The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 09, 1908, Image 2

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First Session of Big Gathering
. at Denver is a Brief One. .
Allies Lack a Leader and Opposition
Crumbles to Pieces All Efforts to
Unite on Vice Presidential Candl
date Prove Futile.
Tho Democratic nntlonal conven
tion got under way Tuesday at the
Auditorium in Denver In a brief ses
sion. Aftor the dolivery of tho key
note speech by Temporary Chairman
Thcodoro A. Bell of California, nn ad
journment was taken as a mark of
respect to tho memory of Orover
Above tho hubbub of the opening
day of tho convention these main
developments stand out prominently:
Tho wave of Bryan sentiment hns in
creased to apparently overwhelming
and' Irresistible- proportions, and tho
nomination of tho Nobraskan seems
now assured beyond any reasonable
doubt, unlesB some unlooked for re
versal of present conditions occurs.
All efforts to unite on a vice presi
dential candidate have proved futile
and tho convention began its deliber
ations with the contest for second
place wldo open.
A majority of tho Pennsylvania del
egation in caucus named Colonel
James M. Guffoy as national commit
teeman In open doflanco of Mr. Bry
an's demand for his displacement ana
on the heels of Quffoy's public ar
raignment of Bryan aa a "hypocrite,
tngrate and falslflor."
A minority of tho Pennsylvania del
egation held a rump caucus, which
sought to depoBO Ouffey from leader
ship and install James Kerr, a Bryan
man, ns Pennsylvania's leader.
Tho Now York delegation appointed
a committee of ten to draft a platform
and named Judgo Alton B. Parker,
tho Democratic standard' bearer of
1004, as tho Now York representative
on tho platform committee. Tho New
York caucus was silent on tho presi
dential and vlco presidential situation
and still falls to show her colors.
The Democratic national committee
held Its first mooting to consider con
tests, which resulted In tho dis
missal of Senator McCarren's New
York contests nnd the seating of
Roger Sullivan's Illinois delegates.
Allies Lack a Leader.
Tho belated arrlvnls Tuesday have
practically completed tho roster of
etato delegations and have given a
clear Idea of tho aggregate strength
commanded' by tho Bryan force. It
has been one continuous swelling of
tho Bryan chorus, with only scatter
ing accessions for other candidates.
ThlB has becomo so apparent that tho
nomination of Mr. Bryan seems as
sured, not only by the required two
thirds vote of tho convention, but by
practically an unanimous vote, except
that of Minnesota nnd Delaware,
whose representatives still Insist they
will bo steadfast to the end for their
favorite sons, and scattering anti-Bryan
votes from Georgln, New York,
Pennsylvania, Maine and several oth
er localities a scattered opposition
dwarfed by tho magnitude of Mr. Bry
an's total. While this steady tide of
Bryan Btrength has been setting in tho
allied opposition have been looking
intently, but vainly, toward New
York, for it has been recognized that
Chief Murphy, the political genius of
tho delegation, held a key which
might unloosen a movement of genu
ine forco against tho Nobraskan.
With New York taking tho lead and
throwing Its 78 votes against him, Cluf
fey and his Pennsylvania cohorts
would have followed suit; Georgia
was wavering and likely to turn o
block of southern strength away from
Bryan and this, with tho organized
strongth of Johnson and Gray, might
have glvon vitality to the allied oppo
Bltlon, but all these reckonings have
come to naught because of New
York's persistent sllenco. Mr. Murphy
la neither for Bryan nor against him,
nnd with this lendorless, aimless sit
uation, tho allied opposition hns slow
ly crumbled to pieces. If Murphy has
waited for some one else to take th
lead, as Is generally believed, he will
have the satisfaction of going back to
New York with the declaration that
It would have been lacking In political
sagacity for New York to act against
Bryan until the aucrecate stromM!- nf
the opposition was demonstrated ti b
Bunicieni to dereat him.
A meeting waB held of the va .us
anti-Bryan elementB, during which tho
situation was fully canvassed ar.N a
C -m "
practical agreement reached that It
was futile to continue the fight In
vlow of Now York's Inaction.
Platform Makers at Work.
Evidences aro multiplying that prac
tically the only difficult plank to pre
paro for the Democratic platforpi will
be that relating to tho use of injunc
tions ih industrial disputes. Mr. Bry
an has let it be known through a num
ber of reliable sources that his po
sition on this plank is not rigid.
Work on tho platform continued
through tho medium of an informal
subcommittee, consisting of Governor
Haskell, who Is to bo chairman of tho
resolutions committee, and a number
of prominent members of the party
who will have places on that commit
tee. The plan contemplates telephon
ing ench plank to Mr. Bryan at Lin
coln as soon as it is agreed upon by
tho subcommittee. In this manner it
will bo possiblo for tho subcommittee
to present to tho full resolutions com
mltteo a perfected platform which al
ready has received tho stamp of ap
proval of tho prospective candidnte.
The tariff plank enmo In for consid
erable discussion, with the result that
this language was put forward tenta
tively ns embodying the position tho
party should take: ,
"The Democratic party believes In
tariff for revenue only, but inasmuch
i as tho expenses of the government areH
great and we are dopendlng Inrgoly
upon Imports for 'the revenues for
lunnlng the government, which means
the imposition of a tariff, wo favor
the laying of the tariff duties in such
a manner that thoro slinll bo no dis
crimination in behalf of any Bectlon
of tho country or any Industry."
Mayor F. W. Brown of Lincoln, who
Is to bo tho Nebraskn representative
on tho committee on resolutions, ar
rived with Mr. Bryan's suggestions
concerning a number of planks of tho
platform In his pocket. Mr. Brown'
said that it hnd not been Mr. Bryan's
Intention to prepare a complete plat
form, but that It was his wish that
the committee itself should perform
this duty. Ho declined to say what
subjects were covered by the Bryan
draft, but it is understood through
other channels that Mr. Bryan's mem
oranda deals especially with the sub
ject of the regulation of tho issuance
of wrltB of injunction by tho federal
courts in labor disputes, tho tariff,
the trust, tho railroads, the election
of senators, which ho would have by
direct vote of tho peoplo; the guaran
tee of bank deposits by the govern
ment and tho publicity of campaign
contributions. Tho injunction plank,
as drafted, would prohibit the issu
ance of prohibitive writs without no
tice, except In cases in which it is
evident Irreparable damage might be
done to property. In that event the
plank would permit the Issuanco of
an injunction limited to ten days'
time, and a hearing would' be required
on the second presentation of the caso.
Temporary Chairman of Convention
Has Trouble In Reaching Denver.
The arrival In Lincoln, Neb., Mon
day of Theodore A. Bell, temporary
chairman of the Democratic conven
tion at Denver, was a comedy; his de
parture a melodrama. The first act
brought him to Lincoln anent "the pa
pers" Inevitable in dramatic plots and
In this case meaning the platform and
his speech as temporary chairman of
the convention. W. J. Bryan, tho
kindly old gentleman In the play, oc
cupied the calcium light when the pat
ter of hoofs Introduced the hero, Mr.
Bell, his carriage bespattered with
mud and his clothes hinting of tho
flood conditions in which the scene
was set. Salt creek was on a ram
page; tho bridge over Antelope creek
had been partially washed away and
the hero had arrived through re
markable difficulties at the Old Home
stead. The act closed with a hurried
admonition on the part of the kindly
old gentleman that if the hero wished
to save the situation he must away
on the first train. Train after train
was chosen, only to fall as a possibil
ity of egress; the flood was every
where; expedient after expedient was
chosen, only to be abandoned. It
seemed that tho convention of which
the hero was an Indispensable part
must be abandoned, when the low
comedian, In the person of General
Manager Melcher of the Chicago, Rock
Island and Pacific railroad, burst In
through tho medium of a telegram
and proffered a special train to con
quer the machinations of the flood.
With this tho curtain on the first
act descended.
Tho curtain on tho second act arose
with Theodore A. Bell, hero of the
play, pumping way on a handcar, in
company with four brawny railroad
hands and' a tireless correspondent,
in the direction of set scenery repre
senting a flood and blasted alfalfa
crops. They were straining every ef
fort In a.n endeavor to reach the spe
cial train provided by Mr. Melcher
on the other side of the washout.
This act closed with tho flood passed
and tho hero on board tho special
train, Introduced as a medium of
bringing tho act to a fitting climax.
The third act was laid at Falrviow.
with W. J. Bryan awaiting news of
tho hero, who was reported at last as
eafely at Denver, - his difficulties
passed and the situation saved.
Serious Fire at Port Au Prince.
Fire broke out at Port au Prince in the
vicinity of the palace. The flames
spread quickly, there being a high
wind. Four hundred buildings wero
burned, including the court house and
prison. Sparks were carried to the
arsenal, which was also burned, to
gether with stores of powder and mu
nitions. The destruction of the arsen
al was accompanied by many explo
sions, causing a panic.
Battleships Continue Voyage
Around the World.
Vessels Will Remain a Week at Hono
lulu and Then Proceed to Antipodes.
Will Reach Hampton Roads Latter
Part of February, 1909.
Tho Atlantic battleship fleet, led
by the flagship Connecticut, with Rear
Admiral Sperry In command, headed
out of San Francisco Tuesday and be
gan their long voyngo homeward
across threo great oceans to Hamp
ton roads.
San Francisco took no official notice
of the doparturo of tho fleet, but for
all that there were thousands of patri
otic Americans on Snn Francisco hills
and on tho cliffs that flnnk the ap
proach to the Golden Gate and tho big
fighting ships did not lack for hearty
cheers nnd fervent good wishes when
they headed out into the Pacific, on
their way to the far east.
The fleet steamed out through tho
Golden Gate in single column. This
strung tho sixteen battleships out
over many miles of sea, and by the
time the last ship Bwept out through
the gate tho Connecticut was hull
down In the western horizon, a
dwindling smoke obscured speck
against the declining sun.
The fleet will reach Honolulu on
July 16, remain a week, and then pro
ceed to the antipodes. Elaborate
preparations for its entertainment
have been made at Auckland, Sydney
and Melbourne. The fleet will reach
Manila after a visit to Japanese and
Chinese ports about Nov. 7.
It is expected that tho fleet will ar
rive at Hampton roads during tho
latter part of February, 1909, where
It will again be reviewed by President
Has Only Minimum Amount of Sup
plies for Trip to North Pole.
With only a minimum amount of
supplies, Commander R. E. Peary's ex
ploring Bhlp, tho Roosevelt, left the
pier at East 24th street, New York, for
the Initial stage of its Journey toward
the North pole. Over $4,000 is still
lacking in the estimate the explorer
made sometime ago of the smallest
amount of money necessary for an
other attempt to place the Stars and
Stripes over the geographical point
never before reached by human be
ings. "I haven't tho supplies that I would
llko to have," declared Commander
Peary, "but still I think we will be
able to pull through. With my exper
ience and knowledge of the country
up there, I think tho expedition is pre
pared for three years in the Arctic re
gions, if conditions are favorable and
I have no bad luck. I will have, of
course, to depend' upon getting a good
amount of wild game for food, which
I would not be so dependent upon If
I could obtain all the provisions I ex
pected to have."
Former 'Frisco Boss Furnishes Bonds
Aggregating $1,560,000.
Abraham Ruef, former San Francisco
political boss, was released from
jail on bonds aggregating $1,560,000,
the largest amount ever given In a
criminal case in California. This sum
is tho aggregate ball upon seventy
eight indictments returned by the
Oliver graud Jury, charging Ruef with
bribery of the former board of super
visors in connection with the granting
of franchises to public corporations
and upon which he was taken in cus
tody on March 8, 1907.
Twenty sureties, Including Ruef's
father and sister and himself, signed
the bonds. It developed during the
examination of his sureties before
Judge Murasky that Ruef owned real
estate In San Francisco, which he had
transferred to his father and sister,
upon which a real estate export on the
witness stand placed a valuation of
$1,095,556. Ruef's annual income from
this property was $10,900. His fathei
and sister went his bonds to the
amount of $690,000. while other sure
ties qualified for $870,000.
They Kill 77,607 Dogs and Cats.
Since Jan. 1 77,607 stray dogs and cats
have been destroyed by the American
Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals. Never in the history of
the society were greater efforts put
forth to rid New York city of tho
homeless dogs and cats.
Preston and Munro Named.
The national convention in New
York city of the Socialist Labor par
ty nominated Martin R. Preston of Ne
vada for president and Donald Munro
of Virginia for vice president
-crcAmibM. rr&xus.
Strange Case In Chicago Interests Doc
tors, Who Will Hold Post Mortem.
Suffering all the ngony and ex
hibiting many of the symptoms that
accompany death by poisoning, John
Neriza of Chicago died of hallucina
tion and auto-suggestion. It is be
lieved his condition resulted from
worry because of Fourth of July noise,
Attending physicians found no trace
of poison in their examination of
Members of his family declare that
ho had eaten nothing that might cause
his condition. But tho efforts of
physicians to assure him that he wis
not poisoned were futile, and he
passed Into a comatoso condition and
died after hours of acute suffering.
Tho case is one that puzzled the
physicians of tho Alexian Brothers'
hospital staff, and many of them will
attend the Inquest, while alienists also
will be present to explain tho cause
of Nerlzn's death. A weak mental
stato is believed responsible for the
self-hypnotism. It wns asserted by
several physicians that scores cl
deaths occur annually in every larga
city from such conditions.
Engine Crashes Into Side of Smoking
Car, Killing 8 and Injuring 30.
A local, bound from Alameda Mole
Into Onklnnd, crashed into the Santa
Cruz train No. 57, bound for tho Oak
land Mole, at First and Webster
streets, killing or Injuring all of tho
passengers in tho Santa Cruz train's
smoking car. Eight were killed and
over thirty Injured.
The engine of the Alameda train,
which was running with tender ahead,
cut into the Santa Cruz train smok
ing car a few feet from the front
trucks, and the mass was tossed from
the main line track against tho signal
tower in Webster street. The wreck
of the coach, containing its dead and
screaming wounded, wns hurled on its
side, with the Alameda local tender
buried in the wreckage.
Mlssourl Pacific Fast Trains Crash
Near Knobnoster, Mo.
Tho California train from St. Louis
on tho Missouri Pacific railroad col
lided with tho equally fast St. Louis
train from Kansas City near Knobnos
ter, Mo. Nine persons were killed,
all on the train from Kansas City,
and at least fifty wero Injured.
The dead: Michael Burke, line
man for Western Union Telegraph
company, Poplar Bluff, Mo.; S. R. In
glish, lumberman, Olean, Mo.; Fred
Story, lineman, Franklyn, Ky.; W. J.
FrlBblo, St. Louis; John Hood, Hur
ley, Mo., lineman; W. H. Harding, ne
gro mall clerk, St. Louis; Baggage
man Campbell, Jefferson City, and
two assistants.
74 DEAD; 2,786 INJURED
Record of 1908 Eclipses All Previous
Seventy-four dead and 2,786 Injured
are the totals of tho accidents attend
ing the celebration of the Fourth of
July in the United' States. This breaks
all records for deaths since 1899. Tho
number may be nearly doubled by
tetanus In the next few weeks
The number of deaths reported this
year is thirteen more than at the
same time last year. The number of
injured, however, is only two-thirds
of the average for the last five years
This is regarded as an Indication that
tho agitation for a sane Fourth is hav
ing its effect. This year's fire loss is
$535,453, which Is about the average
of the last ten years.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, July, 6. Rain in Nebraska
and higher prices for wheat at the
principal European markets caused a
sharp advance today in the local
wheat market, the September deliv
ery closing at a net gain of lc. Corn
was up 19Jc. Oats were WtpltyiZ
higher and provisions 5271ic high
er. Closing prices:
Wheat July, b&YHc; Sept., 89V4
Corn July, 74c; Seut, 7373H!C.
Oats July, 4849c; Sept.. 42Vic.
Pork July, $15.65; Sept.. $15S2..
Lard July, $9.42V$; Sept., $9.52$.
Ribs July, $8.70; Sept.. $8 85.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, 9H93c; No. 2 corn, 74c; No.
3 oats, 52jC
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, July 6. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1,600; 1015c higher; native
steers, $4.507.65; cows and heifers.
$3.005.25; western steers. $3 50
6.15; Texas steers, $3 0005.15; can
ners, $2.0002.25; stockers and feed
ers, $2.0005.00; calves, $2 7505.75;
bulls, stags, etc, $2 7505-00 Hogs
Receipts, 2,800, 10c higher; heavy,
$6.17V46 22Ms; mixed. $6.1506.17Vi;
light. $6 1O06.17M..; pigs, $5.5006.00:
bulk of sales, $6.1506.17. Sheep
Receipts, 1,700. 10015c higher; year
lings, $4.2505.00; wethers. $3,750
4.25; ewe3, $3.0004.00; lambs, $5.50
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, July 6. Cattle Receipts.
12,000; steady to 10015c higher:
Iteers, $6.608.25; cows, $3.6005.50;
heifers, $3.5006 90; calves, $5,400
6.25: bulls, $4.5005.25; stockers and
feeders. $3 7505.15. Hogs Receipts
30,000; firm; choice heavy shipping,.
$6 7006 80; butchers, $6 6506 75.
light mixed, $6 3506.50; choice light
$6.5006 65; packing. $5.7506.40; pigs.
$4.5006.00 Sheep Receipts. 13.000;
firm, sheep, $3 7504.40; lambs, $5.00
07.00; yearlings. $4.7505.80.
Ajr jMur- - IL-.V
Full Line of Auto. Accessories Mochines for Rent
Wema i specialty of train calls and short trips
Machine Oil Big stock or Repairs
Newberry's Hardware Co.
Views and
Work & &
Alliance Art Studio
M. E. GREDE, Propr.
Artistic Portraits a Specialty
I OWHERE can quality be made
" -""H; u -" ki
steam launderine means more
ough cleansing with steam and harmless soap; 2d finishing by good
machinery and skilled lannr. Plain rlnthse elm... .o ,.-w u
lancy articles. Won't
..u 1 ,uu jci us auuw your triune iou
I -A.llia.3a.ce Steam. i
Qince purchasing the hardware stock of Mr. Gadsby
- we have added a car of mills and nnmn- VJ
d shall also continue our
p neating. uoods and
. 11
respectfully solicit your patronage &
The John Hague Company
j 'jivfv'.fcVAJr,i' w k VeA. vv. - v
E R E E !
Live Stock Commission Company
South Omaha, Neb., or South St. Joseph, Mo.,
and they will send you their celebrated Weekly Market
Tag, free of charge during the shipping season.
Checkered Front
OSCAR BRAMAN . Proprietor.
-m Mr i .u --v JBratB ..n.i-r
Garage, 33
House, 225
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
DierksLumber SCoal Co.
Phone 22
D. Waters, Mgr.
In Every
Style j & Jt
to express care and skill more than
tiumcs iwioicu anywnere. nut
than wachpH. T, m.on. ... .v.
you let us show vou? PHONE Ifn
line in plumbing- and
work guaranteed.