General History, Botany. ART COURSE. A special course of Instrumental Music and Painting may be pursued. In this, as well as in all the other departments, the leading principle of the institution is thoroughness, hence pupils are trained and led to correct knowl edge and appreciation of these branches. As no young lady is fitted for the practical duties of life without a thorough acquaintance with the use of the needle. This branch, in all its details, from the plainest to the most ornamental and fancy needlework, receives particular attention. TERMS PER SESSION. Board, Tuition, Bed, Washing, Plaiu Sewing and Fancy Work $8o oo Children under twelve years 75 00 . ELECTIVE STUDIES. Music Piano rer session of five months , , $15 00 Organ ...., 15 00 Violin, Guitar, Mandolin 14 00 Painting In Oil, per month 3 00 In Water Colors 3 00 Each pupilmust provide her own Guitar, Violin or Mandolin. Use of piano or Organ, per session. 2.50. REGULATION OF WARDROBE. 3 complete changes of underclothes. 6 pairs of hose. 12 pocket handkerchiefs. 4 towels. 2 black aprons. 2 pairs of shoes. 1 pair of rubbers. 1 blanket (single bedj. 1 White bed spread. 1 small rug for alcove. 1 toilet set, consisting of brushes, combs, soap, soapdish and toothmug. 1 needlework box furnished. Stationery and stamps. G napkins. 1 tablespoon. 1 teaspoon. 1 silver knife and fork, t napkin ring. Black Uniforms, College cap.' School was opened September 14th and is now in full session. There are accomodations for eighty boarders and the Sisters request all those who are in terested in education and who wish to place their children in an institution, where they will receive solid education, to place their children in the Academy as soon as possible. Any one wishing to have further information should write to or call on the Mother Superior, who will be pleased to answer all inquiries. Accomodations will be provided for boys. SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS ALLIANCE HOSPITAL GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. leilvvood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. First-class Views and Commercial Work j j Alliance Art Studio M. E. GREBE, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALLIANCE. NEBR. Enlarged Portraits In Every Style Manufacturers Are Optimistic. The Manufacturers' association pub lishes in Its official magazine a con tinuation of the statements on trade conditions contributed by its 3,000 members, representing every branch of Industry. The first series of these showing Improvement in commercial conditions, appeared in the Oct. 15 is sue of the magazine. The series now published, indicates a continuatjoii tofj mis iiiiiiuvuiu(.-m. uuu iur uiu inusi part an optimistic view of the business outlook. Tho manufacturers expect to add to their present force about GC0, 000 men. Injunction In Missouri River Rate Case Judges Orosscup, Soamau and Dakor. In the United States circuit court, granted u temporary Injunction re straining tre Interstate commerco com mission from carrying into effect Its order lu what is known as the Mis souri river rate case. Religious Belief Man's Own Affair. "Taft's religious faith is his own private concern and not a matter for general discussion and political dis crimination," says President Roose velt, In a letter to J. C. Martin of Day ton, O., In which ho answers numerous correspondents. Tho president says ho deferred the publication of the let ter until now to avoid any agitation likely to Influence the election. Prison for Colorado Banker, President Godding oJtiieJSate bank of Rocky F5fuY'6dlo.,'wa3 sentenced to serve eight to ten years In the state prison. He had been convicted on charges of making unlawful use of thn bank's funds and receiving deposits after he knew the' bank to be Insolvent. Two Drowned While Hunting. Minneapolis, Nov. 10.- Clarence Kllchli, seventeen years old, son ot Joseph Pllchll of this city, and a friend', John Conrerdy of Chicago, were drowned while hunting In Pel ican bay, Wright county. X The Machine You Will I Eventually Buy I c s Do you know that for Correspondence, Statement Work for Billing" and for all other classes of work the UNDERWOOD is the best, machine? Do yoknow that the UNDERWOOD, because of its Visible -writing- and various other superior -features, will save you at last 20 per cent of your time? Do ypu realize that time is money? Do you know that the .UNDERWOOD holds the " speed record of the World ? - - - 4 The UNDERWOOD is best because of its visibil ity, durability and absolute reliability under all conditions. Underwood ype writer Co. 1 61 7 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. 'I 9 a28i J