h i V IK f . giiji - LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. j Rev. J. L. Vallow was at Heming ford last Tuesday. Attorney Morrow of Scottsbluff was in the city last Tuesday morning. Charlie Jameson was up from Ells worth for a short time yesterday, Mrs. 11. F, Giltnan was a passenger on 43 yesterdny afternoon for Chadron. Miss Lettie Carey returned to her home in Hemingford" Monday after noon. Luther Neeland came down from Hemingford Saturday, returning on 43 Monday. , . Misses Mar' and Mid Regan are in Chicago purchasing their fall stock of .millinery. Mr. audMrs. Fred Abley and little granddaughter were Alliance visitors yesterday. The Norton $u suit sale is attract ing lots of attention. No better bar gains in any city. Mrs. VV. G. Betebener is enjoying a visit from her sister-in-law, Mrs. Brown, of Broken Bow. ' Don't forget the "Lieutenant and the Cowboy" at the opera house to morrow night. It's fine. Mrs. Jas. A. Hunter and Mrs. I. E. Tash drove to Hemingford Sunday to attend' the funeral of Mrs. Fosket. ; M,rs. Beeman of Lincoln visited with Mrs. 'B. F. Gilniau between trains Tuesday, being enroute to Marsland. Mrs. E. E. Ford and sister-in-law came down from Lawn Tuesday and remained in our city a couple of days. "Grandma" Sweeney returned the latter part ot last week from an ex tended visit with relatives in Kansas City. The Famous, as usual, has some thing to offer in the suit line that is a jiioney-saver. This week it is in boys' suits. Mrs. Jay Goldthwaite of Chicago is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. pismer. Mrs. Goldthwaite is a sister of Mr, XJismer. Ira Reed and wife and V. C. Mounts and family attended the funeral of Mrs, Fosket at Hemingford Sunday afternoon. The Alliance' Shoe Store has just re ceived a large line of footwear for fall and colder weather wear. Read their ad. in this issue. Mrs. T. H. Barnes and daughters, Laveta and-May, lett Tuesday for a visit. with relatives and friends at Lin coln and Wilber. Mr. and Mrs. Neill Boone returned last Tuesday from their visit with rela tive's and friends in Warren county, Iowa, and Albany, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Huigst and children of Burlington, Iowa arrived Sunday and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Huigst's sister, Mrs. S. W. Jacoby. R. H. Raymond of Scottsbluff was in the city the first of the week. Mr. Raymond is seeking the republican nomination for state senator in his dis trict. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Franklin and children left last Friday morning for Bloomington, III., where they will spend a couple of weeks visiting with relatives. Among the Hot Springs visitors from Alliance recently were Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Shrewberry, who returned from that popular resort last Sunday after a day's outing. Mrs. Ganson and daughter, Miss Ruth, who have been the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Griggs for the past month, returned in their home at Omaha today. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fleming, who left this city last spring and have re sided at Spooner, Wis., have announc ed their intention to return here in a short time to reside. Brother Francis, representing the Ave Marie, a Catholic publication of tnarit, published at Notre, Dame, Ind., was in the city last week looking up the interests of that magazine. John and Michael Elmore returned from Gillette, Wyo., this week and will soon go east. Michael will attend school in Maryland and after a short stay lolui aspects to return here. k. M. Hampton was down' on his ranch Oik first of the week and. shipped seven cart of dry cows and calves to the South Omaha market Tuesday night from Bonuor via Alliance. Miss Irene Elliott arrived from Rum merer, Wvo., last Tuesday and has accepted a position at Regans. Miss Elliott has many friends in Alliance who are pleased to hear of her return. Alliance people who attended the funeral of Mrs. Win. Fosket at Hem ingford Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Reed, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mounts, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Leavitt, Mrs. I. E. Tash, Mrs. J. A. Hunter and T, I. O'Kccfe. Obituary notice of the good woman appears in the Hemingford de partment in this issue. . O. V. Bennett of St. Louis spent a few davs in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dismer. He is a brother-in-law of Mr. D. Mr. Bennett is traveling freight agent for the C. I and St. L. R. R. Mrs. A. L. Harrison is enjoying a visit with her mother, Mrs. J. E. Hill, who stopped off here, being enroUte from Los Angeles where she spent a couple of months, to her home in , Council Bluffs, Iowa. j F. M. VanNice, father of B. Vnn- i Nice, arrived in Alliance Saturday. ' Ho returned to his home nt Russell, Iowa Tuesday afternoon accompanied ' by his little grandson, Donald, who has spent the summer here. Baptist church, next Sunday, Aug. ' 30th, will be the last time that' Evan gelist Geo. W. H. Broome will preach. On Sept. 6th Rev. G. Jeffers will be in his pulpit. Subjects for next Sunday, morning, "How do the People of Al liance Behold Christ?" Evening: "Boozer, Get on the Water Wagon." Congressman Connor, of Denisou, Iowa, accompanied by Mr. Kliukcr, count' attorney of Crawford county, Iowa, spent Sunday and Monday in Alliance and vicinity. Judge Connor is the gentleman who, last year, made j purchase of the O'Keefe ranch, con sisting of about 7000 acres, northwest of Alliance. The land has doubled in value since Mr. Connor made the pur chase and he is consequently well pleased with his investment. : X RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS! . 4. -x:-n,-w--M-:::-:-:-"X-:--:-:-:--:- A Mrs. H R. Beans is visiting in Lake- side. Mrs. L. E. Cook and daughter are enjoying a visit at, York. Mrs. W. L. Austin and son of Sene ca are Alliance visitors. E. G. Heaton departed for Sterling Tuesday for a visit with friends. Mrs. G. W. Johnson and children are visiting in Seneca this week. T. Roupe, superintendent of motive power, is on the Sheridan division. Paymaster D. T. Beans is spendiug his vacation in the Spearfish canyon, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hosier are spending a thirty days vacation in Den ver. Supt. L. B. Lyman departed for Sterling on 301 Wednesday, after a day's business here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickle of the telegraph office returned from Denver Saturday of last week. Jack Steele and B. P. Grimstead speut two days in Sidney this week, returning this morning. Mrs. Win. Morris and daughter left Tuesday for Billings, where they will remain for thirty days. Chief Clerk G. L. Griggs and wife spent two days at Hot Springs the early part of the week. General Manager G. W. Holdrege passed through Alliance Wednesday morning bound for Omaha. Wm. Healey and S. Toth returned Monday from Denver, where they spent several days visiting. Operator Wm. Crawford left yester day for Sterling, where he will accept a position with the company. Mrs. G. A. Reed and daughter left on Thursday for a fifteen days visit with relatives and friends in Lincoln. ' Owing to the continued increase in business, two new R-5 engine were placed in the service for the first time Saturday. C. F. Greene returned Sunday to his duties in the master machauic's office, after a pleasant visit with his parents in Detroit. Chief Clerk G. J. Dietlein visited the early part of the week at Deadwood, returning with his wife, who had pre coded him several weeks. Supt. J. C. Birdsell passed through Alliance on 42 Tuesday for Berwvn, where eighteen cars were derailed in train 46 on Monday evening. D. Fitzpatrick and daughter, Thel- j ma, .together with Fred Houser, loft ' for Lincoln on 44 Tuesday to attend a meeting of road foremen at that place. R. F. Fisher, of the telegraph de- partment, arrived in Alliance Wednes- day to arrange the distribution of the .... , . .. wires in the now depot so the floors can be laid. Several representative railroad men from the eastern and central part of the state came in Monday to look after wie rtauwuy mens riotecuve Assocta- tion. It is the plan to get all railroad men active in tholr own interest in se lecting names for the-position of rail road commissioner, state senators and representatives. OnnrntnC L. L. Adams returned yes terday on 41 from Berwyn, whero he, filled in durin'tr the rush caused by the , activities of the derailment of 46 at j that place. Dad Hancock and family left for the cast Monday, Dad going to Ravenna and Mrs. Hancock to Seneca, wiere they will both renew old friendship among former neighbors. Tony Nelson and family are sojourn ing in Kansas City this week, -expect- :,, a return with their household ef- fects, which thev have had stored there and will make Alliance their per- manent home. . Conductor Will Dietlein came in on 4, Wednesday morning to attend the wedding ol his cousin, Miss Margaret , McHtigh to Mr. D. L. Thompson, which occurred that evening at the -! Catholic cliurch. Railroad Notes from Edgemont Edgcmont Express. J. H. Barker, a boiler washer, has left the service. C. W. Stokes of McCook is in the mechanical department as stenograph er. Engineer Robhius brought the pay car special into Edgemont Monday wit" engine 31 18 Paul Lembach is actinir as General ' foreman at the shops in the absence of ' ,. c , . K. C. Spatz. Ed. O'Donnell, who was working ' in the shops here, is now a machinist for the Northern Pacific at Helena, Mont. Engineer C. B. Gibson received word this week that his wife had pre sented him with a big boy. He took time to lay oft and go to see the young ster. A. E. Anderson is still a very sick man from his attack of typhoid fever, but is reported to be slowly improving. B. Kennedy, wire chief of the West-; eru Union at Alliance, was in Edge- ( homestead fifteen miles southwest of here, mont this week inspecting the office j was down a couple of days Inst week visit ant! the wires. 'nK his son, the Dr., and family.. He is ., ... ., .. ., well pleased with his homestead but does B. 'Mewhirter, the line man on the ,., . , .. ... , ,. . . . . . .. not like the long distance between neigh- Burlington with headquarters at.Al-j. nance, is at Rochford putting 111 tele phone lines for the Burlington. G. O. Hageman, father of the Hage man brothers, who work for the Bur lington, returned last Sunday from a month's visit in Alliance. A man from Spokane, who was on his way to Kansas City, died on train No. 42, about five miles from Newcas tle on Wednesday. The body waB given into the hands of the undertaker there for preparation for shipment to Kansa9 City. The man was suffering from consumption. Commencing the 13th of the month all engine crews on No. 41 will double back on train No. 42 from Sheridan. 1 All train crews on No. 43 will double back on No. 44 to Alliance. This will give the married engineers the long lay over at the place where, their families live instead of taking their time here, which they have been doing lately. The Commissary is selling lots of fresh fruit. We want to sell more of it. WWWWWWWW, We are not selling shoes at 25 per cent discount because we don't take that much margin on sales, still we are selling at a lower price than ever. Commissary, No. 205, Box Butte Ave., phone 519. "Roasting Ears." Yes, the Cafe Northwest has them. We deliver (C. O. D.) any order amounting to more than $5.00. except ing a single order for sugar. Com missary, 205 Box Butte Ave., phone 519. Don't hurry to preserve fruit, it will be cheaper later on, so will sugar. Commissary 205, Box Butte Ave., phone 519. Strayed or Stolen Monday night, August 3, a bay mare, weight 700 to 800 pounds, five years old, left hip down, brand on left shoulder. Liberal reward. F. G. Sunderland. Try our home made bread Com missary, Try Andy Dehuer's famous "Black Hawk" cigar, 5c at Commissary. Try Pardy's Cottage Bread. Stock Sale. I will sell at public sale to the high- I ACT lllflflAr Sift 1?fir1nr Cnni . fAnli at 1Q a;U)ii at Heiiiingford. Nobr.. my entire stock of Malinda ranch, consist- "'K,0 uo lleatJ of Kotl horses, 25 I "1" AT lFentrUCk' Jak iaml 75 head of cattle of all ages, j Terms, one year. Calvin J. Wtu, I 353L Hemingford, Nebr. If you are looking for some one on Sunday evenitig and are unable to ' find them drop around to Cafe North- west and you will be sure to find them there . MARSLAND. Grandma Squibb is reported on the sick Int. Weather fine harvesting progressing " J' L S- Campbell of Alliance was here re cen,,'p bu ve,rinar' busIness Mrs. 8. T. Gregg and son Will went 10 Crawford Friday, returning Saturday, frank Tucker of Morrill, agent for a gas lighting aperatus, was in town on the 18th. Mr. Clatterbuck. our real estate man, sold three quarter sections of land last week 1. N. tiartrauit lias mult a house an erected .1 windmill on his claim five miles east of town. The little daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.! Frank Duhon of Southtable has been very sick lmt ,is beUer novv- j AuRuM Ho,lde ,0h' out a aew Acme ' " Saturday which .he bought of; s V K Mr. and Mr?. F. R. Bellamy were Sun day visitors recently at the Louis Horn righausen home at Southtable. Lawrence Ford, who accompanied a shipment of cattle to South Omaha re 1 cently, returned home Friday. I L. Snow and Otis Bass have been work- ing on the telephone line and now have ' the line completed to .1. B. Walker's place ' eight miles east of town. Colonel Hartwell of Bellfourch, S. D , was here On legal business Wednesday, and drove out to the Charles Evon ranch. The Colonel is a brother of Dr. J. E. Hartwell of Crawford. A good many people ai'e out these days Picking chokecherries and wild currants, but ,he cr0P is smal1- for which, we ,,ave no regrets. We hear that L. Hayes is the champion chokecherry jam eater. All rides of the Sabbath observance were broken at the L, T. Poole home on I the 23rd, upon (he arrival of a baby boy. Mother and child doing well and L. T, has been intoxicated (with delight) ever 'since. John Cleland. a former business man of Crawford, but now ranching west of this place in Sioux county, spent a night here rpr.Rnflr nncl returned to his nlace the next day wIh a bunch o horse, he KOt in m;s vicinity. Grandpa Willis, who is holding down a Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmerman, whose home is at York, hut who have been tiav eling in the Black Hills and National park for the past month, stopped off here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Furman. They continued their journey home bn Saturday. Mrs. J. C. Wood returned home recent ly, having spent three months in Hamil ton county, Iowa, caring for a sister in her last illness and subsequent death, Need less to say that J. C who has been batch ing during her absence, was pleased on her return. Henry Moore, who used to garden at '"e Kendrick ranch, but novv homestead- log in Sioux county, came down the other day, bringing a load of cabbage, some of which weighed eight and ten pounds. We hear these are only samples of the many good things raised in Sioux county tliis year. The Harvard, Yale and Princeton stu dents in camp at the "Hone Driggins" played a game of ball with the Whistle Creek team recently and we hear the lat ter were beaten badly. The game was play ed at the Metlin ranch and the college boys showed their ability to handle a ball as expertly as the picks with which they are excavating the hills with so much success. Howard Furman returned home last Wednesday from Omaha where he went for medical treatment. After a three weeks stay in the St. Joseph hospital his attending physician, Dr. Allison, thought him able to return home. He was ac companied by his brother, Burt, of Uni versity place, who remained for a few days visit with the home folks. Monday was a day of accidents in this 'vicinity. In the early morning a team hitched to a hay rake ran away with Ho bart McLaughlin, severely bruising him, but his physician fixed him up comfort ably and anticipated no serious results. Another accident occurred at the Hasser place where their little grandson was kick ed in the face by a two-year old colt. A very deep, ugly gash was made extending from the corner of the eye, down over the cheek just in front of the ear. lie was placed under the influence of chloroform while the wound was sewed up. He is the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hohn of Crawford. What came near be- Hug a tatality wan the case o! Mr li. A. Tollman who took, through mistake, an antiseptic tablet of Ctoi Sublimate By hard work his lif was saved but h is still very weak from the effects of the poison. Warning. We will pay S25 reward for evidence that will convict anyone of hunting or fishing on this ranch without writton permission. Signed by H. A. Peters. 36-6 The Peters 3c Williams Co. Benedict's grocery ad. on the last !paEe Wl" "Jt you ot some good oar- Read tt. THOUGHTS BY WALDO PONDRAY WARREN SELECTING A MAN PICKING out the right man for the place, It often measure the difference between success and failure in a business. More often It measures the difference between a mod crate success and a phenomenal one. Twenty or more years ago a carriage factory was started with the Idea of doing things In an original way, and a man was chosen to carry out the Idea. He had had no previous experience In that line, but he had the right Idea and grasped the plan enthusiastically. The work began on a simple scale, 0 that the Inexperienced man was. able to feel his way. The business grew until It attained great proportions. The same man Is still at the head of It, not as the owner, but as the manager. He proved to be the right man for the place. It would be difficult to Imagine how he might have made the business more successful In that particular line. In thinking of this the thought occurred to me, suppose some other man had been chosen In the beginning. 8uppose he had had wide experience, but a different Idea. He might have made more rapid progress at the start, or he might have turned the whole business Into other channels and have given It a different character. He might not have been able to grow up with It, or might havo left It after the first year'a trial. The present greatness of the business might have been un known to-day If It hadn't been that the right man was chtjsen when the business was small. (Copyright, IWT, tr Jotilt f. nnwt.) Dr.fl. D. Pass Physician Surgeon Fletcher Block ALLIANCE, NEBR. Does a general practice Special attention given to di seases of the digestive organs, kidneys and bladder Medicine sent by mail everywhere ' BUSINESS LOCALS. I'WA'WA' For a pleasant evening's entertain metit go to the Crystal Picture Parlors. Girl Wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. 31-tf We always have money to loan on farm land and city property. i8-tf F, E. Reddish. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. 27'tf Go to Pardy's Bakery for your Pies and Cakes. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk Let the John Hague company figure on your tin and galvanized iron work; also plumbing and heating. House and Lot for Sale New house, just completed, situated in the northwest part of Alliance. For particulars, inquire phone 281). zn-tf Have you tried Nolie's bread' 26-tf The John Hague Co. Windmills, Pumps and Hardware. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana street. Automobiles to Trade for Land I have three automobiles to trade for land. P. J. Clatterbuck, 28 Marsland, Neb. If you want to rent a house, flat, store, or barn, see S. . riiller. He has them. 30-tf. For Rent. Two uice furnished rooms. Sweetwater Ave. Phoue 559. 507 The John Hague Co., hardware.heat ing aud plumbing, also tin and galvan iicd work. , For a pleasant evening's entertain ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors. .Merchant's lunch served from 11:30 to 2 p.m. for J5 cents at Gale North- west. Try Commissary home baked beans with pork. Take Notice. All persons indebted to L, E, Bye are requested to pay at once. Accounts not sottled by August 20 will be placed in the hands of a collector. Norton sells it cheaper. t What is nicer these hot days than a nice dish of cold meat and a little sal ad served appetitizingly. These may be had at the Cafe Northwest, ON BUSINESS COIV1IN6 To Alliance, Nebraska TM dnilnent. phyBtclnti on chronic diseases will visit our city. Thursdays September 3 And will bo at the Clmrlora Hotel, from noon uiitlt C p. m. Dr. Potlorf president of tho staff ot tho Boston Electro 1 Medical Insti tute, 1b milking n tour of tho attito. Ho will give coiiQiiltiitlon, examina tion, and al tho medlclnus, accessary to complcto' a euro FREE. All parties diking advantage of this oftor tiro re quested to stnlo to" tholr friends the result of the treatment. Cures dEAFNESS' by an entirely now -process. Treats all curable cases of catarrh, throat and lung-diseases,' eye and car, stomach, llvor mid kidneys, gravel, rhotimhtlsm, paralysis, neuralgia, nerv ous iiiid heart disease, epilopsy, Brlght's disease nnd disease of the blnddcr, blood mid skin diseases. If you arc improving under your family physician do not take up air valuable time. The rich and tho poor aro treated alike. Idlers and curiosity seekors. will pleaso atny away. Our time Is valuable. Remember NOT A PENNY will bo charged for the medicine required to make a cure of all those talcing treat ment this trii. Office hours y a. in. Positively "married Indies must be accompanied by their husbandtf. Re member the due, Thursday, Soptim bor 3rd, at Chun bra Hotel, From noon until 0 p. m., only. Alliance, Nob. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE HANSEN VALLEY CATTLE COMPANY. 1. Tlie naiiiKof this 'iirjionUloii Kliti.ll be th tluuseii V 11 1 ley Uattli; Company. 2. Tlieiirliu-lpnl plm-e-of luines shall lw at. Ellsworth, Hhcrldan County, Nebraska. 3. The Ke'iiTnl nature ottlif businc to bo tnitisHcuil nlmll Iki the lmyltiK anil selllnir of cuttle, und other live Mock, anil tho produc tion of tho Mime for market and hale, ultso to hold, 1111rchn.se. bell und mortgage real estutf. 4. 'J'bu amount of capital stock authorized is JI0.00O.0O (liTliled into shares of $100.00 each, of which utleiikt ta.0W.0O hhallbe paid in In money or property on or before the time of commencement of business. f. The Corporation shall begin btihlnes on the loth day of Augnsl.lWs, and shall continue font period of iMjearx unless sooner dissolved by majority .of three-IKths of the stockholders, 0. The hiKbest amount of Indebtedness for which thin Corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not eiceed two-thtrds of the i-apltKl utoek. . Theatfalrs of this Corporation shall bo managed by Hoard of Director)., conslatlutf of three TMns, who shall be stockholders In tho Corporation, and who shall serve for a term ot 0110 year after tht annual meeting of stockholders or until their successors In oillceure elected. Wii.i.iam O. Comhtock, fpAUg. S7-W llAKrt.J, Hanbkn. NOriCI! TQ C.KUUTOUS. The tiito of Nebraska 1 ilox Iluttf county, t In the count; court f. In the matter nf the estate ot Joseph II. Oram, deceased. To tho creditors ot Mild estate: You aro hereby notified, that I will sit ut the county court room In Alliance, In said county, on tho 1st day of March , 1W., ut 10 o'clock a m.. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment und allowance. TJ10 time limited for the prusentutlon otcluinu against said es slate IhbIx uumths.fromthe Vtthduyiit August, A. 1). ItiOts aud the time limited for payment ot debti. is one year from said th day of Aug ust. 1KW Witness in) band and the seal ot said county com t, this 20th day of August, llR fpAu J7Hv I,. A. ItEUUV. County Judge. FACTS J The news items of tb,e home com munity. fjThe things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. J The social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. That r U kind of facta tkU Baser I circa yon in Try Im. Tkr ara cartalnl) worth tl tulMcriptioa pric.