The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 29, 1908, Image 8

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y nMWJWJMWJgKW M'.'IM-'lM"'WU.MyggffWWWr''
ftrctry Store in
Hands of Creator
There was all kinds of trouble last
Saturday night and Sunday between
Chas. Hill, proprietor of the grocery
store under his name, and his creditors.
Marquis Qneenaberry rules were
brought into play and bloody noses and
black eyes were the result. Hill an
nounced last Saturday that he must
have money to satisfy his creditors,
and it ecems that brought on the war.
After business hours it is Haid that an
attempt was being made to remove
some of the fixtures from th'c store.
Tom Beal and S. I. Thompson, who
Bold to Hill, objected to certnin pro
ceedings. As a result Mr. Beal was
nt ruck. over the eye with sufficient force
lo require the assistance of a surgeon
to replace the lacerated flesh, and
Thompson received a badly pounded
face. Sunday the latter met Hill near
the Kintr corner and went at it again,
After two fast and furious rounds,
Bpecial police Murphy happened to
come along and persuaded the gentle
men that it was wrong to scrap on
Sunday. Thompson drew the consota
tion prize in the fracas.
Thompson and Hill paid fines Mon
day morning for their fun, but Beal
demands a trial Nov. 4, for he insists
that Hill had more than ordinary in
tentions when be attacked him.
While Charlie insists that he fought
only because he was obliged to for self
protectionhe's a good republican
yet it seem that he should have tried
his best to postpone the job till after
election as he came nearly fixing, the
others, who are also staunch g. o. p.
men, so they could not see to mark
their ballots for Injunction Bill next
Monday morning Mrs. Charlotte
Watkins, Hill's mother, swore out a
writ of attachment to the amount of
$4,500, while other claims to the
amount of $2,000 are involved. Sheriff
Wiker took charge of the store and
with the assistance of S. B. Libby and
Ira Heed the stock is being invoiced.
B. F. Gilman isttorney for Hill.
Fireman McCarthy
Crushed to Death
The remains qf John P. McCarthy,
who was killed at Crawford last Friday
morning, were received by Undertaker
Darling in this city in the afternoon
and prepared for shipment to his home
at Ravenna, where his father is en
gaged in the flour business. The kill.
.Jng of young McCarthy was instant.
He was firing on second 45 west with
Engineer Davenport and while at Craw
ford went over the tracks to call on
another engine crew. On his return
to his own engine he was run down by
another engine doing switching at the
time and his body badly mangled, his
bead being severed from the body.
Engineer White and Fireman Sam
Burchel! were unable to see McCarthy
in time to save him from his horrible
death by their engine.
Women's Club and
Educators Meet
An auspicious gathering was held at
the home of Mr. aud Mrs. W. W. Nor
ton last Friday evening. The social
gathering was conducted by the
Women's Club of Alliance in honor of
the board of education and teachers of
the city schools. Seveuty-five persons
were present and the occasion was
rarely interesting iu a social and edu
cational way. Literary treats mingled
with musical pleasures. Dainty re
freshments were served iu the spacious
dining room of the Norton home by the
Misses Nellie Acheson aud Kuth Aspen
wall. Gaines were also indulged in to
the pleasure of all. A handsome car
nation and fern boquet was presented
to Miss White who excelled in the con
test while Postmaster Ira Tash received
a "boquet" that was not so popular as
that of Miss White. Mr. and Mrs,
Norton receive the congratulations of
their host of friends for their genial
uoppitalitv and friendship.
Lecture Course Announcement
The first number of the Epworth
League lecture course will be given at
the l'helan opera house,, uext Tuesday
evening, This number will consist of
a lecture by Denton C, Crowl, lecturer
and protrayalist that comae highly
recommended. .
The course thb vear will consist of
five numlwa, three lectures and two
mittal nutnhrrs. aud is the strongest
course ever ut 011 in Alliance.
As the first number falls on election
evening, arrangements have been made
for a double attraction; a private West
ern Union wire with Omaha, the only
one in the city, lias been chartered for
the entire evening, and returns will be
announced both before and alter the
lecture. Returns will lc announced
from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock, the lecture
will commence at 8:30 and after the
lecture, returns and a varied program
by the best local talent will continue as
long as the interest demands.
Scats for this attraction will be
placed on reservation at Holslcn's
drug store, Saturday morning, October
31, Single admissions, 35c and 50c.
Season tickets for the entire course can
nlso be purchased for Si. 50, which will
entitle purchaser to a reserve scat to all
five numbers of the course.
Positively but one admission on a
season ticket to the entertainment No
vember 3. Tell your friends about
this and get your scats reserved early,
as standing room will be at a premium.
What They Think of
Our Foot Ball Team
Crawford Tribune.
A bunch of foot-ball enthusiasts, not
players, mind you, went to Alliance
Sunday to give the Alliance foot-ball
artists a little practice. As foot-ball
racers the Crawford boys were all right,
but as foot-ball players they were a
huge joke. It was a snap for our boys
to manage to get out of the road of the
Alliance man who was carrying the
the ball, and in this respect they played
rings around the Alianceites. The
very sight of the foot-ball made the
Crawford boys shudder, and to touch
it, oh my I that was impossible, which
accounted for the score, 84 to o. The
Alliance bunch is composed of an aggre
gation of footiball sports that will sure
make a record.
Pleasant Gathering
The home of General Superintendent
aud Mrs. Allen was the scene of a very
cnjoyublo social gathering of about
forty of the high school students and
faculty Wcdncsduy night, the 27th, it
being tlie occasion of the Itth birthday
of their oldest son, Louts 1$. Allen, Jr.
The high school quartet trendered some
very fine selections. The principal
game was the modeling of animals on
card bourd In chewing gum, the first
prize being won by Kuthcrine O'Douncl
who modeled un owl. The consolation
prteu was awarded to Professor
Williams for making a very tine likencs
of Professor Relinuud. The fact that
the gum had to be chewed to the proper
consistency before the process of
modeling could commence, added to
the Interest of the game. It might
be mentioned in this connection that
the affair was a complete surprise to
Louis, After the serving of an elabor
ate luneheou the guests departed at a
late hour, ull voting they had spent
n very pleasant evening indeed.
The College Boy last season under the
management of Chas. Riggs and son, play
ed 42 weeks without one adverse press
criticism. Quite a record a nd one Mr.
Riggs is justly proud of, Mr. Riggs has
consistently in the past given his patrons
exactly what he promised and when he
states that the College Doy is this season
even better than ever before, theatre goers
can feel assured of a first-class perform
ance and a cast fully equal and capable in
every way. The comedy element is al
most omnipresent scarcely a minute of
the three hours performance being devoid
of a laugh and the absence of the usual
coarseness is most refreshing. One of the
many marked features is Bernard Riggs,
one of the youngest and cleverest comed
ians, with his wonderful dancing and as
sortment of popular songs. The scenic
effects are elaborate and the music catchy
and whistly, At Phelan opera house
Wednesday, Nov. 4. Popular prices.
John King and Miss Dorothy Wyeth,
both of Bayard, were united in holy
matrimony last evening at the Catholic
church by father McNamara. The
groom was attended by M. E. Reardon
and Miss Ellen King, sister of the
groom, was bridesmaid, The happy
coupie ueparieu tuts morning on a
wedding trip to Denver and other cities.
Will Initiate Class Soon
Alliance Council, Knights of Colum
bus, at their meeting last Tuesday
night, decided to initiate a class of can
didates to the order on Sunday, Nov.
20. Preparations for the important
affari are now undar way.
Farmers und ranuhnion For your
special buugtit, beats for the double
attraction at the operu house, eleutlon
evnning. will be placed on reservation
1 at IlulsUm'i drug store. Saturday morn-
ing. IJ.m't forget tins when you arc
in town doing your Saturday shopping.
WiiWy Rtpfft tf PatMMts TiwarJ
tM ufGtNM If tM oCMfi liNHMI.
Previously acknowledged $12,878. 15
J. M. DIneen 50.00
j. Burns 50.00
Dr. J. Hand 50.00
Kent Sisters 15.00
E, McClucr. , 2500
J. R. Phelan 25.00
Cash... 15.00
B. Wilcox 25.00
F. E, Reddish , , 15.00
N. S. Nelson.... 5.00
W. H. Westover xo.oo
C, L. Drake. . A . .. . . ... 500
C. A. Lang .-. 1,00
J, Wismlller.' 5.60
II; M. Bullock.. 5.00
S. K. Spatch 10.00
M. Wright 5.00
E.L. Gregg ,......,. ...... 5.00
C. C. Smith 10.00
). McDonald 5.00
Dr. Churchill 10.00
F. W.Irish 10.00
Ileal Bros.. ...,.'. 5,00
Miller Dros 20.00
P. Kfng 25.00
R, Driscoll 10.00
Cash........ 20.00
Cash ... .85
Total. .$13,331,00
Opening of the Crystal
On Saturday, Oct. 31, 1908. Matinee
at 3 p.m. Admission to all school children
5c, Adults, regular price, 10c.
Having purchased the Crystal theatre,
wo will open it up and under entire new
management. We have come to stay with
you and will do our best to entertain you
each evening by giving you a good and
clean entertainment. There was some
mistake in regard to the opening of the
Crystal last week, I do not know who
was to blame but it was not us and could
we have prevented any of this misunder
standing we would have been glad to have
done it. But we can assure you from now
on that we are at your service.
Having had years of experience in the
moving picture business we are able to
give you the best service that can be had.
We have a treat for every lover of good
music as we have been fortunate enough
to secure Miss Edna Rose of Hastings,
Nebr., who is a talented singer and sweet
player. Mis9 Rose has been with Mr.
Hayter for the past three years. Mr,
Hayter is the most , successful picture
man in the state and always has the best
of talent. We are again favoring th? peo
ple of Alliance with a noted singer and
player, Mrs. Ruth Fletcher of Denver,
Col Mrs. Fletcher is known by all in
Colorado asbeing one of the best in the state
in her line of entertainment. She will
sing you songS that will make you laugh
and feel joyous. She will sing you songs
that will melt the hardest heart and cause
you to weep as a child.
We are going to give you a place of en
tertainment and amusement such as has
never been given in as small a town as Al
liance. Come and see us.
Yours truly,
Burroughs & Hevner.
For State Senator
Geo. M. Adams, of Crawford, is
spending a few days in Alliance inter
viewing the voters. Mr. Adams is the
present representative from this district
and is a man of ability. In a state
ment published in this issue he pledges
himself, if elected, to do all in his power
to secure a permanent state normal
school for Alliance. Mr. Meyers, his
opponent, resides at Newport, Rock
comity, a small town east ot Valentine,
which place also is trying to secure the
state normal school to be located in the
western part of the state. Mr. Meyers
is naturally for Valentine and is receiv.
ing the support of those interested in a
normal school there, regardless of party
affiliations, hence all who have the
interests of Alliance at heart should
vote for Mr. Adams.
A. R HALimilKJK, Bonded Abstractor X
William H. Rust, Sr., to Edward I ... , .,
OplU, ue of 35-20-48, S3110. j L. J. Johnson and wife are visiting rela-
, 1 . v 1 .! i 1 . ' lives and friends in Lincoln and Denver
P. J. Loughmau to Heury Boon, lots '. , , """"" BUU "B"
1 and 3, tract 3U, sec. add to Duncan's ! ,h,s week-
N. S. R. T $30. j y. R. Desomber, H. J. Severns and C.
Andrew 11. McConnell to John M. ; R- Witham have been promoted to engi
Dineen, sli and nwjjf of biyJ and sw j neers.
of setf of 23-28-SO, S400. j F, A. Hively and wife returned Tuesday
Milton H. Ooodenough to Harvey V. j front Fairfield, Iowa, where Mrs. Hively
Uoodenough, lots I and 2 und e of I ha3 been visiting relatives.
nwU of 7-37-40, SI, .. j c. A. Wetherell and wife returned
Heirs of Jacob Hathaway, vdeo'd to Monday morning from a ten days visit
Johu M Dlneon, notf of 30 and nw of 1 wjtn relatives near Lincoln.
...I-... w - .., ,. .,. . ......
Jots 3 and 3, blk 3, Illtuhuook, Hills und
Snetl add to Alliance, JU00.
Enoch Jlover to Klsie K. YViloox1. lot'
V, blk, becond add to Alliance, $3100,
Boys, get your money's worth for
oneo. Hrjngr your slster(?, hear th
lecture and get the returns election
evtfiiing ut the opera house, one tlullar
will pay the entire bill.
In order to make them move we have cut the
price in two. Some of them moved Friday and
Saturday, but we want them all to go so shall
continue the
One-half the regular marked price (for cash)
will buy any framed picture on display in our
main street store windows. We want to close
out all on hand to make room for new stock
en route.
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ladies' Coats,. Dress Goods
'""-" and Tailor-Made Suits. v
All our Men's
Four Doors
L. Bartlett is in EdRemont this week
on business.
Brakeman V. S. Simonson has been
promoted to conductor.
Trainmaster M. O. Joder is in Ravenna
for a few days thjs week,
T. J. Frier, general storekeeper of Chi
cago, is in the city today.
Mrs. Geo. McGill and Mrs. C. A. Land
berg are visiting friends in Crawford.
Mrs. F. J. Hannigan and son are on an
extended visit with relatives in'Ansley.
Engineer C. VV. Tillett has been trans
fprrt (rrtm ihr Tlffarl turt linA in Alltanna
' Iceman
Jack Hamilton
Kansas City to
left a few
arrange to
Uay8 a.8,0 ,
1 move his family to Alliance
Tha general piecework inspectors. H
B. fCepner and R. F. Nixon, were in the
cityra few days the flrst of the week.
y-, ?Cok. who was employed here
during he ruh last year, will arrive in
thefity. in a few days to re-coier the ser
1 . as engineer
We have 100 Long Pant Suits for Boys at ...
$2.50 TO $5.00
Suits and Overcoats at
at just one-half regular price
South Alliance National Bank.
N. C. Allen, general chairman of the
B. of L. F. & E is spending ten days in
the sand hills hunting, accompanied by
Roy Beckwith.
Louis Vandervoort, one of the old time
engineers who has been conducting a
ranch in the sand hills for the past few
years, has again entered the service in
ihe capacity of engineer,
K. B. Hamilton, at one time engineer
on the Denver passenger run and at pres
ent traveling engineer ou the McCook di
vision, was in the city for a few days this
wesk renewing acquaintances.
A mifle quartet is another organiza
tion that will prove Its value to the
high school.
All of the teachers of Hyaunls and
Whitman will attend the State Teach
ers Association at Lincoln, November
The next regular program in the
grilles wlJJ be given some time in
December. This will bo one of the
bast programs of the year given in the
A class in Parliamentary law has
recently been organized In the high
school. It meets twjco a wuek under
I the direction of Prof. Williams.
ireat excitement is being manifested
among the boys in basket ball. They 1
are iiMng the eitv hall, pendm tlie 1
c.'injiletiun of the gyutuuMiuu
'r-r", '
Patrons and friends of the school are
cordially invited to be present at the ,
Palladlan program to be given Tues-
day afternoon In the new high school
building. Program begins at 1:30.
nigh school will dismiss during the
4, 5 and Oth of November. This Is
done to permit the faculty and those
in the normal training classes to attend
the Nebraska State Teachers' Associa
tion. A large number of the grade
teachers will also attend.
Work is progressing very favorably,
considering the conditions, on the new
high school building. It will not be
long till every room that is to be used
for high school classes will be complet
ed. Students are anxiously looking
forward to the time when they can
begin work in the gymnasium.
Next Tuesday afternoon the Palla- 1
dian Literary Society will give Its first
program. In addition to the readings
and usual musical numbers, the High
School orchestra will play. There will
be a debate on the question, Resolved,
that the best interests of the country
will be served by carrying into effect '
tho principles of the republican party.
In connection with the State Techcrs'.
Association a Union School banquet
will be held 'a the Auditorium at "Lin
coin. Plates for a thousand guosts
have been provided. It is saiiL thai
nearly twice that number of applica-"
tions have been received for reserva
tions, ('nobis of honor will be William
Jennings Itrynn, Governor Ueorge L.
Sheldon and Senators Burkett and
Hrown As the banquet will be held
on .vivnnoer un. it vt-ry important
part .11 tlie prorum wilt be the receiv
ing il v!e:tiiit returns.
yfT.'eUgliWgl.rlnmftfsy -- v tr