Chse of the Jaynes Meetings. The concluding speooh ol tlic sotics Riven by Prof. JoyiioS of the Municipal League of Chicago was hold Friday night and iho rosult wns most satisfac tory. Ho took special intcrost in il lustrating the local conditions and pos sihilitics of Alliance. Views of the trading buildings of the city were pop traved by the stercopticon machine and brought forth vigotous applause from the crowded house. The views, however, of the alloys and highways were different, and there is room for radical improvement along this lino, said the speaker, a fact we must all admit. There is nit kind of complaint about the filthy condition of our alleys, but the same old filth ib allowed to re main in spite of it all. A banquet was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Jp.yne8 at the conclusion of the mceti'jg Friday night and was held at Northwest cafe. Those present wcie Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phclan, Bernard Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Barker, Mr. and MrB. F. W. Harris, Mr. and . . . ., .I I, i Mrs. v, ai. uroomc, mr, uuu mrs. v,, O. Aspenwall, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas. Mr. Jaynes nnd wife ex pressed themselves as being more than pleased with the interest shown in'thcir work here and hoped to visit our city again. Geo. L. Wilson, president of the Municipal Service League, arrived here from Chicago last Monday and in com pany with the entertaining committee made an automobile visit about the city to investigate the resources and possibilities of the situation. The same old question at once pre sented itself to Mr. Wilson's mind and he urged the immediate establishment of a sewerage system, stating that it was almost a criminal neglect to let the matter lag as it is being done. It is easily constructed from nn engineering standpoint, said Mr. Wilson, who is a civil engineer, and the plans already drawn and held by the city administra tion are practically correct. After sev. eral other suggestions of features that will be dwelt upon later by the presi dent of this league, lie departed for Denver and other (daces in which the league is interested. Fireboys Return From Tournament. The Alert hoso team, which attend ed the firemen's tournament at North Platte last week, returned Sunday on 43 via Grand Island, and report having a pleasant journey and enjoyable time. The attendance was quite large and great interest taken in' the races. Thursday was the first day of the tournament and the opening was in terrupted by a heavy wind which pre vailed. The first race, class A, was a 6traight-away hose race, 250 yards. Three teams entered the contest. North Bend won first money, f6o; Al liance second, 40; Fullertou third, fzo. Grand Island won in the hook and ladder race the same day; North Platte second. The class B hose race, 250 yards, was won by Friend with Noith Platte second. Thursday's class A hose race, 250 yatds, was again won by North Bend with Alliance second and Fullertou third, with money at $00, $40 and $30. The hook and ladder race ol 250 yards was also won by Grand Island and North Platte second. Class B hose race, 250 yards, was won by Friend; North Platte second. The 100 yard running and coupling race was captured by North Bend, with Alliance represented by Owens and Luft, second. $25 and $20. The grand parade also took place Thursday, and Alliance took first place in the largest delegation which was awarded a $25 prize. Friend drew u fio prize for the best uniforms, Friday morning a water fight took place which caused great interest and was witnessed by a large crowd of peo ple. The wet hose lace that followed was won by North Platte. The state championship hose race was a lively ariair and resulted in a victory for North Bend, followed by Alliance and Fullertou. Prices, $75, $50 and $15. This race was iu class A. Grand Island won the hook and lad der race which followed and North Platte second. In class B, state championship hose race, North Platte won first; Friend no tuna. Thi &u-foot running and coupling contest, tree lx all, was won by Nwth Bund. A storm of appUuie aroe from the large audience when the free-for-all hose race, open to the world, was pull cd off, in which three teams, Alliance, Nortti Bend and Friend tied and di vided the prize money, S83.30 each. Now that Alliance has always been a liberal patronizcr at the state tourna ments and has won a rommendahtc place among the fire teams of. the state, it seems that wc should have the noxt state tournament and we believe the iiiombors of the Alert fire department should not be backward in asking this favor which is duo the city. We be lieve, with the co-operation of our bus iness men's club and citizens generally this can be secured for next season, so let us go after it at once. Yon know the old bibical quotation, "Ask and you shall receive." Pinched in Car Loaded with Lumber Two strangers, brothers, were en joying a sleep in a car of lumber Sun day afternoon in the yards at this place, when the switch engine rolled in on the side track on which the car stood nnd gave it a bump sufficient to shift the lumber in one end in which one of the boys was located and the re sult was that tie found himself hem med in very close quarters. His cries brought help but before the lad was rescued, rescuers almost caved in his head with the tools they were using, not being aware of his position in the car. After almost tearing the end out of the car they dragged the little fel low, who was no mote than fourteen years of age, from his crowded posi tion and he was taken to the city hall where he wbb cared for by Dr. Slagel. No bones were broken and his injuries were confined to.flesh wounds. Republican Fire Blank Cartridge A republican rally was announced to take place at the opera houce last evening. The rally, if that is what one may term it. came off but there was a noticeable lack of enthusiasm. W. W. Wood acted as chairman of the meeting, and in introducing the speaker, John J. Rvder, deputy state labor commissioner, spoke most com- nlhnentary of Alliance and westerp Nebraska, concluding with the state ment that Mr. Rvder would file the first gun of the campaign for the ie publican party in Alliance. The speak er is a young man of pleasing address, though a poor sample oi political cam paigner. He attempted to make his address appeal to the union labor vote, but tiis line of argument was so dis connected and without point that i is conceded by most all who heard him, that it would have been better for the party had he never come to Alliance to try and persuade the laboring men to acain favor the republican party with their votes, and one prominent citizen made the ussertion, immediately after the meeting, that if another such speak er was sent here, chances were good for the democrats to carry the state by a million majority. But Mr. Ryder's praise of Alliance, its schools, western Nebraska and the fine alfalfa grown here was sufficient reason for the 100 or more people attending. Captain W. R. Akers of Scottsbluff concluded the meeting with a few lemarks in which he showed more of a partisan spirit than did Mr. Ryder. Mr. Akers admitted the gieatness of W. J. Bryan as a leader among men and admitted that he was a man of noble character, but when he got down into politics he forgot for awhile these admissions and branded Bryan as an insincere, unieli able demagogue, who was not to be trusted, and in fact blackened his char acter a dark hue. tt 'was the expres sion of several of his tiearers after the meeting that the speaker was evidently led away by partisan feeling when he got warmed up and entirely foigot the manner of man lie was describing. But the Captain must be excused, for lie has been well treated by the repub lican party in the past and hence is faithful to his supporters. The Cap tain's talk on alfalfa and how luxuriant ly it grows over in the Platte valley under the republican admistratiou was most interesting and well leceived. Fats and Leans Sunday. If you want to see the funniest game of the season go out to the ball park next Sunday when the fats and leans will have it out. We don't know on which side Bud Betzold is going to play but we'll hot the cigars that if he is umpiie wo can guess who will win the name. The game will take place at 3:30 and will be one of the closing attractions of the diamond for the season, Old Soldier Dies Today 1 Win. Mumper passed away at his home in the east part of the city at 1:30 this afternoon after a chronic ill iicsb with which he has suffered for sometime. Docoascd was born in Gettysburg, Pa., December 5, 1S42. He sorved in the First -Pennsylvania Reserves, settled in Nebraska in i860 and has resided in this locality for the last twenty years, moving from his ranch to Alliance. A devoted wife and a son, Chester, who has served in the navy for nearly four years and now stationed at Hong Kong, China, sur vive him. Mr. Mumper was a man highly esteemed and owned consider able property here. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. Jeffers of the Baptist church con ducting the services. Will Initiate Class September 20th Arrangements have been concluded for the final steps in organizing the council of Daughters of Isabella in this city on Sunday, September 20th. The initiation will take place at the Knights of Columbus hall in the after noon, followed by a banquet at the Northwest hotel which will be an elaborate affair. The name of the new court will bear that of St. Agnes, a most beautiful selection, which has for its patroness one of the most prominent saints in the lives of the light of the church. The team conferring the de gree wilt come from Dawson, Nebr. Alliance to Have Roller Skating Rink Al. Dierdorf, the well known roller skater and moving picture operator of Hot Springs, has leased the W. D. Rumer building now occupied by Mr. Rumer's remnant stock, and will con duct a roller skating rink in the same in a short time, possibly by the last of the month. Mr. Dierdorf is a capable manager of resorts of this kind as his popularity has proven at the spiings. Exhibiting Car Collects Specimens The Burlington exhibit car under the management of the company's laud man, D. Clem Deaver, was in the city Sunday on its way south and west to collect samples for the coming exhibits in the east. The car will be here again eaily in October when our coun ty exhibit will be added. George Dong las, as usual, will have charge of this aad will accompany the same on its eastern tour. September Nuptials. Jahnke-Underwood. The murriage of Percy Jahnke and Miss Basil Underwood occurred yester day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Renswold, Rev. J. J. Val low of the M. K. church officiating. Both parties to this union are pioneer residents of Box Butte county and well known. The groom is one of the pro pi ictors of the Checkeied Front livery barn in this city and his bride the daughter of Cal Underwood, one of our old-time ranchers living southwest of Alliance. Matz-Snoddy Otto W. Matz, son ol Mr. and Mi. Christian Matz, of this city, and Miss Ella Suoddy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Snoddy, also of this city, were married yesterday afternoon at ttie Baptist parsonage, Rev. G. C. Jefleis officiating. The happy young people left this morning for Grand Island where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Matz will take with them the congratu lations of many friends as well as their relatives. -$2--j-; m-j5-i--5" j"-;-;-; i;M---!"l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. V IIALDItlDOK, Honded AUstrueter $ . ;..... ) ; .;. .x-t-v-fr-X--i"HM"2"?-X- -J- T J O'Keefe to John Bayer ne 33-25-48, S2.500. Seagtread Krzyzauooski to Hphraim G Kibble nw 29 25-47. $3,200. U G Smith to Wm Delsing W2 of nw, neof nw and nw of ne 2-2-49, $50. John Bayer to B CIreteman ne 33-25-4" $3,000. Lincoln Land Co to Forest Lbr Co Its 12 I J. 14, 15. 16, blkio Orig town af Alliance S400. Itoht U Hold wo to John C McCprkle nwl4 of 7-2U.-iS, Jr. boo. Mary 1 Hrln to H E Jones neV of 7-5. $1,050. Book Racks Music Racks On Sale, to close them out, Saturday, the Do you special cut price tor casn WATCH SHOW-WINDOW AT MAIN STREET STORE Geo. D. Darling HOUSEFURNISHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO SISTERS' ACADEMY Weekly Report of Payments Toward the Erection of the School Building. HOW THE FINANCES STAND TODAY St. Agnes Academy is fast nearing com pletion. The sisters who are to take charge of the academy are expected in a few days. The pastor, Father McNamara. desires to thank those who have contribut ed. He also asks us to urge those who have not paid their subscriptions to do so at the earliest possible date. Father says there can be no doubt at this late date as to the completion of the academy in time for the opening of school Sept. 5th. Now, let all who subscribed to the fund pay up for these three reasons- 1st, you promised to do so; 2d, the committee needs the money now, not a year from now; jd, you all want to keep your word and help the good work. Below is the statement to date Previously acknowledged $1 1,583.50 J., Keeler 5-00 . Hager 5-" Thos. Kuten ' 75 I.. Baschky 5- M. Dailey 5 Total. .$11,723.50 NOTICE Or INCORPORATION OF THE HANSEN VAILEY CATTLE COMPANY. 1. Tliu uame of UiK corporation shall Im the llaiiKeii Valley uallin company The principal place of bUHine shall be at I'lUmirtli. Sheridan CotltitV. n. The ireneral nature of the business to lie '1I1UII luumy, .suorusKu. nature of the business 1 it shall tie the buyiug una selling oi yiiix and selling of cattle and other live stock, and tho produc- pro ile, lion of the same for market and sale, also to hold, purchase, sell unit mortgage real estate. . . , . , 1. Tliu amount of capital utoek authorized i $10,000.00 divided into share of $100.00 each, of which at leust ."0,000.00 shall bo paid in in money or property on or before the time of commencement or business. 5. The Corporation shall liegln business on the 1 Mi duy of August, Ikw, und shall continue for 11 period of So jean, unless sooner dissolved by majority of three-lift lis of the stockholders. 0. The highest amount of indebtedness for uiili-h this Correlation shall be liable at auy onetime shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7. The affairs, of this Corporation shall be managed b 11 Hoard of Mrectors. cousihtliig of three persons, who shall lie stockholders In the Corporation. unJ who shall servo for a term of one jear after theuiiuuul meetliitc of stockholders or until their successors In ottlce lire elected Wii.i.iam O Comstock, fpAugJ7-lw IIans.I IIanskn When You Buy BUT AT HOME The Borne Meicbastl merit your support, tber aie tbo mainstay of toe community, and whtn you buy of Homo Keicbauti, buy of thoie wbo adYtitiie. Easels Not Before nor After want one at a 7 IHIMHHM XOTICi: TO CIII.DITOKS. Suite nf Nebraska, 1 In the County llox llutti) t onnty f Com I In tlui mutter In tho estate of (iostuf ,U-iiscii, llt'CVilHCll. . 'I'ii the creditors of said extute: , You uie hereby nntllled, Hint 1 lll sit nl 1 tlui county oonrt room in Alliance, in sum County, on the. "itli duy of March. Iiwi. at tun o'clock In the forenoon of said day, to receive nnd c.Minilne nil claims against suid estate, with 11 view to their adjustment and ullow ailce. The time limit for the presentation of claims against said estate Is six months from the 3rd day of September, lPofl. und tliu time limit for the payment of debts Is one year from the 30th duyof March, 11)08. Witness my hand und the seal of the said County Court, this 31st day of August, 1008. NEAl.l .. A. IlKUHY, fpsVpt:i-:iw County .Indue, LKGAL. NOTIOK Stale of Nebraska I . In County Hex Hutte County f M Court In tliu matter of the estate of K. Walter Der rick, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby not I lied, that 1 will sit at the county court room In Alliance. In said Coun ty, on tliu 5th duy of March, lliOfl, at ten o clock In the forenoon of said day, to receive una examine 1111 Claims UKinnsi sain estate, with u view to their adjustment und allow ance. The time limit for the presentation of claims against said estate Is six months from tho 3rd day of September, lt0S. and the lime limit for the payment of debts is one year from said 3rd day of September, 1!KH. Witness my baud and the seal of said Coun ty Court, thls-J'.ith day of August, ISWs I.. A. Iltliuv, lKAI.l Count Judge, f p. Sept. !l-3w. NOTICIi TO CKKDITOKS. The State of Nebraska I . llox Hutte county, I In the county court In the matter of tli estate of ,ljcpli II. Oram, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that 1 will sit at the county court room In Alliance, In said county, on the 1st iln of March , 1H00, at 10 o'clock a. m., to reecho und examine all claims against said estate, with 11 view to their adjustment und allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims uxulnsi said es state Igslxmonths.fromthe'.'itbdu) of August, A. 1). l'.KW, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from siihl i.Tth duy of Aug ust, 1P08. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this -0th day of August, IPOs'. ISkai.) fp An. -7-tw 1.. A. llKinn. Comity Judge. Wanted To buy a five or six room house or vacant lot. in the northwest part ofthe city. W. H. Holtz. CASH PRICES Oa-lifbrrLia, Osun.xa.ecL CS-ood.s Standard l'eaches, per can.. 20c I Gallon Pumpkin, per can .55c Better Grade 25c I Pure Tomato Catsup, pints, Standard Pears 25c llt ',er b,ott!e 5c Masons lruit Jars, pints, Jam in 25-0. glass, per jar., jsc per dozen 55c Fancy No. 1 Baked Beans, Masons Fruit Jars, piarts, Tomato Sauce 10c 1 per dozen .. . 70c Fancy No. 2, Baked Beans, Masons Fruit Jars, half gal. Tomato Sauce. . . . 15c Ion, per dozen,... 85c Fancy No. 2, Baked Beans Tomato Sauce. z for 25c 1 1 Hany Other Bargains BENEDICT'S next 12th i NEW FALL MILLINERY Mrs. Simmons' fall opening of new millinery will commence September 15. Miss Josephine O'Donnell, the well known trimmer, is now in Denver get ting points on the new fall styles and will assist Mrs. Simmons during the opening. Miss O'Donnell is an expert milliner, aud Mrs. Simmons' patrons are assured of the best the market af fords. A fine line of pattern hats, also tailored and children's hats. MRS. R. SIMMONS H. NELSON, Painting, Paper Hanging and Kalsomining Phone 641 Alliance, Nebr. Q. W. ZOBEL DRAY LINE Office at Geo. Darling's Store Phone 139. ..A Residence Phone 570. GEO. W. ZOBF.L. GROCERY A y