Li4 m. M is HASTINGS COLLEGE, HASTINGS, NEB. fObNOED IN 1882 l.OCATIO Hastings is the fourth city of Nebraska, having a population of over 12,000, and is supplied with handsome public buildings, elegant resi dences, metropolitan stores, and beautiful churches. It is also an im portant railroad center, being located ou the C. H. & Q., St. J, & G. t., C. & N. V. and M. l railways. There are also three branch lines of the Rurlington route, so that access is easy from any quarter. FACULT It consists of twelve cultured men and wotueu representing eight di f ferent universities and colleges. Post-graduate work at Harvaid, Ch i cago, Princeton, Vale, Merlin and Heidelberg gives their teaching and scholarship unusual breadth and thoroughness. DEPARTMENTS t THE COLLEGE, offering two courses for degrees, with many electives. it. THE ACADEMY, offering high school training under college professors. in, THE NORMAL SCHOOL, issuing teachers' certificates under state authority, iv. THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, with courses in voice, piano, pipe organ, violin and musical theory. EQUIPMENT There are four buildings: Ringland Hall, a men's dormitory and re fectory; McConnick Hall, the principal recitation building; Alexandct Hall, a women's dormitory; Carnegie building, the library and scientific laboratories. Facilities for college and science work are unsurpassed and all buildings have steam heat and electric lights. Next year begins Sept. 8, 1908. souvenir free upon application to A. E. TURNER, - For TOP SALES, GOOD FILLS and PROMPT REMITTANCES SHIP TO TAGC BROS. Livestock Commission Company 107-109 Exchange Muilding South Omaha, Neb., 5 QUALITY WILL NOWHERE can quality be made to express care and skill more than in laundering. You can get clothes WUSllCd anywhere. But steam laundering means more than washed. It means, 1st thor ough cleansing with steam and harmless soap; 2d finishing by good machinery and skilled laoor. Plain clothes show the result as well as fancy articles. Won't you let us show you? PHONE 160 -A.llian.ce Steam. I.iau.ra.d.xsr Celebrated Jackson The AUTOMOBILE For Full Particulars P.J.BBTZOLD GENERAL AGT. FOR WESTERN NEBRASKA First-class Views and Commercial Work. Alliance Art Studio M. E. GREBE, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALLIANCE. NEUK. tleees :lt:bt7" zsEsuiie shop AUTOflOBILE WORK A SPECIALTY Gasoline engines and all kinds of machinery overhauled, cleaned and put in running- order In the Gadsby Carpenter Shop PHONE 589 Handsome catalogue and illustrated LL. D., President - 0ea9 TELL Enlarged Portraits In Every Style & jfi & Chas. C. Tash & Co. Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dicrks Lumber & Coal Co. .Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. WORST THE WORLD HAS WTNESSED And It Came Under the High Protew tlva Tariff and Republican Con trol In Every Branch of the Federal Govern ment. fn a puhllc tuIUross, Mr. Shaw, re cently Secretary of the Treasury un der Mr. Roosevelt, said: "The strin gency or 1907 Is generally conceded to have been the severest the world has ever witnessed." How consoling It In to read In the republican plntform this Blowing sen tence "A Republican tariff has nl vnys heci followed by utisliioan pro's-tM-lty." Mr. Aldrlcb, In his -speech on tlm Aid rich Currency bill In the Senate ot the United Status only last winter, said: "Mr. President, the financial crisis from which the country has Just emerged, which culminated In a serious panic In October, was the most acuta and destructive In Its Immediate con sequences of any that has occurred In the history of ths country. Nothing but the heroic measures taken by tho representatives of tho great business and financial Institutions of the coun try acting In co-operation with tho Bccretary of the Treasury, prevented a total collapse of private credit and a disastrous destruction cf all values. The country was saved by the nar rowest possible margin from an over whelming catastrophe, whose blight ing effect would have been felt In every household." On Pehruray 11. 190S. Mr. Shaw, In a speech ho made In Michigan, said "Over 300,000 freight cars are stand ing on the tracks. 30,000 locomotives white leaded and out of commission, ono-fourth of tho population of several largo cities Idle, and for tho first tlmo under a Republican administration, free soup houses In every Industrial center; the price of farm produce nat urally and materially depreciated, furnish an object lesson which ought to produce a measure of sobermlnd odnoss on tho part of the American people." Prom the public press Is taken the following news Item coming from Pittsburg. Pa., Feb. 8. 1908: I "The cry of the unemployed dally grows more distressed In Pittsburg. There aro 15,000 men Idle, and tho spectre of the dreaded soup housos again makes its appearance. The first soup house will he opened by the Sal vation Army Monday morning, and unless there Is a radical and prompt change for the bettor, moro places of this kind will be In demand before many days have elapsed. Tho situa tion Is not really ularmlng, but it Is had enough. Soup houses have boon the dread of the business men and civic leaders, and every effort has been made to avoid them." Hore la the following news Item iftom Chicago, dated Feb. 11, 1908: 1 "Chicago, Feb. 11, 1908.- Never in I tho history of the 'Chicago Relief and Aid Society has there been such a !domand for assistance as at tho pres ent time. Is the claim of Superinten dent KIngsly, who is In charge of the distribution of funds by the business men's relief committee, which has Just raised between $25,000 and $30,000 for needy families. Never In the history of the society have we had so many appeals based entirely on the lack of employment." Not long ago Mr. Dalzell, who writes the tariff tax, recently as dictated by the men who put up the money to pay the expenses of republican campaigns, told us: "We do not read our tariff lessons out of books. We read them by the blazing light of open furance doors, amid tho noise of Industrial activities I and in the sweat of our brows that we J coin Into wealth, and God help the man or party that would put out tnese fires, still the music ot that noise, and Bend the workmen home to a foodless and hungry household. "It was under republican rule that thl3 music was stilled, that the fires ' .a.a n... rt.f n. tltfif- cni.t. f,nana HVIO IUL UUl, (till, iUUI OUUl IIWUDKO had to provide for the foodless and hungry." No longer can any Republican ever fool tho people by claiming that "a republican tariff has always been fol lowed by business prosperity," Tho time has coma the hour has struck for a change. Thousands of Republicans take tholr positions and will vote for Ilryan in November. Revision. It is an old-time Ropubltcan cry that tho tariff will be revised by its friends." Representative McCnll ot Massachusetts, a Republican, hit tho nail on tho head whon In referring to this cry ho said: "if the tariff cannot be revised when two-thirds of the membership of both housos is Repub lican, whon Is revision to come'" Revision, through the Republican party. Is to come whenever the hene lolarles of a hili protective tnrlff aro willing to surrender tho enormous ad vantages thoy possess; and this sur render will be made wheuever human ellisbuess Is destroyed. -MUs-aci, "KtsuiVt "Sot VjoVVv'TdtrlVtaV atrl 5uT0,Vca Cases Hales, $& o $& -pet XDBtV Miss Mary E. Smalley TEAC II h t O V V O I C Ii Hiss Edith H. Swan T E A C 11 Ii R O t- V I A N O STUDIO 424 Laramie Avenue Phone - - 220 DR. 6. W. MITCHELL, I'hyslclttn anuSontron 0y unrt night cr lit Odlcoovor UoRiie Store. Phone 1(0. H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phono 300 Calls answered promptly duy and night from oRllco. Offices: Allliinco National Hunk UuildlnR over the PostOltlco. TRTchiASrE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, II O .M K (I P A T II I O PHYSICIAN AMI Sl'UOEON formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa, Phone 231. OHloe oer Allliinco Shoe Store Itolilenee Plioiin "Jfil. Churchill & Thornton PHYSICIANS AM) SUtflKONS (Successors to Dr. .1. K, Mtmre) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office liours-ll-i:!, 2-1 p.m. 7;30-9 ,iu. Office Phone G2 Res. Phone, Dr Thornton, 187 Night calls, Phone O2 or 187 Drs.Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Successors to Drs. Prey .t llalfe) 17 and iS Rumer Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lockwood t'NUKKTAKINO ANI K.MHAI..MINO Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res. 205 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GUY H. LOCKWOOD Graduate Chicago School of Embalming with : Chicago School of Kmt with B, F, LOCKWOOD. AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by R. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk 'Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AJLLIA-TVCK. 1V1CTJ. SMITH P. TrjTTI.r. IRA I. TA8I1 TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL "ESTATE, K'urthMalnSt., AMjIANOE.MKB. WILCOX & BROOME LAW AM) LANII ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. ii. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. OTflcc lit l.unJ Office II11IIJI11K. AI.I.IANCI:. - - NKllHASKA. FACTS The news items of the home com munity. 3 The things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. J The social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. Theo are ths kind of fct thlt paper gives you in err luue. They r certain!) worth lb .ubtcription price. ST. AGNES ACADEMY ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 1908 Till TlnU (licit. hit. nn. tmrtnr llin i.ttrwtinn nf l!n. tnlnt-u ..f Cf !.Vntw.u U located nt Alliance, a very healthy and aim guardians win tiiui 11 a Homelike institution, where every lactilty is olforcd to educate effectively the hcait nnd mind of young girls, to impart "true refine incut together with practical knowledge, which will enable them to fill their future positions in lifccrcditahly. The course ot study adopted by tho institution is systematic and thorough, embracing Priumrv, Intermediate, Preparatory and Academic Departments. The Academic Department embraces Christian Doctrine,'' Church History, Arithmetic, Algebra, Advanced English Grammar, Ubokkucpiug, Geometry, L.itin, Rhetoric, Civics, General History, Hotany. ART COURSE. A special course of Instrumental Music and Painting may be pursued. In this, ns well as in all the other departments, the leading principle of the institution is thoroughness, hence pupils aro trained and led to correct knowl edge and appreciation of these branches. As no young lady is fitted for the practical duties of lifo without a thorough acquaintance with the use of tho needle. This branch, in all its details, from the plainest to the most ornamental and fancy needlework, receives particular attention. TERMS PER SESSION. Hoard, Tuition, Bed, Washing, Plain Children under twelve years ELECTIVE Music Piano r er session of five months ..., ;,....,.. .. $15 00 Organ 1500 Violin, Guitar, Mandolin 14 00 Painting In Oil, per month 3 00 In Water Colors 3 00 Each pupil must provide her own Guitar, Violin or Mandolin. Use of piano or Organ, per session. $2.50. REGULATION OF WARDROBE. 3 complete chnnges of underclothes, 6 pairs of hose. 12 pocket haudkcichiefs. 4 towels. 2 black aprons. 2 pairs of shoes, t pair of rubbers. 1 blanket (single Uetl). 1 white bed spread. 1 small rug for alcove. School was opened September 14th and is now in full session. There are accomodations for eighty boarders and the Sisters request all those who are in terested in education and who wish to place their children in an institution, where they will receive solid education, to place their children in the Academy as soon as possible. Any one wishing to Jiave further information should write to or call on the Mother Superior, who will be pleased to answer all inquiries. Accomodations will be provided for boys. SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS PHELAN OPERA HOUSE FOR ONE WEEK, BEGINNING flONDAY, SEPT. 28 v THE BITTNER STOCK America's Best Repertoire Company Accompanied by the SCANDINAVIAN SEXTETTE An orchestra of master musicians direct from the Royal Court of Sweden. Every one a soloist, making music almost divine: Playing at each and every per formance in natjjve costume. New Plays New riusic New Specialties between acts every night POPULAR PRICES-25-35-50cents Reserved seats on sale at Holstens Drug Store HAY The best tools you have ever bought at the same prices you have always paid. True temper, hand made tools, and they hang" just right 1908 Spud Digger Now Ready Newberry's Hardware Co. The MontG P&pet titaS. :z terest the home news. Its every issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member oC the family. It should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. pleasant resort of thu west. Parents Sewing and Fancy Work ?8o 00 - 75 00 STUDIES. t toilet set, consisting of brushes, combs, soap, soapdish and toothtuug. 1 needlework box furnished. Stationery and stamps. 0 napkins. t tablespoon. 1 teaspoon. 1 silver knife and fork. 1 napkin ring. Black Uniforms, College cap. FORKS CO