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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1908)
rfW K, i. CT B THOUGHTS ON BUSINESS BY WALDO PONDUAY WARREN SELECTING A MAN PICKING out the right man for the place, it often measures the difference between success and failure in a business. More often It measures the difference between a mod crate success and a phenomenal one. Twenty or more years ago a carriage factory was started with the Idea of doing things in an original way, and a man was chosen to carry out the idea. He had had no previous experience in that line, but he had the right Idea and grasped the plan enthusiastically. The work began on a simple scale, o that the Inexperienced man was able to feel his way. The business grew until it attained great proportions. The same man is still at the head of it, not as the owner, but as the manager. He proved to be the right man for the place. It would be difficult to Imagine how he might have made the business more successful In that particular line. In thinking of this the thought occurred to me, suppose some other man had been chosen In the beginning. Suppose he had had wide experience, but a different' idea. He might have made more rapid progress at the start, or he might have turned the whole business into other channels and have given It a different character. Ho might not have been able to grow up with It, or might have left it after the first year's trial. The present greatness of the business might have been un known to-day If It hadn't been that the right man was chosen when the business was small. (Copjrrlfht, U97, by JoMph B. Bowliw.) Public Should Not Interfere With Railroad Management. lly TIILODOUI3 P. SIIONTa. MM"i"I"3"$' HE ! ' i m . i iHb !' tw3$"$ ' i v T" PEOPLE SHOULD BE EDUCATED TO HOLD THEIR DIRECTORS, THE MEN WHOM THEY ELECT TO ENACT THEIR LAWS AND CONDUCT THEIR AF FAIRS, TO THE SAME RESPONSIBILITY THAT STOCKHOLDERS IN A PRIVATE CORPORATION DE MAND OF THE DIRECTORS WHOM THEY ELECT. IT IS NOT SUFFICIENT THAT PUBLIC OFFICIALS BE SIMPLY HONEST. THEY MUST DISPLAY WISDOM AND FORE SIGHT THE SAME AS IS REQUIRED IN PRIVATE LIFE. Honestly conceived laws to compel a service that will meet with tho reasonable approval of the patrons of a road and prevent discrimi nations, stock watering and stock jobbery arc right and proper, but to go far beyond that and impose UXREASOXABLE BUKDKNS AND UNIfAiU RESTRICTIONS looks to tho defeat of the very purpose which it i3 sought to attain. WE STILL HAVE HOPE THAT WE ARE GOINGS TO BE LET ALONE AND ALLOWED TO RUN OUR OWN BUSINESS. DESTROY THAT HOPE AND WE WILL HAVE IN THIS COUNTRY AN ERA OF MISERY THAT WILL SEND TO ETERNAL DAMNATION THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. THE SMOKELESS CHIMNEY, THE SI LENT FORGE AND THE IDLE HAMMER WILL SPELL THE STORY. GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE, which has led tho rail road heads to fear that the operation of the roads is to bo taken out of their hands and turned over to commissions, is THE GREATEST MENACE TO THE COUNTRY'S GROWTH TODAY. I 11. KltlCAMlCU, $ t xd e nsr or x s a? ? X -Office in Alliance National Dink Ullc.3! X 0er Poitoffice f Phouo 39: s'- -For- TOP SALES, GOOD FILLS and PROMPT REMITTANCES SHIP TO TAGG BROS. Live Stock Commission Company 107-109 Exchange Building South Omaha, Neb., SULT CALL QUALITY WILL TELL NOWHERE can quality be made to express care and skill more than in laundering. You can get clothes washed anywhere. But steam laundering means more than washed. It means, 1st thor ough cleansing with steam and harmless soap; 2d finishing by good machinery and skilled laDor. Plain clothes show the result as well as fancy articles. Won't you let us show you? ' PHONE 160 -AJ.lieira.ce Stesurrx Xjau.n.cLr3r 9Goei Celebrated Jackson & Let Children Be Children. $ n Professor MICHAEL VINCENT O'SIIEA of Wisconsin University. OVERESTIMATION IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM THAT CON FRONTS US IN THE EDUCATION AND BRINGING UP OF OUR CITY CHILDREN. DEGENERACY AND MENTAL DE FICIENCY IN A FEW GENERATIONS WILL BE THE RE- OF. THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF LIFE IF WE DO NOT A HALT TO THE NERVOUS STRAIN AND UNHEALTHY AMUSEMENTS THAT WE NOW SUBSTITUTE FOR CHILD PLAY. We have the example of the old world to warn us against our pres ent course of OVERSTIMULATING OUR GROWING OHIL DREN". There are more mentally deficient and degenerato porsoiw in Italv than in any other country, and that is because the YOUNG LEAD AN ADULT LIFE AND ARE EARLY FORCED INTO MATURITY by the life lived in the noise and publicity of the streets. v. GERMANY HAS FORGED AHEAD AS A NATION BECAUSE IT HAS SOLVED THE EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS BY KEEPING ITS CHILD LIFE SIMPLE, BY CULTIVATING NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL TENDENCIES AND BY SAFEGUARDING HEALTH. What we need in America is to DRAW OUR CHILDREN AWAY PROM THE NERVE DESTROYING AMUSEMENTS, PROVIDE THEM WITH AMPLE PLAY FACILITIES remote from the confusion of tho streets, and in school emphasize the indus trial, manual and artistic rather than the MERELY' TECHNICAL. The AUTOMOBILE Intercourse With. United States Always Beneficial. Dy JOAQUIM NALUCA, Brazilian Ambassador. MUCH as the futuro generations will wonder at the progress of our time they will wonder still more that tho two great sections of our continent remained so late in history almost I UNKNOWN TO EACH OTHER. The United States, with its high civilization, CAN DO NO WRONG TO ANY NA TION. Intimate contact with you will, under whatever conditions, 33RING ONLY GOOD AND PROGRESS TO THE OTHER PARTY. THE ONLY CERTAIN EFFECT I CAN SEE OF A PERMANENT AND INTIMATE INTERCOURSE OF LATIN AMERICA WITH YOU IS THAT IT WOULD BE SLOWLY AMERICANIZED THAT IS, THAT IT WOULD BE IN DIFFERENT MEASURES PENETRATED WITH YOUR OPTIMISM, YOUR SELF RELIANCE AND YOUR ENERGY. For Full Particulars P.J.BBTZOLD GENERAL AQT. FOR WESTERN NEBRASKA N First-class Views and Commercial Work os & Alliance Art Studio M. i:. (UtCIlK, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALLIANCE, NEHU. Enlarged Portraits In Every Style iJ'j'iJ' AUTOriOBILE WORK A SPECIALTY ( nisoline engines and all kinds of machinery overhauled, cleaned and put in running' order J In the Gadsby Carpenter Shop PHONE 589 Chas. C. Tash & Co. T&m,n ffjtrniqi D"wmcmm Give3you the reading matter In m mm3 rnmMMlmtS mWjMt2m which you have the greatest in- terest the home news. Its every issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family. It should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. National Degeneracy Our Chief Menace. By Dr. ALLAN McLANfc HAMILTON. Insinity Expert. ATIONAL ilegenonicy, I am afraid, is our chief menace. I take Xew York as a fair example of general standards. OUtt BOirEMiAXISM IS BRUTAL, VULGAK. It has no fellowship or camaraderie in it. It is a region of cafes and restaurants, where men and women prey upon one another. OUII SOCIETY IS IMITATED WITHOUT OIUGIXAUTY, with absurd exhibitions of loud taste and ill proportioned artistry. WE ARE FREE TO THE VERGE OF OPEN REVOLT AGAINST THE LAWS OF MOSES, THAT ARE NEEDED, BUT IGNORED. Wo havo all the license of foreign decadence, with a UNIQUE DEGENERACY OF OUR OWN that no foreign city would en dure because OF ITS CRUELTY, ITS SAVAGERY. Wo read chiefly false exaggerations of science and outrageous exposes of for bidden crimes. Of course, press censorship is impossible in the pres ent state of political conflict. I CONSIDER THAT A LARGE PART OF THE SO CALLED EMO TIONAL INSANITY THAT LEADS TO CRIME IN NEW YORK IS DUE TO THESE SENSATIONALLY FALSE AND BLATANT EXPO SURES IN CERTAIN NEWSPAPERS OF DISASTERS THAT WE NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE AND WOULD NEVER HEAR OF AGAIN EX CEPT FOR THEIR IMPRESSION UPON HALF FORMED MINDS AND YOUNG PEOPLE. Our novels where can you get one that's WORTH READING ? It is either a wildly improbable problem or a silly colonial storv. WE ARE AFFLICTED WITII BATHOS, BUT WE HAVE NO TIME FOR PATHOS. Try My Flour and you won't have any mon? worry about our bread My brands of At and Cow are not excelled anywhere tn this country, and ladies who have used thent are my best advertisers. Phone No. 71 Res. Phont No, 95 J. ROWAN THE FLOUR AND FEED MAN We have a customer for a large modern house, He will pay a good price for it, but wants thobest. Do you want to sell yours? We also have several cus tomers for small resi dences Nebraska Land Co. Phone 281-Alliancce Natl. Bank Blk. "Bo. T&uWfc oapytal CfosUVcUs a Sp&CAoWg HaUs, hVb Vo $2fc par xna&lc. &Uu4 6 CViweMU, u?V KALDAL BROTHERS Contractors, Builders AND Brick Manufacturers ALLIANCE. NEB. When you plan your- home remember the importance of Good Plumbing l do sanitary work and ruar- antee it. I install Standard bath room fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating- with modern, up-to-date Ideal Boilers and American Radiators right in my line. FRED BRENNAN Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & Miss Mary E. Smalley T K A C H K U O V DICE Hiss Edith H. Swan TKACHli R O F lMANO STUDIO 424 Laramie Avenue Phone - - 220 DR. G. W. MITCHELL, PhysleliwmnoSnrtmHi Hay aud nltthtetlln Ofllce over lloituc fcttore. Phone 150. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYStOIAN and SURGEON. Office In First National llank block. Alll noe Nebraska. H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phono 300 Culls answered promptly day and night from oflltco. Offices! Alliance National Uank llulldltiitovorthe Post Office. RTcrTASrETsLAQLir WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, UO.M EOP.VTIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Formerly Interne Homeopathic Ilon pftal University ot Iowa. Phone 131. Office over Alliance Shoe Btoro Residence Phone 251. Churchill & Thornton PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS (Successors to Dr. J. E, Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours U-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. 7:30-9 P,ni. Office Phone 62 Res. Phono, Or Thornton, 187 Night calls, Phone 62 or 187 Drs.jCoppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Succcisortt to Drs. Prey it Balfe) 17 and 18 Rumer Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 C. L. WEBER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON With Dr. novrman ...WOOD Office Phone 63 Res. Phone 134 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lockwood UNDERTAKING AND EMIIALMINQ Funeral Director and Embalmor Phones Oflice 214. Res. 205 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GUY H. LOCKWOOD : Chicago School of Eiut WITH B, F. LOCKWOOD, Gruduntc Chicago School of Ciubitlmiut; WITH 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls. 1 raised the bull calf that took first premium, also calf that took fifth in same class, in open competition, at our State fair in September 1907. My herd took fourteen ribbons, altogether. 1 now have thirty bulls, from one to three years old, which I would like to sell for fall delivery; a car load. I will sell from twelve to twenty; you take your pick for $100 each. I will keep them for two months, feed them oats, alfalfa, etc., get them in good shape. You take them in December, winter them at home, aud they will do you some good. J. G. Brf.nizer, 43 1 year Broken Bow, Neb. AUG F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW. Your Printing It should be a fit representative of your business, which means the high grade, ar tistic kind. That.s the kind we do. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OP TYPE, GOOD PRESSES AIID TYPOGRAPHICAL ARTISTS These represent our facilities for doing the kind of printing that will please you. The prices are right, and prompt delivery the invariable rule at this office. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by R. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk 'Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AX.JL.I.A.ISCE. MICO. KWITII P. 1CTTLE. I HA B. TA8II TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, (CorthMalnSt.. - ALUANOE.NEB. WILCOX & BROOME LAW AND LAND ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office la Land Office DaUdlng. ALLIANCE, - - NEBRASKA.