scwHam&uamvitff-. tzr5mi-vz&iL i-WU 3 J 3. v-3Knasr37Mvnr-kV -- -w--VKt .4 lad 4 tJJ lilWgEjfeBMD Published Every Thursdar b)" Tht HtflHI PlHHraHltf. OWfiJMiy T. J. O'KKEFE Editor J. B. KNIEST Associate Editor Entered at the postoffice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. Subscription, $1,50 per year In advance. DemocraticNationalTicket FOR PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. BRYAN OF NEBRASKA ,FOR VICE PRESIDENT JOHN W. KERN OF INDIANA STATE TICKET ' Governor .A. C. Shallenberger Lieutenant-Governor E. O. Garrett Secretary of State John Mattes, Jr. Auditor Edwin II, Luikart Treasurer , .Clarence Mackey Superintendent of. Public Instruction N.C. Abbott Attorney-General ,11. D, Fleharty Commissioner Public Lands and Building , V, B. Eastham Railway Commissioner... Wm, II, Cowgill Congressman Sixth District .... . . , . W. H, Westover State Senator, Fourteenth District.. ...George M, Adams Representative, 53d District Fred V. Johansen COUNTY TICKET For County Attorney, Eugene Burton For Commissioner, Second Dist., J. P. Jensen Trusts Dictate Platform Tito republican national platform, which uas framed at tho dictation of big trust interests, has driven thous ands and thousands of republicans to the support of the democratic national ticket. In every state in the west there are Bryan clubs composed of re publicans who were forced to leave the G.O.P. because of its allegiance to and connection with the trusts. A striking instance of this revolt is afforded by students attending the University of Minnesota who have organized a "Bryan Kepublicau Club." Within a period of three days a membership of 300 republicans, who will support Bryan, has been enrolled and the list is still growing, While declaring allegiance to their parly these republicans declare that the election of Bryan is above that of partisan politics. The ''Bryan Re publican Club of Minnesota" has set forth its purpose in the following circu lar, which has received general distri bution throughout the state. i. We, the undersigned students of tho University of Minnesota, declare our allegiance to the republican party, and pledge our devotion to progressive republican principles. 2. We believe the Chicago conven tion adopted a platform which does not embody those principles, and nominat ed candidates whose' views do not re flect that will of the people. 3. We hold that it is the right and duty of the people to rebuke party leaders when they allow political or ganizations to be influenced by consid erations of private interest. 4. In the interest of this right and duty, we express our intention to vote for candidates who are pledged to fur ther progressive principles, without re gard to the party to which those candi dates belong, and to exert all our in fluence to secure the election of Wil liam Jennings Bryan as president of the United States. 5. To make our efforts in this di rection the more effective we hereby associate ourselves as the "Bryan Re publican Club of Minnesota," ANNOUKCEMENS. FfCtarcmhttatf, ZntM OlstrtcL ' I desire to announce to the people of Box Butte county that I am the regu lar nomine of the second district for commissioner on the Democratic-Independent ticket and will appreciate sin cerely any support the voters see fit to give me at the polls. J. P. Jensen. For Ccunty Attemty. For County Commissioner Favorable words are heard from all parts of the county in regard to J. P. Jensen's record as couuty commission er and evidently it is the intention of f the tax payers to elect him for the sec ond term. No mistake will be made in so doing. 1 hereby announce myseli as a can didate for the office of county attorney of Box Butte county, Nebraska, on the democratic-independent ticket, and 'solicit the support of the voters of Box Butto couuty. Eugene Burton. The straw vote will soon be buried -by tho real thing. Just watch Box Butte county startle "the natives next Tuesday. The Bryan vote will bo a surprise party to many. Taft and his supporters are insisting that if Bryan should be elected a hos tile senate would defeat democratic aims. This is au admission that they are false in their claim that the people rule, as Bryan says they should, Paste that in your hat. Jn a speech in the West, Mr, Taft told the people that if Mr. Bryan suc ceeded he would put trust-controlled articles on the free list, but that the republicans would not do anythiug of be sort, but "the republican plan of regulation is the proper remedy." The "republican plan of regulation" has been in operation 12 years, with the result that under McKiuley 127 new trusts were organized and under Roosevelt 107 new ones began busi ness. If "the republican plan of reg ulating" is proper, why do trusts mul tiply and why do they continue to practice exhortion? 1 . Mr. Taft says he is in favor of postal savings banks so does tho Republican platform. The republican party has , been in power 12 years. Why hasn't it established postal savings banks? Mr. Taft opposes guaranteeing bank deposits. The republicans in Kausas, Nebraska, Wisconsin and other states advocate guaranteeing deposits, but the big hankers oppose this protection. What the big1 bankers say goes with the republicans. Why do they wish postal savings banks? Because they know the money deposited in postal savings banks would go into the big banks and strengthen their control of he finances of the country. Labor Sends 7000 Letters To date, 7ooo letters have been re ceived and in casting up the sentiment which prevails, in the localities from which these communications originat ed, it is discovered that the first three mentioned states become the center of activity. Viewing the situation from the standpoint as focalized in New York, Ohio and Indiana, indications of an almost positive character show that the votes of the organized workmen to the extent of between So and 85 per cent will be cast for Mr. Bryan. "The trend of sentiment in the ranks of labor has been strongly marked by its.iapid advance during the last week, so much so, that I have understated the per cent which I believe to be the actual fact. "From every point of view, taking into consideration, personal corres pondence, demands for labor litera ture, reports from men in the field, wtio are workiug in our interests, and from air the contributory sources in timately co-operative with the move ment instituted by labor, no other con clusion can be drawn than that so far as the men of labor are concerned, Mr. Brvan will receive a greater sup port than any presidential candidate iu the history of this country has ever received before from that source. In deed, the outlook is extremely rosy. To which Class Do You Belong ? The republican contributions have not been made public, but it is generally known that Andrew Carnegie, who was at the head of the steel trust, and yet owns considerable stock in the concern, contributed something like 20,000 to the Taft campaign fund. J. J. Hill, the railroad magnate, too, contributed most liberally to assist in selecting the man whose opposition to labor and es pecially labor unions has made him detested by all fair-minded people. Other corporations and trust magnates ha,e given their thousands that Taft may be elected to protect their interests and ill-gotten gains, On the other hand is the daily contributions of those of moderate means and their means and amounts published that everyone may read. To which class do you be long, voter? There 1ms been little of the spectacular in this campaign unless the tremendous ovations tendered Bryan 'everywhere may be called spectacular! The people are not making much noise,1 which may betaken as an indication that they are '""keeping1 up a de'il o' thinkinV' y The republican state platform of North Dakota declares in favor of guaranteed bank deposits, the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, the speedy revision of the tariff and abolition of all duties on those articles whose production or distri bution are controlled and manipilated by the trusts. Any of our republican friends 'who doubt this statement are invited to call at this office" and we will show them the platform which is published in a leading republican newspaper of North Dakota. ' A feeling of absolute confidence in the election of Bryan prevades in the breast? of men who have been intimately connected with the managment of his cam paign. This confidence is born of the thorough unifica tion of the democratic party, the dissensions in the re publican party, the magnificent campaign of Bryan, the ' 'me too" echo of a campaign made by Taft, the rally ing of the workingmen to Bryan, the popular demand for a revision downward of the tariff, the explosion of the old theory of panics coming only under democratic rule and a thousand and one other things the presage t he triumph of the principles espoused by Bryan, Personal letters and public statements from leading democrats who are in a position to know every phase of tlfe situation all go to show that Bryan's elec tion is assured. But there is something doing the last week of the campaign. One railroad is threatening to reduce wages if Bryan is elected. Manufacturers v.yho employ the profits of an iniquitous tariff threaten to close their factories if Taft is defeated. "Calamity wails" loud and long descend from the lips of tariff barons, political bankers and trust beneficiaries who see the signs of Bxyan's triumph. Everything that will coerce, brow beat and club workingmen into voting for Taft is being brought into use. Millions have been poured into the republican slush fund during the last ten days. Every cabinet officer is on the stump in an effort to stem the ' Bryan tide. RboseVeft'1 is Working like1' a ward poli tician, and working hand in glove with the interests that he has claimed along to be fighting to a finish. But despite all the tide is still running Bryanward, and a victory for the people is in sight. In the closing days of last year- President Roose velt hailed Morgan, Schwab, Perkins and their coterie as "public benefactors" and "saviors of the national credit" because they came forward and put up $35. 000,000 in cash to help tide over the "Roosevelt panic." It now develops that in so doing Morgan, Schwab, Per kins, et al only made a little profit of about 1 500 per cent on their benefaction. Before putting up the money they made it a condition that they should have in return a controlling interest in the Tennessee Coal and Iron Co., the steel trust's only competitor. Presi dent Roosevelt admits thathe agreed to prevent the consolidators from being prosecuted under the anti trust law. Now it transpires that for this $35,000,000 the steel trust gang secured possession of a property worth upwards of $750,000,000 and at the same time wiped out the steel trust's only competitor. Of course the whole gang is for Taft and is contributing liberally to the g. o. p. campaign fund. In many respects this has been the most unique campaign in the history of American politics. On the one hand is a candidate who was not the choice of the rank and file of his party, but a selection foisted upon them by a president who seeks to enforce the law of entail and, impressed federal office holders to help en force his will. On the other hand is a candidate who was unanimously nominated by the rank and file of his party; a man who had nothing to offer save his own record, his ability, his honesty, his sincerity, his patri- otism and his love for popular rights. On the one hand a candidate backed by the trusts and syndicates and supported by a president who has loudly boasted of his opposition to those same trusts and syndicates. On the other hand a candidate who has fought special privilege, who offers an adequate remedy for present injustice. On the one hand is a man who says an appeal for the right of trial by-jury is "the most insid ious attack ever made upon the integrity of the courts." On the other hand a man who says an honest working man should not be denied a right guaranteed the most confirmed criminal. WE ASK YOU To examine our statement of con dition. People who intrust their money to a band should know something of its financial strength. The annexed state ment speaks for it self on its strength we solicit your busi ness. The First National Bank, CHAP.TEK NO. 4228, At .Ullunce. In the State of Nebraska, at the elOM-of business. September 33, 1H RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $367,530.58 Overdrafts' 784.83 U. S. and other Bonds 105,800.00 Hanking House and Fixt'rs 1 1,000.00 Cash and Exchange ,. ,. . i2g,442'58 S614.557.99 LIABILITIES. Capital . Surplus .. .4 Net Profits .. Circulation. Deposits... , $ 50,000,00 , 40,000.00 1,525-62 50,000.00 473.o32.37 S614.557.g9 I hereby certifiy that the above state ment is correct. S. K. Warrick, Cashier. The First National Bank OF ALLIANCE. U. S. Government, State, County and City Depository Protect your valuable papers by rcating one of eur safety deposit boxes. These boxes cost $1.00 to SI.50 per year. They are protected by our fire-proof vault and eur electrical burglar alarm. PUBLIC Stallion Sale H irfVl IWmmM Kv-ABBn aaW aaaalBBBaT' kI&bbbbbbbbpHI l 17) av v Br !w$flBlaaaaaaaaak2H ,uv '''bW aav iL ' $OJr?$BBaaaaaaaaBBH The undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at Smith's livery barn in Alliance, Nebraska Thursday, November 19 ' AT 2 P. M. One of the best stallions ever brought to western Nebraska. He was shipped here with the inten tions of selling to a stock company but after climating a year we have decided to give every body a show at public auction : : : : MAJOR Registration No. 5577 This horse is one of the world's famous Shire breeders, bred by Bilbo & Wilson, of Creston, Ioua, sired bv Glinton No. 10165890 and his dam is Creston Daisj , No. 4480, both imported animals. Major has passed the examination of the Iowa Department af Agri culture. He also received first premium at the 1907 Southwestern Iowa Fair Association. Major is a handsome dark bay, six years old, and weighs 1700 lbs. We guarantee him sound in every respect and a sure breeder. Can be seen at Smith's barn in Alliance one week before sale : : : : : : : : : : 0" Come and look at a good horse for once, whether you want to buy or not. TAttlC Nine montns' time IO Per cent.; 5 per 1 CI Hid cent, off for cash. C. L DRAKE, Auctioneer. MARTINDALE & SON f First-class Views and Commercial Work . & Alliance Art Studio M. E. UlttlllF, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALLIANCE. NEAR. Enlarged Portraits In Every Style i.i)' !.