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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1908)
"Wo IT', lotlcal Noddy e Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. I VOLUME XV, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, IU08 NUMBER 40 Th V HINTS TO RANCHMEN AND FARMERS Now is the time that you realize on your season '.s' work. As you sell your stock, potatoes or grain, place your money on open account with a reliable bank. Pay your bills by check, which makes the best kind of a receipt, and avoid the worry and danger attending the carrying of largfe sums of monev. Our offices are always at the disposal of our customers and country friends. The First National Bank of Alliance FIRST STATE BANK HEM1NGFORD, NEBR. Capital and Surplus, $15,000.00 Keith L. Pierce, Cashier Notary Public in Bank & Insurance Written & ' Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits Real Estate Loans, any size, made or negotiated HOLSTEN' Headquarters for School Supplies Fine samples of corn were brought to this office Inst Saturday by J. A. Keegan, who purchased the old Baxter farm a few miles northeast of the city. The ears are fully developed and well filled and out of the way of frost. Mr. Keegan has forty-five acres of corn thnt will yield thirty-five bushols to the acre. Although an old-time newspaper man from northeastern Kansas, he has demonstrated his ability to till Box Huttc county soil most successfully and will no doubt realiie handsomely from his farm investment. A socialistic wanderer possessing a glib tongue, held forth At the hank cor ner Monday and Tuesday nights and succeeded in gathering together fair sized crowds to whom he explained the principles of socialistic philosophy. The evils of the daj- and faults of pres ent governmental managemout were reviewed and he succeeded in making some of his hearers think that with so ' cialism established in place of our present standard,-this w'orld would im mediately be transformed into heaven ly bliss. A ten cent pamphlet was sold after the speaking and this was said to contain other features of the speaker's hobby he was unable to pre sent, or in other words, it was his j means of support. Win, Taft came in j for his share of scoring as the original i injunction judge against oiganized la bor and the stranger hit the republican I candidate for president several knock-1 out blows, so to speak. . i Acting Night Police Donovon, who , is taking the place of Cal Cox, the reg- I ular policeman, engaged for a short ' time at the electric light plant, ai rested ' two deserters from Fort Robinson who bought tickets at Crawford, and in (Company witn a discharged soldier from the fort, were on their way to i Chicago. The night officer received a The game of ball at Bridgeport be- j telegram to look for the deserters on 42 tween the team of that place and the , Friday morning and when the train ' Alliance club was the fiercest of thq arrived .he arrested both. They claim- 4L .. 4. . . . .l -".T.-n 41 l.-.l 1 !..!.. .! .fieasoif, tlie score, bejng 23 to 2,r. JHMX.,.- ,,,c ,li,u "ecu legmauy uib- Alliance team went against the strong' barged from service but said that they Owing to the magnitude of tho pro duction of Faust, soon to be presented here by Mr. Sanford Dodge, Miss Louise Marshall and n talented com pany, it will he necessary for the cur tain to raise prom ply at H:2o. All who ate intending to witness this great 1 piny should he in their seats at this time, in order to get the full benefit of the performance. Each nnd every act is set with special scenery, the cos tunics are beautiful and overy feature is presented with strict attention to do- 1 tail nnd dramatic porfection. Don't forgot the dRte, Wednesday, Sept. 43. j and remember this is ono of the few J real dramatic treats of the ontite sea- I S011, ..w. ' The new roller skating rink, which will soon he Opened in the old Rumer building by Al, Dierdorf of Hot Springs, will doubtless prove an interesting place of amusement for the young. A new floor, suitable for roller skating, is 1 being laid and the interior generally overhauled. Mr. Dierdorf is a pleas ing gentleman, who is familiar with amusements of this character and pro pose to conduct this rink in a way thnt there can be no offense given at any time. Occasionally there mav be a dance at the link when so desired and the floor, which is being arranged, will be suitable for this pasttime. Fall Shoes We are showing the new est creations in shoedom. Reds, browns -and blacks in shoes, and browns and blacks in oxfords for fall $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 the HORACE BOG UE store i I Millinery I Opening 1 1 ji Saturday 1 ! AT REGAN'S 1 T TEN DAY H est proposition of the ball line it has contended with. A league pitcher and other reinforcements made the Bridge port team unusually strong. TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSISION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAINT S RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN 'S mm Mr. Charles M. Ewing of Mori ill and Miss Ethel Covalt of Cleman were united in marriage Wednesday after noon at the Baptist parsonage bv Rev. Jeffers. Mr, Ewing is a concrete' stone contractor at Morrill and after the cement season is over expects to settle on a ranch in the vicinitv of Cleman. had sent their papers in some other effects over the Northwestern load, but this was disbelieved and they were un- , loaded and taken to jail. A telegram from the fort confirmed the supposi-, tion that they were the soldiers wanted. The same day Police Donovan and son took the prisoners to Foit Robin son and received the customary reward i of S50 foi each deserter. 150 pairs Boys solid leather biucher Qf fL box calf shoes, sizes 2J4 t( 54 JJ' Dr. II. II. Bellwood returned last Saturday from Long Beach, Cal., I where he visited his family the past Tuesday was the opening day of the six weeks. The doctor looks all the grouse hunting season and local uini-' world likeAdmiral Schley bince his so rods by the dozens were out bright and journ on the Pacific coast, and it is early in fields and on ranches chasing , said that he has become an accomplish after the game biid. There is no I ed fisherman. Mrs. Bellwood and doubt but what it will be only a few j daughter, lna, are enjoying the best days when grouse will be as scarce m of health and send greetings through these parts as curlew, but the crop of , the doctor. llnctTS" is said to be plentiful. 100 Prs Warranted Corduroy Pants, .50 25c buys good Fleece Underwear for Boys Miss Beinice Kridlebairgh, accom-) panied by Mrs. Harding and daughter' Madge, returned last Sunday from , their eight-day outing in picturesque i Yellowstone and of course have an abundance of stories to tell of that . famous national resort. We have not heard as yet if the Alliance sightseers ' were confronted by the highwayman who spread terror among the visitors j to the park during the recent past. HWJ.'UJ We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. Castor Machine OIL Best Quality Lowest Prices from the I'ine in the city last Geo. Fleming returned yesterday morning from Spooner, Wis., where he and his family moved last spring. Mrs. Fleming is visiting relatives at Missouri Valley, Iowa for a few days. George says he is now contented to live in Western Nebraska the remain der of his life. George will again en ter the employ of F. J. Betzold. The two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Brandt, who reside on a ranch about fifteen miles southeast of the city, sustaiued a broken leg last Saturday while climbing about the barn. The little fellow was brought to the home of Enoch Boyer in this city where his was cared for by a phy sician. Mr. Brandt is a brick mason who is employed in this city consider able of the time. $5.00 buys an all-wool fine suit with TWO PAIRS KfNICKER PANTS A hand of Indians Ridge agency arrived Sunday afternoon on 44 and encamped on the railroad grounds near the depot till Monday morning when they went south on the Guernsey train for Scotts bluff as one ot the attractions of the county fair. Poor Low" is becoming ' wwww. an attraction even within a stone's Members of the Patmore district ' throw of his own haunt and home. j school, eight miles north of Reno, are 1 arranging to give a shadow sociable at ; their school house on the evening of I October 2nd,. A musical program in I connection with other interesting fea I tures will take place. A luncheon of , hot coffee, sandwiches and cake will be j served and the meeting will conclude wiin a uance. a general invitation is extended to the public to attend. GEO. I. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses litted. 1 Pairs Good Black Hose for Itln & The Kind That Wear Vt Douglas Shoes for Boys at $2.25 up Boys' Suits for School, $1.50 Boys' Aaists, 19c Boys' Corduroy and Wool Knicker Pants, 85c Boys' Shirts, 39c DR. T. ALLEN, aetiTisr PftUie -ut--.;un 4I.L1A.N0K' Millinery opening next Saturday, at Regan's. The Ladiufi' Union of the First Pros- luct MettxMlk by torian chuich will meet next Wed- "" nesday at the church parlors. Mes- NKBKAsjKa dames Wahner and Shield will serve. 101 Headquarters for the Boys