The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 27, 1908, Image 8

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Commissioner Wanek
Attends Father's-Funeral
County Commissioner Jos. Wnnek
ol Lawn tcturned thin morning from
Mftdioon, Nobr., whore lid was sum
moned last Saturday On account of the
death of his fnthef, which occuned at
six o'clock that morning. Wontzcl
Wanok. the decoased, was eighty yearn
of ugc and lias been an invalid for
more than two yearn. He was con
fined to his home during all this time
and was able to get about only with
the use of crutches. The funeral took
place Monday and was largely attend
ed, attesting the popularity in which
Mr. Wanek was held. He leaves a
wife and three children to mourn his
Bad Blood Ball Game
The game of base ball at the Alliance
grounds last Sunday between the homo
team and Bridgeport resulted in a vie
try for the former by a score of o to
j. There was a slight mix-up with the
players and Umpire- Murphy which for
a tunc seetilod to be liable to terminate
in n rough-and-tumble fight, but for
tunately Such 'was not the case. As
long as there Will be ball cantos and
umpires there will bo danger of trouble
of. this kind. Wo have no apologies to
make and pf course detest anything of
the kind that happened last Sunday
but that won't guarantee that it will
not happen again. Base ball excites
the players as well as the spectators
and when men are in that state of craze
they are ready for a fight at all times.
That's all there is to base ball most of
the time. It's the true American spirit
of hilaritv and wc can't live without
being scrappy.
Elephants and Monkeys
On Way to Billings
by the press and prominent lecture
critics. The lectures will be delivered
bv Ellsworth Plumstead, and Col. G.
A. Gcarharl, both of whom have been
engaged In lecture and cliautaurpia
work many years, and their namos are
high on the list of desirable entertain
ers. Denton C. Crowl, portrayalist, is
a biilliaut atpiMlioi) of the lecture
platform. His style of delivery is
unique and original, and he is among
the fotemost platform artists of today.
There is exceptional talent with each
number and the entire course will be
highly instructive and entertaining, and
one which any city should be willing
and ready to support.
Thinks Dahlman Will Win.
T. S. Allen, the well known leal es
tate man of Crawford, is in Alliance
today. Mr. Alfen believes that Mayor
Dahlinau of Omaha will receive the
nomination for governor and that his
election is assured. Mr. Dahlman was
a resident of Dawes county for. many
ycais and he will receive a splendid
support throughout the sixth congres
sional district.
Thompson-McHugh Nuptials.
Weekly Report of Payments Toward
the Erection of the School Building.
Two baby elephants arrived in the
city last Tuesday on train 45 from the
cast and weic taken, to the stock yards
and fed. They were on their way to
Billings, Mont., and were shipped from
Council Bluffy 'Iowa. The ."'babieV'
were rather young fo be traveling
alone on a freight train but neverthe
less seemed to enjoy their trip. The
same day two cages of monkeys passed
through Alliance on trains 302 and 41
bound for Billings, where they must' be
destined to take their places at some
zoological gaidens as also aie the ele
phants. Epwtrth League
Arrangements have been completed
with the Midland Lyceum Bureau of
Des Moines, Iowa, for a Lecture
Course, consisting of two musical en
tertainments, two lectures and one
Portrayalist lecture, to be given the
coming winter, the first number to be
given about October 20th, and the
other four at regular intervals through
the winter.
Of the musical numbers the Garber
Howe Entertainment Company are
well known and commendation is un
necessary. The LeDell-Fox Concert
Company ate not so well known on
this part of the continent, having been
previously engaged in concert work in
New England and Eastern Canada.
However they are highly commended
The marriage of Mr. Fred Thompson
and Miss Margaret McHtigh was sol
emnized last evening at Holy Rosary
church bv Hev. Father McNantara in
tbo presence of relatives of the con
tracting parties. The bridal couple
were accompanied to the altar by Mr.
Hay "Dcitlein and Miss Cecelia Mc
Hugh, sister of tho bride. The bride
was tastily gowned in a white litigetie
pi incess dress trimmed in valenciennes
lace and carried a hoqitet of bride's
roses. The bridesmaid wote a white
princess and carried a boquet ,of sweet
After the wedding ceremony the
wedding patty met their many friends
in congratulations at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Grothe. The bride is
a niece of Mrs. Geo. Deitlein, sr., and
came to this city tcccntly from St.
Louis. She has-been incite employ of
the Graham grocery for some time .as
bookkeeper and is a lady of lefincment
and education. The groom is a travel
ing salesman for the Omaha Packing
company and a most genial, consider
ate gentleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left on No.
41 this morning for 11 trip to the mount
ain, resorts of Colorado and vicinity.
They will also visit at Denver and
Colorado Springs, after which they
will be at home to their friends at Fre"
mont, Nebr., after October 1st.
What Is County Option?
A number of our readers have, asked
us this question, as it is a prominent
issue in the present state campaign.
County Option means the enactment
of a law that will give all voters of a
county the right to vote "Yes" or "No"
on the proposition of saloons, or no sa
loons in the county.
AH incorporated towns have a right
to say whether the taloon shall be li
censed, or not, but the farmers and
ranchmen have no vote on the issue
under our present "Local Option"
law. All property owners in a couuty
help pay taxes with which to defray
court costs arising from the liquor traf
fic, without receiving any benefit from
the saloon license. It is contended by
many that this is unfair, as it appears
to be taxation without representation.
An effort will be made to pass a Couu
ty Option law in our next legislatuie.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
St. Agnes Academy is fast nearing com
pletion. The sisters who are to take
charge of th academy are expected in a
few days The pastor, Father McNamara,
desire? to thank those who have contribut
ed. He also asks us to urge those who
have not paid their subscriptions to do so
at the earliest possible date. Father says
there can be no doubt ot tills late dale as
to the completion of the academy in time
for the opening of school Sept. 5th. Now,
let all who subscribed to the fuod pay up
for these three reasons- 1st, you promised
to do so; 2d, thc committee needs the money
now, not a year -from now; 3d, you all
want to keep your word and help the good
wbrk. Below fs"the statement to date-
Previously acknowledged $11,413.50
J. B. Kennedy., 25'
A. W. Atkins 00
P. Kiley Jo-oa
J. Riley o-
S. Graham". '. '. . ". Jtf.00
Mrs. McDermott,, v ..... .'. . as-oo
I . L. Acheson. ...... , as00
' if """'
Total. . . . $11,518,50
Cowboy Ball Team
Disbands at Lincoln.
Frank Ankcnv is enjoying a visit
from his sister, Mrs, J. D. Lamb, and
other relatives and friends from Clin
ton, Iowa, and Jacksonville, III. The
visitors arrived Saturday anc no doubt
will have a inot enjoyable experiencel
of ranch life
A smoke house nt the rear of Yoiluk-
in's meat market on Box Butte avenue
caught fire yesterday afternoon and the
department was called out. It required
only the application of a few doses of
water to overcome the blaze caused by
meat drippings setting the building on
The people of Oshkosh, Duet coun
ty, will have a celebration September
23, to rejoice over the advent of the
new railroad into that town. The
Union Pacific has Just cdmpleted its
line to that point. The people of Osh
kosh cxprdt a great crowd on that occasion,
Chas. Hubs and family returned yes
terday morning from Lincoln where
the Wyoming Cowboy ball team dis
banded after a game in that city the
first of the week. Mr. Huss said that
the team was engaged most of the time
since it left this city the first of the
month but the attendance outside of
Broken Bow and Grand Island was
very light, Hull and Freer will return
to Alliance shortly while the other
players left for their homes in various
parts of the state.
The sample ballot of the democratic,
republican and people's party tickets
appears in this issue of the Herald and
voters will have time to carefully .exam
ine same before' the primary election.
Judge Westover of Kushville will
doubtless receive the nomination for
congress in this district and he will
give Moses Kinkaid the race of bis
The Herald job department was busy
this week printing the ballots for the
primary election to take place next
Tuesday. The work of arranging and
printing these ballots is as big a job as
that of the general election.
Mrs. Sedwlck and daughter, Miss
Ethel, returned yesterday morning
from Buffalo, Wyo., where , they have
been vjiiiting a daughter and sister,
Mrs. Pattick Healy. Mrs. Healy ac
companied them home and will spend
a couple of days here before going to
Omaha. .
Part of the Parker shows passed
through here last Sunday morning on
their way to the Pacific coast. Merry-go-rounds,
Ferris wheels and other
such small change catching' devices
constituted the greater part of (he
equipment. Alliance did not view with
favor their plan to show here.
Acting Marshal Donovan arrested a
man and woman at the Vounkin res
taurant and brought them befdre Po
lice Judge Bullock last night, cbaiged
with adultery. They were leleased on
P25 bond. This morning when the
hour came for their hearing they were
not to be found. Good riddance to bad
California, Oaxixxed. (3-ood.s
Standard Peaches, per cafn. .20c
' Better Grade 25c
Standard Pears 25c
Jam in 25-02. glass, per jar., 25c
Fancy No. r- Baked Beans,
Tomato Sauce 10c
Fancy No. 2, Baked Beans,
- Tomato Sauce 15c
Fancy No. 2, Bnked Beans,
Tomato Sauce. ... 2 for 25c
Gallon Pumpkin, per can 35c
Pure Tomato Catsup, pints,
per bottle .'15c
Masons Ffoit Jars, -pints,
per dozen 55c
Masons Fruit Jars, quarts,
per dozen , . . . 70c
Masons Fruit Jars, half gal
lon, per dozen 85c
flany Other Bargains
One ZETigrlx t
Theodore Lorch
with an Excellent Company will
present the splendid new West
ern Military Drama - - '- -
Complete Scenic and Electrical
Equipment. This is a genuine
dramatic production requiring
acting of a high cyder. Theo
dore Lorch is so well known in
Alliance that all play qoers
know they will get the best. Scats on Sale Thursday of next weekjj
Y iir.roitTKii by
$ A. V IIALDUIDGB, Bonded Abstracter
Shreve Sbinn to Jos. Shion & Fred Fox
NV sec. 30-26-50, Jt.oo
Lincoln Land Co. to N. Fletcher, lot 12,
block 14, Wyoming add: to Alliance, $200.
Eugene Sights & Al Wood to Nila J.
Nohe, lot 3, block 27, original town of Al
liance, $506.
Owen L. Ingalls to John O'Keefe. NW
22-27-50, Si
John F. Coyle o Daniel Dunn, part of
block 15, second Co. Add to Alliance, $900
Ira J. Lawrence to Mary L. Kurth, lots
19, 20 & 21. block 4, Wyoming add., $700.
K. M. Knight & T. J. O'Keefe to Maggie
Johnson, nw 6-24-50, $875.
Rudolph H. Pritts to F. E. Keddish, ?e
6-24-49, S1950.
Hobert Campbell to Christ Bulgrin, a,w
34-25-47, $2600.
mmmmmm 1 i w m
202 Box Butte Avenue
Phone - - 104
We are in the market for potatoes and
oaying highest market price for good
shipping stock. We are always in the
market and paying top price for this
product. We keep in close touch with
all potato markets, and are going to
load at five different stations this com
ing season. We also have for sale one
of the best
Potato Sorters and Sackers
on the market. We are going to carry a
full line of potato bags and when you are in
the market it will pay you to come and see us
Sister Agatha, who has charge of the
purchasing for the schools on the Pine
Ridge and Rosebud agencies, was in
the city last Monday on her .way home.
Sister Agatha has business ability of
considerable experience and her duties
bring her in contact daily with the
commercial world. It might be said
here that home trading will be the rule
with the sisters of St. Francis here in
Alliance., No sending away for goods
that secured of our merchants
at reasonable pi ices.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shanks cele
brated their wooden wedding last night
at their home in the east part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Shanks were the recip
ients of a beautiful rocking chair which
was presented to them in an appropri
ate speech by Mr. Van Hoosen. The
supper, which was delicious, was served
at the home of Mrs. Van Hoosen, who
bad decorated her home beautifully for
the occasion. The time was spent in
games and having a good time in gen
eral. The guests departed at a late
hour wishing Mr. aud Mrs. Shanks
many happy wedding anniversaries.
Bruce Wilcox, former register of the
Alliance land office, spent Tuesday and
Wednesday in the city, having just re
turned from Ashland, Oregon, where
he lias resided for the past year. His
family is visiting relatives at Bridge
port. Mr, Wilcox stated that they
have returned to remain in western
Nebraska but as yet have not decided
on the town in which to make their
home but it will probably be in the
North Platte valley. He liked Oregon
pretty well, especially the climate, but
his wife was never pleased with that
country. He says you can travel a
long distance before you can find a
better town than Alliance. Mr. Wil
cox may'decide to engage in the news
paper business again, having spent sev
eial years in the woik before he first
came to Alliance.
Livestock Commission Company.
10710'J Exchange Building
South Omaha, Neb.,
ince purchasing the hardware stock of Mr. Gadsby J
we have added a car ot mills and pumps. We
shall also continue our line in plumbing- and
heating. Goods and work guaranteed. We
respectfully solicit your patronage J
The John Hague Company
Congressman Moses Kinkaid was in
the city between trains Monday, He
at rived from the south at noon and de
parted west on 4.5. Biother Kinkaid
has several opponents for the office
this year aud he is making a trip over
the district to see to it that the nomi
nation does not get away from him.
Congressman Conner of Iowa was also
in the city at this time, aud the two re
publican representatives in the national
house bad a pleasant chat in the office
of this democratic journal. Moses ex
pressed bis regret to Judge Cornier
for the manner iti which the republi
cans of Iowa defeated him for renomi
nation at the recent primaries in that
state, but Mr. Conner felt that the
spirit ot dissension that prevailed
among republicans in the tenth Iowa
district was general all over the United
States. It i9 a year when the Republi
can party is disrupted because of its
sins. But such is the history of all
political parties sooner or later.
NOWHERE can quality be made to express care and skill more than
in laundering. You can get clothes WUSlied anywhere. But
steam laundering means more than washed. , It means, 1st thor
ough cleansing with steam and harmless !oap; 'ad finishing by good
machinery and skilled laoor. Plain clothes show the result as well as
fancy articles. Won't you let us show you? PHONE 160 Steam,
Celebrated Jackson
For Full Particulars
Views and
Alliance Art Studio
M. E. UHEIIK, Iropr,
Artistic Portraits a Specialty
In Every
Style & j jt.
"""' i