fllnlo IIlHtorionl Socloly III 1 "-'J1 "i i4 .. '! S4 f , .,,A - T The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. I- VOLUME XV, ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1908 NUMBER 42 B. b Hi i . I. l HINTS TO RANCHMEN AND FARMERS Now is the time that you. realize on your season's work. As you sell your stock, potatoes or grain, place your money on open account with a reliable bank. Pay your bills by check, which makes the best kind of a receipt, and avoid the worry and danger attending the carrying of large sums of money. Our offices are always at the disposal of . our customers and country friends. The First National Bank of Alliance Alliance Will Have a Sewer System Our $2.00 Women's Shoes It's no trouble for any Woman "to buy a good pair of Shoes, if she pays enough money for them but she is very apt to have plenty of trouble when she buys $2.00 Shoes, or Shoes at moderate prices. It depends entirely upon where she buys them. Ml If she comes here for them, she will get the best Shoes $2.00 ever bought Our $2.00 Shoes are made according to our speci fications by a Maker that knows how. Shoes can't be made better for the price. Calf and Vici Leathers Correct Fall Styles. Lace and Bluchers Any size and width that's made. Try a pair of our $2.00 Shoes, Madam, and see what you have been missing in moderate priced Shoes! WEAR BEST 3Wawct So& Store COST LESS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY FIRST STATE BANK HEMINGFORD, NEBR. Capita! and Surplus, $15,000.00 Keith L. Pierce, Cashier Notary Public in Bank j Insurance Written & I lighest Interest Paid on Time Deposits & Real Estate Loans, any size, made or negotiated Castor Machine OIL Best Quality Lowest Prices tC4C3ttC7Y T J. tDElTTIST ; V .. I jofiice in Alliance National Bank HISc :' ' I Over Postoffice. .;. , -: 'Phoue 391. 4. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND 1MR0AT HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School Supplies TAULK1S NOTE HOOKS COMPOS1SIOX BOOKS NOTE PAPER t PENCILS , PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PA I. VIS Rii-Eds g;v:i AWAY AT Eyes Tested and Glasses fitted. HOLSTEN ' S At special meeting of the Execu tive Committee of the Commercial club last evening at the club office it was decided to go ahead and get mut ters in shapc.to vote on the bond issur for a sewer system. Mr. Wilson, ti3 engineer for the Municipal Service League of Chicago, states that the ptesent plans in the city hall will be all right and that only a few minor chang es are necessary. The Club last niglit voted to ask the city council have a competent engineer O. K, the plans awd set them in shape. In order to vote the amount ncccssaiy to be used to build a sewerage system that will cover the city for veais to come, it will 4e necessary to take in the outlying additions outside of the piescnt incorporation. iBittners Big Show Making Good at Wl.W.LJ "-. M ,'..,. U ....V. ...,. fom out of town hero to attend the speaking. Hut such things will happen occasionally and this was one of the times. However we are pleased to an nounce that other arrangements have been made to have good speakers hcte during the campaign among them be ing Hon. H. H. Fleharty, who will Rpcakjin Alliance next Tuesday even ing, October 6th, and on Tuesday, Octolrcr ij, we will have the pleasure of Iteming an address by Hon. A, C. Shallcubcrgcr, who will speak at the opera house in the evening, also at Crawford in the morning and Heining ford in the afternoon of the same day. Bear rfhesc dates in mind and be on hand to hear the political issues fairly and intelligently discussed. THEATRICAL TREAT t the Opera House This Week. lated to ascertain whether or not these1 outlying additions want to -"ome in and get the benefit they wocid deiive from annexation. Alliance should be made city of ver five thousand population, of the first class. TDie water-works UBtm .411011 rnnlrl hr trylrmrlojl mut J I ..... f l... l.n. ! X ..-..I-..-..-... ..llmr n,!,,!,, nrl .,, . uiiuui ihcuwhbciic-. J. (ici luiwiuuues W...W. UV.MI.Mb, VJV.JU.V.V. ...H. It ifj a pleasure for us to note that the Bittttcr show lunuing at the opera house this week is giving theatre goers many would directlv additions. :es benefit these outlying Shalenberger will Speak lin Alliance Hc4i. A. C. ShaUenberger. fieinocra 'ticicandidate for governor, will speak tin t3iis city on Tuesday, r.t. 13, at 8 c-'o!ock p.m. Mr. ShaUenberger is oneof the most interesting swakers an itltepilatform and irc will doulrttess give .us-aood speech discussing 'the pohti caliiesues of the campaign in full and we .cdvise members of all ,jarties to .make it a point to hear this -.speaker. .Nnmembcr the date, TuesdayvOctober 13, . p. m. Mr. Shallenherger will Gook at Heniingford m tiie after aioon.of the same 5a.y at 3 o'clock. ifeavoidabtf DetaRted Tilie public speatiJig annotKieeil to ItJveiplace last Saturday night .did not IzLe iplace owing to the unavoidable dday of Hon. Geo. V. Kincaley of Kex-fios City, who wae unable to reach tl city lit: 'time. It ieito be regtwjtted, liofewer, fcbat such was the cu.e for theos vHiie uite a number of piuple ever given in repertoire in alliance. The orforoiianccs are all of a clean character, 'healthy in tone and highly pleasing and entcttr.ining ami we can conscientiously reonimend to every person 'in Alliance -that an attendance at these performances will be reward ed by4n evening's icntcrtaitiRcent hard to excel tin the show line. The com iaiiy4e compoccd of very clever and capable .playeas a:d the Scandinavian iwsxtetls orchestra has uever beoa ojualoil in the line of orchestral music cvci- produced with a showiin this city. Their 'concerts nlone are worth the price -of admission. lanight vill be presented "The -De--jertec,'' tomorrow, Friday .uJght'vVby Woman -Sin," Saturday aftoraoou mat ssiee. East Lyun,"' Saturday might, "A Man en Hlack." Tiie-3pecialies (between eticli act are oceeciingly clever and are in tbemsol ea worjth the prios of adinisaon. This compHexy is entitled to and (ally worthy of a. crvded hoiMe every uirjht. S. K. Warrick, .cashier of tle First Katiouaj Dank of this city, .attended the Nebraska state bankers association at Lincofcs Saturday and vMio!ected a delegate to the American tbaakera association, which -coctvened in iDtr-iver this week. Do Your Feet Ever Hurt? If you could look inside of your shoes with your foot in it. you would sec why. The sole of your foot bends, the sole of your shoe bends scarcely at all. Ninety-five out of every 100 cases of foot suffering can be traced directly to stiff soles. Their constant fric tion is what brings hard, callous places, what irritates the delicate nerues and tendons and make vour feet draw, burn, ache! The Tenderest Feet Are Comfortable in the Red Cross Shoe Its sole is flexible. Though of regular thickness, it bends with the foot. Not a move ment is hampered, not a muscle re stricted. The moment you slip it on, you notice its wonderful ease and suppleness. Come in. Hcnd it. Walk in it. It doesn,t cramp, bind, or "draw"1 the foot it fits like a glove. Try' it once and nothintr could induce II you to go back to stiff sole shoes! r Vc have it in all styles. Let us fit you. 1 Ugh Shoes, $3.50 and $4.50. NORTON'S VLJflB U tends with the foot" DON'T FORGET MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON - HY B1TTNER CO. IN PHELAN OPERA HOUSE "EAST LYNN" Children io cents Adults 25 cents nJ f H 1 8 1. rrj wvt The endurance race which was to huve talren place iant Saturday in the interest'ntf the Crawford raoe meet be ing held -at that place at the same time, uas declared ofT on .account of the in dlcmency of the weather and the bad condition of the reads between both places. Tin's dampened the .ardor of i-lliauceiiee who intended to go to Crawford io attend he nvcesand see the finish of the endurance contest ami when the special train left here that moraine only three passengers were on the train Irom this point. How ever, there wac a good attendance from other points aluug the line. We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hikbs, Mgr. DR. T. ALLEN, DENTI&T I'alo lem Kxtr;tIon Lutett MetbodV Hafe. 8uru . ALL! n.NOE' NKHHA8KA The Herald office is supplied with Bryan and Kearn lithographs sent out reccutJv by the national committee and adtnireTB of the two candidates may secure a copy of same by calling at once. Tliey aie in great demand and we won't promise to reserve anv. First come, first served. ifr 4? 1H T7 "fi7V'4fl- ' J ..: &' ' D m tmrL ntVuS4-J '. & v K Copyright 1 90S tr 7 v Hw; ciifliier A- Mats J$y LOU notice how dressy, stylish, distinguished in clothes, some some men always look. Do you know how they do it? We'll tell you. They buy here Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes; that means all-wool, perfect tailoring, and correct style to begin with. They buy, in addition to a fancy weave suit, a black thibet or cheviot, or a blue serve; and occasionally change off for a week, get the suit they're not wearing pressed, give it a little rest in the closet; and then put it on fresh, and new looking. You can do that; and you ought to; it's clothes economy. Remember the Stetson hats, Douglas shoes, Manhattan Shirts. Big lines of boys' wear ng apparel. The Famous Clothing1 House . Daylight Store Daylight flethods TRY THE FAMOUS FIRST New Goods Arriving Daily