4 it- John Dickinson's ' Narrow Escape. Car Inspector John W. Dickinson came near being killed last Sunday afternoon while in discharge of his duties for the Burlington. He was in specting the cars on train 43, from the -east, on its arrival, when the switch engine drew up thr coaches on the south line, just opposite Dickinson, who feared that he might be too near the passenger train from the east which lie wa3 inspecting. Not realizing the switch engine's movements, Dickinson arose and turned face forward toward the Denver coaches just in time to be struck with great force and hurled to the ground unconscious. By great luck that would not occur once in a hundred times, he fell in a position that left him unharmed from the fast moving coaches on 43, not more than a foot from his body. Switchman Al Woods came to rescue, and with help of other trainmen, he was carried under the viaduct near where the accident happened. Dr- Slaglc was soon on hand and cated for Mr. Dickinson, who remained unconscious for a half hour. His injuries consisted of a brok en nose, three or four broken teeth and a scar over his right eye. He was carried to Dr. Bellwood's office and his wounds dressed. Mr. Dickinson lives in South Al liance. He has been one of the com pany's trustworthy employes, and it is to be regretted thai he will be laid up for several days. Wyoming Cow Boy Base Ball Club A new organization, known as the "Wyoming Base Ball Club" has been organized in this city and on the 10th of August will leave for the east on a tour of ball playing, the first stop to be made at Broken' Bow. Chas. Huss, who recently sold his confectionery stand, will be manager of the aggrega tion. The club is composed of several local players, two or three of the "Bloomer aggregation" and others from abroad and in a stiong team. It is the intention, of the "cow boy" team to play the balance of the season in east ern Nebraska and Iowa. Good luck to the boys! Don't forget the Country Fair at Phelan Park, Friday, July 31st. Magnificient Display. Everyone turns out to see a circus parade, and the crowds that gather to watch the grand spectacular parade given by Campbell Brothers Big Con solidated Shows when they exhibit in Alliance, Monday. August 3, will wit ness one that is unexcelled anywhere today. Horses are always a leading feature with everv circus, and Campbell Bros, have spent years in raising and train ing their hundreds and hundreds of fine horses that are exhibited both in the free street parade, and in the various ways under the big top. The horses are. attractive, but we must not fail to mention their riders; scores and scores of really beautiful women, gaily and magnificently cos tumed and all exhibiting'different feats of horsemanship and daring. Then, there are the almost ungovernable hor ses and bronchos that are mounted by cowboys; and the troop of Russian Cossacks, whose services Campbell Brothers have secured direct from the Steppes of Russia, at enormous ex pense, and who are famous the world over for performing the most wonder ful and reckless feats on horseback with their horses going at full speed. Don't fail to see them; also many other features too numerous to mention that are always a part of every circus, as groups of beautiful women posed as various characters ou the huge glitter ing wagons, bands of music and clowns, to say nothing of the valuable menag erie that is carried with these shows. Campbell Bros, are from Fairbury, Nebr., and the people of Alliance should boost home products. "Uncle Zeke" Laid to Rest. The fUneral of Ezekiel Mabin was held at Hemingford last Sunday after noon, the services hoiug held in the Congregational church, Rev. C. H. Burleigh, the M. E. minister, preach ing an eloquent sermon. The church was crowded with friends of the de ceased who came to pay their tribute of respect to the old soldier who had lived among them for the past twenty years or more, during which time he had endeared himself to his neighbors for his kinduess of heart and good fel lowship. 'The six pallbearers were comrades of the civil war and the ritualistic service of the Grand Army of the Republic was hold at the ceme tery. The funeral procession was one of the largest that ever marched to the Hemingford cemetery. Those who attended the funeral from Alliance were Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Tash, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Kecfe, Sheriff Wiker, Smith P. Tuttle, C. R. Clapp, J. B. Denton, T. M. Lawler, F. H. Mollring, C. W. Brenuau, Eugene Burton, Ray Kutitz, T. J. O'Koefc and sister, Chas. Brinkiuau atid C. A. Newberry. Crystal Theatre Abreast the Times The engagement of a well known singer. R. Harriett Johnson by Mr. Lockwood is surely a move in the right direction. Miss Johnson is a singer both of classical and popular music, but her singing of "The Rose Song" and "Absent" last evening impresses one that she is making a mistake by handling popular songs, she should de vote all her efforts to classical alone The management stated, last evening that Miss Johnson would some evening during the week sing "The Holy City"and "The Rosary," which will undoubtedly be a treat for Alliance theatre goers. Miss Johnson's stay with us is indefinite and no one should miss an opportunity of hearing her. Her tones are sweet, clear and strong, made so by years of hard study. She just recently closed an en eagement with a song publishing house. Prior to this, she was with Whitney in "A Night or a Day," giving 400 perform ances. Miss Johnson will soon begin re hearsals for her new act, to be played over the Orpheum circuit this fall and winter, and from the description of some of it will be an elaborate affair. As the curtain goes up Miss Johnson will be seen posed as "The Madonna" in a large picture frame, studded with electric lights. In the distance one can hear the strains of a church organ playing "The Holy City," which is taken up and sung by Miss John son. At the fiuish of the song, she step's from the frame, the white robe falls from her and she appears in a black velvet gown outlined with 2-candle power electric lights, with great large medalions worked out with colored lights. All told there are 300 electric lights used on her dress which are operated by concealed wires along the lloor of the stage to the switch board. In this elaborate gown she will sing "Carirsima" and "Absent." Later in the season Alliance theatre goers may see this act put on for a try our prior to her going on the road. Don't forget the Country Fair at Phelan Pack, Friday, July 31st. Mascot for Battleship. The crew of the monitor Wyoming has been limiting for a mascot from the state after which the vessel was named, and now that crying need is about to be satisfied. An article re cently published in this paper concern ing some young wolves that were caught by the Boots boys was widely copied, and in some way came to the notice of the crew. Here was just the chance they were looking for. Mr. Boots has received a letter from the gunner's mate of the vessel inquiring whether one of the animals could be had for the purpose. With commend able state pride, he answered that he would be glad to donate the best one, and that if the Wyoming is as good a fighter as the young mascot promises to be it will be all off with the Japs in a naval battle. Arrangements for the shipment of the pet have not yet been completed, but Dewey for thus the cub has been appropriately named will be forward ed at no distant day. A native Wyo ming wolf is about the best selection that could be made for a fighting mas cot for a war vessel bearing the name Wyoming, and if it comes to a battle on the seas no one need fear but the name of this state will come through with honor. Thermopolis Record. No Equal. Campbell Brothers Consolidated Shows will be in Alliance August 3rd and today these shows take their place as the leaders. Money, time, patience, perseverance and travel have all been devoted toward placing their circus be yond competition, . New and startling features have been added to every line of their entertainment; and in the rings, ou the stage, in the air, and all about you new and wonderful feats are per formed by trained experts in their vari ous lines. Hundreds of horses have been added; all decked out in their glit tering harnesses, numberless artists in magnificent costumos, trained ele phants, funnv clowns an J in tact every thing that is new will be seen when Campbell Brothers Consolidated Shows exhibit here Monday, August 3. Big street parade at 10 a.m. and two per formances will be given at 2 and 8 p.m. under water-proof tents, raiuor shine. I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS k-4"!-:":-h:-w4-5"M---:::"!":- Mrs. C. R. Witham is visiting rela tives in Seneca. J. G. Beck is visiting friends and relatives in Lead. Miss Frances Nolan is on an extend ed visit with friends in Lead. Miss Leila Reed is visiting with rela tives and friends this week in Phillips. Engineer W. A. Bennett and family are visiting relatives in Sidney for a few days. Fireman W. W. Moulton is spending a few days with relatives in Dcadwood this week. Mrs. J. L. Overman and children arc spending a few days in Denver, this week with relatives. Mts. G. W. Johnson mid children nte on an extended visit with relatives and friends 111 Ravenna, Mrs. D. Fitzpatrick and children nte the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Han cock of Spearfish this week. Fireman Jay Carr left a few days ago for his home in Broken Bow. It is teported that Jay will soon become a benedict. Engineer 1. U. Hager and family am sojourning in the Black Hills near Rochford this week for a few days rest and recreation. Mrs. M. F. Nolan depat ted for Sher idan on 41 Wednesday. She was ac companied by her daughter, Ethel, who has accepted a position as a sten ographer in the store department at that place. Railroad Notes from Edgemont Edgemont Express. Engine 636 pulled the Garfield spe cial to the Black Hills this week. Machinist Ed. O'Donnell has left the service and has gone to Livingstone to work. F. S. Mahoney was a visitor to Hot Springs this week and took in the big plunges there. P. S. Eustis, general passenger agent of the Q system, was a passen ger on Saturday to the National Park along with a part'. T. L. Berryhill, storekeeper at Al liance, has been in Edgemont this week on business for the company. P. F. Wilson, an engineer on the Deadwood line, has been transferred to Alliance and will run out of there on the main line. Special car No. 84 has been here for a week with J. C. Birdsell, superinten dent, who has been looking after com pany business. Engine 313, which was sent to the M. R. & W. Ry. compativ, has been returned to the Burlington and will be placed in commission on some of the stub lines out of Lincoln. Sunda at the Baptist church, G. C. Jeffers pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Subject of morning discourse, "From A to Z." The Lord's Supper follows, when the hand of fellowship will be given all new members. Young peoplh's meeting at 7 o'clock. Even ing sermon, "Old Testament History," illustrated with stereopticon, the last in the series. Midweek prayer service Thursday evening. A welcome to all services. HASHMAN. Mrs. Julia Turner is on the sick list. Walter Langford visited at Frank Vaughn's Monday. Miss Amy Hashman visited in Alli ance last Monday. Mr. Damcie was a caller at Cal Haslunan's Monday. Mrs. A. W. Joy called at Calvin Haslunan's last Friday. Carl Hashman will complete his house in a couple of weeks. Preaching at the Unity church Sun day at three o'clock sharp. Carl Hashman was a guest of Miss Ethel Hembey Sunday evening. A fine old bachelor has been seen in this neighborhood picking up junk. J. W. Hashman while loading some barrels of water hurt his foot quite badly. We are pleased over 1 the fine im provements in this vicinity. There are so many large dwellings being erected. Master Frankie Lester Hashman visited at Mrs. Bessie Vaughn's last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vaughn attend ed Mr. Mabm's funeral at Hemingford last Sunday, It is a common occurrence to have a i horseman ride up to your door and order you to give him a drink and then thon say: Uph! Your father is an Old ranchman, hay? CONTRIBUTIONS TO SISTERS' ACADEMY Weekly Report of Payments Toward the Erection of the School Building. Following is the amount of money received for the Sisters' Academy and by whom paid. Much of this is only part payment of subscriptions. The committee is now out collecting and the amount received will be published weekly, Previously acknowledged $10,840.05 Cash....... , .. 10,00 M. P. Dalley 5.00 A. 1. Hrennan 25.00 C. G. Slagle 25.00 1 otal $10,905.05 MM BUSINESS LOCALS. New line of work shirts at the Com missary. 3 t-tf. For a pleasant evening's entertain ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors. Wanted To buy a five or six room house, or vacant lot. in the northwest part of thecity.-W. II. Iloltz. Stop on the corner by the Alliance National bank and look southeast. Sec the Commissary 6ign above the tree tops. 205 Box Butte avenue. 3i-tf. Girl Wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. 31-tf Fresh bread ijt the Commissary, 205 Box Butte avenue. Phone 519. F. W. Sciibner. 31-tf. We always have money to loan on farm'land and city property. iS-tf F. E. Reddish. Look for the Commissary nd in this issuo and all other issues. It will do us all some good. 3i-tf. Try Pardy's Cottage Bread. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real, estate. 27-tf Go to Pardy's Bakery for your Pics and Cakes. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk Do you wish to increase your earning capacity from $30 to $100? Cor respond with Chadron Academy, Chadron, Neb. Are you behind in certain branches of study? Come to Chadron Academy and let us even ou up. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Reduced prices on women's and children's oxfords at the Commissary, 205 Box Butte avenue. 31-tf. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Pardy's Bakery is 114 We3t Montana street. Less than a carload of tablets at the Commissary. They are for sale. 31-tf New line of so-cent dress shirts at the Commissary. 3 i-tf. Automobiles to Trade for Land I have three automobiles to trade for land. P. J. Clattehhuck, 28 Marsland, Neb. L. Mantor, Chiropodist, Hotel Char ters, Alliance, Nebr., removes corns, warts und lupids without cutting. Treats successfully bunions, ingrowing toe nails, foeter, black heads, etc. Young ladyl Do you want to be a teacher or become a better teacher? Write to Chadron Academy, Chadron, Neb. Want to exchange some Omaha properties for Kinkaid relinquishments improved and stocked, near Alliance. W. G. Vati Ness, Fort Morgan, Col. ' 3- 2w If you want to rent a house, flat, store, or barn, see S. . niller. He has them. 30-tf. For Rent. i Two nice furnished rooms. Sweetwater Ave. Phone 559. 507 The John Hague Co., hardware, heat ing and plumbing, also tin and galvan ized work. For a pleasant evening's entertain ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors. New Machine Shop. C. C. Tash & Co., practical machin ists, have opened up a general repair shop in Gadsby's carpenter shop, back of Bogue's stote. They will give spe oial attention to repairing automobiles, guns and all kinds of machinery. Reasonable charges and satisfaction' guaranteed. Give him a call. Tele phone 395. 32. tf ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Pray for the thing you want, but work for the thing you. must have. You can flatter almost anyone (man or woman) by saying, "You luvvc tem perament." Complaining of the folly of fashion is a's useless as complaining when the weather is bad. Nevor tell a friend anything that would not look well in print with your name signed to it. You didn't have tho right kind of a good time if you arc not good naturcd the next day after you had it. Working after you have had a few glasses of beer in the middle of the day is like trying to work after dark. There are lots of men who seem worthless until compared with n girl who has just returned from n vacation. One reason men do not tnko kindly to prnying is, that when many women pray, they "tnlk about" their husbands. At sixteen a girl starts out to look for a fairy prince, and nt twenty she mar ries his valet, and thinks she has found hi'u. Talking with some men is like read ing a patent medicine almanac; they niako you think that everything is tho matter with ou. A boy soon loams that he can got anything he wants from his mother by asking for it out loud in his prayers, but that he can't work his father that way. It is surprising how many people die at poor fnrms. And every one of them fooled' his money away as you do, and imagined he would be rich some day. Life may be compared to traveling on a railroad train and running the risk of accidents, you finally reach the station where you got off. THE PEACEFUL CITY. (Contributed) Once I miw tliN pom-ufal city through tlio kIbmiiw lout by Jmvu, A nillilor, softor suiishlnu stwiuod to Hood It from u1mvi, A cloml of roiimmv 'round It, iiuule Its bounty far more fair, IjIIjo a hihIiIi'Ii'm I'lmtms liulf hidden bylicr llowtni; Koldmi Imlr. Like 11 Mlont lioiu-dlutloii, blow tho i'ooIIiik wimtorn brvue, Whim my day of toll wasovor, and I rental tit my uasu, Now within snmu Minded cardun nowliuneuth Mime friendly o:il;; Ah! the 0110 who strolled beside iut, nnd the thoughtless words wu hpoku. ltift the hky grow dark with wnrnhiK and I know thnt I must leave, For tho first lime In my lonely life. I'd double eiiuso tOKrlevu; Tho heart wlihlu my Ikjsoiu and thu one thnt lat for me, ScvtntMl to love (heir mutual bonditKe, nor do- hlro to o'er be free. I .Vow my exile duys muovor; I've returned to dwell 01100 more In tho iMMicurtil little city where I found con tent before Hut tho dlllerenee-oli, how ghostly I t'.iu senieo lielluvo roy eie. l'ur without tho uhiss that lent il color, all Its beauty dies. It has lout Its cloud of romance, which was all that made II fair, StrlpiMsl now of its tlentt of fancy mid the bones of fact laid bare; Juat it uliUNtly, Krlnnlmr skeleton of my Ionic dead desire, MUe n nmoitlderlnt; ln?ap of ashes left of some Kit'at forest lire. Three companies of Wyoming mili tia from Sheridan, passed through the city today on their way to' Cheyenne, where they will take part in the state encampment. Take Notice. All persons indebted to L. E. Bye are requested to pay at once. Accounts not settled by August 20 will be placed in the hands of a collector. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Ees Tested and Glasses Fitted. m Of Interest To You If you have a fine house or a fine horse, you try to keep it in first class condition all the time, don't you ? You know that the better its condition, the longer it will serve you. Why not treat your roof the same way? If you have Ruberoid Roofing on your house, you have unquestionably the best roofing made. It may have been on your roof for years, untouched and un cared for, because it has never given you any trouble. Why not keep it In good condition? It will serve you all the longer. A coat of RUBERINE PAINT 1 iliMuRi! I b. fuOJ. will revitalize it and greatly prolong its life. Ruber ine is the greatest preparation ever compounded for this purpose. It restores, rejuvenates and revitalizes the roofing and adds years to its term of service. RUBEROID ROOFING FOR SALE BY C. -&.. 3iTE:'XrBE!23E3"2" 00000DOGOOOO Primary Election Notice. Notice U hereby jjIvimi that ou Tuesday, tho IVrst, dnyofSoptenilier. niH. n Primary Elec tion will bo hold forltox lltittf County. Neb raska for the purpose of numltiitlliiit candi dates for the following ollh'es: and mnoml nients: Klitlit Presidential Klectnrs. One Oorenor, One Lieutenant Governor. O110 Secretary of Htute, One Audltorof Public Account. Onu Mute Treasurer. Ouu Superintendent of Public Instruction. Om Attorney Uencriil. Ono Commissioner Public Lands nnd Utillil InKH. Clio ltallwny Commhisloiier. Ono CoiiKrensmuu for tfltth District. Ono Stale Jtoremtntlvo for Mrd Ilepre sentatlve District One County Attorney. Ono County Commissioner for 'Jml District. Onu Itoad Overseer for each Koad Dlatrlct. Alio, for or iiKuhist 11 proMed amendment to section nine t), article ctnlit (8), of tho Constitution of tlib State of Ncbranhii with reference to the Investment of tho per manent school fund. Also, for or attains! a proposed amniidment to sections two Oil, four U), Ilvo (5). six ((I), and thirteen (l.i) of iirtlclo six ((l)of the Constitution of tho Htatoof Ne braska with reference to nn Increase In tho number of .IimIkos of tho Supremo Court, pro ldliiK for their nppolntmoiits, terms, reM deucoand compensation of tlio.ludK'os of tho Supremo and District Courts. Whloh election will bo opened at It M and wilt t'ontliiiio open until it o'clock In the oven Imk. Dated this loth day of July, IPOS. W. 0. MOUNT. 33-nw County Clerk. ij'.o.vi. Noncii. lleforo T, A. ltorry, County .twlgo In nud for Itox Ilutto County Nebraska. State of Nebraska 1 u Itox Ilutto county V In the Mntter of the Kstato of Joseph U, Oram, Deceased. To All Persons Interested In the Kstute of .loseph II. Oram, Deceased! Whereas Carrln I' Oram of Washington. District of Columbia, has (lied Inmyotllceu petition with it certltled and authenticated copy of the last will und tostamoiit of nl Joseph H. Oram and a certllled und authenti cated trunsoi I pt of tho probation of said will by tho Huproinn Court of tho District of Co lumbia ullacbeo. praylilK to huvo tho sauio admitted to probate and for tho Issuing of let ters of administration with tho will annexed to John U'Kvefn of Alliance. Itox Ilutto Conn, ty, rsebruska. which will relates to both per sonal and real estate. I Ituvo thoreforo appointed tho 17th day of AiiKiist ipo at 0 o'clock a.m.. at the county court room In said county, as tho time and p aco for hearinif said will at which time and place you und all concerned may appear and contest tho allowing of tho same. It Is rurllior ordered that said petitioner Klvo nolleo to all persons Interested In Mild estate of tho pendency of this petition, mid the tliim 11ml place set for tho hearltiK of tho same, by i'iiuhIiiu a copy of this order tfbo published In the Al lance llorald, a newspaimr printed and published In said county, for three weeks i' cesslvely previous to tho day set for tho lie-.tr- Itlj.'. In witness whureof I have hereunto sot my hand and olllclal seal (Ids ,'Mtli day of.luly WW. I.. A. Heiiitv. SKA 1.1 'p July :i0-3w County . I udtfe Man and wife wanted for work on ranch. Inquire at The Herald of f ice. 31-2 Husic adds happiness ev erywhere. Chadron Acad emy Conservatory of Mu sic, Chadron, Nebraska, is near at hand and can really help you. svksv -st - Krug extra pale beer, $4.50 per ca3e, pints or quarts; $1.20 back for empties. Luxus, ?5.25 per case, S1.20 back for empties. Good whiskev, S3 a gallon: better whiskey S4 per gallon. F. O. B. Bridgeport, Neb. Addtess 1. I Fowl ston, Bridgeport, Neb, 284 Have you seen that washing machiue yet? Easiest running machine made. Only S7.00. At A. D. Rogers. 23-tf. " -r. -W-s (4 Let thejohn Hague company figure on your tin and galvanized iron work; also plumbing and heating. House and Lot for Sale New house, just completed, situated in the northwest part of Alliance. For particulars, inquire phone 28q. 39. tf Have you tried Nohe's bread? 26-tf The John Hague Co. Windmills, Pumps ataJJIardware. A bath at home should take as well as one at far "Cathay." You can get it at Nation's reservoir south Alliance, so get your bathing suits and hike for there. It will only cost you a quarter to swim as long as you like. Ready August 1st. Water will ha Hiri tn six feet deep. 33-it. AND RUBERINE ARE