The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 02, 1908, Image 5

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Claud Brown cauio down from Hem
ingford yesterday.
"Are you going to Denver," is tbe
leading question of the day.
Miss Inice McCorkle is recovering
from her illness with tonsilitis.
Miss Ward of Sturgis, S..D., is the
guest of her brother, Jack Ward.
Louis Bucchscnstein and son were at
Ellsworth the first of the week.
A bright baby boy was born, to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Boland Monday.
Mrs. Sherwood of Hemingford was
in the city the forepart of the week.
Wm. Welch, the saad hills rancher,
came up from Bingham last Tuesday.
Father McNamara was at Hyannis
last Tuesday on his monthly mission
Mrs. Frank Fleming of Pasadena,
Cali., is visiting old-time friends in
this city.
Mrs. Geo. Mollring entertained the
Cheese and Cracker club yesterday
Mrs. Campbell of Salt Lake is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Hill, aud sister,
Mrs. W. G. Eubanks.
Miss Madalene Carey went to Hem
ingfgrd Saturday afternoon to visit her
sister, returning Sunday.
Postmaster Tash and family went to
Marsland Friday and visited until Sun
day at the McLaughlin home.
Dr. and Mrs. Slagle returned the
first of the week from Chicago where
they have been visiting for several
C. C. Smith and F. W. Lester sold a
car of horses to Uncle Sam this week,
making delivery at Fort Robinson on
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Henderson of
Angora rejoice over the arrival of a
baby boy who was born to them last
Guy Lockwood left the first of the
week for Kearney where he will spetld
most of the summer looking after busi
ness matters.
Miss Attie Snow, of- the Alliance P.
O. D., and her niece visited with the
former's parents at Marsland. the f ore
parttof this week. .-.- '
.C. J. Wldy.and e;SnAMr?Wer:
. ,lman,yJldycame1dQ5p.."'fr1pm1 Herning-
ford Tuesday, and.vspeut! a .couple 6f
days, .with friends,' -i";
The male population of We'stlawn
was increased last 'Sunday by the ar
rival of a baby boy at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Ramsey.
Dr. Copsey and sister, Miss Pearl,"
entertained their father and mother last
Sunday on their way home to Broken
Bow from a trip to the Hills.
Walter Kent was in the city from
Long Lake last Tuesday. Walter says
crops are fine out his way and the cele
bration at the lake will be a stem winder.
One of the features of police court
this week was the fining of a wife-beater,
who paid S50.00. last Monday for
the pleasure of beating bis better half.
Father McNamara was accompanied
on his return from Omaha by his father
who is enjoying the comfort of the de
lightful summer atmosphere of western
Mrs. James Hunter and son Robert
returned yeste'rday'f rorri Fremont where
they have been the past week at a fam
ily reunion of Mrs. Hunter's brothers
and sisters.
F. Avery came up from Orlando
' Tuesday. He returned Wednesday ac
companied by his daughter, Mrs. Belle
Brennan, who will visit at the parental
home a few weeks.
There will be a dance at the home of
Tom Briggs, twenty miles northeast of
Alliance, Friday evening, July :o, for
the benefit of school district No.' 130.
Everybody invited.
A. T. Hemingway, traveling auditor
of the Forest Lumber company, arrived
in the city Tuesday morning from
- Kansas City, an an inspection tour of
their yards in the west.
Li M. McCoy, a well known stock
manof Dawes county, had business in
the metropolis Saturday. Mr. McCoy
does considerable of his trading here,
especially in the hardware line.
The Herald has printed several thou
sands official programs for the Fourth
of July celebration in this city. Those
interested can secure copies from the
entertainment or publicity committee.
J. A. Clason desires to call the at
tention of Herald readers to his ad in
another column relative to furniture
and carriage upholsteriug and general
repair work. It you have furniture to
crate, see him.
Last Thursday evening at the Hotel
N6rth-West Mrs; Nellie Hillier gave a
six o'clock dinner in honor of Mrs. Ford.
Those present were Mr. and Mm.
Nelson Fletcher, Mrs. Ford, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Mollring,Miss Flmma Souels
and Miss Estcllo. Bohn.
Business in real estate circles was
rather quiet the past week, the only
transfer being as follows: Charles A.
Barney to C. Hcnnings, sw 17-26-50,
$1,000. -
The woman's foreign missionary so
ciety of the M. E. church will serve ico
cream, cake and lemonade on Bclwood
lawn on the Fourth for the benefit of
the famine sufferers of India.
A stranger by the name of Ellworth
Owens was takf n to the hospital last
night suffering with typhoid fever. His
home is in Cleveland, Ohio, nnd ho was
connected with the Sells-Floto show
until recently.
Mrs. John Brennan has the pleasure
of the company of her sister, Miss
Jennie Ready, and her cousin, Miss
Lydia Gorman, both of St. Paul, Minn.,
for the summer. The visitors arrived
here last Tuesday.
Tpny Nelson and family returned
yesterday from Edgcmont, where Mr.
Nelson has been located lor some time
in the telegraphic department of the
Burlington and will now act in n like
cavacity at Alliance.
Mrs. Nelson entertained the basket
ball team from two o'clock to six Tues
day afternoon. The time was spent in
playing cards and a delicious luncheon
was served. Mrs. Nelson was assisted
by Mrs. Roy Beckwith.
Mr. aud Mrs. Buclmcr of Lincoln
were the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Jerry
Rowan a couple of days the forepart
of the week. Mr. and . Mrs. Buehner
had been visiting their son at Morrill
and were en route home.
Mrs. R. H. Hart was operated on at
the hospital and returned to her home
much improved in health. Miss Myrtle
Brown of the sand hill country was
also at the hospital last week haying an
operation performed for defective eye
sight. It is said there is an extra large crop
of grouse this season. But as it is
rather early to count the birds before
they ard batched, we advise nimrods
not to count on too. many birds when
they start out on the campaign of de
struction. The Alliance ball team went to.Craw-
ford yesterday where they got a,'i trirpj
ming by the local clubof that place, &
to 1. A dance was giveja't .the. opera!
nouse ju ine evening in uuuut -pi ioe
visiting, club. The- Alliance -boys re-1
turried this morning.
The Thiele drug store has a most
appropriate window display this week.
Neatly arranged are bandages and lin
iments that will come in handy when
little Johnie and Willie proceed to cel
ebrate the glorious Fourth in true Am
erican style with firecrackers and tbe
A glorious rain fell over western Ne
braska Tuesday night thoroughly soak
ing the ground and practically insuring
the crops throughout this part of the
state. It means millions of dollars for
the people of western Nebraska and
therefore let us rejoice and be thankful
for the same.
Messrs. W. O. Barnes, J. O. Thomas
and Frank Brennan attended the ball
game at Crawford yesterday. As train
No. 43 pulled out an Innocent'bystander
on the platform was kidnapped by the
trio who kindly' paid his way to Craw
ford but as No. 44 passed at Berea the'
aforesaid bystander made a flying
catch aud returned to Alliance.
Mrs. A. E. Nelson was hostess at a
delightful party given at her home on
Toluca avenue Tuesday afternoon from
3 to 6. The guests were Mrs. Rowan,
Beckwith, Beck, Bishop, Brennan,
Cornue, Grothe, Holly, Matthews,
Tubbs, Waite, Wade, also Mrs. Beaner
Of Ravenna. They were entertained
at cards after which an elaborate five
course luncheon was served.
Sam Albro will leave for Denver Sun
day morning to assume his duty as one
of the special police at the democratic
national convention. We hope our
worthy representative acting in this ca
pacity will permit the Alliance Bryan
"rooters" to go their best on this occa
sion. . And we believe he will, for there
is no more enthusiastic admirer of the
illustrious Nebraskan than Mr. Albro.
The brick work on St. Agnes acad
emy is completed and the plumbers
will finish up possibly this week. The
beautiful building will soon be enclosed
aud the work of completing the interior
will be rushed along as fast as possible.
It is thought that the sisters will be
here some time during the latter part
of July or first of next month to look to
their part of the affair. Surely, St.
Agnes academy presents a magnificent
view. Contractor. Reck will soon have
the brick work on the new public high
school pushed forward and that struc
ture too will add to the thrift and pro
gressive appearance of our city.
Thcro was war among the cement
sidewalk builders one day this week
when for awhile things were quite lively
aud knockout blows were wielded in
every direction. Jealousy is said to be
the "paramount issue" in the disturb
ance. One of the participants made a
most enviable pugilistic record by
knocking out three of the opposition.
As a result of the unpleasantness, the
city treasury is $30 to the good,.
Harry Skccls, a popular traveling
salesman for the Hcinzo Pickle compa
ny, is interviewing Alliance merchants
today. This concern carries fifty-seven
varieties of its excellent products and it is
said that Mr. Skcels contemplates adding
another, which for fine flavor and gener
al superiority will surpass them all..
And it is pleasing to note that Box
Butte will furnish the product for the
fifty-eighth variety, Mr. Skeels having
selected it as the best in the large terri
tory he covers.
J. C. Parkin of Edgcmont, S. D.,
stopped in Alliance last Saturday fore
noon on his return from Logan, Iowa,
where he had been to attend the funeral
of a brother. Mr. Parkin was a pioneer
settler in this county but has been
living near Edgemont for the past nine
years. Ho met a number of old-time
friends during his brief visit here and
it is his intention to spend a few days
when he comes again. His son Roy
was recently married and is principal
of a school in Wyoming. The many
friends ol the family will be glad .to
learn that they are enjoying health aud
Ran Out of Gasoline.
Dr. Bowman received his new Lam
bert auto the latter part of the week,
and is now prepared to reach a hurry
call on short notice, provided he does
not run out of gasoline, etc. The doc
tor is proving an expert chauffeur, not
having climbed any telephone poles or
trees up to this time.
Later The editor has just received
a telephone, message from the doctor
saying that he is stalled six miles
northeast of Alliance where he run out
of gasoline and we shall go to his rescue
wiiu uui uuim, rruibu, ur mo m;i
recently played the same trick on. us
when six "miles northwest of town.
Even the automobile man has
Amnnir . thnctn urtirv .will attftnri
national convention at DenreV-will bC
Conductor Dick Burke and .his .worthy'
understudy, "Billy" Heelan who left
yesterday morning to arrange matters.
They have secured quarters, for' the J
great affair, and can be found at the
slated for
Brown Palace. Dick is
speech and "Billy" is down for a,
clog dance at the convention, so that
will help some in representing Alliance
at the great gathering. After the
strenuous work of the convention;
Messrs. Burke and Heelan will go to
Omaha for a few days' rest at Krug's
park. They will be met at the train
by a reception committee on their re
turn home. ,wrwww,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Newberry enter
tained a large number of young people
some were not so young but all were
unmarried in their fine new home last
Thursday evening. The time was pass
ed very pleasantly playing high five,
followed by a delicious luncheon, after
which a number enjoyed tripping tim
light fantastic toe. As champion card
players, Mis3 Myrtle Carlson and T.N,
Waller were awarded prizes, while Miss
Ethel Nolan and A. W. Pierson carried
off tbe consolation gifts. The married
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Newberry will
have their turn next fpr an enjoyable
evening at this hospitable home.
C. A. Newberry and C. O. Aspenwall
made a trip in tbe former's auto to El
dred's ranch, some thirty-five miles
southeast, last Sunday. Although the
roads were very sandy in many places,
the high-wheeled machine went through
without difficulty.
A Jewel Beyond Price.
Many years ago a Norwegian was
taken to n big London hospital suffer'
Ing from an illness which prevented
him from earning his living. Sir Fred
erick Troves operated upon him and
completely cured him of his trouble.
Somo weeks afterward tho man called
upon Sir Frederick at his private house,
and, much to bis surprise, presented
him with a coin. At first Sir Frederick
refused to take It, but tho man would
not be put off.
"It Is now three years since I left my
natiyo Innd," he said, "and before I
camo nway my wife gavo mo this coin
nnd told me never to part with it un
less I was starving. It la not worth
anything, but tho value to me I cnuuot
express. When I was in tbe hospital I
made up my mind that you should
have it. Since you cured mo I have
been starving, but I would not part
with the coin because J wanted you to
havo it as a small return for saving my
VW.hat magnificent piece of Jewelry,"
said Sir Frederick when he told tbe
story, "coild equal the value of that
coin?" London M. A. P.
Narrow Escape from
Shocking Death
John Shirk, night employe at the
Burlington shops, was quite painfully
injured last .Sunday morning whilo at
tempting to board the engine ou train
No. 42, which arrives here at 4 a. in.
Mn Shirk was doing work on the Den
ver passenger train locomotivo at the
time 42 came in, and as tho etigiuo of
that train passed, he attempted to get
ou the steps between locomotive aud
tender but missed his hold on the rod
and fell with his head so close to tho
rail that tho boxings of the tender
struck him ns thoy passed, almost
tearing tho scalp from his head. Ho
was in a most dangerous position nnd
but for the timely assistance sf Brake
inau E; E. Terry who dragged him
from beneath the train, would doubt
less have been crushed to death.
Tho injured man was taken to Dr.
Copscy's office where his wounds were
dressed and ho was carried to his homo
in the cast part of the city where ho
remained unconscious the greater part
of Sunday and Monday. However, no
serious complications have appeared,
and Mr., Shirk is now ni a fair way to
recover. rrwwr.
Two Games Taken
From the Maywoods
And still the Alliance ball team has
met no foe equal its metal.
Last Sunday the loudly heralded
Maywood, Furnas county, ball team
appeared on the diamond here to double
up our aggregation and throw them
over the fence. At least that was the
expectation and a great crowd was on
hand to witness the "stunt," For the
first two innings of the game things
looked mighty blucish for the Alliancq
team. Hull's work in tbe box was un
certain and the visitors pounded him
for three scores. But things took a
sudden change in the fourth inning and
from then on the homo team pounded
the leather and the assistance of a num
ber of errors succeeded in rolling up
twelve scores, closing the game 12 to 7.
The battery was Hull and Freer for
(Alliance, Vann and Ruppert for May-
wood. ',, Umpire, Leidy.
2 iThaFqond game was played Mou
day with Maywood and a better sample
Lof bal playing was produced. The scora
was a tie in tbe ninth inning, Alliance
winning by a score of 5 to 4 in tho
tenth. Batterics:: " Copsey and 'Freer
V0t 'A'11?! 'Waciolti and, Rupgert
iui iiiiijwuuu. unique, uuiuric.
Death of Truman Brown
The remains of Truman J. Brown,
accompanied by his son, I. A. Brown,
M. D,, arrived here this morning on 43
from Zcaring, Iowa, where Mr. Brown
died last Monday of chronic nephritis,
aged 83 years. Deceased was well
known in this county, where he resided
for twenty-one years, removing to Iowa
five years ago. He was here only a few
weeks ago looking after property inter
ests and seemed in good health and spir
its for one of his age. The funeral took
place today from the Baptist church,
Rev. Jeffers conducting the services,
and the remains were interred beside
his wife in Greenwood cemetery. Mr.
'Brown leaves three sons, T. F. , of this
place, Dr. Brown f Zearing, Io., and
Cal of Chicago.
At the Phelan Opera House Tonight
At last local theatre patrons can feel
assured of seeing the latest New York
city plays at popular prices. The Lor
raine Keene company, a high-class rep
ertoire organization, will play a three
nights engagement at the Phelan opera
house, commencing Thursday, July 2d,
and will produce three of the very best
plays now before the public, "A Merry
Widow," "Are You Crazy?" and "The
Lion and the Mouse." Just think of
seeing such productions at 25, 35 and
50c prices. Miss Lorraine Keene is
supported by a clever aud capable com
pany of real artists. Remember, this
is not a cheap repertoire company play
ing a lot ol old plays under new titles,
but it is a high-class stock company
'playing only the latest successful pro
B. E. Johnson of Hem
ingford returned this week
from Omaha, where he
purchased two cars of
mowers and binders of the
Johnson and Acme manu
facture, also a large supply
of twine. It will pay those
in need of such machinery
to call and inspect his line
and get prices.
8 Miss Hntton visited in Crawford
Saturday and Sunday.
8 Miss Anna Beaumont spent Sunday
with her parents at Girard.
2 Miss Manchic Berry went to her
homo at Reno Friday afternoon.
8 Misses Delia Strong and Lottio
Crowther spent Sunday with relatives
at Lakeside.
2 Misses Clara Burri and Gladys Bur
leigh went to Hemingford Friday after
noon, returning Sunday.
8 Misses Matic Kinsley nnd Edith
Mastrudo spent Saturday and Sunday
at tho homo of tho former in Heming
ford. 8 Miss Jessie Lcavitt-spent Saturday
and Sunday at her homo ucar Girard.
She was accompanied by Misses Jossio'
and Sadie Hacker.
3 Misses Augio Hickcy, Mario Basse,
Julia Nagelschucidcr, Ella Dclsing, Ol
ga Moe, Mario Hansen and Amelia
Klccman spent Sunday at Hemingford.
2 New enrollments this week aro as
follows: Edith Sago, Simla; Lula Wil
son, Antioch; Hazel Edwards, Mitch
ell, This makc3 the total enrollment,
The fishing excursion planned by the
faculty for last Salurdny failed to ma
terialize, so the fish stories that were
prepared for use will be reserved for a
future occasion.
8 Mrs. D. W. Hayes and children,
who havo heeu visiting relatives at Lin
coln, since tho close of the Alliance pub
lic schools, arrived home Saturday, and
Mr. Hayes now looks as though life
were once more worth living.
8 Rev. Jeffers conducted devotional
exercises at the chapel Tuesday morn
ing and also addressed tho teachers,
on "School Ethics." His remarks were
practical and told in such a way as to
make them interesting. The students
hope ho may be able to talk to them
again during the session of the normal.
2 County Supt. Phtlipps attended the
annual school meeting in district No. 14
Monday, This is his home district and
he is anxious to have school matters in.
this district in a satisfactory condition.
Monday at' their annual meeting they
voted to build a new school house, put
inrnow desks and other necessary ma'
ruA'C&pty-W. R. Akers gave the second
niyriler qf .the lecture course at thejPhe
Ian opera house Wednesday night. It
was an illustrated lecture on "The Holy
Land." Views of Jerusalem and inter
esting places in and about, Jerusalem
were shown and explained by the 'cap
tain. Capt. Akers has an illustrated
lecture on Mexico, which be intends to
give in Alliance at some date in the
near future.
3 The ladies of the town came out
Wednesday evening with a grim deter
mination to haul down the normal col
ors in a game of basket ball, but once
more the normalitcs carried away the
victory. The game was hotly contested
from start to finish. At the cud of the
first half the score was 1 to 1, but dur
ing the second half the normal girls
gained on their visitors, and the score
at the close of the game was 7 to .3 in
tavor of the normal team.
. 3 Dr, L. P. Ludden, secretary o'Clne
normal school board, was in town Mon
day and .Inspected the school, hut was
unable ta remain to lecture Monday as
was announced last week. Circum
cumstances over which he bad no con
trol made it necessary for him to leave
here Monday afternoon on 43. How
ever, Pr. Ludden gave an address to
the students at chapel on the subject of,
"Opportunity," and for an hour he held
their closest attention by his eloquence
and wit. It is unfortunate that the
people of Alliance were not privileged
to hear him.
3 Supt. Ritchie gave a chapel talk on
the prices teacher must pay to acquire
success in her profession. As a pre
lude to his remarks he read a parody,
presumably of his own composition, on
Poe's The Raven," which gave the
students an insight into the poetical
tendencies of his nature, a characteris
tic not heretofore suspected, hut which
adds greatly to his value as an instruc
tor in English. It is not known whether
this poetry is a result of delayed spring
fever or an indication that the little god
of love has let fly a shaft in his direc
tion. Further developments will be
awaited with great anxiety by the stu
dent body.
Taken to the Reform School.
Geo. Rolland, who was arrested last
week for stealing a sum of mouey at
the uornfal school, mention of which
was made in The Herald at the time,
was ordered taken to the reform school
at Kearney by Judge
Berry last Sat-
urday. -
Special sale of muslin underwear at
Colo photograph vour home
whilo tho grass is green to send to your
relatives and friemds from back east
and tako advantage of the cheap rates.
29-21 l.
Jordan sharpens lawn mowers. 28tf
WantedTo buy a five or six room
house, or vacant lot, in tho northwest
part of the city. W. H. Holtz.
Wo nlways havo money to loan on
farm land aud city, property, .,
i8-tf F. E. Rehdisii.
When you watit a carriage or vehicle
of any kind repaired remember that
Jordan & Son of Alliance is the only
firm in the city that is doing first-class
work in this line. 2S-tf
Try Pardy's Cottage Bread.
For Rent Four-room house on Mis
souri aye Christian Matz, 28-4t
Go to Pardy's Bakery for your Pies
and Cakes.
Seo F. E.
Reddish for
loans on real
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk
Just received, n car of ( famous John
Deere & Velio buggies that will bo sold
at a sacrafico or will trado for horses.
5itf J. R. Jordan.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houso blk.
Don't forget that Jordan & Son do
fust-class carriage painting, and car
riage and wagon rcprfir work, 27-tf
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houso blk.
Pardy'B Bakery is 114 West Montana
Tho Denver Times delivered to your
houso every day for 65c per month.
Leave your order at tho Bee Hive store.
Havo you tried Nobo'e bread? 26-tf
Tho John Hague Co. Windmills,
Pumps and Hardware,
Seven-room house, city water, barn,
for rent. A. D.Rodgers. 23-tf.
Have you seen that washing machine
yet? Easiest running machine made.
Only 7.00. At A. D. Rogers. 23-tf.
For a pleasant evening's entertain
ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors.
Don't forget' that Jordan & Son do
firBt-clasS ' carriage painting and car
riage and wagoa'repair'work. 27tf
Krug extra pale beer; 4.50 per case,
pint9 or quarts; Ji.'zo back for empties.
Luxp8 J5.25 per case $1,20 back for
crBpties. Good whiskey, $3 a gallon;
better whiskey 4 per gallon. F. O. B.
Bridgeport, Neb'. Address I. P. Fowl
ston, Bridgeport, Neb, ' 28-4 '
For Sale An extra good four-year
old dark brown Percheron stallion.
Enquire at the Phillips livery barn or
address J. A. Keegan, Alliance. 2t
Thejohu Hague Co., hardware, heat
ing aud plumbing, also tin and galvan
ized work,
Forty acres of hay 'land to lease.
For further particulars' Inquire of P. J.
Nolan. wwwww 20tf
For a pleasant evening's entertain
ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors.
Let the John Hague company figure
on your tin and galvanized iron work;
also plumbing and heating. ,
For Rent A 4-room
quire at Herald office.-
house. In-
Cook Wanted
Wanted Cook or second girl. In
quire at The Herald office. 2g-tf
For Sale at a Bargain
A good two-seated family carriage,
rubber tires, full leather top, leather
spring cushions and backs, never been
used very much. Phone 16 or address
Lock Box 677, Alliance. 2o-it
House and Lot for Sale
New house, just completed, situated
in the northwest part of Alliance, For
particulars, inquire phone 289. ag-tf
This paper can give all tho local
news only aa our friends lend us their
co-operation. It anyone visits you, It
you contemplate leaving town, It you
eoo or hear or do anything out of the
ordinary day's routine, tell us about
It, that we may tell the public.
Your Printing
It should be a fit representative of yoor
business, which means the high grade, ar
tUtlc kind, That.s the kind we do.
Thesr represent ear facilities for doing
the kind of printing that will please yea.
The price arc right, aad proapt delivery
the invariable rale at tak office.