The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 02, 1908, Image 8

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r,T All kinds and sizes T,,
Sky ,Rockets,
Roman Candles,
Pin Wheels
Everything to make
this the most glorious
Fourth ever
Fireworks that Work Right
We have five
applicants for
vacant houses
List your house
if you .want it
rented, i;,.
Nebraska Land Co.
Watch this space every issue for bargains
State of Nebraiks, Box llutto County.
To all Demons Interested In tlm ittn nt r.n.
Vlnlu A. HcrrlCk.Uta of Uhlcago.Oook Coun
ty, iiunuii, .unceusour
. You uro liorulr notlflod that on tho SUth day
tltlon in the connty court of said county for
Mioiippoinuiuwioi ttUKenauarion as mltnln.
istratorof tho estate of Lavlnla A. Hori-lei?.
late of Ohtcngo, CvoU County. Illinois, do
ccnecd, and tbat tho same will bo heard nt the
county court room In tho city of Alliance, in
said , county, on tho aotli day of July, 1008, at
It Is further ordered that notice of said licar
lns be given all parties Interested In said es
tate by the publication of this notice for three
successive weeks In the Alliance lleruld, a
nouritianor printed, published, and 'Circulated
In said conntv.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
mum nuu uuicmi Beat uiisuiiaay orjune.lPOH.
fpJuno2.V3w County Judge.
or TUB
1. The nnmo of this corporation shall bo
Tho Freeman Cattlo Company,
2. Its principal placo of l)uMnoss shall bo at
Ellsworth, Bherldan county, Nebraska
3. Tho general natnro of the bnslness to be
conducted shall bo tho buyina and selling of
cattlp and other livestock, nnd tho production
of tho samo for tho market and sale. Also to
hold, purchase, sell and mortgage real estate;
. 4. Tho amount of capital stock authorized
' I fty Thousand Dollars, divided Into shares
of One Hundred Dollars each, of which nt least
Twenty Thousand Dollurs shall be paid In nt
the time of commencement of business,
5. The corporation shall begin business on
tho Uth daypf May, ltW,nnd shall contlnuo
for a period of twenty years .unless soouerdls
solved by n majority of thrcc-llfths of tho
a. Tho highest amount of indebtedness for
which this corporation shall be liable at any
ono time shall not exceed two-thirds of tho
capital stock,
7. The ulTnJrs of thU corporation shall bo
managed by a board of directors consisting of
three persons who shall In stockholders In tho
corporate n and who shall serve for a term of
one year ter tho annual meeting of tho stock
holders, or until theli successors in ofllco aro
Tho State of NobraskuJ ia thacounty
llox llutto county, court '.,
In tho matter of tho estate of Mary llrost. do
ceased. To the creditors of suld esutb :
You aro hereby liotlfied. that I will sit at
the county court room In Alliance In said
county, on tho 23rd day of November, 1D08, at
10 o clock a. in., to receive und examine all
claims against said estate, with a view to their
adjustment und allowanco, The tiiuo limited
for tho presentation of claims oualnst said es
state Is blx months, from tho Sid days of Juno.
A. I). KOf. und the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 5d day of June,
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court, this 2id day of June, 1008.
2S-3w , UA, IIkuiiy, County Judge.
State of Neurasku, Hox Butto County.
To-nAl '0J Interested in tho estate of
K. alter Iierrick, drcased :
Vtiereucarali Louise Derrick, of Chicago.
Cook comity. Illinois, has Hied In my offlco an
Instrument purporting to be a certified copy
of the Inst will and testament of E. Walter
Herrick. late of Chicago. Cook County, Illinois,
demised, and said Sarah LouUo Herrick has
filed her petition herein praying to have tho
same admitted to probato, and for the Issuing
of letters of Administration with tho will un
nexed .Issued to Eugene Hurtou, of Alliance.
Box llutto County, Nebraska, which will re
latos to both real and personal estate.
I have therefore unpointed the !Ui day of
July, I60i at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, at
the county court room In said county, as tho
time and placo for hearing said will, at which
time and place you and all concerned may ap
pear and contest the allowing of the same.
It Is further ordered tli t said petitioner give
notice to all persons Interested In said estate of
the pendency of this petltlon.and the time and
place set for hearing of the same, by cuuslng
u copy of this order to be published in The
Alllauce Herald, u newspaper printed and
published and clrcuiuted (i said,. comity, for
three weeks successively previous to tho day
set for the hearing. .. .
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and official seal thin sub day of June.lMM.
fpJuneU5-3w County Judge.
II Brakeman T, E.. Marriott is a now1
II E. Miller and son aro on a brief
visit to Omaha,
II Brakeman T. M. Griffith isvisiting
in Lincoln this wefjk.
II Brakeman G. C. McClcan has left
the scrvico and will go to Chadron.
Machinist G. V, Kirchman left this
morning for Denver to spend tho fourth
with friends.
II John Hanson was called to Tabic
Rock Saturday on account of tho illness
of his sister.
II Engineer W. E. Janes and family
left? this morning for Longmcnt, Colo.,
to spend tho Fourth,
II Brakeman C, G. Olson and wifo
aro on an extended visit with relatives
and friends in Chicago.
II Brakcmen G. H. Young, W. H.
Beach and U. N. Hoskins have been
promoted to conductors.
II W. S. Wheaton is acting night fore
man of tho roundhouse during tbo ab
sence of Machinist Shull.
II Machinist Win. Healy went to Den
ver Tuesday to spend tho Fourth with
his family who rcsido there.
II Mrs. L. E. Cox left Saturday even
ing for an extended visit with relatives
and friends in Galva, Illinois.
II Operator A. Nelson and family ar
rived on 44 Wednesday from Edgcmont
and will mako their homo here.
II W. T. Schlupp and wifo expect to
leave tho last of tho week for a few
days' visit with friends in the Spcarfish
II Mrs, C. A. Wcthcrell returned last
Wednesday from Bayard, where she
had been, visiting her mother, Mrs, G.
L. Millikcn.
II Gcn'l Supt. L. B. Allen and Supt.
J. C. Birdscll left for Omaha Tuesday
night to attend a meeting of officials of
tho company.
II Brakeman F. C. Randall has pur
chased a peanut and popcorn, wagon,
and left this week for Crawford to put
it in operation.
II Machinist W. B. Shull and wife
were called to Peoria, Illinois, Friday,
on account of Mrs. Shull's sister being
Prowned. Particulars not known here.
II A letter receiyed from J. W. Gad
dis this week from Boise, Idaho, spates
that he and his family are enjoying thg
best of health and liko their now homo
very much,
II B. L. Rowe, until recently employ
ed hero as blacksmith helper, left on 43
Wednesday for Sheridan, Wyo., where
ho has accepted a more lucrative posi
tion as blacksmith.
II B, C. Anderson, who has been con
fined to his room for the last two weeks
with malarial fover is able to bo about,
and will resume his duties in the super
intendent's office in a few days.
II Engineers I. U. Hager, O. Haw
kins, C. E. Wills, F. E. Allen and C.
H. Rockey were in Sheridan this week
attending tho funeral of Engineer Mul
len who was killed on the Sheridan di
vision last week. Road Foreman Dan
Fitzpatrick also attended the funeral.
If there were a project on foot to lo
cate a public road to your detriment,
would you vote for a member of the
county board who favored tho project,
merely because he was the nominee of
your party? Why not exercise similar
common sense when voting to fill higher
It is time to stop voting for Andrew
Jackson and Abraham Lincoln, A bad
measure is a bad measure, no matter
how illustrious the history of tho party
that favors it. Taft is alive, and he
opposed the Oklahoma constitution and
its promise to guarantee bank deposits.
Bryan is alive, and he favored that con
stitution and the guarantee of bank de
posits. Choose between Bryan and
Taft, liviug not between Jackson and
Lincoln, dead.
When J. Pierpont Morgan was told
that Taft had been nominated by the
republican national convention, he is
reported by the Associated Press to
have jumped to his feet, clapped his
hand? and cried '"goodl good!" In its
first edition after tho nomination the
infamous New York World said: "Taft
will be elected, and his nomination
means the end of Roosevelt and Roose
veltism." The question naturally arises,
If the nomination of Taft can be satis
factory to the criminal rich of the Mor
gan stripe, and if the election of Taft
shall mean "the end of Rooseyelt and
Rooseveltism," as proclaimed by the
New York W6rld, speaking for the aris
tocratic element in the democratic par
ty, then how can any honest man in the
agricultural west find satisfaction in the
election of a candidate so pleasing- to
Am Election
Pertinent Points About Our Election
Machinery For New Voters and Old
At what age is a man eligible for the presidency of the United States!
At thirty-five .years.
Must he he a native of tho United States?
No. But ho must be what tho constitution describes as "a natural
born citizen," which means that ho must bo born either in tho United
States or of parents who aro citizen's of 'tho United States temporarily
sojourning abroad.
Will yon cite an instance of a
ontside the United States?
Cortainly. Mayor McClellan of New York, who was born in Sax
ony while his parents were visiting there, is a natural born citizen of
tho United States and therefore eligible to the presidency. Ho is a
natural born American citizen because his parents wero American cit
izens at tho time of his birth.
Is the president elected by popular vote ?
Ho is not He is olectod by a body of men called tho electoral col
logo, each momber of which is called n presidential elector.
By whom are the presidential electors elected?
By tho people. In each state tho electors aro chosen by tho voters
on a general state ticket.
How long is ,the term for which the president is elected?
Four years. J
Is he eligible for a third term?
Ho is. Thero is no constitutional prohibition, though there fa a
"third term tradition" which by popular demand limits a president to
two terms, and thus far this demand
A pasty is no better than its leaders,
and the leaders are no better than the
influences that control them. If you
want to know where the team will go,
study tho. driver. If you want to know
what tho driver will do, study his em
ployer. If you want to know the influ
ence which, built the republican nation
al platform in Chicago, just read the
answer in the smiles of satisfaction on
the faces of all tho trust magnates in
Mrs. O.S. Nelson, of Fremont, claims
to have been cured of rheumatism by sleep
ing with a dog. We prefer rheumatism. ,
In tho District Court of Uox Bu)to County:
Harney McOabo,
vS. .
flary E. Heed. Glrurd
'Trust Company, and
Glrurd Llio Insur
ance Annuity Trust
Company, trustee.
Mary E. Heed,. Glrnrd Trust Company, and
Glrurd Llfo Insurance Annuity Trnst Com-
Sany, trusteo. will take uOtlco that on the 7th
ay of February, A. D. 1P08, the plaintiff filed
his petition In tlio District Court of Hox llutto
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which aro to set uslde
and cancel a sheriff's deed executed by tho
sheriff of snid county to the defendant, The
Qirard Trust Company, trustee, on tho 24th
day of Juno, A. D. 1M, and recorded In tho
office of tho county clerk of said county in
Hook I, pane 413, uMho deed records of Bald
county, for tho southwest quarter of section
ten, In township tweiity-elght, north of range
fortv-soven. west of the sixth principal merid
ian in Nebraska: and to quiet und confirm tho
tltlo to suld roal eatnto In the said plaintiff,
Uurnoy McCabo; and also to cancel and set
aside the decree of foreclosure rendered In the
District Court of Hox llutto county In an ac
tion wherein Mary E. Heed was plaintiff nnd
W. II. Lannlng, W. H.Lannlng truetee, Thom
as Frahm, beneficiary of W. H. Lannlng trus
tee, K. 11. Hallard. Uarney McCube, tho plnln
tlff herein, and others were defendants; which
action is numbered 1552 of tht records of auld
court and on which docreo said sheriff's deed
was issued.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before tho tenth day of August, A. D. 1008.
HAHNEY McOAUE. Plaintiff.
By W. M. Iodenck, his attorney. fp July 2
PICKING out the right man for the place, it often measurea
the difference, between success and failure In a business.
More often It measures the difference between a mod
crate tucceso and a phenomenal one.
Twenty or more years ago a carriage factory was started
with the idea of doing things in an original way, and a man
was chosen to carry out the Idea. He had had no previous
experience In that line, but he had the right Idea and grasped
the plan enthusiastically. The work began on a simple scale,
so that the Inexperienced man was able to feel hla way. The
business grew until it attained great proportions. The same
man Is still at the head of it, not as the owner, but as the
manager. He proved to be the right man for the place. It
would be difficult to Imagine how he might have made the
business more successful In that particular line.
In thinking of this the thought occurred to me, suppose
some other man had been chosen In the beginning. 8uppose
he had had wide experience, but a different Idea. He might
havo made more rapid progress at the start, or he might have
turned the whole business Into other channels and have given
It a different character. He .might not have been able to grow
up with It, or might have left it after the first year's trial.
The present greatness of the business might have been un
known to-day If It hadn't been that the right man was chosen
when the business was small.
(CopyrlfM, 1M7, by JoMpb D. Bowl.)
natural born citizen who was bora i
never has been overcomo.
Weekly Report of Payments Toward
the Erection of the School Building.
Following is the amount of money
received for the Sisters' Academy and
by whom paid. Much of this is only
part payment of subscriptions. The
committee is now out collecting and the
amount received will be published
previously acknowledged $10,145.05
Armour & Co 50.00
RtJ. Hill ,. 25.00
ftf. Hagerty 15.00
Dr.-, Bowman 50.00
B, F, Ankeny 25.00
Burke Bros 25.00
The Famous 30.00
Total ( $10,365.05
8tato of Nebraska, I -
Hox Dutto county, f "
At a county court, held at tho county court
room. In and for said connty, Juno SO, IP08,
Presont, L. A. Berry, county Judge.
In the matter of tho estato of Ernest E. Daugh
rty, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Dertha
Daughtry, praying that administration of
said estate may be granted to liur as adminis
tratrix. 'Ordorod, that July Uth, 1008, nt 10 o'clock u.
in., is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested In said matter may ap
pear at a county court to be held in and for
said county, und show cause why tho prayer
of petitioner should not be granted; and that
notlco of tho pendency of said petition and
tho hearing thereof, bo given to all persons In
terested in said matter by publishing o copy
of this order In The alliance Hebald, a
weekly newspaper printed In suld county, for
three successive weeks, prior to suld day of
hearing. L. A. Ueiiuv. County Judge.
G. T. It. Baucock. Atty. for Petitioner. 28-3w
ii3:EX-3sr ospzek. lEarcnrrsis
PL J mi. m"lji ma ULL
. mm ?. m 1
Popular Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c
ill 1 .u.,1.1, ..iTi m 1 i
lalllllllK assist johw&&P1IISsH
sllllBr'ilKv ? v-t&agS&S
1 iiH$A!iiMBB
Groceries, Shoes, Shirts,
Gloves, Overalls,
Hosiery, Candies, Fresh
Frilit A Few Small Notions
Lamberson & Clason have dissolved. partner
ship but Clason Is still in business
Furniture and Carriage Upholstering a Specialty
We Take up CARPETS, Clean and Lay Them
Furniture crate$ with care
All work satisfactory All work called for
Located back of Kibble's office
R R E E !
Live Stock Commission Company
South Omaha, Neb., or South St. Joseph, Mo.,
and they wjll send you their celebrated Weekly Market
Tag, free of charge during the shipping season.
TliO HOniO P3pOi wWchou have thlrelain-
issue will prove a welcome visiter to every member of the family,
should bead your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. (
' .v -
Supported by the
Clever Little Comedian
and , , y
In Three Great New York Successes
A Merry Widow
Are You Crazy?
Lion and the Mouse
Patrons Concede that
Prices ARE Really
FURNITURE of all kinds, also
stoves, bicycles, baby carriages,
sewing machines and umbrellas
In fact, anything to be repaired
terest the horne news. Its ev
iuqsb uuu imercsisr t .-,