The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 01, 1908, Image 5

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i A i.
: 4.
K. J. Stern lias been wearing a smile
for the last few days.
Mrs. C. E. Howard is visiting friends
in Crawford this week.
ltrakeman C. F. Yockey lias been
promoted to conductor.
E. D. Lewis and family spent a few
days in Hot Springs this week.
Engineer C. W. Tillett of Leadspent
a few days in the city this week.
Mrs. C. A. Landhcrg is visiting
friends and relatives in Ottuniwn, la.
Ed Rcardon and father left a few
days ago for an extended visit with rel
atives in Creston, Iowa.
Master Mechanic E. D. Andrews of
Sterling was in the city Tuesday on
W. J. Cheshire, of the car force, is
on an extended visit with friends in
Villissca, Iowa.
Switchman H. Gibford has left the
service and will leave to accept a simi
lar one in Denver.
Mrs. D. Fitzpatrick and children
left Monday for a few days visit with
friends in Edgemont.
D. E. Lynch, roudmaster- of Edge
mont was in the city for a few hours
Tuesday on business.
Machinist C. E.' Hinmau is spend
ing a few weeks visiting in Omaha,
Denver and Concordia.
B. W. Thurston and T. H. Morris
went to Crawford the first ol the week
to attend the carnival.
Mrs. C. H. Grothe left Monday
afternoon on 44 for a few days visit
with friends in Omaha.
Win. Jappert, general car inspector,
of Lincoln attended the business meet
ing in Alliance Tuesday.
Mrs. Johnson, who has been visiting
her daughter, Sig, returned to her
home in Havelock Wednesday.
Yard Foreman E. C. Anderson is in
Omaha this ueek watching the street
parades during the Ak-Sar-Uen.
Mrs. G. H. Wright will leave in a
few days for an extended visit with
relatives and friends in Kansas City.
P. S. Lore, of the car force, is
spending a few weeks in Table Rock
and other points in the eastern part of
the state.
G. W. Betebener and family return
ed Tuesday from an extended visit
with relatives and friends in Minnesota
and other points of interest.
F. A. EcUerson left Tuesday for
; Bcardstown, 111., to attend the funeral
',, of T. M, Smith, master mechanic at
,', that place who passed away Monday.
t Fireman J. M. Petersod, who has
1 "- -becQ'-worklng'ott'-theiHot-Sprincs run
and who is just recovering 'from a siege
( " IV Vvofillttess,,.has been trapsfe,rred to-Al
Roundhouse Foreman K. C. Spatz
of Edgemont. W. A. Sutherland of
Deadwood and J. W. Carney of Sene
ca were in town Tuesday to attend a
meeting of the mechanical department
Engineer W. A. Bennett has been
appointed road foreman of the lines
north of Edgemont, effective October
1st, vice Fred Houser, who has been
assigned to other duties.
S. D. Brown, chief clerk to car ac
countant of Chicago, G. E. Bramer of
Omaha, G. G. Diamond of Aurora,
111., F. Fuller of Sheridan, G. Mc
Keane of Sheridan and A. Brown,
storekeeper of Edgemont, are a few
who attended the meeting of mechani
cal department officials held in Alliance
Railroad Notes from Edgemont
Edgemont Express.
Mrs. M. Wiedenfeld was a visitor to
Alliance last ueek on business.
Mrs. H. G. Hageman went to Al
liance this week for a short visit with
Machinist Frank Burke of Alliance
has been visiting here for a few days
renewing old-time acquaintances.
J. J. Hickey is a new boiler maker
who has gone to work here, being
transferred to this place from Alliance.
Dan Ford, cashier at the depot; H.
J. Peters, engineer; C. A. Brown, yard
master; Will Hamilton, conductor on
the Alliance division; Fireman Fitz
patrick, of the Sheridan division; Car
Repairer Henry Damn, Machinist John
Roller, Engineer R. V. Brown and
Blacksmith M. Leucks were in Lead
Saturday and Sunday attendiug the
council of the Knights of Columbus,
which met there Sunday.
When San Francisco was de-
otnuiJ L. ...
"""'" w,c proposition was
made to admit lumber for Its
rebuilding free of duty. The Re
publican party managers side
tracked It. But why should they
have taken this attitude? As
long as they plead that the for
signer pays the tax thsre was
no particular reason for them to
compel the people of that strlck
en city to pay ten per cent more
for the lumber In Its rebuilding
than they would otherwise, Just
In order to prevent an objsct
lesion In the event of real tar
iff revision.
co oo aeooa
I'oMiimsti'rW. i Wiithor. UUJtor
A M. Milter is quite ill at this writing.
John O'Keefe was on our streets Tues
day. Mr. Godfrey from Iowa is here looking
after his interests.
Rev. Douglas and Mr. Dolin were in
town a few days this week.
Clark Faulkner was in the (ore part of
the week after a load of goods.
County Superintendent O. K. Phillips
was in town the first ol the week.
Mrs. E. I. Everetts returned from her
visit with Alliance friends Tuesday. -
The vetrinary from Alliance had busi
ness in our city the first of the week.
Chauffer Sloan is kept pretty busy now
days as the auto is in constant demand.
Grove Fosket of Sioux cotintv came in
Tuesday for a few days stay with friemls.
Clias. Weise is enjoying a visit with his
father aud mother, who arrived the first
of the week.
H. L. Pierce has so far recovered from
his recent illness as to be able to look after
business again.
A. M. Miller and R. Walker made a
trip to the Sioux county country Sunday,
returning Monday.
Mrs. Spracklen came in the first of the
week to meet her mother, who came for a
visit with her daughters.
Ham Hall moved his family into the
Strong house this week so the children
could attend school here.
Mrs. Houghton, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Millett, departed for
her home in Iowa Tuesday.
The family of H. R. Olds has been con
siderably under the weather for some time
but are improving at present.
Mrs. B. E. Johnson came home from
Sheridan, Wyo,, Tuesday after a very
pleasant isit with her daughter and fami-
A deal was consumated the first of the
week whereby Frank Uresee became pro
prietor of the O. T. Hedgecock tonsorial
Mrs. Walter Rishel came up Tuesday
in answer to a dispatch stating the serious
illness of her mother, who resides near
Miss Regina Burlew spent the greater
part of last week in Alliance. While there
she was initiated into the lodge, The
Daughters of Isabella.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moravek were in the
first of the week fixing up rooms for their
daughter, Miss Agnes, and son, Will, who
will attend school here this year. ,
Geo. Hassel: and Chas. Reister returned
to their homes in Illinois last Sunday af
ternoon. The boys made a host of friends,
during their stay here whq were .sorry ton
see them leave.
:Mr. and Mrs. Clark OldsRup'urf WdNc
er, Claude McDonald and Ward Norton
formed a party to Alliance last week Wed
nesday to see Sanford Dodge's company
present "Faust." They reporied a fine
a number from here went to
Crawford last week to attend the carnival,
but owing to the cold, stormy weather
they did not stay long and the carnival
was not as much of a success as it other
wise would have been.
Miss Lettie Carey went down to Alliance
Monday to meet her mother, who came
from Canada. They remained in Alliance
a couple of days to visit Miss Madaline,
after which they came to this place for a
visit with relatives.
Mrs. C. A. Rowland and children took
their departure for their Iowa home last
week Wednesday. Jay followed with the
household goods on Thursday and C. A.
left Saturday. Here is wishing friend
Rowland and family success.
Word came over the phone Friday even
ing from Sioux county that Mrs. Hood's
sister, who is visiting her, had fallen and
broken her limb. Dr. Little went out
and the fracture was soon reduced. At
this time she is doing well.
Potato digging is on in full blast.
Peter Hunsacker is on the sick list.
A heavy frost in this valley on the night
of the :0th.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hunsacker are visit
ing in Missouri.
Roy Douglas made a trip to Douglas,
Wyo., recently.
John Willis came down from the home
stead to dig his potatoes.
G. L. Taylor shipped three cars of cat
tle from this place recently.
H. G. Furmau went to South Omalia
Sunday with three cars of fat cattle.
.'Jas. Grey of Alliance transacted busi
ness in this place the first of the week.
George Richie made a trip to Crawford,
taking over one of Dr. Willis' trotting
True Miller bought a half interest in
the Bellamy store and expects to move to
town soon.
L. Snow has gone to Colorado to look at
land in the irrigated district with a view
to investing.
Mrs. Furman and daughters, Nellie,
Ruth and Rachel, have been visiting Hurt
Furman and wife at University Place.
C. H. Richie presented, his wife with a
splendid, new drop head Singer sewing
machine with all the latest attachments
and it was laid down in Mafstand for
ii6. 50. Lincoln paper, please take no
tice. G. M. Burns was in from the home-1
stead a few days ngo bringing a load of
produce. My! but he raises some pump
kins. Mr. Hitshcw put a car of fat cattle on
the South Omaha market the latter part ,
of the week. He accompanied the ship
ment. Only a few from this place went to
Crawford to attend the carnival and re
turned home disgusted with what they
didn't see.
Miss Barbara Sagel of Seneca visited
friends here last week. Miss Sagel has '
given up her trip to Europe this fall but
expects to go next year.
II. li. Richardson, who came here with '
his little son who was sick with typhoid
fever, has taken work on the B. & M, and
is braking out of Alliance. '
Earle Gregg, the six year old son of j
Mr aud Mrs, E. T. Gregg, was thrown
from a horse and sustained a broken arm. '
The wrist was also dislocated.
F. R. Bellamy purchased three lots just
south of the Presbyterian church and has
began the erection of a residence thereon.
Mr. Yockey is doing the work.
G. A. Tollman is visiting his friends at
Sheridan, Wyo.. having accompanied his
granddaughters, Louie and Maud McGogy
that far on their trip to Orgeou.
Mr. H. Seden went to Crawford Satur
day to meet his family who came down
from Casper, Wyo. They have gone to
housekeeping in the back roams of the
McGogy Poole Trading Co's. store.
2000 yards good
Standard Calicos
Wanted Anvone having a car or
more of potatoes to sell, write us best
prices; smooth, screened, matured
stock. Johnson Bros., Nebraska City,
The Alliance National Bank
At Alliance. In tla Stale of Nebraska, at
the close of liuslncv., Sojit. 1, JW8.
Loans and discounts $ia4U7
Overdrafts, secured aud unsecured :t,14.Ml
U.S. IxmhIs to. secure circulation.... 12.500.0U
Hunklng house, furniture and llx-
turux , 20.000.00
Due from national bunks (not re
serve attentat $I5.ftS3. 10
Due from mute Hanks aud
Bunkers $ 410 74
Duo from approved reserve
agents 67,63!) 29
Chucks and othercssu Items 76 00
Notes of other national ' ,
banks........:. 750 00
Fractional pa pur currency, '
nickels nnd cents..; 133 11 ,'
Lawful Monet Hehkhvk in Dank,
Specie. tG&
Legal tender note .... ..... lltifli 00 101,974.14
ltcdemptlon fund with U. 8. Treas
urer (5 percent of circulation).... , 623.00
Total , W34,287,Jft
Capital .stock paid In $.'0,000,00
Surplus fund , , S5.000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and i.
luxes paid .,.. 1.420.49,
National bunk notes outstanding... U!,500.uu
Duo to State Hanks and .- "
Hunkers..., 71P f7
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 157,027 W
Demand certificates of ilo-
poslt 12,099 0:1
Time certlfteutesof deposit 75,523 40 245.:!67.43
Totul J33I.2S7.P2
Count or Hox Hum:. J
I, K. W. Harris, cashier of tho ubovo
nunied bunk, do solemnly swoar that tho
above statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge mid belief.
P. W. Hakims, Cashier.
Cokukct Attest:
K. K. Hoi.stkn 1
11. P. llETTLMieiM -Directors.
P. M. Knioiit i
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th
day of September, IrtM.
IHKAI, II. P.Gimmk.
Notary Public
My commission o.plres December. 27, 1911.
To Paul Fisher und Gella K. Fisher:
You und each of jou are hereby nottlled
that K, 1). .tones bus commenced uu action,
which is now pendltiK uirulnst you in the Dis
trict Court of N'elirnsUa. within and for the
County of Hox Uutte, by filing a iietltiou, the
object and urajer of which Is for the foroolos.
ure of. und for the sale of the following de
scrilwd real property under, (1 certain mort
gage made, executed and delivered on or
about, mid dutn tliHtlstluluy of Auirusl. lsst,
ty yourselves, rum 1 isner mm ueuu J., i-isiiir,
husband und wife, to the American loau and
Trust Company, conveying tho Southwest
quarter of Kootfon tneiitwovuu (271 In Town- '
snip twpnty-seveii cv) aortii.oi ltanue mty
l50) West, situated I11 the County of Hox Hutte,
und stato of Nebraska, which moitKaK" w:ik t
filed for record iu tho otllcu of the County
Clerk of Hox Hutte County, Nebraska, at '
elcht o'clock A. M. on the auh dav of August,
I he'.', and Mas duly recorded In Hook t of the
Morti-'BKe Records of said Hox Hutte County
Nebraska, at aj;o 111', aud which mortgage
was kUuu to secure the payment of a tirst
moitcnK" IkiiiiI for llu principal sum of Five
Hundred Dollars ($500 00i, dated August 2s
lss(i. and made, executed and delivered by
l'nlil Fisher to bald American loau mid Trust
Company, whereby for value received the
said Vuul I'islieriiKreed to pay to said Amerl
can Loan and Trust Company or order on the
first day of August, IM'I, the eum of l'ne lluu- (
dred Dollars (50i)( with interest thereon
from thu first day of August. lt8y. at tho rate
of 7 percent perunnuiu, which ald tlrstmort
gago bond and muru,'aKi ure now, and since
the 2nd day of Sep-eniber, 1KSH. Iiiivh U-en
owned bv tho said plaintiff. K. D. .lones, us
slgnee of uld American Loan und Trust Com
pany, and upon which tho uld pIuliitltTclaluis
that there Is duo und payable to lilm from
said I'.ml Fisher tin sultf sum of Five Hundred
Dollars ttjPO.Ot)), with Interest thereon nl the
rate of ten per cent per annum, from the llrst
ituyot Auuust, 1W1. A docnm in said action
U prayed for uu iiccoiinlln;: and to adjudge
tlieumouul due the plaintiff anil to reouire
the same to lie paid wltlilii twenty days from
the tcitditlon of the decree unci, In default
thereof, for the sale of satd above described
piemlses by the sheriff or said Hox Unite Coun
ty us upon execution, the proceeds of said sale
to be applied to pi tho amount found due the
pUiiiilltl, with iuitreli and costs, and to ud
jude that 011 and mill of you. and nil persons
claiming by, through or under you, or eltlicr
of you, shall lie foiever larred and fmoclosed
of ull right, title. !ntorei and equity or re
demption to or In said teulestate, and to grant
to the plulutitr such other und further tellef
us may be proper and etjuIlubU.
You ure required to answer the said petition
on or liefore the !ih day of Norwnlxir, HW.
I-.. i. .lo.MSft. I'lwliitlir,
ll Montgomery Hull.
fpOcl l-l His Attorneys
Saturday, Oct. 3
Any article displayed in the north window of our
Main Street Store will be sold for 50 cents, on the
above date only, for cash.
1 Si
Don't ask for these goods at this price
closes we can not accomodate you.
1 GEO.
$ A. V UALDHIDGE, Bonded Abstracter X
John II. Curry to Albert D. Curry nwJf
of seK of 35-2f47,$xo.
Hetirv T. Carey to CharlesE. Slagle,
sw of 24-25-49, $2300.
Prank M. Knight to John C. McCorkle,
nwf of 23-26-5o,,$t76o,
Walter Wade to Anna E. Leitb, lot iC,
blk 17, Original town of Alliance, Neb.,
Samuel Trenkte to L. E. Bye, Lots 1
and 2 and si of neX of 6-25-47, 5 1600. 00.
, L. E. Bye to Oscar O, O'Bannon, Lots
1 and 2 and sli of neJ. of 6-25-47, $2200.00
R. M. Hampton to Clifton Gillespie, Lot
6, blk 25, Origiual town of Alliance.
Eli F. Johnson to Jens P. Christensen,
, se;s of 8-20-50, J1.00
tiehrnara aionnicn to inanes n. uymau
se of 23-2S-51, $1.00 and val.
Weekly Report of Payments Toward
the Erection of the School Building.
Previously acknowledged $12,000,00
C. E. Marks 10.00
A. Wiker 10.00
L. Ituchsenstein 5 00
Mrs. D. Moran 5-
W. D. Rumer , . 100.00
L. G, Cowman 10.00
Crystal Benefit 26.30
Total $12,166 30
Furnished rooms for rent at 404
Wyoming avenue, or phone 205.
Mason fruit jars, too cheap for com
fort. Scrihnkr, phone 519, 42-tf.
Ladies, Look at these
Prices on Flat Work
Sheets, 4 cents.
Pillow cases, 3 cents.
Tea towels, 1 cent.
Napkins, 1 cent.
Counter Panes, plain, to cents.
Roller towels, 2 ceuti.
Bath towels, 2 cents.
Crash towels, 2 cents.
Tahlo cloths, small, 5 cents.
Table cloths, large, 10 sents.
Give ns your work, we'll please you.
Alliance Steam Laundry.
Every One a Bargain.
Some Dollar Values
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
"Roasting Ears."
Northwest has them.
Yes, the Cafe
Strayed or , Stolen, Monday night,
AutjUBt '3 a ib"alyvrnare,Veitjht 700 to
800 pounds, five years old, left hip
down, brand ou left shoulder. Liberal
reward. F. G. Sunderland.
Try Pardy's Cottage Oread.
If you are looking for some one on
Sunday evening and are unable to
find them drop around to Cafe North
west and you will be sure to find
them there.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real
estate. 27-tf
Go to Pardy's Bakery for jour Pies
and Cakes.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk
House and Lot for Sale
New house, just completed, situated
in the' northwest part of Alliance. For
particulars, inquire phone 280. sg-tf
Have you tried Nohe's bread? 26-tf
Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana
street. .
Automobiles to Trade for Land
I have three automobiles to trade for
land. P. J. Clatterduck,
28 Marsland, Neb.
For a pleasant evening's entertain,
inent go to the Crystal Picture Parlors.
Take Notice.
All persons indebted to L. E. Bye
are requested to pay at once. Accounts
not settled by August 20 will be placed
in the hands of a collector.
What is nicer these hot days than a
nice dish of cold meat and a little sal
ad served appetitizingly. These may
be had at the Cafe Not t Invest.
Notice to Hunters.
Notice is hereby given that no hunt
ing will be allowed ou premises of the
undersigned near Reno,
J. C. Bbrky,
fp Sept. 17.8W W. G. Wilson.
For Rent.
Two nice furnished room.
Sweetwater Ave. Phone 559.
Wo always have money to loan on
farm land and city property.
iS tf. F. E. Reddish.
For Sale Piano, leather couch and
book case, all practically uew. 415
Laramie avenue. Mrs. A. TuirXETT.
Cattle For Sale 1 have twenty-eight
head of mixod cattle, cows, heifers,
I steers, calves and one Durham bull for
!sale. W. A. Springer, Residence one
1 mile southwest of Berea.
At ."
after the sale
Two story dwelling, eight rooms,
with furniture. Corner Niobraria and
Dakota street. Apply to F. B, Dismer.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
For a pleasant evening's entertain
ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors.
Wanted To buy a five or six room
house or vacant lot. in the northwest
part ofthe city. W. H. Holtz.
Nitici ti Hunters.
Notice is hereby given that no hunt
ing will be allowed on the premises of
the undersigned.
D. H. Briogs,
Mns. M. H. Patmore
No one allowed on premises with gun
and dog on all land owned and coo
trolled by undersigned.
T. L. Briogs,
W. H. Brice.
Two furnished rooms to rent in de
sirable part of the city at a reasonable
price. Applv at The Herald office.
For Sale Splendid hard coal stove,
large size and good as new. Iiriuire at
The Herald office.
Corn Doctor, Parlor at Fox Rooming
If you want to rent a
house, flat, store, or barn-
see S. . niller. He has
For Sale.
Carload of the celebrated "Velie"
and 'John Deere" buggies, road wag
ons, spring wagous and surries. Also
full line of new harness. Will sell or
exchange for horses or colts. For fur
ther information inquire at
Palack Livery Barn, .
44W C C. Smith & Co., Props.
For Sale 45 head of choice short
horn yearliug heifers, all red. Wt.
O'Mara, Moomaw, Neb.
For Rent.
.Seven room house, two blocks east
of Watson's store. John O'Keefe.
For Sale or Trade.
Twenty-two horse five-passenger
Rambler auto with top, in good condi
tion. E. L. Everett, Hemingford,
Nebr. . 42-4W.
For Sale.
200 tons of hay, or will take 100
head of cattle to winter. Plenty of
range, good protection and plenty of
water. B. C. Rafi Moflit P. O.
LOST A Yale lock key last Friday.
Finder please leave at The Herald of
fice. For Rent A latge east front room,
close in. Inquire at Herald office.
't L Zt,,' - .'
J " t . -i .i.4'-Jiii. .'. - ''va
A? "-j. LW- 1 .