The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 01, 1908, Image 8

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LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. 1 (rfUfl ..11luJgfr. C1 X "ftJfT" . .l.lA- .. "
Dr. Hellwood !s spending a few days
in Omaha.
Sang C. Keck made a business trip
to Lincoln (his week.
Dr. Eikncr and wife of Hcmingford
are in (lie city today.
Mr. and Mia. F. E. Holstcn ate tak
ing in (he sights at Omaha tin's week.
Mrs. E, 0. Koodh is in Dcnvct visit
ing Miss Pease, fottncrly of this place.
Nate Hart of Lead, S. D., was
transacting business in Alliance this
Miss Marie Basso went to limning
ford today to visit the family of Anton
Mr. and Mis. D. Landrigan expect
to leave this week for an extended visit
in Illinois.
Miss Attic Snow returned yesterday
from her visit with relatives and friends
at Marsland.
Harry Thicle, Frank Hrcnnan and
W. J. Pool were passengers this after
noon for Omaha.
Mrs. G. II. Wright Jeft yesterday
for Kansas City to attend the "Priest
of Pallas" festivities.
William Elmore arrived from Mary
land last week and will visit with his
family for a some time.
Mis. C. H. Grothc left Monday after
noon for Omaha to be present at the
Ak-Sar-Bcn festivities.
Mrs. Eugene Thompson and mother,
Mrs. Hood, were up from their ranch
in the sand hills Tuesday.
H. E. Jones, the hustling land man
of Hemingford, was transacting busi
ness in Alliance Saturday.
Conductor and Mrs. Andrews aic
among those from Alliance taking in
the Ak-Sar-Bcn at Omaha this week.
Jacob Jesse and sister, Mist Elsie
Jesse, and C. E. Simpson went to Oma
ha Monday, morning to spend a week.
T. ShankKn returned to Alliance
Sunday morning from Omaha where
he had a shipment of cattle on the
Win. Becker and "Santo Fe" John
son will leave today for South Dakota
to register in the government land
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gilman have
returned from Torrington, where they
visited W. M. Copeland and family a
few days.
The entertainment at the Crystal
theatre last night was given for the
benefit of St. Agnes Academy and net
ted $26.30.
Enoch Boyer and family spent Ft i
day and Saturday in Crawford taking
in the carnival and visiting at the home
of S. W. Jacoby.
Win. O'Mara and wife of Moomaw
accompanied Miv. O'Mara's sister as
far as Alliance, she being entente to
her home in Colorado.
Mrs. Chas. Tnbbs returned this
morning from Omaha Where she has
been visiting friends sines Sunday, and
taking in the Ak-Sar-Hen.
After a pleasant visit with her sistei,
Mrs. j. K, Kridclbatigh, and tamily,
Mrs. L, W. Spalford has retimed to
her home at Creston, Iowa.
Eugene Reeves returned Monday
from Touington, Wyo., wheie he was
visiting bis son and family. He also
attended the fair while thcie.
Joe Smith, the expett soda dispenser
at Holsten's, returned Monday from a
davs visitjat Omaha and other points
in the eastern part of the state.
I. L. Harnett, the accommodating
salesman at Newberry's tetuiucd to
Alliance Saturday from a pleasant visit
with lelatives and friends at Kushville.
No doubt the lady readers of The
Heiald will be attracted by the hand
some advertisement of the Horace
Boue stoie which appears on page S.
Maitin O'Connor and bride at lived
yesterday morning from Livingston,
Mont., for a visit at the parental home.
They may possibly decide to locale
)k re.
J. H. Furmaii, the well known stock
man of Dawos county, whose ranch is
neat Mankind, lttumed today from
uth Omaha where he marketed two
cars of cattle.
. T. Lunn went to Omaha Sunday
Jul a short vacation. Mrs. Lnnu and
the children, who have been visiting
relatives there for some time, will ac
r inp.inv him home.
I he County Sunday School Associa
wnl hold iU annual convention at Hem
ngtoid on October 7th. All Sunday
school workers are urged to attend.
l. "Aft. W. Lockwoou.
Mrs. S. B. Libby and Mrs. Ira Tahh
returned last Saturdaylroin Kearney,
where they went as delegates to the
state convention of the W.L.T.l. The
Saturdav, Oct
What a wealth of Millinery beauty awaits your inspection here Saturday. What infinite
variety! What richness grace and elegance! The whole bewildering panorama of new Hat
fashions will stand revealed in our Millinery Department.
The preeminent modes of Paris and the clever conceptions of American artist Milliners
will be presented in a magnificent showing of superb Pattern Hats. And side by side with these
faithful copies of models originally costing ten times our prices, made by our own deft-fingered
designers. It will be a showing out-rivaling in breadth and beautv any Millinery Exhibit ever
before presented in Alliance. " 3 j-muii. cu
And in each department the conspicuous splendor of. new Fall merchandise is apparent!
I he whole store is resplendent in its new garb. Your every want can here be filled from asso
merits which speak eloquently of our search for all that was new and stylish. Dress Fabrics
Silks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear-but why name them ?thev are af lee cor
rect in style, low in price, and waiting for your approval! ' '
Suits, Coats. Skirts and Waists, in Fashionable Assortments!
The exhibit of Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists, beggars description. Never have we
shown such a galaxy of garment style-so much of originally, of new ideas, of fabric variety.
The influence of the jDirectoire" style is plainly evident in the Suit and Skirt styles the
S&Vr fitting, long, trim sleeved The eloiU ed
collar effects. Truly, the" period has lent the Fall stvles man; charming and
pleasing innovations. ' - wi.uuniig ana
You must see the new garments. Come, glean the new style ideas. It's time to con
sider the Fall wardrobe-time to plan your purchase. You find Suits here at $65.00 and others
IZ I 08c to $" oS .' $5' t0 $4a- frm $3- t0 $"0.00 and VvS
But forget about the pricefor a while. This is primarily a viewing time. We want von
tocome-with or without buying intentions. Then, when you do buy you w 11 know w Sere to
obtain the best and most stylish garments at the least expense. COME !
Horace Bogue
'' w
. r-ni
ladies tepoit a veiy large and enthusi
astic meeting and much woik done to
further the cause. When the teport
from Alliance was made and that it
carried the infoimation that the saloon
had beenabolished from this city, the
waving of handkerchiefs and llags was
Iversou Bros, of Duulap wont down
to Omaha Monday night with a ship
ment of cattle. The boys will combine
business with pleasure and take in the
Ak-Sai'Hen while theie.
Geo. Douglas was in the eastern
part of the state last week, returning
Saturday. He will accompany the
Burlington special exhibit car cant
again this fall and winter.
Mrs. Holdridge, Mrs. C. D. Hall,
Mis. Ftush, Mrs. Mallciy and daughter
Leone aie among those in attendance
at the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. Miss
Leone is one of the maids of honor.
The quailerly report of the condition
of the Alliance National bank appears
in this issue and the standing of that
icliable banking institution keeps pace
with the business woild in a substantial
The foithcoining nuptials of Mr.
Louis A. Bascbky and Miss Anna Ke
gina Rowland have been annpiiuced to
take place at Holy Kosary church, un
Wednesday morning, October 7th, at
7 o'clock.
Mis. J. Caioy ui lived from South
Antton, Canada yesteidav morning
and will visit a couple of mouths with
her childien, Miss Madaliue, of this
city, and Agent Carey and Miss Lottie
of Hemiucford.
The Heiald lias leceived a goodly
sum 111 contributions foi the democra
tic national campaign umd and a state
ment thereof .will be published next
week. $eveial republicans have con
tributed to the fund.
A telegram received this niotiiing an
nounces the death of Miss Frances
Adams, sister of John Adams of this
office, who was called to her sick bed
last week. Friends and relatives in this
city extend sympathy to the bereaved
brothois and sister.
The Hay Spiings Entorpiise of last
week tells of a paity given recently in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilbeit of
that place, but who formerly resided
in this city. Fvidentily Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert's popularity have followed
them to Hay Springs.
Engineer Varbiough's wife and
little daughter arrived in the city last
Tuesday from Sterling, Colo., and
visited until the follow int; day with her
aunt, Mrs. Cora Bayse. From, here
t)iey went to Billings, and Helena,
Mont, to visit lelatives.
Dave Lee of Bridgepoi t was in the
city last Monday transacting business
and visiting friends. TJave has dom
onstrated his ability to take care of
himself with the pen as well as the
sword and when he dips his quill iuto
vitrol it behooves even some of the
old newspaper man to hunt their holes.
II. II. Smico.'who resides on the
county poor farm, has 35 acies ot as
fine corn as one would wish to teed to
stock. It is the White Cap variety
and samples brought to this office
show (hut it is well tilled and matuied.
Mr. Smice says that it will gofoity
bushels to the acru and this is mighty
good 011 land that costs considerable
less than Jjoo per ticre
Lditot Ellis ! the 1 11110 is down to
Lincoln visiting his family who have
been there some time. He will also
wait for the Taft demonstration which
is to occur there in a few days. Mr.
Ellis is a great admirer of the republi
can candidate for president and would
rather lose a meal than the pleasure
of gazing 011 Bill's delicate fotin.
The Herald is in leceipt of a letter
from A. L. Field with a year's sub
scription enclosed. Mr. Field, who
was a pioneer settler in this county,
our first county judge, and later en
gaged in the lumber and drug business,
is now tunning a lumber yard at Clara
City, Minn., and prospering. Mr.
Field sends regards to Alliance friends.
Miss Inice McCorkle went to Omaha
Friday where she will be the guest of
Miss Edith Andeison foi a month.
The evening before Miss McCorkle de-1
parted she gave a musicale at her home
which was participated in by her large
class in music. An excellent program
was rendered, lefreslunents served,
after which the guests enjoyed an
automobile tide about the city.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C.
Jeifers, pastor. Sunday Sqhool at ten
o'clock. Subject of morning discourse,
"The Light of God." Voting people's
meeting at 6:jo, one-half hour earlier
than formally. Subject of evening
sermon. "The Turning Point." The
hour of pleaching service is also
changed one-half hour eat Her, from
8 o'clock to 7:30. Midweek prayer
service Thursday evening. A welcome
to all services. j
)K Bowman is in Omaha this week
enjoying the AkSar-Ben festivities and j
visiting fiiends. )
How Edgemont "Lambs"
Liked the Initiation
(Fiom ihe Edgeinont Epiess)
On Sunday night Mrs. Lynch, Mrs.
Applegate, Mrs. Riley and Misses Ag
nes and Mollie Stack and Nellie Colgan
went to Alliance wheie they were ini
tiated into the mysteries of the order
of the Daughters of Isabella, which
was organized theie Monday night.
Upon arriving in Alliance the party
was met at the train by Denny Landri
gan and W. Hamilton, who escorted
them to a hotel and after bieakfast
Mr. Hamilton took them to see the
lodge loom. Mr. Tom O'Keefe then
came with his automobile and several
hours were spent in viewing the city
and the surrounding country.
At seven o'clock in the evening Un
adjourned to the lodge room where the
woik was beautifully put on by the
McCook team. A sumptuous banquet
was given ft 0111 eleven to twelve o'clock
which was followed by speeches given
by the various candidates and this was
followed bv a dance which lasted into
the small bonis of the morning. The
officers of this new order are all Al
liance people and as it is a ladies or
der, only the highest officers of the
Alliance order of the K. of C. wore ad
mitted to the installation. There were
thirty-five candidates in all and the
new lodge will be known as St. Agnes
Court No. 90.
The candidates that were present
from Edgeinont epressed themselves
as having eujoyed every minute of their
stav m Alliance and that a moie whole
j souled, hospitable lot of people they
, never met, than those of Alliance.
iThey returned home Tuesday morning
tued out, but with the most pleasant
of memories of their meeting with the
jolly people of Alliance, and hope to
again have the pleasure of being with
them many other times.
We understand that while Miss
Agues Stack had as much fun as any
of them, she had quite a serious time
in keeping up with the pace of the
party from here and got lost a number
of times. Miss Nellie Colgan was very
much elated at the prospect of a trip
to Alliance because of so many eligible
bachelors ming there. Imagine her
chagrin upon teaching there to be in
troduced as Mrs. Colgan and in spite
of all argument and prqtestatiou on
her pait they still believe her to be a
married woman.
Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls.
I ia!seJ the bull calf that took first
premium, also calf that took fifth in
same class, in open competition, at our
State fair in September J007. My
herd took fourteen libbons, altogether
1 now have thirty bulls, from one to
three years old, which I would like to
sell for fall delivery; a car load. J will
sell from twelve to twenty; you take
your pick for Sioo each. I will keop
them tor two months, feed thaiit oats,
allalfa, etc., get them in good shape.
You take them in December, winter
them at home, and they will do you
some good. J. G. Bi;i:mi.r,
43-iveat Btoken Bow, Neb.
We will pay $25 lewaid for evilleilce
that will convict anyone of hunting or
halting on this tanch without written
Signed bv H, A. Peters.
30 6 THJ l'uiBhi WlllMMsCo.
WC -JUJ61f