( I ! I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS '. 4 Mrs CIihs, Ravenna. Grothe spent Sunday in comb, (or you don't need these things when vou have no feathers on vour ! dome. A. O. Johnson of Havelock arrived ' Tuesday on 43 and will spend a few days in town visiting his sister, Miss ) 1 Wm. Jappcrt, general car inspector, is in the city today. Fireman J, J. Byron is visiting in Grand Island Miis wec1(. Conductor vV. H. Beach and wife spent Sunday in Omaha. W. A, Galliher and C. E. Gorman arc new brakeman employed. C. N. Roup left on 42 Tuesday for a brief business trip to Lincoln. P. E. Romigand wife are visiting friends and relatives in Omaha. E. M. Shopp of Grand Island is a new employee in the paint gang. Mrs. G. J. Dietlein is visiting friends nnd relatives in Lead tills week. Brakeman A. W, Street baa resigned nnd left Wednesday for Deadwood. Mrs. J. N, Andrews loft Monday on 43 for a few days' visit with friends .in Lead. Fireman II. F. Townley is attend' itig the celebration in Cheyenne this ! week, J. D. Belaud of the shop force i$ spending a few days in Diet this week. Mrs. Cling. Kin;; left on 44 Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Mason. Mrs.-A. P. Germain left a few days ago for a brief visit with friends in Denver. Mrs. H. Pfenning and children are 011 an extended visit with relatives in Lincoln. R. F. Fisher, of the telegraph de partment of Lincoln, was in the city yesterday. C. B. Hancock arid family of Spear fish are visiting relatives in Seneca this week, Machinist R. E. Driscoll and wife left Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives. Miss Ruth Morris and Agues El more returned Wednesday morning from Deadwood. Brakeman F, K. Roberts and wife arc visiting friends and' relatives in Lincoln tlfis week, Conductor E. M. Gregg and wifo are Kpt tiding a few days tills week with frit-mi in SpeariUli. M-tchhmt O. D. Carter loft Monday foi a vigit with home folks in NeJon, Neln. fie will tet urn via Denver. Mii VI ire Moms autl Ruth Wagdr it turned fin.rtav from a ven pleas "ii 'rip 1,1 tin- bUck Hills camping. Ed Mt in Ion .ind father wll leave in a few dn, tor an extended visit with rt-Mtivfh and friends at Crestuu, Iowa. F. A. l'ierson, who 1ms been visiting in Chicago and othr places for the past two weitks exptiets to return Mon day. Fireman B. W. IJeardon and J. J. Rogers left Tuesday for a trip through the Black Hille and otlur points of in terest. Mr. II. RtMiruu and children ar rived today from Curtis whore they ha e been visiting relatives for tho paBt month. Mrs. M. B, Garrison arid children left a few days Ago for Fairfield, Nb.. where tUey will suufid a few week with friends. lUiney Egbers was called to Quincy, III., a few dftjs ago by the death of bis mother, who died at that place Sunday, Dick Buike and Billv Heclun ate going to a monastery. Atiywav, they hae thrown away their brush and Sis Johnson. A, J. Nelson and wife and son, Maurice, and Miss Nellie Morris will leave Sunday for a brief visit with friends in Kansas City. The new depot is rapidly nearing completion. The painters and car penters have been busily engaged dur ing the past week nnd the upstairs is now about ready for occupancy except the laving of the floors and the light ing, There is yet quite an amount of work to be done on the ground floor, but with the large force of men work ing it will not be long until the build ing is completed. Railroad Notes from Edgemont Edynmout Express. Engineer Herman Nelson has been re-instnted on the Burlington and was transfened to Alliance and will work out of there to Edgemont. F. J. Mahoney, who has been engine inspector on the night shift, has been promoted to firing. Brakeman Clark is taking a lay off and Brakeman Bowell is taking his place on Conductor Matthewson's run. Supt. Miller of the Sheridan division and Gen. Supt. Allen arrived here on train No. 42 Monday night. Supt. Miller left for home on No. 41 Tuesday and Supt. Allen went to Alliance on No. 44. A phone line has been put up by the Burlington to Chilson and it will be continued to Deadwood in the near future. This will be a saving, as a phone will be put in at each siding nnd tho conductors can get their orders from the operator. In case of a wreck assistance can bo got in a hurry, as the engines can then carry an instru ment and connect with the wires and telephone to headquarters, thus saving a lot of time. CONTRIBUfiONSTO SISTERS' ACADEMY Weekly Report of Payments Toward the Erection of the School Building. Miiil CLEARING SALE August 17th to September 1st Special Suit Offer During this sale we will give you the free and unrestricted choice of any suit in our Men's Clothing Department at the very low price of 14.00 Remember this is a bona fide offer and we mean just what we say. The balance of our immense Suit Stock will be offered in two special lots at $ 1 O and $7. LOW SHOES ' J w ir immense stock of Mens, Boys, " SI J s Ladies ana unnarens low tnoes go in this sale at the great re duction of 14 OFF $125 Dress Shirts reduced to OSc 05c. 7oc nnd $1.00 Dress Shirts reduced to :U)c Ooe Men's Balbriggau Underwear 45c .'15c Men's Balbi'iggan Underwear 25c Boy's Summer Underwear only . 10c Elegant line Four-in-hand Ties '25c Large line White Wash Belts 10c Ladies1 1 5c Turnover Collars. .') for 25c Odds and Ends in Corsets 80c Fa Sni ns Spa Is One lot All-wool Suitings in Plaids and Checks that sold at $ 1 .25 and 1 .35 in this sale at One lot Worsted Suitings in Plaids and Checks that sold at 65c and 75c in this sale at Stripes, STAG Stripes, 49c One lot Worsted Suitings, just the thing for school dresses, 60c values, O"? in this sale at - - - - OfU One lot Twill Suitings, will make servic able scnool dresses, 35c values, f Q inthissaleat - 1 ?C I ruTmTrarnuv.'iinTH-' h'",jt"-'"''""-' m.inninii.i.Li.iiiiig tnvimr,ir.i'iyiinwBaOTmwiuamu: AH Silk Fancy Parasols in one lot $KQ8 Entire line Embroidery 25 per cent piscount. Ladies' Knit Underwear 25 per cent. Discount. Silk Waists, three lots $1.08. $2.47 and $3.30 $2.25 Long Silk Cfloves reduced to $1.75 $1.50 Long Silk Gloves reduced to $1.00 Children's 20c and 25c Hose in one lot 15c Large line Beads assorted colors :. . . 10c I ' K7C.i 7lFXTZ?7TZr?.xZff?F OM7iV!PnnVSXmSMtUOSS3 HOW THE FINANCES STAND TODAY ! Working for a u Ht. A linen Academy is fast Hearing com- . pletion. The sinters who are to tak charge of the academy are expected in a few days The pastor. Father McNamara, desires to tlmuk those who hav contribut-. d- He also asks us to urge those who j hnve not puid their subscriptions to do mi at the earliest possible date, l'ather there can he no doubt at this late to the completion of the academy in time for the opening of school Sept. 5th. Now, let all who subscribed to the fund pay up for those three rua&ons. 1st, you promised to db so; ad. the committee needs ths money pow, not a year from now; jd, vou all want to keep your word and help the good work. Below is the statement to date: Previously acVnowldgml. . . . , .1 1,136.00 ter Traffic C. O. W. E. Spencer, Kent Sisters E. ffijfoiwnell.... U. TMullnsva.... Dr. C. I,.. Weber. P. O'Connor.. Y.IUly T. Roland H. V. Toobey -. U. V. lekfldd . U. F.Thkta... . V. O. Uarnea. S. Unrobe.!!. ...... D. O'Keefe ... . I' Howlan .... Alliance should soon commence to feel the good work that is couin a tho teault of tho Commercial Club'ft offorts -wv.8 : .. t . 1 .. .. . ..TO date as I ' ... lmvo bcon secured in the basement 01 the opuin house block ami the Club will soon be in a position to entertain visitors to the city at tho club rooms. The various committees liavd been ap pointed to fill the respective duties as signed to thotn, ami us the secretary ship has fallen to Mr. Lloyd C. Thorn- j no f, run' ciiinh! vminp man. thsre. is I ..,,.. ..,. .., -j , ,, 10.00 10 00 7.50 25.00 H.QO J. OO 5.00 j.00 45,00 $ 00 3.oo 5,00 2J.O0 5 O'Keefe. Manufacture1 and Aspeuwall, chairman; b V. Uaiiis. Publicity and StatisttCRW. W. Nor ton, chaittiiau; H. l' l'eltelheim, W, D. Kumer. Civic Improvement and Health G. L. GtigRS, chainimn; Dr. A. K. Thorn ton, Uev, J. L. Vallow. OrditiHiicQH and LeKislntion R. M. Hampton, chairman; li. Hurl'on, C. C. Uarkcr. Loesl Trade, includiuv: Good Roads T-r. II. 'Keildwb, 'chairman; V. K. Holsten, T. J. Beale. UmploVment Williams tnmoa, chair man; C. C. Smith, C. A. Newberry. I I REAL ESU lotal Ju.tn 50 Tyr Pardy's Cottage Htead. no good reason why Alliance should not commence to receive much consid eration, from the invottor wlio is de sirous of puttinu his money where it will bring the best results. Following is a full list of the official!, and committee elected Saturday night: Executive Committee J. K. l'helan. Pies.; S. K, Warrick, Vice Pies.; 1 W. Harris, trtmaurer; 1. E. Tush, C. O. Aspeuwall, W. W. Noiton, R. M. Hampton, G. L. Giiiigs, Win. James. Membership and Kntertninment--I. lu. Tush, chairui.iu; V. M. Knight, T. Ml HUNSrERS liKi'onri.i) nv HoihKhI Abftratt r .:.... .-I.. 8 MBUWfrffre panMgBi'iflCTaggwnsnimCTrB 8 I I BEAL BROS. 202 Box Butte Avenue Phone 104 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA ERS POTATO GROW ATTENTION , t,)? IIALDKIOUB, (v..:.i..;..:.;...:;."!"' Eugot.o S ghts t nd A. U Wood to Helen R'd-jH, lot 1, blk P, Sheridan id AltVi.cora't. ,' LJuctln Ia"d Cr to Eugono Sights pd A. I,. Wood, lot 1. blk P, Shcrl dtitt add f AlPauw, S200 v F.tuk N. 15arrt to A. I). Roul- lln'ra.jw 3,'i. ir,-t7. ?2'00. ' F. U. K;i!ght to David N. Urower, Liuotta ittsu uounils sn uik w, hnon- dt-u add, $450. F. M. Knight to David X. Drawer. m-"8 !ltl bounds in blk W, Shcrl dun add to Alliance, '2:'.'). H! nihil Rehder to David X. Urower, jniMia and bounds in blk W, Shorldmi ii-dd 10 Alliance. , Ani.ndu F. Krb to Win. Rust, sr., 1 bw of fi, 23-47. 1 Lincoln 1-iuid Co. to Dlotk Lum ber Co., .lots 12, -13, It, 15 and lti, , blk HO, Alliance., raM8jasiaCTtei3RsxmBjn A 1, . i- We Want Your Money AND YOU WANT YOUR MONEY'S WORTH For the next 30 days we will sell you for spot cash the following goods at the prices made below: F C String Beans, pr case... $2.20 F C Early Juoal'eait, prcage. . 2.20 F C Lima Beans, pr caw 2,20 Sweet Corn, pr case 1.75 F C Sour Kraut, pr cake . . , 2.25 Sweet Potatoes, pr cawi 2.85 Hominy, pr case 2.50 We are in the market for potatoes and oaying highest market price for good shipping stock. We are always in the market and paying top price for this product. We keep in close touch with all potato markets, and are going to load at five different stations this com ing season. We also have for sale one of the best Potato Sorters and Sackers on the market. We are going to carry a full line of potato bags and when you are in the market it will pay you to come and see us Stock Sale. F C Red Kidney Beans, pr case 2.30 Delta Plums, pr cao.. 3.75 lb can Apples, pr can 35 S lb can Apricot, pr can SO 8 lb can Pears, pr can , 55 S lb can Grape, pr can 45 S lb can Green Gage rinms,can .45 81b cau lln Plums, pr can ... .45 8 lb can Stitcd Puaches, pr can .60 50 lb box 40-50 Prunes, pr box. $5,00 Pure Apple Cider Vinegar. j?al. .30 White Wine Vinegar, pr gal... .35 Grape Juice, pints 35 Gallon Catsup , 50 Flour, pr sack, 5 X Cream. . . . 1.40 4 X Patent.... 1.30 3X Extra 1.20 Japan Tea, Gaiety or Blue Bird .40 Gunpowder Tea , 50" Stone Jars and Crocks, pr f?al.. .10 Bol Salt 2.00 Rock Salt, pr ion lbs 75 clirum Fruit Jars iiints, oer dozen, OflC; quarts per dozen, flic, i-qtf per do?en, V7i 210 Box Butte Ave. Phone No. 1 -rr 1 will sell at public sale to the high jest bidder on Ftiday, Sept. 4, 1008, at 10 a. 111., at Heiningford, Nebr., my Clinic aimi ui .tiuiiuuu iuit.ii, i,uiiai3i' big of 1 10 head of good horses, 25 mules, 2 stallions. 1 Kentucky Jack and 75 head of cuttle of all ages. Terms, one year. Calvin J. Wiloy, 353t. Hemtngford, Nebr. Oh, 1 did lock myself up in the granary And 1 can tell you what 1 did it for, To keep from seeing that same old fellow's face That I use to see before. If you are looking for some one on Sunday evening and are unable to find them drop around to Cafe North west and you will be sure to find them there. PHELAN OPERA O 33. e . 3Sr i g- la. t FRIDAY, AUGUST HOUSE 28 Theodore Lorch PvJS with an Excellent Company will present the splendid new West ern Military Dramn .... Complete Scenic and Electrical Equipment. This is a genuine dramatic production requiring acting of a high order. Theo dore Lorch is so well known in Alliance that all play goers know they will get the best. Seats on Sale Thursday of next week l mm ffll COWBOY The Home Paper Gives jou the reading matter in which you have the greatest in terest the home news. Its every prove a welcome visitor to evecy member of the family. It issue will should bead your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. V H V'bi "SN I -! .