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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1908)
.1 r r & j , J V lw Ir- r. Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls. 1 raised the bull calf that took first premium, also calf that took fifth in same class, in open competition, at our State fair in September 1907, My herd took fourteen ribbons, altogether. I now have thirty bulls, from one to three years old, which I would like to sell for fall delivery; a car load. I will sell from twelve to twenty you take your pick for J 100 each. I will keep them for two months, feed them oats, alfalfa, etc., get them in good shape. You take them in December, winter them at home, and they will do you some good. J. G. Bremzer, 4.V 1 year Broken Bow. Neb. New Machine Shop. C. C. Tasli & Co., practical machin ists, have opened up a general repair shop in Gndsby's carpenter shop, back of Boguc's stove. They will give spe cial attention to repairing automobiles, guns and all kinds of machinery. Reasonable charges and satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. Tele phone 589. 32-tf r When You Buy BUT Al MUftli, Tbi Boms Merchants merit yoar support, they jue the mainiUjrs of tbo community. And when 70a buy of Horns Hereout, bay of tbois who adrertUe. We have a customer for a large modern house. He will pay a good price for It, but wants the best. Do you want to sell yours? We also have several cus tomers for small resi dences Nebraska Land Co. Phone 281-Alliancce Natl. Bank Blk. D 0110 rami ALL KINDS OF Cement work, sidewalks, curbs, foiiiulatioiis, Hoors.etc. Jv J) T Satisfaction Guaranteed Those contemplating having any such work done are invited to examine the work 1 have done in Alliance. When you plan your home remember the importance of Good Plumbing I do sanitary work and guar antee it. I install Standard bath room fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heat ing with modern, up-to-date Ideal Boilers and American Radiators right in my line. FRED BRENNAN Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. Your Printing It should be a fit representative of your business, which means the high grade, ar tistic kind, That.s the kind we do, AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, GOOD PRESSES AIJD TYPOGRAPHICAL ARTISTS These represent our facilities for doing the Lindrof printing that will please you. The prices are right, and prompt delivery the invariable rule at this office. EDITOR8 ELECT MAYES. Seattle, Wash., Selected as the Next Meeting Place. The session at St Paul of the Na tloual Editorial association was finished when Seattle. Wash., was chospn as the 1909 meeting plnco When It" was seen that Seattle would win, the Toledo delegates moted that the choice ot Seattle be made unani mous The following officers were elected; President, Will H Mayes, Brownwood, Tex , first vice president, A N Pom eroj, Chambersbute. Pa, second vice president, II. C. Dowdell. ArtOilan. S. D., third vice- president. W. F. Par rott, Waterloo, la.; recording secre tary, R H. Walker, Athens A:a ; treasurer, Will Curtis, Kewanee, I", A discussion of the present postal lawb relating to second class mall matter and the adoption of resolu tions Indorsing the laws and com mending Third Assistant PostniSi'er General A. C Law she In hfs effort to enforce them took up the ;rei;er part of the morning session Senator Nelson stated that th dl posa! of public lands In the past ha been very prodigal and the Idea of '.h? commission Is to have the govern tnent stop selling the timber lands and so conserve the national forests. The intention is to have alt public lands suitable for agricultural purposes re served for actual settlers only. He urged the editors to call the attention of the public to the conservation of forests and he stated that the com mission hopes to have laws passed that will give Uncle Sam contiol of the supply of timber CONDITIONS ON CANAL ZONE Special Commission Sent to Isthmus Submits Its Report. The president made public a report submitted to him In August by a special commission, consisting of James Bronsou Reynolds, Samuel 11 Donnel ly and Henry Beach Xeedham. regard ing conditions in Panama Tho com mission was appointed April 26 last. That the president is pleased with the report is shown in a letter whlca he sent to each member of the com mission on Friday. He expresses par ticular pleasure over the fact that the committee upholds the administration of Colonel George W. Goethals, chair man of the Isthmian canal commis sion, and the president has had a copy ot the report mailed to Colonel Goethals, requesting that the recom mendations made by the committee be put In Immediate effect so far as pos slble The president will submit tho repoit to congress with appropriate recommendations. HIGH TENSION IN ALABAMA Number of Speakers at Miners' Mass Meeting Arrested. A picnic and barbecue given at Fulton Springs, near Birmingham, re solved Itself Into a general meeting for the extension of sympathy to the striking miners of the district. Over 3,000 were present and a number of speukers were arrested for Incendiary utterances. Two hundred guardsmen were on hand, as well as a large squadron of deputies. As fast as one speaker was arrested tho chairman would call upon another and the speaking continued as though nothing had occurred. A number of evictions tiotn com pany houses has just been accom plished at the Sayra mines. Reports come that threatening let ters aro being dropped at the homes 3f men remaining at work and as a re ult many men are leaving. BOULDER MARKS DEBATE SITE D. A. R. Erects Monument in Memory of Lincoln-Douglas , Contest. The semi-centennial ot the debate be tween Abraham Lincoln and S. A. Douglas was celebrated at Ottawa, 111., on the spot where tho "great emancipator" and the "little giant" stood during their argument fifty years ago. In commemoration of the event a unique monument marking the spot In Washington park was un veiled by Illlnl chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution. A twenty-four-ton bouldor has been brought from the farm of Moan Trumbo'and emplaced on the concrete base in the park. Jurors Pray for Divine Guidance. On their knees beside their cots, each member of n St, I,ouls county Jury at Claton, which was delib eratlng In the case of Wash Woods, a negro charged with murder, offered prayer, asking divine guidance in ar riving at a verdict. On the first bal lot Woods was acquitted. The invoca tions followed unsuccessful efforts by tho Jury to reoch an agreement as to the negro's guilt or Innocence. To Bring Back Father Wheeler's Body. Father Dalton, pastor of St Patrick's church. Kansas City and Dr. Thomas Bonocum bishop of Nebraska, left for Munich, Bavaria, for the purpose of bringing to this country for a second burial the remains of Father William Wh' who died while on his return trip to America after a visit to Rome thirty-seven years ago Three Drown in Silver Creek, Homy Suemnlcht of New Athene.III. Frank and George Fisehauer, bi others, aged twenty and sixteen years respec tively, were drowned while bathing in Silr creek when one of the brothers stepped into a deep hole and the other two tried to rescue htm The bocies were recovered Pure Food Law Called Void. Pennsylvania's pure food law was de clared unconstitutional In a decision rendered by Judge Martin Bell of the Blalr county lourt. Sample Republican Primary Ballot FOR proposed amendment to tho Constitution with roforenco to tho j investment of tho permanent school fund I 1 AGAINST proposed tho investment of FOR proposed amendment to tho Constitution relating powers AGAINST proposed dieinl powors For Presidential Electors at Large. O. O. BELL JOSEPH J. LAKG KR I For Presidential Elector, Sixth District. Vote for ONR EDWARD S. DAVIS '.. ......... ......... ................ ...... ......,, ti For Governor. GEORGE LAWSOX For Lieutenant Governor. M. R. HOPEWELL For Secretary GEO. C. JUNKIN" For Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN H. ALDEN CHAELES S. ALLEN GEO. ANTHES SILAS 11. JBARTON H. L. COOK ROBERT A. HAYNES ...'..: JOHN C. F. McKESSON JOHN L. PIERCE For State Treasurer. LAWSOX U. BRIAN For Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. C. BISHOP . GEORGE D. CARRTXGTON, JR ."'.' . JAS. E. DELZELL S. H. MARTIN For Attorney General. WILLIAM T. THOMPSON. For Commissioner of Public Lands and Building?. EDWARD B. COWLES - : WILLIAM nUSENETTER HARVEY L. SAMS ' JOSIAII M. SHIVELY For Railway Commissioner. WILLIAM M. AARONS. E. IT. ABBOTT - ;.- O. L. ICE DLIJ Is D . ... v .. - .-.,'... , MYRON D. KARR. .' f. ..... A .'. .". . . . : ,"'. J. A. VAN WAGENEN .......: '.'. S. M. WALLACE ? ). ........ .V J. a. Williams. . . . ;. . . ; .'.,.. ;. amendment to tho Constitution with tho permanent school fluid amendment to the Constitution relating to ju- , SHELDON" of State. ".-. ' l. . " . , . .v.1:-. . & .. V f' reference to D to judicial Vote for TWO Vote for ONE Vote for ONK Vote for ONK Vote for ONE- Vote for ONE Vote for ONE Vote for ONE Vote for ONE Vote for ONE I "Box. "BvAU .osvWaV "SoxboWvKtcfiVcaV axvA. SuxqvcfA Casta GbsYeVrAcs a S?ecaty Hotas, Vb o $2b par xneeV 6rViu4e E CtareVAW, 6uY. Miss Mary E, Smalley 1 T K A C H E U O 1 VOICE Hiss Edith H. Swan TEACHER OP PIANO STUDIO 424 Laramie Avenue Phone - - 220 DR. G. W. MITCHELL, I'hystcliiii nnu gurffron t)ny and nlnlitell Ofllco orer Boguu Btore. Phono 150. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSIOIAN mo SURGEON. 0c lu First National Hunk block, Atll tnoe Nebraska. H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon IMione 300 Cnlli miswnrod promptly day and nlht from ollllcu. omm-i! Alllnnco National Ujink Uutlillnir over the I'ostOIIIro. DR. CHAS. E. SLAQLE WITH DR. I3ELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, IIO.M CO PATH I C PHYSICIAN AND St'KQEOV Formorlr Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phone 251. Ofllco ovnr Alliance Shoe Htoru Itesldenct! I'hono 231, Churchill & Thornton PHYSICIANS AND Sl'ltQKONS (Successors to I)r. J. K, Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Ofllco hours-IMS a.m., 2-4 p.m. 7.J0-9 o,m. Office Phone 02 Res. Phone, Dr Thornton, 187 Night calls, Phone 62 or 187 Drs.jCoppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (HucceiisorH to On. Trey V Itatfe) 17 and 18 Rumer Block Office Phone 43, Renidence 20 C. L. WEBER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON With Dr. lUmiiisn Office Phone 65 Res. Phone IS4 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lockwood UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embatmer Phones Office 214. Res, 205 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GUY H. LOCKWOOD Graduate Chicago School of Embalmlag WITH B, F. LOCKWOOD, AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA, EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by It. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Banlj blk Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB. F. H. BROOME LAW AND LAND ATTORNEY. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office lu Lund Office llulMIue. ALLIANCE, - - NEIJKASKA. h.'m. bullock. Attorney at Law, 8UITII P. TOTTLK. IUA . TABU TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, i Ji f1 4 i . a KortbSUIuSt., - ALMANOE.NEB.