J JL A r V V Jr. JlV jL Jt JlZ KJ 1l L JZ Only 4 mope days to secure Furniture at your own prices, so be on hand tomorrow at B. F. LockwoocPs store, where your money will go farther and buy more than it has ever done before. BXJFFlXiO FACTORY .AJETD MILL SYIISTIDia.A.TIE. Tl b IB 251 Slid I B. F. Illllt k Cfl. Fttl'Di I Alice. Mr. It will pay you to come 100 miles to attend this sale of strictly high - grade, up-to-date merchan dise, forced on the market to be turned into cash in 1 0 days for what it will bring Oo:n.sisti:n.g of" Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Chinaware, Pianos, Lace Curtains, Etc. will Id pla.oeca. on sale stt 9 o'oloote. a. zn.. T?ttXJJEZ.&TDJir7 JTJ-JLTZr 23, 1908 and continue 1 0 DAYS until entire stock is sold. 0 Goods -vsrill go stt any old ;praoe LET NOTHING Keep You Away Store open every evening. All goods marked in plain fig ures. A child can buy as safely as a grown person. This will give the people of this community the greatest opportunity to fit out their homes with the finest of high-grade Furniture, Stoves, Chinaware, Pianos, Carpets, Rugs; in fact everything for the home that has ever been or will again be offered in this section of the state as every item in this immense stock, the largest and most complete Furniture Store in Alliance, must positively be sold, and will be sold at prices never heard, seen or read before, and a visit to this sale will prove to you that you can purchase goods at one-half the manufacturers price. Here are prices that mean destruction to the wholesaler, let alone the retailer: Chinaware Dept. Lot 1 . Any article on this 5 table worth up 7c, choice & Lot 2. Any article on table e worth up to 15c, choice Uv 42. piece dining set 5 AC worth $5, sale price 9ivv 43 piece dining set.best Amer ican China with gold decora tions, positively won h if $10, goat .HfmCmO 84 piece Dining Set JE? QQ worth $12.50 goes at Q?D 1 00 piece DiningSet, American china, positively worth"? AQ $15, sale price . . I I OO piece Johnson English ware, Iron stone, Vetnfied china, worth $25, 4 5 A JJ sale price ILitO IOO piece set Austri-! O AQ an worth $27.50, at I Om& This is tho ILiviland quality, transparent AH glassware goes at give-away prices. $60 Peninsula Range OQ goes at . pOJ Oak Sideboards worth 1 5,0O to 45.00 go $84g up All Tinware at Give-Away Prices 39c "p $2.39 Set of Knives and Forks go at . $5.00 Carving Set goes at Rogers 1847 Knives and Forks sells world over at $3.89 6.00, all go at Spoons and Tablespoons to match the same reductions. $1.50 Parlor Lamp goes DQf 7.50 Parlor Lamp goes at Baby Go-Carts go at 40I53 $1.39 "p $6.48 10.50 Collapsable Go-Carts go at Drop Head Sewing Machines made by New Roy-( al, worth $25 go at made by New Roy-$ A JTf :J I "thvv Edison Records go at ... $3 Red Seal Victor Records go at $2 Victor 12-in rec ords go at $1 Victor 12-in records sale price 60c lo-inch records go ax . . . a 21c $1.48 98c 59c $55 Edison Tri- CC9"? Kfl umph phonograph PI- S BQU $35 Edison Home Phonographs go at 1Q 98 1 Vk9m0J 14.98 $25 Edison Standard Phonographs go at feame discounts on Victor machines. 1 Oc McKinley sheet music C goes at . . . 9U 9bt9 The World's 'Best Sewing Machine; knows the value ttOO ffi $35, sale price &C&OU Domestic everyone Refrigeratorsworthfrom 15-oo to 35. uo go , at $7.48 up $300 De Rivas & Harris stan dard made piano go at ... $139 350 Smith & Barnes Piano, none better made C9iQ go at . . 9 b I 7 IO.00 upholstered fig- g -jQ ured Valour couch at 4JbI7 85c wool ingrain carpet S0 Half wool ' " 3o Cotton " " S'Zo x9 ingrain rugs, cotton and guete, fast colors, gJ Q worth 5.oo go at 9vi 1 S9 12x12 ingrain rugs worth 1 O.oo, go at Linoleium as long as it lasts, 2 feet wide grade KQrf go at ?2C Mashes comforters 3 00 cotton down laminated 4 m"5 go at . Li O Cotton bed blankets at 69c Wool bed blankets A A Q worth 8.00 go at TbH'O I.5o lace curtains pair 59o Iron beds go at $2-23 up Mission Dining Chairs $Q leather upholstered at avJ Kitchen Dining chairs RockingChairs worth 3.oo go at . ... 3.75 Cotton Top Mat tresses go at I3.oo round pedestal Dining Tables goat 48c 1.73 2 79 9 48 Remember in this limited space we can mention but a-few of the thousands of tremendous bargains, but it will give you an idea of the Great Values that await your coming. We have 4 silk plush Davenports, sold from $48 to $55, all go at $28.50 I mm SO BE ON HAND TOMORROW, AS EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY. THIS SALE POSITIVELY CLOSES MONDAY, AUGUST 3 Merchants from the city and out of town wishing to purchase portions of this stock must call be tween 9 and IJ a. m,, as all other hours are reserved for the trade. mm mm Buffalo Factory & Mill Syndicate Railroad Fare Paid One Way on Purchases of $10.00 or over, not to exceed 25 miles. fM IWBBB&fl