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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
ft I 'i' ' ' w mi Lamberson Clason have dissolved partner ship but Clason Is still in business Furniture and Carriage Upholstering a Specialty TTj 'Pi I Kpr a stoves, sewing fact, We Take up CARPETS, Clean and Lay Them Furniture crated with care All work satisfactory All work called for Located back of Kibble's office P h O IS E 5 5 8 J. A. CLASON WE HAVE Expert Salesmen Reliable Yard Help Efficient Office Help TO HANDLE AS! Cattle, Hogs and Sheep consigned to us Try us and be convinced HTAGG BROS Livestock Commission Company South Omaha, Neb., Write us for any information about the market Mowers Rakes Sweeps Stackers Machine OH Big Stoch of Repairs Newberry's Hardware Co. : QUALITY WILL NOWHERE can quality be made to express care and skill more than in laundering You can get clothes WilSllCll anywhere, But steam laundering means more than washed. It means, ist thor ough cleansing with steam and harmless soap. 2d finishing by good machinery and skilled laDor. Plain clothes show the result as well as fancy articles. Won't you let us show you' PHONE IttO 9 s s s ince purchasing the hardware stock of Mr. Gadsby J we have added a car of d shall also continue our $ heating. Goods and respectfully solicit your The John Hague Company Checkered Front LIVERY AND FEED BARN OSCAR BRAMAN . Proprietor. FURNITURE of all kinds, also bicycles, baby carriages, machines and umbrellas anything to be repaired Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber S Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. TELL 8 nulls and numus. We line in plumbing- and work guaranteed. We patronage o6 C v lWkr'-MH If It Were In My Power I Would Stop Divorce Entirely. lly Mr. WILLIAM II. TATT. Wife or tile Uepubllcin Ct Copyright by Hmi ft tiwinj dldite lor the Presidency. l' JT WlillK IX MY POWER DIVORCE WOULD TIE STOPPED ENTIRELY. There are cases, of course, where separation might bo granted, but there should be no remarriage, allowed. 'TILE LAXITY OF OUR DIVORCK LAWS IS A MENACE TO TITK VERY .MORAL FIBER OE OUR JL, X V ""3"S"2"5-K"H' NATION. Tt is an appalling evil, and it seems to be on the increase instead of diminishing. . 9. It i yetting to be a matter of such indifference to people that many persons marry with trie thought in mind that they can easily slip out of the matrimonial knot, be freed from the bondage, so to speak, and in no way lo?e any social prestige by such a stop. When a country's people even a small percentage of them go into tlio most sacred relations in life with such a thought as anticipated divorce, then there is grave danger ahead for the home and for the nation. WE MIGHT BUILD UP THE GREATEST NAVY IN THE WORLD, WE MIGHT HAVE THE GOOD WILL OF EVERY RULER OF THE EARTH. .WE MIGHT HAVE A CREDIT AND COMMERCE UNPAR ALLELED IN THE HISTORY OF NATIONS. BUT WHEN WITHIN THE HOMES OF OUR COUNTRY THERE IS MORAL LAXITY AND FAMILY TIES CAN BE BROKEN UP IN A TWINKLING THROUGH A PROCESS OF LAW THAT IS LOOKED UPON AS A MATTER OF COURSE JUST AS ONE WOULD FILE A WILL OR A DEED THEN THERE IS A GREATER DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY THAN COULD COME FROM A WAR WITH A FOREIGN NATION. America Dazzles the World by Her Errors And Grandeur Alike. By LUIGI LUZZATTI. Former V 1 M 4.1 TT A f j. iuu us in uvu mi; uiiuuu I and more THE PIONEER OF ECONOMIC ORDER -JL, AND DISORDER. America i3 perhaps not fully conscious of the merit and blame attached to her of either her glory or of her responsibility. Since the ever recurring renewal of tho Anglo Saxon type (which is constant) and in consequence of the immigration of persons of every race and tongue to her shores SHE PASSES UNCONSCIOUSLY THROUGH A SUCCESSION OF CREA TIVE PHASES, IN ECONOMY AS WELL AS IN FINANCE, DAZZLING THE WORLD BY HER GRANDEUR AND HER ERRORS,, IGNORANT ALIKE OE BOTH. She concentrates her forces only to once more scatter them abroad. She might by the excess of her imports over her exports attract gold to herself from all sides. Instead, by her defective banking system, BY HER FRENZIED GAMBLING ON TILE STOCK EXCHANGE. BY HER MAD AND CORRUPT SPECULATIONS, sho finds herself in moments of crisis obliged to buy gold off Europe at disas trously high rates. What is certain is that n, the present time not only do steamers cross the ocean expanse between America and Europe, but "booms" also make that passage. BOOMS ARE THE EXCESSIVELY INFLATED PRICES OF THE MARKETS OF NEW YORK AND THE OTHER PRINCIPAL AMERI CAN EXCHANGES, PROVOKED BY PERIODS OF EXTRAORDINARY PROSPERITY, HALF GENUINE AND HALF THE OFFSPRING OF IL LUSION AND FRAUD. IN THE AMERICAN CHARACTER THERE IS AN UNCONQUER ABLE OBSTINACY IN GOOD AS WELL AS IN EVIL; HENCE, IF FROM THEIR WEALTH, GAINED BY FOUL OR FAIR MEANS; THEY KNOW HOW TO FORM THEIR MARVELOUS INSTITUTIONS, SUCH AS UNIVERSITIES, LIBRARIES, ETC., ON THE OTHER HAND, WHEN THEY APPLY THEMSELVES TO THE ORGANIZATION OF "TRUSTS," "CORNERS" OR STOCK EXCHANGE GAMBLING, AMERICANS SET NEITHER BONDS NOR LIMITS TO THEIR MADNESS ANA INOR DINATE LUST OF SPECULATION. Influence of the Press Is Less Now Than In the Past, and Why. By WILLIAM II. TAFT. Republican Candidate For President. OF JOURNALISM I HAVE THIS TO SAY: THE INCREASE IN THE INTELLIGENCE AND DISCRIMINATION OF THE PEOPLE HAS IN ONE WAY VERY LARGELY MODIFIED THE POWER OF THE PRESS. Editorial writers have by no means such influence as they had in the days gone by. THE NEWSPAPERS ARE TAKEN MORE FOR THE NEWS THAN FOR ADVICE as to tho lessons which should be drawn from it. People make more nllowanco now for the bias of a paper than they over did before. Certainly journalism is a profession in which men of discriminat ing intelligence, of high courage, of accurate judgment, of a love of truth and real patriotism, can find a sphere of usefulness not excelled in any other, AND IF THE STANDARDS OF TRUTH, OF TASTE, OF REFINEMENT AND OF MORAL TONE SET BY SOME OE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF THE NEWS PAPERS SHALL NOT IMPROVE IN THE NEXT GENER ATION IT WILL VINDICATE THE PESSIMISTS OF TO DAY. Success in this field needs a trained mind, a judicial temperament, quick perceptions and a high standard of integrity and self respect, together with a nico and graphic literary touch to make the leading special correspondence of the paper, which in many respects is now its most influential part, what it should be. IT IS A FIELD WELL WORTH THE AMBITION OF ANY MAN TO SUCCEED IN. IT HAS MANY TEMPTATION3. IT HAS RE WARDS WHICH MAY BE PERMANENT AND SOLID OR, AS THE CORRESPONDENT YIELDS TO THE TEMPTATION8, MAY BE MERETRICIOUS AND TEMPORARY. i Itallin Minister of finance. 1 Ol A 1 a ouuus in iviuuriuu uuuumus 1IIUIU Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls. t ra-spj the hull call that took first premium, also calf that took fifth in same class, in open competition, at our State fair in September ' t;o7. Mv herd took fourteen tihhons, altogether. I now- have thirty bulls, from one to three years old, which t would like to sell for fall delivery; a car load. 1 will sell from twelve to twenty; you take your pick for $too each. I will keep them for two months, feed them oats, alfalfa, etc., get them in good shape. Von take them in December, winter them at home, and they will do you some good. J, G. Mkbnui:k, 43 iveat Broken How, Neb. I. C. McCotkle, Mgr. Lloyd C. Thomas, Secy. IMcbrnolm Unnfc Company Phono 281 Officii. Alliance Nit'l Bank Bide cm iinii:un row mi'.ni Five-room basement, electric lighted, city water. $11. Sovon-room resilience, shade trees, bam, cellar, JIB. For sale cheap. Two furnished room in a neat little cot toRe, fine furniture. $15. OH SALE -Refer to Number. No. 13 -Seven-room residence, four lots, one lot in fruit, cheap for cash. No. 14 Seven-room residence, electric light, lurnnce, bath and toilet two stories, a fine home. Rents for 5jo. Sals price, 1oo. No. jo -Fight-room residence, two stories, hot air furnace, fine basement, two lots, fruit, cheap for cash. No. 2a Five-room stone house, worth $2000, our price $t0oo. No. 30 Five-room house, fine condition, cellar, etc. Sljoo. This is only a partial list. Ask for other bargains lUSIM.SS IOH SAM. A SNAP A half interest in the best gro cery in Alliance. Owner is leaving the state and we will sell this half interest for half what thn stock and fixtures invoice for. This is a rare bargain. NOW, List your city property, your farm, land, ranch or stock with us. We are doing the largest business of any firm in Box Butte County. olm Mem ALL KINDS OF Cement work, sidewalks, curbs, roandalioiis. floors, ete. Jr Satisfaction Guaranteed Those contemplating having any 9iich work done are invited to examine the work I have done in Alliance. When you plan your home remember the importance of Good Plumbing do sanitary work and guar antee it. I install Standard bath room fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heat ing" with modern, up-to-date Ideal Boilers and American Radiators right in my line. FRED BRENNAN Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, ISo. 5. Nebraska. Your Printing It should be a fit representative of your business, which means the high grade, ar tistic kind. That.s the kind we do, AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, GOOD PRESSES AND TYPOGRAPHICAL ARTISTS These represent our facilities for doing the Kind of printing that will please you. The prices are right, and prompt delivery the invariable rule at this office. New Machine Shop. C. C. Tash & Co., practical machin ists, have opened up a general repair shop in Gadsby's carpenter shop, back of Bogue's stoie. They will give spe cial attention to repairing automobiles, guns and all kinds of machinery. Reasonable charges and satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. Tele phone 395. 32-tf "Box T2xe LosWaV li&nc, "KstnV SoTboWv'KUriVcaV QVsUVrc& a Sp&etaiWu STvtu4t OvmcMW, Su?V. Miss Mary E. Smalley T Iv A C H K K OF V O I C E Hiss Edith H. Swan T K ACHIill OF PIANO STUDIO 424 Laramie Avenue Phone - - 220 DR. G. W. MITCHELL, t'hystcltwt anoHiirtfeon I)y und night ctlU . OfllcooviT lloituo Htore. Phone ISO. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OIllHH lu I'lrst National 11 ink block. AM Mioo Nebraska. H. A. COPSE Y, M. D. lh)Mlcinii mid Surgeon Phone 300 CiiIIn MiNwuroil iiroinptlj- iluy mill ulirht fro iillllce. ontcpHi Alliance National Hw in IHUli iiuihitnic over the roitunlce. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phono SSI. Ofllce ovnr Alliance Shoe tftoro IMdenco Phona 251. Churchill & Thornton PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS (Successors to Dr. J. K, Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Onicehuurt-li-l2a.m.,2-l p.m. 7;30-0 p.m. Office Phono 62 Res. Phone, Dr Thornton, 187 Night calls, Phono 62 or 1 187 Drs.Coppei noil & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Successors to Dm. Prey A. Halfe) 17 and 18 Rumer Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 C. L. WEBER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON With Or. Ilowinan Office Phone G5 Res. Phone 134 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lockwood UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embalmar Phones Office 214. Re. 205 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GUY H. LOCKWOOD Graduate Chicago School of Embalming with B, F, LOCKWOOD. AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Otfice in rooms formerly occupied by It. C. Noleman, First -Nal'l Bank blk Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB. F. H. BROOME LAW AND LAND ATTORNKY.I Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in' Lund Office IHilldlni;. ALLIANCE. - - NEI1RASKA. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, -AJL.LIA.TVCE. IVICB. 8MITU P. TUTTLS. 1HA K. TABU TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. KoribMalnSl.. - ALLIANOK. MBS, J .