The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 17, 1908, Image 8
tTzkn ArisMital f. tyia?nBiwaiiBftiiiW3f,Ti 1 wWW "''WBWkaKBnHfMrourlWr'WHWEtJSfciftiMi ww8kswks RTOnlwitfBWBKJTiKCin-nmi A' . ?r Alumni Graduates Meet and Feast The annual meeting of the Alliance high school almnni association took place At the Drako hotel last Friday evening and nhout thirty-five member participated. This was the organic Uod's first meeting, hut it is safe to predict that it will not be its last. The occasion was one that appealed to the heart of each member, for it must be said that in all this life there are no days looked back to with the sensu of genuine, unalloyed pleasure as those of our school years. Thev seem to be the sweet periods in life's journey. Supt. D. V. Hayes, ot the city school, presided as toastinaster and lie as suihcd his position with the same inter est that ho takes in all matters pei taming to education. Following is the program as pre sented. The Alliance High School (hi A It Was Mrs.CC. Harkor. W it.iAn.niB I. Vincent Taylor, (c) It's Future Alice AoIkmou, 'Oi Urvelltigs Kroml,iirmma...Halpli II. Smith, 'W TIhw Wlm Pell by tlio Wuyslde. ............. In),. IC. llewltl, OS Tho Alumni AmooIaUou , ............ , Howard JnineKun, 01 Tii Duties of Our MomlxTM ..Karl .Mnllory. 'OH The banquet was an elaborate affair and the menu embraced all the good things one could wish. The association held a business meet ing prior to the banquet and among other matters voted an appropriation of f 50 for the benefit of the gymnasium of the Alliance high school. Sanford Dodge in Goethe's Master Drama The universal dramatic favorite, Mr. Sanford Dodge, and a remarkably tal ented compauy will play an engage ment in this city of Goethe's "Faust." This is Mr. Dodge's tenth annual tour during which time he has produced all of the popular Shakespearean, classic and romantic dramatic masterpieces. He is one of the. few actors now living whose aim is to keep and maintain the best traditions of the stage by pro ducing only such plays as improve and enohle those who see them presented rather than demoralize and degrade, in other words, the influence Dodge's dramatic work has been al ways for good rather than evil and for this reason he should he supported bv those who desire to see the stage up lifted and elevated, rather than de graded. Mr. Dodge and his excellent com pany will appear at the Phelan opera house on Wednesday evening, Sept. 23, See ad elsewhere. have the citv vacate Railroad street as a thoroughfare from Toluca avenue west to the county road. The proposi tion was thoroughly discussed by many present and on standing vole the same granted, the company desiring to make extensive track improvements in the yard and surrounding the fine new de pot. It waB necessary that the com pany have this tract of laud and hence the same was given over to their use. Other questions were discussed and a resolution passed asking the county commissioners to confer with the rail road officiate regarding a suitable cross ing over or under the tracks west of town, something like the one at the east end of the citv. This will provide ample roadway over the railway tracks and very likely do away with further perplexities in this respect. Debs will Visit Alliance Tomorrow. E illinsc of Jas. Keith At Bridgeport A special dispatch today states that Eugene V. Dobs, socialistic candidate for president, will arrive in the city some time tomorrow in his red special from his trip to the coast und his train will be transferred to the Denver branch on his way to that city and eastern points, The exact hour oi the arrival of the special is as yet not known hut it is stated that Debs will make a short talk here, Graybill & Chopin Purchase Restaurant. The Star restaurant, which has been conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Nohe, who came to this city from Col orado Springs several months ago, has been purchased by Messrs. Graybill and Chopin from Mr. Nohe, who will devote his time to conducting a bakery. The- gentlemen who have assumed charge of the Star arc excellent busi ness men familiar with the restaurant business and will, no doubt, sustain the high standard created for the place bv Mr. and Mrs. Nohe. High School to Open Monday. Request of Burlington Granted by City Council The special meeting of the citizens of Alliance together with the citv council and commercial club was held at the council chambers of the city hall last Friday night to consider the ie quest of the Burlington railroad to The new high school will open next r - ' niunuuy mm 11 is uusiicu unit muse OI iMr. " ' who intoiui to enter snail euron at ine I beginning of the term. While the building is not yet completed, tempor ary stairways are being arranged and I me worn win lie piibiieu so nun me structure will be finished in a short time. rwwwww t RLAL ESTATE TRANSFERS y IIKI-OUTIill 11V $ A. I". IJAMUUMJi:, lloiiiletl Abstracter Harold B. Miller et al to Daniel W. Hayes w'i of sw1 of 6-26-49, ?Soo. Edwin G. Kirk to Wesley J. Fickey lots 3-4, c)i of sw'4 of 30-25-50, ?i and val. Equitable Land Co. to Mary John son s.)i of nw'i of 13 and s'A of neJi of 14-25-50, Si and val. Jacob L. Hotaling to John Walbrecht nw'4 of 2-25-48, ?220o. Win, F, Black, to Bessie E. Ashley lot 4, hlk 6, orig town of Alliance, St. , Thoroare many conflicting reports re- garding the unfortunate killing of las. Keith by M. H. Hagerty at Bridgeport last Thursday afternoon and as The Herald is not familiar with the circum stances, we produce the following from the Bridgeport News-Blade, which is probably as nearly correct as any. j Bridgeport is the only town in the val ley that has saloons and residents of j that locality predict that they will not j be licensed there another year. ' ''The shooting and killing of Jas. Keith by M. H. Hagerty on Thursday afternoon had the effect of marring the pleasure of what promised to he the most enjoyahe day of the reunion, and another blot has been placed upon the fair name of this enterprising little city. The News-Blade will refrain from com menting on the tragedy at this time, con tending itself to give the facts in the case as learned from eye-wituesses. Mr. Hag erty is under arrest and will be placed on trial for his life. Whatever justification there may he for the crime will be brought out at the trial and we believe it is not the mission of a newspaper to attempt to in cite prejudice at a time like this. From Mr. J. L. McFerron, who had just arrived in town a few moments before the trngedy, and who was an eye-witness to the sliooting, we learn the facts here given. Mr. McFerron and his son had driven up to J. W. Lee's livery barn and were unhitching their team when their at tention was attrrcted by a noise inside the barn. It proved that Mr. Keith, who was under the influence of liquor, was having Mr. Hagerty's horse Intellect up, and when he got into the buggy the animal plunged and reared. It was caught by by-standers before it had proceeded more than a couple of rods, when the occupant of the vehicle jumped out and caught hold of the animal's bit. Mike Hagerty came out of his saloon and ordered Keith to let go of the horse. A few words followed and Keilh struck at Hagerty over the horse. Thereupon Hagerty turned and walked hack into the saloon, returning in a mom ent with a revolver. He walked around to where Keith was standing and when within about six feet of him, pointed the weapon toward Keith, who still clung to the horsei and again commanded him to let go. Once again he repeated the com mand, and as the drunken man, whether from bravado or fright, failed to loosen his hold, Hagerty fired. The bullet entered the victim's abdo man at the left side, passing through the lower bowels and out at the right side. Keith dropped in his tracks, and lay there on the street until the arrival of Dr. Pal mer. The doctor made an examination df the wound, and realized at once that nothing could be done for the wounded man. In fact Keith was breathing his last when Dr. Palmer reached him, and in I about thirty minutes after the shooting. the heart had ceased to beat, and the spirit of James Keith had returned to the God who gave it. It wus a solemn mom ment and the crowd of men, who had been attracted by the news of the shooting, stood silent and awe-stricken in the pres ence of death, Mr. Hagerty, who had returned to his saloon, was placed under arrest by Mar shal J. W. Lee, who started at once for Sidney with his prisoner. Shortly after ward the village hoard held a hasty meet ing and revoked Hagerty' license, and Bridgeport now has two saloons instead of Appropriate Clothes In making this announcement of the fact that our Fall Stock of Men's Clothes is now complete and ready for your in spection, we feel confident that we have a showing of the finest ready-to-wear clothing made in America today. In making the selections for this department we have spent ample time and made a diligent study of the many features which combine to make the finest appearing, best fitting, best tailored and best wearing Men's Clothes that money will buy, and at a price withm the reach or every man. ' When you come to this store you get the style, color and pattern appropriate for you. We make it a point to know how to do this; use our fund of experience and clothes know ledge to make clothes add to your presence and appearance. "w,a YOU'LL find the fityou like in these hand; tailored suits at 15, 1S SLiad $20 There are so many of them, so many variations of style and model, that it's easy to match your taste and please you perfectly. The prices will fit best of all, especially after you see the quality, smartness and tone. EXCEPTIONAL value finds expression also in the magnificent styles at $22,50, 325, 27-50 and $30 There is not another such stock of fine suits to be found in town. Soft weave worsteds or soft twist worsteds 1 weeds and cheviots, in the new Zebra Stripes, Sages and Smoke Shades. See this exceptional showing of Men's Clothes f'M 3 l a' if? I i22i'2-S)!Swa ni lIPxCLflll I 11 Hlv l TON'S A Westerner's Letter to Tagg Bros. three. Those who know Mr, Hagerty best can We've poked iinmml from town to town To sell our stock to .tunes ami Brown, Ami wore our clothes ulmoKt to r.ig. Until wi -old our stuff through Tagg-. Now. wife I, we iliil oifr lx-t Aim worked n- hunt us all the rt. Hut j't no price for steers or stags until we -old our stuff through Tugg-. Wh got tut lung before 'twas lny not believe he ever intended to shoot his 1 -- feed the -took and make thu Imy, friend. They insist that the weapon must have been discharged accidently or that in the excitement he pulled the trigger with out realizing -what he was doing. Both men were regarded as peaceful citizens when sober, and it is safe to say nobody regrets the death of James Keith more than the man, who in a moment of passion or excitement, fired the fatal shot." Cattle For Sale 1 have twenty-eight head of mixed cattle, cows, heifers, steers, calves and one Durham hull for sale. W. A. Spiinger, Residence one mile southwest of Herea. Protect your couch BUY A COUCH COVER i & fSV Cash Cut Price Sale Begins Wednesday and lasts balance of the week GOODS ON DISPLAY AT MAIN STREET STORE -v-- Hut every deal was full of -nags Until we sold our -tulT through Tuggs. Wtj'rw In thl- game now thirty years Qt fuelling I log- and sheep und steers, Hut did no good-It Is my brags Until wo -old our -mil through Tuggs. Now Arthur Tagg will -ell you rows, Anil William Tagg will deal jour -ows. While Harry Tagg on thu steers will brag. Pay, why not sell your .-lull' through Tagger You'd get a ileal iliut't -quart- awl right And eiery cent that i- In sight; Ami you will Mini thivc are not gags If you will ull jour stuff through Taggs. It ou're through working foryour health, And waul to gain a littlo weullh To till your empty money bug. You've got to st-ll your stuff through Tng. 1'or folks art henrlng nil around Some Joyous Mil ier' vocal sound, Which eehoe- Itaek from rock toorag-: "Hurrah: I've sold my sliilT-th rough Taggs. - II. O. Wilson, Alusworth, Nchr. Hev. Geo. . Schmidt, the German Lutheran church pastor, shipped his I household goods to New Windsor.Colo., I where he has assumed the pastorate of a church. Rev. Schmidt is a capable young man and we regret to see him j leave our city. S. D. LACK and B. E. JOHNSON will have a BIG SALE of Horses, Cattle, Farm Machinery, Buggies, Wagons, and many other things III, SE DT 21s 5 9 .KJAI. NOTICI-:, I A I ornro Qtnok and Prottv Pattornc.Cnmo Ufochahlo Pnunrc n ...Bu utUU u ..oiv, .u,o wu.uu u,u uuwo.o Prices range $1.35 and on up GEO. D. DARLING I Housefurnisher Watch this Space for SPECIAL SALES and CUT PRICES everv week J The Btuteof Nebraska, In th County Hox Hutte County, i Court In matter of the estate of Ijiv In hi A. Merrick, deceased. To the creditors of salilestute: You uru hereby notified, that I will sit ut tliocouiity court In Allluiice. In said County, on tho 5th day of .Miireh, 1KH, at ton o'clock , in tho forenoon of stild day, to receive and exuiuiiiw all claims against suld eMiite. with a view to their adjustment nod allowance. 1 he time limit for the pienentatluu of cliiims against suld estate In six months from the Urd day ot Sepwinlier. IIW8 and the time limit for tho payment of debu Is one year from the 3rd dayof Seutemlter. IIHW. Witness my hano und the ceal of unidCouuty Court tills :."Vlii tiny- or August, iwo. 'BKAl, A. JltUIU. p SHll 3-tW ,,tiuillj iiuii. beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. Two miles east of Hemingford, Neb. On the farm of S. D. Lack DO NOT MISS THIS SALE I notici-: to cin:iuToits. Tho Sflite of Nebraska Hox Hutte county, i ' In the county court In the matter of the e-tlite of Joseph II. Omni, decd-ed. To the creditors of said estate: You arc hereby notified, that 1 will -It at the county court room In Alliance, In -aid county, on the 1st da of March , YMK at 10 o'clock a m.. to receive and examine all clulms against said estMto. with u view to their adjustment mid allowance, 'lhotlnia limited for the iiresHiitatlon of t-latum loiiilnst said e state IbsIx montlis.f rom the -ith day of August. A 1) 1WK und the lluit- limited for payment of debu is one year from said '.'Ttli day of Aug ust. ms Witness niy hand and the seal of said county court, this i'tith day of August, Mis. fp Au S7-4w I.. A. Heukv. County Judge. CONTRIBUTIONS TO SISTERS' ACADEMY Weekly Report of Payments Toward the Erection of the School Building. HOW THE FINANCES STAND TODAY! Crawford Courier: C. C. Tash, the. automobile expert, was in Crawford Wednesday making arrangements to open a machine repair shop here. Captain Jim Cook, of Agate Springs, was in Crawford Wednesday to meet a delegation of Scientists from eastern colleges and accompany them to his ranch. NOTICI". TO CKMiriOKS. 1 Htuteof Nebraska, Previously acknowledged n,723-5 F.M.Broome 50O T. HiRgins 5 1. Yont 25- Hagerty Bros 2- r. DeYillufuerte 5- Total J11.84S.50 Millinery opening next Saturday, at Regan's. I . Ill the (?ouritv , .......- . ... . iu nuiiu iiuiiijr , isourt lit the mutter III the estate oftiiislnf Jensen, deceused To thu creditors of suld estate: You lire hereby untitled, that I will sit ut the county court room In Alliance, in wild IJouuiy. on tho 5th day of .March, lum, at ton o'clock lu the foieuoon of -aid day. to recnlre ami oxntnlne nil claims against said estate, with 11 vIhw to their uJjiiKtmuut mid allow ance. The time limit for the prusuiitutlon of claims against said estate Is six inuiiths from the 3rd day of Foiiieuibor, IHos. und the time limit for the iKiymeut of debts Is one year from the 30th dayof March, IitlH. Wltnivs my hand and the -oal of the sulci County fourt. thi- :11st duy of August, idol lKA.l I, A llKIUIV. fp et t 1 outity Judge. 1 n . v