The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 09, 1908, Image 8

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i Loau PARqRpjis. j
J. V, Gutbrio went to Miaitare
Tuesday moraine.' ' ;
John Kuhtl 'and- Utile tfaUehter
down from He'iriingford today.
Mrs, P. E. 'rfolitcnSvaa taken quito
sick last Sunday nlfihVbuVls much inv
proved now.
Hamilton HaU,"'a: prosperous ranch
man from near Hemingford was in the
city Monday,
Mrs. Johnson of Milwaukee, is in tho
city visiting her sister, Mrs. DaviB, at
the Pliclan home,
W. W. Norton disposed of his auto
mobile'' last week to Norbcrt Frohn
apfel of Hemlngford.
""T H. llarncs was ad Omaha visitor
last week, where, ho went in tho interest
ot tho North-West hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnl. Becker returned
yesterday noon from their trip to tho
eastern part of the state.
Mrs, Bean and daughter Willa of
Broken Bow arrived in Alliance Thurs
day and are visiting friends.
James H. H. Hewitt is confined to
to his homo on account of sickness of a
nature to indicate, appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy ot Mars
land were visitors at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Albro on tho Fourth.
Miss "Jack! Bohn is in the city en
joying a most delightful visit with her
sister, Estella, and numerous friends.
Mrs. John Pcdcrscn, wifo of tho well
known cement walk manufacturer, is in
Omaha visiting friends for a few days.
Mrs. J. B. Kennedy, is enjoying a
visit with her sister, Miss Gosney of
Omaha, who arrived hero last Friday.
Mrs, Robinson and.sons left Sunday
afternoon for their jiome in Arcadia
after a pleasant Vfsit with relatives
Misses Esther, and . Elsie Nccland
came down from Hemingford yesterday
and arc tho guests of .Mrs. James A.
Miss Tina Phillips arrived'yestcrday
from Dcs Moines, Iowa, and will visit
at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. M.
James Donavon was in tho city sev
eral days this week. Ho is at present
railroading out of Cbadron and seems
to be making good.
Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Burke of York
arrived in tho city on 41 Tuesday and
will visit with their son and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Copcland of
Torrington, Wyo., arrived in the city
Saturday and visited with their friends
until Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Frank Fleming and son of Pas
adena, Cal., who havo been visiting
friends in this city, left Tuesday morn
ing on the Guernsey o visit friends.
A lawn social was held on the beauti
tiful residence grounds of the pastor of
the M. E. church last Tuesday evening
which was quite liberally patronized.
George Snyder was over from Mitch
ell the Fourth enjoying the day with
folks at home. Mr. Snyder is in the
employ of the Mitchell Mercantile
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Debock from near
Harrison were guests at' the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Zurn on the
Fourth of July, returning home Tues
day on 41,
Mrs. J. M. Warrick, in company
with her little son, John, of Meadow
Grove, this state, is spending a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.
K. Warrick.
Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Newberry and
little daughters, Agnes and Helen, and
Mr. and Mrs, Copelaud went to Hem
ingford Sunday afternoon in Mr. New
berry's auto.
John McDonald, Sr., fell and broke
his shouldei blade this morning while
at work building a play house for his
little granddaughter. Dr. Bbwmon
set and dressed the broken bone.
Mrs, Wm, Manion was a county
seat visitor from Box Butte anil re
ports crops in that vicinity in most
excellent condition. The barley crop
will be in a condition to cut next
Mr. and Mrs. Williams and daughter
who had been guests at the Spencer
home, left Wednesday afternoon for
Lander, Wyo., where they will visit
relatives awhile-' before returning to
their home at Norfolk.
Mrs. B, F. Gil in an and children,
Mrs. Bean and daughter, Mrs. J. C.
McCorkle, Mrs. W. E Spencer, Mrs.
Wm. Mounts' and Mrs lohp O'Keefe
composed a. p"ar.ty that- wentto Hem'
ingford yesterd&y morning tpspend the
day. - ,- v . ,-; '-, ..;
...Percy CogswelHeaves tomorrow via
Kansas City Jor Jfr) Texas," where
he will represent tho Alliance lodge of
Elks at the annual reunion of that
order. Mr. CoebwcH' exnects to be
absent i rbm " iho ' city' twd W' 'three'1
weeks. '"'' '
Charles Wallace came in to celebrate
the Fourth and is again at work in the
Times oflico as chief cook and bottlo
Official Proceedings of
, County Commissioners
It is consoling to havo a man
like Charles to fall back on when a
shop is all "balled up" and life is any
thing but pleasant around a print shop,
Such men are occasionally appreciated.
A pocket book belonging to Mrs.
C, Pohlard, residing northeast of Alli
ance, waB found on the streets of this
city on the Fourth by a stranger and
turned over to Marshal Lang, who in
turn deposited it with Cashier Hampton
of tho First National bank. It con
tained a certificate for tho value of
500, besides other valuable papers.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and son Morris
left Wednesday for Alliance where he
has been transferred as operator in bis
old position. Ho is one of the best
operators in tho country and received
the appointment on account of meri
torious service. They will bo very
much niisscd here where they have
made many friends since they came.
Edgcmont Express.
A weasel that has made headquarters
in tho east part of town for somo time,
was killed last night at tho Watson
corner whero several men, boys and
dogs cornered tho animal. A number
of chicken roosts in that neighborhood
havo been raided in tho past and the
blame is laid to tho door of Mr. Weasel.
An animal of this kind is a rarity in
this section of the state.
Mrs. John Wiker and sister, Mrs. A.
J. Nelson, entertained a number ofl
their lady friends at a "500" party yes
terday aftornoon at tho homo of the
former. Tho first prize a hand-painted
plato was won by Mrs. F. M. Broome,
while Mrs. Johnson carried off the con
solation prizo, a doll-head pin cushion.
Refreshments wcro served and those
present spent a pleasant afternoon.
Tho press dispatches in yesterday's
paper give detailed report of great
storms in the eastern part of tho state.
For several days Lincoln was shut off
from communication by high-water.
Sunday night a cloudburst almost
threatened te destruction of that city.
As it was, 15 persons lost their lives by
drowning and crops in that neighbor
hood .wero destroyed and are badly
Sunday at the'Baritist church, G. C.
I offers pastor. Sunday school at' ten
o'clock. Subject of morning sermon,
"The "Bitter and the Sweet in the
Christian Life." At seven o'clock, the
young people's society will be re
organized. Subject of evening discourse,
"Old Testament History," illustrated
with stercopticou. Midweek prayer
service Thursday evening. A welcome
to all services.
Mother Aquin accompanied by Sister
Leo, both from St. Mary's academy
Omaha, were in the city Sunday and
Monday v3iting with many of
their pupils, who are greatly attached
to (he Bisters. It is said that one of
Alliance's most popular and accomp
lished young ladies will cast her lot in
the peaceful cloister as member of this
order, where the world and its frivolous,
fleeting vanity are forever forgotten.
Mrs. C, P. Bresee returned from, her
trip to Alliance and at Hemingford
where she visited her daughter, Mrs.
Dr. Little. Mrs. De F. Van Vleck ac
compauied her to Alliance but returned
beforo Mrs, Bresee as she did not
make the trip to Hemingford. Mrs.
Abel Hill came over with Mrs. Van
Vleck and is visiting Rushville friends.
wm. u niara ot Moomaw was
in town Monday. Ho brought up 66
head of cows and calves which he sold
last week to tho government contractor
and they were taken up to Pine Ridge
for the use of the red men up there.
Rushville Standard.
Examinations will be given next Fri
day and Saturday. The grades se
cured by taking the junior normal ex
amination in subjects carried by teach
ers will be accepted as certificate grades
by the various county superintendents
and placed on the county certificates.
Graduating exercises from the junior
normal will be held at the Phelan opera
house Friday eveuing, July 17th. These
exercises are free to the public. Those
having season tickets will be able to
secure reserved seats on these tickets
until 8:15, after which the doors will
be opened to the public.
Prof. Philpot spent the Fourth at his
farm near Minatare. In order to get
nere nionuay in time lor classes it was
necessary for him to drive from his
farm to Bridgeport; a distance of 38
miles', "Sunday afternoon fhroug'ff the
rain, but he was here Mondav morning
ready for bis classes; W usual.
J. C. McCorklt, Mir. Lloyd C. Thomit, Secy.
RcUrasIm Xano Company
Phsna 281. Olflcn, Alllinct NatTBink Bids.
Alllanco, Neb., June 19, 1908.
County commissioners met as a
Board of Equalization, according to'
law. Members present, Chairman, J.
P. Jensen; J, M. Wanek, 8. C. Reck,
E. P. Sweeney, County Assessor and
W. C. Mounty, county clerk.
Tho board met at 9 o'clock as a
Board of Equalization to henr com
plaints and mnko adjustments and
adjourn from day to day until Juno
12, 1908, whereupon they adjourned
to Juno 15, 1908, nt 9 o'clock to
meet as a Board of Commissioners.
Alllanco, Neb., Juno 15, 1908.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
of Juno 12, Members present, Chair
man J. P. Jensen, and J. M. Wanok.
Tho day was spent In auditing ac
counts and allowing claims.
Tho following claims wore allowed
and clerk ordered to draw warrants
on tho general fund for tho same:
II. H, Smlco r.?3G.OO
Geo. A. Mollrlng 21.50
Underwood Typewriter Co 105.00
Underwood Typewriter Co 7.00
Hammond Printing Co 14.75
Omaha Printing Co 4.50
Klopp & Bartlctt Co 50.45
W. C. Mounts 15.05
Underwood Typewriter Co.. ..115.00
Anton Morava 20.00
Ira Reed 30.00
E. Becker 4.70
Chas. Moravek 108.00
Forest Lumber Co.. 4.00
C. L. Drako 3.25
G. M. Fox.. 1C50
E. L. Everett 225.00
Klopp & Bartlett Co C9.50
G. H,. Leldy. .. ..' 12(5.00
L. A. Borry 27.00
Al. Wikor C9.G0
Mrs. Al. Wiker 86.50
Fred Mollrlng 877.27
Fred Mollrlng 175.00
Jako Josso C0.0Q
E. W. Tyson 1.00
J. P. Jensen 19.28
C. Klempko 87,20
John Knudson 15.55
W. P. Mlllett 4.10
K. L. Picrco 10.00
L. A. Berry C.15
Mao Keane UG.70
John Pedcrson 432.00
A. L. Wiker 7.25
T. L. Hopkins, Jr 51.00
J. M. Wanek 27.20
L. A. Berry C.05
Whereupon board ndjourned until
tomorow morning at 9 o'clock.
A fine six-room house with batb, modern
thtoughout, $17.
Five-room basement, electric lighted, city
water, $11.
Seven-room residence, shade trees, barn,
cellar, $16. For sale cheap.
Two furnished rooms in a neat little cot
toge, fino furniture, $15.
FOR SALE-Rcfer to Number.
No. 13 Seven-room residence, four lots,
one lot in fruit, cheap for cash.
No. 14 Seven-room residence, electric
light, furnace, bath and toilet two stories,
a fine home. Rents for $30. Sals price,
No. 20 Eight-room residence, two stories,
hot air furnace, fino basement, two lots,
fruit, cheap for cash.
No. 22 Five-room stone house, worth
,$2000, our price $1600.
No. 30 Five-room house, fine condition,
cellar, etc. $1300.
This is only a partial list.
Ask for other bargains
A SNAP A half interest in the best gro
cery in Alliance. Owner is leaving the
state and we will sell this half interest for
half what the stock and fixtures invoice for.
This is a rare bargain. NOW,
List your city property, your farm, land,
ranch or stock with us. We are doing the
largest business of any firm in Box Butte
fJ3SK(r.rT:i :?. . r::t33i.,,- ; ,...-;.?- x. . i::;;..
Alliance, Neb., Juno 10, 1908.
Board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. All member
present, Chairman J. P. Jensen, J. M.
Wanok, Sang C. Reck.
Tho following bills wero audited
and allowed and tho clerk ordered to
draw warrants on tho general fund
for tho same:
C. A. Nowberry . . . . $102.00
H. M. Bullock.. .. ' 20.30
H. M. Bullock " 12.C0
H. M. Bullock 12.25
J. A. Mallery 5.80
Austin Western Co 76.00
W. C. MountB 77.90
H. M. Bullock 17.40
Mack Llmen 6.25
Alliance Electric Light Co.. .. 35.13
H. M. Bullock 11.60
H. M. Bullock 6.75
H. M. Bullock 3.80
C. A. Laing 2.00
J. A. Mallery 16.10
Hammond & Stephens Co 1S.83
Hammond & Stephens Co 7.50
J. S. McKinney 30.00
J. H. Vaughn $12.10
O. E. Phillips 16.10
S. H. Desch 12.10
Ralph T. Watson 14.10
Jas. Daugherty 16.10
Jas. Hendricks . 17.10
A. P. Brown .... 16.10
C. L. Drake .. 16.10
W. S. Acheson 16.10'
G. Nelson 14.10
R. H. West 5.10
H. L. Raymond 2.10
Ed Curry 17.1
Chris'Boness 2.80
Petor Swnnson 14.00
Emory Abloy 4.00
J. S. Knper .. 19.50
Young 16.20
Holtz 14.10
Lawler ,. 16.10
Smith. 16.10.
Owens ; . .. 16.10
Keano 16.10
Clnpp 16.10
Haldol .. .. 12.10,
F. N.
W. H.
T. M.
G. O.
C. S.
M. T.
C. R.
E. M. Martin. 2.10,
F. B. O'Connor .. 2.10
J. B. Gray 2.10.
S. C. Boon.. .. 2.10
M. F. Donovan. t 4.10
Geo. Leldy 2.10
T. S. Fielding -.. 2.10,
Peter Yount 2.10!
O. Owens 2.10"
Henry Reneau 2.10!
Al. Woods " 2.10,
Arron Poole.. .. '. '..'!
J. A. Hunter 12.10'
F. H. Straut.. 16.10
L. M. McCarthy...'.. . 4.00'
W. G. ZeaiKef:. t. 14.0o!
J. NA O'Keefe.. ..,., ,i1w..,, 8.20J
G, W,. Jones . . . ,H . ' 4.10
C. Wycoff 2.10
S. W. Holt . 12.10
S. W. Holt 12.10
A. Beal 2.10
A. A. Ralls.. .. :. 8.30
John Workman 12.10
John Brennan 12.10
W. M. James.. 123.25
T. R. Kennedy 6.00
Fred Mollrlng 121.02
Mrs. Wesley 25..00
Auburn Telephone Co 10.50
Con. Sterkle 13.10
Mrs, Loulso Sterkle.. . . 5.55
Al. Wood ' 135.00
Con Sterklo 1.20
Lawrence Romer 6.10
H. J. Ellis t. ..- 326.35
J. P. Hazard.. ,. ..' 23.80
Eugene Burton.. 193.00
Tom Tuck 15.50
Alliance Electric Co. 7.20
J. A. Mallery 27.15
F. McCoy 09.37
Chas. Wilcox 2.78
C. A. Lalng 11.21
E. H. Boyd 9.80
Instituto fund 100.00
R. Grobo 10.90
J. M. Wanok 21.20
J. P. Jensen 17.40
Sang C. Reck 27.20
Ji P. Jensen 17.40
(I It Is hereby ordered that tho county
treasurer mnko tho following transfer
to the county general fund:
Bridge. $213.15
Road 532.25
Jnll 2.42
Poor.. 2.42
Total $750.24
Whereupon tho board adjourned to
meet as a Board of Equalization at
9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
1 County Clerk..
Alliance, Neb., Juno. 17, 1908.
Commissioners met pursuant to ad
journment ot June 16 as a Board of
Equalization, members preseent, J. M.
Wanek, of the 1st district, B. P.
Sweeney, county nssesor and W. C.
Mounts, county clerk. Only one com
missioner being present the day was
spent in comparing assessments and
adjourned until tomorrow morning at
9 o'clock.
County Clerk.
Alllanco, Neb., Juno 18, 1908.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Members present, Chairman J. P.
JonBen, J. M. Wanek, E. P. Sweenoy,
assessor, and W. C. Mounts, clerk.
The board continued the time In com
paring assessments and stood In
readiness to hear any complaints.
none being made, they adjourned un
til tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
County Clerk.
Alliance, Neb., Juno 19, 190S.
Board of Equalization met pursuant
to adjournment. Members present,
Chairnjan J. P. Tensen, J. M. Wanek,
E. P. Sweeney, assessor and W. C.
Mounts, clerk. Same proceedings as
yesterday and adjourned to meet to
morow morning at 9 o'clock,
County Clerk.
Alliance, Neb., Juno 20,1908.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
All members present, Chairman J. P.
Jonsen, J. M. Wanok, Sang C. Reck,
E. P. Sweeney, assessor, and W. C.
Mounts, clerk.
Same proceedings as yesterday and
adjournment to meet July 26, 1908,
at 9 a. m., for final disposition as a
Board of Equalization.
County Clerk.
Dr. Kennedy returned last week
from Chicago where he welcomed a
baby boy to his borne, the first born.
Mrs. Kennedy will arrive here about
the first of August and they will reside
in the west part of the city where they
have' already secured a residence.
THEREIs, an ancient proverb that "the master's eya
does ..more work than both his hands." The modern
version of the master's eye la a card catalogue system
that keeps a record of the work of thousands of employes of.,
a great Industrial Institution. In passing such a card file the
etherHay I made Inquiry about It, and the manager said: ,v
"This Is our system for keeping track of the mistakes
made by employes. Nearly every mistake we dlsoovor In
any part of the work Is traced baok to the employs who .,
made It, and It Is recorded here against his name."
"Do you point out each person's mistakes to him at the
"Oh, yes. Especially when they amount to much, lut
'we don't speak about every mistake. That would Only con
fuse the employes and make them fearful and probably lead
to making more errors."
"What do you find Is the cause for most mistakes?"
"Carelessness almost every4 time,"
"How does your system affect that?"
"Well, he said, "the mere fact that vn keep such a
record Is a stimulus to employes ta be careful. Even If ws
never looked up a card It would be worth while keeping up
the system Just for the general Influenoe It has. lut we refer
to It often. And ws know It works because the percentage
of mistakes Is lowered from year to year."
(Copyright, U0T, by JoMph B. Bowie.)
Groceries, Shoes, Shirts,
Qloyes, Overalls,
Hosiery, Candies, Fresh
Prilit A Few Small Notlbrts
Our Patrons Concede that
Our Prices ARE Really
LOW & 06 & J &
I Repair
Lamberson Clason have dissolved partner
ship but Clason Is still In business
Furniture and Carriage Upholstering a Specialty
FURNITURE of all kinds, also
stoves, bicycles, baby carriages,
sewing machines and umbrellas
In fact, anything to be repaired
We Take up CARPETS, Clean and Lay Them
Furniture crated with care
All work satisfactory All work called for
Located back of Kibble's office
THO HOtttO rSBpQM whkhou have the" grated in
1 terest the home news. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family, It
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.
gssstmmt .auT utnnmmm
Under tho mnnagemnnt of the Denedlotlne SUterM. is open all th
year. A now atone building, complete in everj respect; nu per
Atot system or heating nd ventilation, inlncrnl ivnter limtha. Thor
Mghlv eqBlppJ fbr'tturirloal a well aa Modiuat isae Id eioal.
at place fir convalescent.' Wrlte'foi rate nnl circular.
Mill. AAKAmAA ...