The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 29, 1908, Image 1

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Official Publication
of the ' City and
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Democratic National Chairman
Declares That Bryan Will
Carry East and West.
Ohio, Indiana mid New York in the
Democratic Column.
No-man B. Mnck qhairman of Up
Democratic nationnl committee, la con
ficlt'tit of the election of Mr. Bryan as
president. In a statement summing
ij (he situation he said:
"Three "Wcks ago it was apparent
lhat the tldo had turned toward De
mocracy, nid that ij.-eryiitwaruV evJL-1
dence pointed to a Democratic victory
in November. The situation is far bet
ter now than then, and I am confident
la the belief that Mr. Bryan will be
elected president. In fact, the cam
paign, from the Democratic viewpoint,
ha steadily improved with each suc
ceeding week. As Mr. Bryan has pre
sented the Issues in various sections
of the country, the people have become
more and more convinced that his
election is for the permanent pros
perity and best interests of the nation.
"Of the many reports I have received
from the various states there has not
been one discouraging to our cause. On
the other hand, all of our information
has indicated that there will be a re
workable decrease In the Republican
Tote, and this statement applies alike
to the banner Republican state of
Pennsylvania as well as to states like
New York, Ohio, and Indiana. Mr.
Bryan will not only receive the major
ity of the electoral vote, hut one of the
greatest popular votes eer given a
Says Fight Is Won.
"The fight is won, but we must keep
everlastingly at it for the remaining
two weeks of the campaign. Our re
ports have been of such an encourag
lag nature that I have at times had
fears least some of those on duty
would, in their enthusiasm, let up in
the fight, and my parting word to those
at headquarters is that they contlnjo
Uaeir efforts just as aggressively as it
the contest had to be won in the de
clining days of the campaign.
"The Democratic party has a greater
membership than the Republican party.
The only question with us in recent
years has been to get our folks to
gether In harmonious and united pha
lanx. I do not believe there Is a Dem
ocrat In the entire country who is out
side of the breastworks In this cam
paign, and that is the greatest reason
to my mind why Mr, Bryan will be
Inaugurated president on March 4 next.
I will not attempt to give figures, but 1 1
will say now that New York, Ohio, and
Indiana are Democratic this year, and
my prediction does not take Into con
sideration a number of other states
that will swing from the Republican
to the Democratic column on election
Republicans Pass the Lie.
Republican campaign managers have
been endeavoring to create the Im
pression that James Duncan, first vice
president of the American Federation
of Labor, Is not in sympathy with the
labor movement advocated by Mr.
Gompers, urging union labor to sup
port Its friends and defeat its enemies
in the present campaign. Mr. Duncan
was advised of this fact and asked to
state hia attitude in tho matter His
reply is explicit and gives the He to
the Republican managers who have
boon seeking to pluce him In a false
light. ,- -
jr . List of Trus Allies.
Thp djiysnjbllcan national committee
is fjnd1ffg)jut a letter asking for "ensh
contrlmltlona," In which the declara
tion lr, made that ''the election qt
Judxe Taft and Jamas S. Sherman Ib
essentia) to Jhe welfare of the oanx
trv "
Cootinued on page 4,
Blnlo tllslorlcnl Society
The Alliance Herald.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers' Journal, In May, 1893,
said: "Judge Taft's decision pro
claims members of the B. of L. E.
a band of conspirators.
Also, "We can nqt accept Judge
Taft's decision In any other light
than treason to republican Institu
tions and the liberties of the peo
ple. It is, will be, and ought t be
denounced and repudiated by all
liberty loving men."
The Impudent false
hood that trusts and monopolies
cheapen products and benefit the
consumer Is disproved by the fact
that the price of commodities con
trolled by these monsters has been
arbitrarily increased for no cause
except to pay dividends on ficti
tious capital by methods that
make larceny respectable.
Ex-SonatorJohn J. Inyalla.
Seek to Destroy Public Confidence in
Futile Kflbrt to Defeat
racing inevitable defent and with a
full knowledge of the fact that Bry
an's election Is ns certain as anything
reasonably can be in politics, the Re
publicans have been forced to resort
to the last refuge of political cowards
to the calamity howl. They are now
engaged in telling the country that
panic and ruin will follow the election
of Mr. Bryan. Instead of being patri
otic citizens anxious to restore busi
ness confidence a confidence which
has been lost under a Republican ad
ministration to subserve their own
political selfish purposes they are vain
ly endeavoring to prolong the present
business depression. The question
naturally suggests itself: Why is it
necessary to restore confidence? Why
is it necessary to bring back business
prosperity? What has become of confi
dence, what has become of prosperity?
Both, under a Republican administra
tion, have disappeared. Why is an
other Republican administration neces
sary to insure a return of confidence
and prosperity?
The very same men who, today, are
going about the country still further
destroying confidence by preaching
calamity, are the men, who, four yenrs
ago said that the Republican party
must be successful In order that there
might be prosperity. The Republican
party was successful, but instead of
bringing prosperity it brought panic,
business depression and commerc'Al
stagnation. Whatever may be said of
the present panic, it cannot be denied
that it U a Republican panic. The
Republican party Is in full possession
of "tie government and must accept
the responsibility. How, then, can a
continuation of the Republican party in
power cure the erlls from which the
business community and the laboring
man now suffer? Let the Republicans
howl about their own panic, and not
make false predictions about wkat wllV
happen under a Democratic adminis
tration. They predicted prosperity
four years ago, and proven false pro
phets. Why, then, should any sane
man accept their premonitions now
when they say that Bran's election
.would bring business troubles. Busi
ness troubles aro already here. Wfrat
business men want is a cure for them,
not a prolongation of the disease by
the same sort of treatment v.hlch has
produced the ailment.
Because businet.3 men and laboring
men both know that a RepublleaTTttH
ministratlon has produced panlc.'ULjfa
will not be deceived again ffihose
false cries of Republican" qalaniity
howlers. Thy knolv that William
Jennings Bryan Is an honest'inan; they
know that ho will give tho public an
honest administration. They know that
the calamity bowl is fop the solepur
pce cf flec i tk n. .-
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A Word irom Mr. Bryan.
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Against Laboring Men.'
While William JL Taft is traveling
about Ohio and elsewhere making fran
tic appeals for the support of laboring
men, his running mate on the Republi
can ticket, James S. Sherman, Is giv
ing his endorsement to the statement
that "labor unions are composed large
ly of anarchists, socialists and dema
gogues." Mr. Sherman1 heard the or
ganized wage worker of the country
thus denounced by a trust magnate
who presided at a meeting where he
spoke, and gave approval of the senti
ment expressed. When Mr. Sherman
appeared recently at Akron, Ohio, the
meeting which he addressed was pre
sided over by O. C. Burber. president
of the Diamond Match Company. Mr
Batber Introduced Mr. Sherman to the
audience In doing so he made use of
the following language, as stenograph
ically reported:
'0n ol tlie iURta reasons for the
success of the Diamond Match Com
pany Is that ita directors HAVE
no one to dictute to us what wages we
shall pay, what men we shall hire, and
what hours our employes shall work
But for tho blebsed Dlngley tariff
American newsiMipers could buy news
print papor in Canada for $1.76. On
this side they a,e paying all the way
from $2.35 to .$2.60. Canadian paper is
as good as 'the domestic product and
the labor employed in making it is as
well paid as that on Ibis side the
border Johnstown Democrat.
Largest Circulation
of any" Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
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Tlie New York. Merchant and VhU '
UnthropUt Declare Election, ol
Bryan Means Buaineca
Nathan Straus, the great New York
merchant and philanthropist, iu an
nounclng his reasons for supporting
Mr. Bryan, said.
"I reel sure that he will be elected,
and I say, as a business man, one who
Is as much Interested perhaps as any,
In the general prosperity of the coun
try, as one who Is bound to feel per
sonally any lack of prosperity among
the masses, that I bellave his election
will be a benefit to all the country,
and to all of the people. Those that
talk otherwise, those that predict panlo
and disaster, as the result of the elec
tion of an honest man, chosen by n
honest, ma Jcrjty of the people, are nar
row minded and short-sighted, or pre
tend to believe that which they know
Is not true, or they are seeking to ob
scure the real and vital issues of the
campaign, Mr. Bryan will make a
safe, reliable, conscientious president,
a president for all of the people, the
rich and the poor, the big man and
the little. He will represent the
American people, not any class, and
for that reason I shall work for him
until election and vote for him o
election day."
New York Evening Posl It das
been show u lhat the Democratic Qorn
mlttee got not a cent and that Mr.
Roooevvit gave currency to a .fale
charge. He admitted that llarrlmau
raised $210,000 for the Republican
campaign fund in 1004. Then they
-were both "practical men" and were
orkintr together.
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