The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 29, 1908, Image 5

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Moving pictures at Darling's all this
Moving pictures at half price this
week, at Darling's.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Briukman Monday.
G. M. Banks was In from Marplc
last Monday on business.
Pictures ouglit to move at half price.
Special half price sale all this week at
The Eastern Star will hold a school
of instruction at their hall ne.t Tues
day night.
Misses Smalley and Swan will give a
musical recital at the Baptist church
Friday evening, Nov. 6.
Among those who visited this city
last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Comstock of Ellsworth.
Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Osborn of Hem
ingford visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Leavitt in this city Tuesday.
Miss Inice McCorkle returned Fri
day from Omaha where she was the
guest of Miss Edith Anderson for sever
al weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Otto returned
yesterday from Oshkosh, where they
visited the John Foster and Tucker
Ross families.
Mr. and Mrs, Wiltsey and (son, and
Mrs. E. W. Alexander of Hemingford
were transacting business at the land
office last Friday.
A box social, program and dance
will be given at the Long Lake school
house in Dist. ioori November 5, 190S.
Everyone is invited. '
Louis Davidson, of Beal Bros,
wholesale house, was at Berea the first
of the week, superintending the loading
and shipping of potatoes.
Mrs. Eubanks, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Hill, returned from Lin
coln last Saturday where they visited
relatives and friends.
Miss Virgil Cavin, who is one of the
bright young scholars of St. Agues
academy, was visiting her folks at
Crawford last week.
.The Regan family are enjoying a
visit with their daughter and sister,
Mrs. R. G. Holden, who is up from
Sterling visiting a few days.
The ills of lumbago have kept Mrs.
S. K. Warrick confined to her bed for
several days this week, but we are
pleased to note that she is improving.
Frank Cain was in Alliance from his
Dawes county ranch last Tuesday. He
reports losts of moisture in his vicinity
the past week or two.
Mrs. Austin and friends are enjoy
ing a visit with Miss Anna Young, a
sister of Mrs. Austin, who arrived in
city from Sheridan last Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Kreamer returned Sunday
from a visit with relatives at Seneca
and Hyannis. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy
returned from- that place on the same
Mrs. E. F. Robinson of Mitchell is
at the Alliance hospital receiving treat
ment. Her condition has been quite
serious but there are good hopes for
There will be a parlor meeting of
the W. C. T. U. at the home of the
president, Mrs. Tash, to be entertained
by Mrs. St. John. All ladies invited
to attend.
That popular knight of the grip,
Emile vouBergen, representing the
Carpenter paper company, Omaha,
was in the city Tuesday calling on the
Mrs. Amanda Lore returned Tues
day morning from Pawnee county,
where she visited relatives and friends
the past six weeks. She will again re
side on her claim.
F. M. Broome departed Tuesday
aftemoon for Omaha. Mrs. Broome
preceded him a few days and after a
short visit with relatives at DesMoines
they will return to Alliance.
The smile that won't come off
is the kind that Dr. Hand wears
since Tuesday when his wife handed
him the finest girl he ever saw. Yes,
our whole office force smokes, Doctor.
An oyster supper given by f he A. O.
U. W. and D. of H. at the I. O. O. F.
hall last Monday night was well attend
ed. The feature of the meeting and
supper wrs the reinstating of suspended
County Clerk Mounts is enjoying a
visit from his father A. T. Mounts, of
Halstead, .Kans. Mr. Mounts was a
pioneer settler iu this county but has
been living in the Sunflower state for
the past eighteen years.
Lindley Ellis laid aside the duties of
the print shop long enough the first x
the week to go duck hunting on the
Thompson ranch in the sand hills. Of
Course hef got his share of game. He
always docs.
The change in the weather for tho
past week has caused many people to
take cold and as a result some aro
tussling with light attacks of the grip.
Mrs. C. O.' As pen wall is among tho
latter, but is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tice, of West
lawn, suffered the death of their baby
boy last Thutsday morning, from stom
ach complications. Rev. G. C. Jeffers
conducted the funeral services Satur
day morning, interment taking place in
Greenwood cemetery.
Mrs. St. John, national evangelist
and lecturer for the W. C. T. t, will
speak Friday evening at 7:30 at the
M. E. church. Mrs. St. John is a
very powerful speaker and special mu
sic will be a feature of the program.
Everybody cordially invited. ' No ad
mission. Fred Rates, a former machinist in
the Burlington shops at this place and
a member of the Alliance Council
Knights of Columbus, died at Wabasha,
Minn., last Saturday. Grand Knight
H, A. Copsey was so advised last Sun
day by wire. Mr. Rates was a social
member of the council.
,,Two Merry Tramps" at the opera
house last Monday night drew a large
audience. The troupe was composed
of some of the best stage people on the
road. Every act was comedy and comic
opera and the house was kept in a con
slant roar of laughter. There was a
barrel of fun from 'start to finish.
Mrs. W. A. Hood, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. P. A. Hess, who has
been visiting here for some time, vent
to the home of the latter at Ottumwa,
Iowa Monday morning, where Mrs.
Hood will visit for a couple of months.
Mrs. Hess had the misfortune to meet
with an injury on the Hord ranch near
Canton last week that compelled her
to resort to the use of crutches.
Chris Hansen returned Saturday
from Omaha where he went several
weeks ago to undergo an operation for
appendicitis. The operation was suc
cessful aud Mr. Hansen believes that
he will regain his former good health.
After leaving the hospital Mr. Hansen
visited at Blair. He says there are a
great manv Danes in that locality who
have been strong republicans hereto
fore but will vote for Bryan this year.
This condition exists in every state in
the uniori.
Talk about fun at a barn dance, one
of the liveliest of the season occurred
at the ranch of W. H. Kiester, who
has just completed a barn 36x40 in
size. From this, Hemingford and the
Kiester neighborhoods there came a
great gathering of people to make
merry on the new barn floor tripping
the light fantastic toe. The jovial
hospitality of the Kiester family is well
known by every one in Box Butte
county and the dance given last Friday
night was a sample of their social ef
forts. George A. Douglas returned recently
from a hunting trip and roasted mallard
duck has been a deliacy as a result. So
far geese have not commenced
to migrate south. Mr. Douglas is not
only Box Butte county farmer, whose
reputation for proving the futility of
the soil has gone out in every direction,
but he is a nimrod too who can bring
down the game every shot or two.
Mrs, Louis Buechenstein aud child
ren are having a delightful time iu
Illinois and letters from Walter state
that they have been enjoying nut
and plum picking and the like customs
of the people of that part of the country
this time of the vear. They expect to
return home the latter part of this week.
D. T. Roberts, who has been con
ducting the Miller Bros, pop com
wagon at Deaduood, returned to this
city last Monday. A mishap in the
running apartment of the machine put
it out of commission it is said, aud
later the wagon disposed of.
County Superintendent O. E. Phil
lips returned last Saturday from a trip
to Ohio, where, in company, with his
father, he disposed of a bunch of hor
ses at auction. Mr. Phillips states
that he took observation of the politi
cal situation in the Buckeye state and
saw nothing that would indicate alarm
to the republicans. Perhaps the gen
ial county superintendent didn't have
his ear to the ground when Foraker
publicly denounced Judge Taft and
also took a side swipe at Roosevelt.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C.
Jeffers pastor. Sunday School at ten
o'clock. Subject of morning discourse,
"What is Salvation?" The Lord's
Supper immediately follows, when the
hand of fellowship will be given all
new members. Young people's meet
ing at 6:30, Mrs. A. II. Robbins lead
er. Subject of evening sermon, "The
Heavenly Race." Midweek prayer
service Thursday evening. A welcome
to all sen. ice?.
Fostmaster V. t Walker, IMUor.
1 1 1 t
Grandma Hollinrake is reported very
ill at present.
Miss Marie Madsen resigned her posi
tion in Norton's store and returned to her
home near Crawford Saturday.
Grandma McCandless is on the sick list
at present.
Misses Agnes Moravek and Nora Drown
and Messrs. Joe Kuhn and Atvin Scott
spent Saturday night and Sunday at the
Mor&iek home near Canton.
Several Cantonites were shopping in
town the first of the week.
Fred Strong is catering to the wants of
the public in the Marsh A Coe cafe at
The parties who attended the Keister
dance Friday night report a very enjoy
able time, such its is always had at the
Keister home.
Miss Lettie Carey returned Monday
after a two weeks absence sight seeing in
Denier with her mother and sister, Made
Clark Olds, who was sent as a delegate
to the I. O.O.F, convention at Lincoln
last week, returned Tuesday by way of
David City and Cedar Rapids, where he
visited old time friends. He reports a
very pleasant time.
Chauffeur Sloan took an auto load to
Alliance Monday night to attend the
Jerry Butler was in Alliance Monday
Lester Britton has so far recovered
with the broken arm as to be able to at
tend school again.
Miss Jean Rustin was slightly indispos
ed the last of the week.
Owing to the big sleet storm last week
the telephones were put out of commission
for several days.
Mrs. Will Curry is on the sick list.
Grandma Bliss' condition shows a slight
A fine eleven pound hoy came to grace
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, W Stigile
last Friday night. All concerned doing
nicely, as reported by Dr. Quincy. Con
gratulations. Mrs. E. S. Kinsley is reported as being
seriously ill at her home in Sioux county.
O. T, Hedgecock went to Alliance Mon
day, returning Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hedgecock were in
from Sioux county Monday.
So far W. S. Armstrong is the only one
from here who has'been successful in the
Tripp county drawing contest.
Mrs. Burleigh, accompanied by her
daughter. Bertha, went down to the claim
near Lakeside Monday.
The Warren brothers were in from
Agate Saturday.
Dr. Kilmer has gone on an extended
visit to Texas and other southern points.
The many friends of Mrs. M. C. Beau
mont will be gtad to know that she is im
proving from her recent illness.
Frank Nagelschneider's cottage in the
south part of town is fast nearing comple
tion. Explanations are in order I' rank.
Dr. Willis reports the arrival of a son at
the Julius Baltz home, twenty-one miles
west of here, on the 20th.
Miss Edith Broshar, who is attending
school at Hemingford, came down Friday
and visited with her mother for a couple
of days.
Roll Shaw, whose father was section
foreman at this place for a few months of
last year, canto in on 43 Saturday,
It, Snow and N. G. Poole returned
from Colorada Friday. They like the
looks of that country and brought some
fine samples of fruit and vegetables that
were raised under irrigation The part
they visited, however, is no place for po
tatoes and the samples they brought look
ed like peanuts by the side of our spuds.
Mrs. -Niece and daughter, Mrs. Hurt
Hughes were in town on Sunday.
P. F. Rowland, who has been firing on
the pusher engine stationed at this place
for some months, received a promotion at
the hands of the B. & M. and is now firing
on trains 41 and 42 with a run between
Alliance and Ravenna.
Brush Hall is night herder of the helper
engine in place of Lee Bybe, who now has
a run as brakeman on the road.
A surprise party was given Lawrence
Trussel on the evening of the 28th by a
number of his young friends.
Mrs. Brush Hall is quite seriously ill in
(he hospital at Hot Springs.
T. S, Squibb is the champion duck
hunter, having bagged twenty teal and ten
mallards in one morning.
Spuds continue to roll in for shipment,
and there seems to be no diminishing of
the work. The cold snap of last week did
no damage to speak of and this week will
finish up the work of taking them out of
the ground.
E. T. Gregg shipped a car of ice to
Crawford Friday. It was, however, taken
from bis ice house and not grown this
year. Suppose those fellows at Crawford
want to keep cool on election day.
Squibb & Hunsaker are putting down a
well at the H. G. Furman ranch, one mite
east of town. Mr. Furman has also had
tli a Timtcj mnv pn nut nAip Vo mA inn
will have it repaired Burt frurman and
family, who are expected to arrive from
University Place next month, will occupy
Arthur Poole returned from Sheridan
last Sunday. He brought with him a fine
new double harness, so he won't trot tingle
any longer.
The condition of Mrs. James Cook of
Agate, whose mind becanio seriously un
balanced several weeks ago, remains un
changed and we understand she will be
taken to Lincoln this week for medical
treatment. Poor health Is thought to be
the cause.
The rcadcts of the Herald aro cor
dially invited to nil the services of tho
M. E. church. The subject Sunday
a.m. will be "Tho Wisdom of Men vs.
the Power of. God." Tho evening
theme will be "Tho Ultimate of Life,"
or "Man vs. Environment' n review
niul elaboration of the lecture iu tho
opera house Inst Sunday evening. An
endeavor will bo made to interest nil,
especially those who heard the eloquent
lecture in the opera house.
Evidence Against Accused Tecumseh
Banker Disappears.
Tecumseh, Neb., Oct. 26. The
books of tho failed Chamberlain bank
ing house were stolen from tho court
houso here and It Is possible all the
cases pending against C. M. Chamber
lain, tho former cashier of tho insti
tution, who Is being prosecuted on thu
chargu of wrecking; tho bank, may go
Tho books, packed In a box and
weighing over 200 pounds, were sent
by express from Auburn to Sheriff H.
U, Miner of Johnson county and were
deposited by the receiver in his office
without being locked In a vault be
cause tho county attorney and Attor
ney G. A. Adams of Lincoln, his co
counsel, desired to Inspect them to
preparo for a trial of new cases tiled
In Gage county. When thoy went to
tho court house, the box was gone.
A window wns open and tracks of a
wagon were visible at the east en
trance, to the court house grounds,
showing how the books had been cur
ried away.
Grewsome Find at Broken Bow.
Broken Bow, Neb., Oct 26. A grew
some find of a human leg was made
by Jack Govler, a farmer, under a
bridge near his farm. The limb was
turned over to tho coroner for further
Investigation. It was n left limb and
evidently that of a child about seven
years old. It had the appearance f
having been torn from tho socket
after death. It was found fourtoen
miles from town nnd there Is no ceme
tery within several miles. The authot
Hies aro making further search In tho
hope of finding the remainder of tho
Telephone Company Files.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 27. The Inde
pendent Nebraska-Iowa Long Distance
Telephone company has filed articles
of Incorporation with the secretary of
state. The principal office is at
Omaha. The capitalization Is Jl'.GOO,
000, which necessitated the payment
of a fee or ?753 to the secretary of
Rock Island Train in Ditch.
Omaha, Oct. 27. Rock Island train
No. 6, a through passenger train from
Denver to Chicago, was wrecked near
Twenty-fourth and Martha streets as
the result of the breaklug of a switch
bar when the engine struck the switch.
None of tho passengers was Injured,
hough they received a bad fright.
FAHMtfiis jttjssjsfrr ccT.iit;rojM
lti'bolutloua I'atixcil by Indiana Toilers
Condemn StntiMiientu of Pres
ident Sliiii'pli-n KiiillrsM
Chain Among Farmers.
Chairman Mack was informed by
wlro today that at a meeting of reure
sontntlvo farmors of Washington town
ship, Marlon county, Indiana, the fol
lowing resolutions were adopted, and
It was also agreed to form an endless
chain among tho farmors of tho coun
try: Whereas, Tho Associated Press lifts
sent out a statement issued by P. M.
Sharpies, president of the Sharpies
Soparator Company of WestchosUr,
Pa., saying that the hour Bryan is
elected the Sharpies works will close
down, uud
Whereas, Such statements as this
will Intensify the present financial
panic and will also tend to bring on,
If possible, other and greater financial
calamity; therefore, be It
Resolved, That as farmers who hava
the good of our country at heart, we
deoply deplore such unwarranted
statements, and believing they are
made for partisan purposes to Intimi
date and Influence votors, we herewith
denounce all firms making this and
similar announcements, as narrow jond
bigoted, and in these times as disloyal
to the best business Interests ofthe
nation, and In as rnuoh as the persons
and firms now resorting to these un
fair and unpatriotic methods maintain
their businesses by patronage of dem
ocrats as well as republicans, we con
demn these methods as an insult h.
any democratic patron which ought U
be, and which we hope will be, re
sented. Resolved, That we hereby call upon
tho farmers of the nation, Irrespective
of party,who believe in fair play, to
unite with us through thoir organiza
tion and aB individuals, in crushing out
this unwise and indiscreet spirit which
would sacrifice the country's welfare
for party success. (Signed) l Albert
Blue, chairman; Ross 3. Ludlow, sec
rotary. They nre "all" for Taft. Who?
Every trust magnate iu America. "The
ox know pth Ms owner and the ass his
tu4itr s irib "
AED. NOV. 4-th
"The College Boy'
A smile in every word, a laugh in every
line, clean and wholesome, moral and refined.
Pretty Girls Funny Comedians Clever Dancers
PRICES, 25, 50
HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. lellwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Cepsey
Open to All Reputable Physicians.
Address all communications to
Alliance, Nebraska.
Removal Sale
Before moving- to my new
business location in the Mc
Whinney buildings recently
vacated by the Star Store, I
will sell, at lowest possible
prices, all my millinery goods
as I wish to put in a large
line qi holiday goods.
All who have not yet pur
chased their Fall Bonnets
please call at
Lincoln Laborers Praise Bryan.
Lincoln, Oct. 2G. Bearing on tho
recent letter of President Roosevelt
concerning Mr. Bryan's attitude to
ward labor, the Democratic state cen
tral committee gave out a communica
tion signed by the mechanics and la
borers who built tho Bryan homo at
Falrvlew, In which the subscribers
praise what they declare to bo the
fairness and liberality of Mr. Bryan to
men whom he employs. Tho men de
clare their statement to be voluntary
and Intended to offset any Impression
which may exist that Mr. Bryan Is un
friendly to the labor Interests. The
statement credits Mr. Bryan with be
ing the originator of tho eight-hour
movement In Lincoln.
Allen Complains to Postmaster General
Lincoln, Oct. 27. Democratic State
Chairman Thomas S. Allen made pub
lic tho text of a letter he has written
to Postmaster Generel Meyer, com
plaining of the action of John It.
Hayes, postmaster at Norfolk, Neb.,
whom he accuses of refusing to de
liver copies of the New York Staats
Zeltung sent to the Norfolk ofllco.
Mr. Allen usks for nn Investigation
and promises to furnish evidence
,ngainst tho postmaster. Postmaster
Hayes' explanation is said to be that
the papers are campaign literature
and, as such, not entitled to newspa
per DoslaKe rates.
Strikebreaker Beaten and Stabbed.
William Knufman, a strlko-broaklng
cha.irfeur of the New York Taxicab
company, was lured to a lonely section
of the liast side, where he was brutal
ly bcv.teu and stabbed ten times. He
who tAkon to Bellevue hospital in a
crltus condition.
I'alnless Extrautlou
Bate. Sur
Latest Jletbods
Undertaker and Emhslmer
la the DUtrlct Court or Jlox Hatte County,
Maud McOonnoll, Plaintiff 1
v y
Ednard McDonnell, Uufunilniit 1
ToEdnurd McCounoll, nou-resldeut defend
ant: You are hereby notified that on the S9th
day of October. llXW, Maud McDonnell tiled u
petition against you In tho district oourt of
llo.v liutto Oounty, Nebraska, tho object and
Vrayurof ttblcli am to obtain u divorce from
you 011 thKrouiid that you uro uu habitual
Uranlard and that you hatoKrovaly. wtuttoa
ly and cruelly refoMtl nnd noKlutilod to tui
txrt anil provide suitable malutouuuoo for
idalntltr, ulthougb of sullloleut .ability to da
You ure required to answer Bald petition 011
or before Monday, the 7th day of Decombor,
M.irn Mc'ONiri.r., rialntlfT.
fj. 11. t .- hi W Miti lit-ll. tur atu-riiey
and 75 cents.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Try Pardy's Cottage Bread.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real
CBtate. -nurww, zi'li
Go to Pardy's Bakery for your Pies
nnd Cakes,
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk
Pardy's Bakery is 1 14 West Montana
If you want to rent a
house, flat, store, or barn,
see S. A. Hiller. He has
them. 30-tf.
For Rent A large east front room,
close in. Inquire at Herald office,
Wanted Anyone having a car or
more of potatoes to sell, write us best
prices; smooth,. .screened, matured
stock, Johnson Bros., Nebraska City,
Notici to Hunters.
Notice is hereby given that no hunt
ing will be allowed on premises of the
undersigned near Reno.
J. C. Berrv,
fp Sept. 17.8W Wi G. Wilson.
For Sale '
Two story dwelling, eight rooms,
with furniture. Corner Niobraria and
Dakota street. Apply to F. B. Dismer.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Notice to Hunters.
Notice is hereby given that no hunt
ing will be allowed on the premises of
the undersigned.
D. H, Bhigos,
Mus. M. H, Patmokb
No one allowed on premises with gun
and dog on all land owned and con.
ttolled by undersigned.
T. L. Bkiggs,
W. H. Brice.
Mason fruit jars, too cheap for com
fort. Sciuiinuk, phone 510, 4-j-tf.
HOUSE FORALEoTvelloM stone
Ave., six rooms. Price. 51300. Call
on Geo. Pauley. 4W
Taken Vv On my premises, one
black cow, about 8 or 0 years old.
Owner can secure same by proving
property and paying costs. 5. Gliddeu,
South Alliance, 454W
Wanted, Stock to Winter.
Wanted, 150 to 200 head of cattle or
horses to winter at my place, 9K miles
northeast of Alliance. Plenty of feed
aud water. H. M. Gamdill. 44-6w
Furnished rooms for rent at 404
Wyoming avenue, or phone 205.
Wanted to buy small house in north
or west part of Alliance. Inquire at
The Herald office.
Complaint having been made that
railroad crossings have been obstructed
by trains for an unreasonable time, in
some instances for one hour, trainmen
and switchmen are hereby notified that
henceforth when crossings are closed
for more than ten minutes and com
plaint is filed, those responsible for
such obstruction shall be arrested and
srosecuted. The law is that crossings
shall not be obstructed for more than
ten minutes on public highways.
County Commissioner
Wanted to Winter 300 to 400 cat
tle, plenty of hay and range. D. W.
Albright, Kenomi, Sheridan Co,, Neb.,
or Hall Si Graham, Alliance