The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 02, 1908, Image 3

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Are You Buying Your
Groceries Right ?
If you want anything- in fancy or. staple
Fresh Fruits,
remember that we have the largest stock in the city
and our. prices are always right
Yours for fair dealing
We are are out for business. See our prices
and our stock of both Omaha and native
Porterhouse 1 Tfri Omaha Oft
Steak, native I ' &
T-Bone 1 fin Omaha 1 Q
Steak, native IO "0
Sirloin Steak ti Om- O
native " aha O
Round Steak 4 r Om- -i
native M - aha
Shoulder Steak
11 . 1A
native il Umaha i
Veal Steak
Veal Chops
Veal Roast
Veal Stew
Best Ham, 17c
Best Bacon, 22c
Smoked Shoulders, 13c Wieners, 10c Hamburger, 10-12
Owing to the fact that our patronage has increased
nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindly
ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos
sible. Phones 131a and 131b.
Palace Meat Market
S. H. DESCH, Prop.
'MMdSJ "
Hartford (Tiro Insurance Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix uf Hlooklyn. Now York.
Continental of New York Olty.
Niagara Klro Insurance Company.
Connoctlcutt Fire
Commercial Union Assurance Co., London
Oormanlu Klro Ins. Co.
Statu of Umaha
Palace Livery Barn
C. C. 8MITII. Prop.
(Successor to S. II. Ocsch)
I iBi I
Rib Roast, ry
nativp m. Jail
2 Omaha v
Roast, nat.
10 Omaha 122
lO Omaha 12 2
Neck Boil, O tfJ
native Omaha
Rib Boil, nat. 7", Omaha,
Briscut Boil, nat. 5, Om.
17j4 Pork Chops - - 15
15 Pork Steak, ham - 15
12 Pork Steak, shoulder Wz
10 Pork Steak, side - V
Second-grade Ham, I5C Sausage, 10c
Bacon, 17c Bologna, oc
Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co.
German Amorlcan Ins. Co., New York.
New l!nmi)hlre
Columbia Fire Insurance Company,
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix Ins. Co.. Hartford, Conn
1'tronians Fund InsuruncoCo.
Itochestur German Ins. Co.
Offlco Lo-ritnlrs. Fletcher lllock.
Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us.
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone 1
Frank Wallace, Prop'r.
Missouri Pacific Asks Leave
to Put in 3-Cent Faro,
Also Wants Permission to Advanco
Frolaht Rates 15 Per Cent Telia
State Commission It Is Losing Money
at Present Reduced Rates.
Lincoln, Juno 30. What may bo the
beginning of a general attempt on tho
part of the railroads of tho stato to
check rata regulation and what Is at
lnst an ondcaror on tho part o one
road to get oU tho bonofit tho prcsont
iltuatlou holds waa made beforo the
Nebraska railway tAnmlsslon, wbeu
tho Missouri Pacific railroad applied
for an early hearing on a rcquost for
tho restitution of tho 3-cent-a-mllo pas
Bcnsor faro ami tho freight rates
chareod beforo tho Aldrlch law wont
Into effect. Tho Gould lino represent
ed to tho commission with much do
tall and an elaborate presentation of
statistics that under ozlsting tariffs It
is losing monoy and that tho deficit
In Nebraska for the year 1907 in pas
senger and freight traffic was $4G4,
466.29. If a 7 por cent dividend had
been paid on the Nobraska Invest
ment, tho road alleges, tho deficit
would have roach ed tho sum of $1,
129,157.32. Under theso conditions tho
request is mado for an early hearing
to tho end that If relief la to bo grant
ed it may como at once.
Decision at Lincoln Reversing Grand
Island Pension Case.
Lincoln, Juno 27. Tho supreme
court, at Its last sitting beforo the
summer vacation, handed down a de
cision reversing tho district court of
Hall county and permitting tho stato
board of publlo lauds and buildings
to doduct a percentage of tho pension
money recolvod by Inmates of tho sol
diers' home at Grand Island.
The case was started by an old sol
dier of Hall county who objectod when
the board changed its practice of
years of demanding all pension money
received over a certain sum In return
for maintenance in the home by order
ing that only a percentage of tho
money should be paid the state, vary
ing with tho amount of the pension
Republicans Open Campaign,
Beatrice, Neb., June 27. Tho Re
publican campaign in Nebraska was
opened in Beatrice last night, when a
largo crowd of Gage county Republic
ans gathered at the Auditorium to
ratify tho nominations of William H.
Taft and James 3. Shorman. Repub
licans of prominence from all over
the state wero present. Tho meeting
was presided over by P. Bt Draper of
Adams. Senator Norrla Brown, Con
gressmen Pollard and HInshaw,
Charles H. Sloan, Victor Rosewater
and William Hayward, chairman of the
state commltteo, were among tho
speakors. At a banquet which fol
lowed tho public meeting, Senator
Burkott and Governor Sheldon wero
the principal speakers.
Crowd Gathers at Omaha Jail.
Omaha, Juno 27. A good sized
crowd of men, mostly pocking house
employes, gathered at the Douglas
county jail Just beforo midnight, with
the avowed intention of taking part
in the lynching of Charles Bond, who
was sentenced to life imprisonment for
killing John Wrcde, a South Omaha
saloon keeper. A hurry call was sent
to the city jail and & force of police
men sent to tho county court house,
Nothing doveloped, however, to ludi
cate violence would bo done the pris
State University Finances.
Lincoln, June 26. The report of the
secretary of tho board of regents of
th atato university has been filed
with the governor, showing the condi
tion of the finances, giving a state
ment of receipts and expenditures for
the six months ending May 31. The
cash on hand amounted to $7,G61,
and the receipts totaled $51,459; ex
penditures, $46,564, leaving a balance
of $4,793.
Heavy Loss of Live Stock.
Beatrice, Neb., June 30. With tho
recodlng of the Blue river, which over
flowed Its banks and flooded the lower
part of the city, It is learned that an
immense loss resulted from the drown
ing of live htock. Hundreds of acres
were flooded and cattle and hogs had
iio chance for escape, being carried
away and drowned' by the swift cur
rent of the river.
Andrews Still a Democrat,
Lincoln, June 30. In an address at
the state university. Chancellor B
Benjamin Andrews reaffirmed his alle
giance to the Democratic party. He
predicted that the election this year
will turn on issues rather than men,
the leaders of tho two parties being
men without reproach.
State Board Revokes Rule.
Lincoln, Juno 30. The state board
of public lands and buildings has sus
pended the rule requiring the Inmates
of soldiers' homes to pay to the state
a percentage of their pensions. The
rule Is revoked pending an investiga
tion, but It Is said It probably will be
abolished entirely.
Daughter of Revolution Dies.
Tecumseh, Neb., June 29, Mrs
Jane D. English Smith, a true daugh
ter of the revolution, died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Seward', in
this city, aged ninety-two. Her father,
Colonel Andrew English, served
through the entire war of the revolution.
Denver Next Meeting Place of Na
tional Live Stock Exchange.
Omnha, Juno 27. Tho National Uvo
Stock exeknugo finished Us two ses
sions with tho election of officers nnd
tho fcclcctlon of n meeting place for
next year. Denver wrb chosen after
a spirited contest with Milwaukee,
the voto standing 40 to 22 In favor
of the Colorado city.
The election of offlcors also devel
oped plenty of competition, Thoso
finally selected were: President, T. S.
Grnvos of Indianapolis; secretary, A.
F. Stryker of South Omaha; treasurer,
J. W Mooro of Chicago. Eleven vlco
presidents wore chosen, one for each
city represented in the national ex
Tho practice of employing one secre
tary all the tlfae was abandoned and
the policy In the future will be to
change secretaries from time to time
C. V. Baker of Chicago, who has held
the office for nineteen years, was the
Instigator of the new policy.
"Before another year the Oo-opern-tlvo
Commission company will bo
dead, the Kaw harnessed, and tho Mis
souri diked," declared J. C. Swift, ex
president of tbo Kansas Olty Livo
Stock oxchaneo, who bltterjy arraigned
Attorney General P. C. Jackson and
the authorities of Kansas In -speaking
beforo the exchange.
Pete Barron Chocks Stampodo When
Lamp Overturns.
ScottB Bluff, Neb., Juno 29. A flro
wob started by tho overturning of n
lamp at a homo dramatic production
by tho Women's Commercial olub of
Scotts Bluff In tho chautauqua audi
torium hore. Tho lamp whloh sorved
as one of tho footlights, falling from
the stago to the floor in front, was
broken and tho oil lgnltod in a threat
ening blazo. As tho audleno started'
from their eoats In alarm P. J. Barron,
editor of tho Scotts Bluff Star, who
was leading the orchestra, grabbod hlB
violin and standing beforo tho audi
ence commoncod playing tho first
thing that como into bis boad, which
happened to be tho Haydn's Austrian
hymn, "Gott Erhalto Franz den Kai
ser." Tho pooplo wore, quieted and re
mained in tholr places until tho flro
had been extinguished by smothering
it with a rug. Tho play proceeded
according to program, and nobody was
Ten Persona Killed When Northwest
ern Passenger 8trlkca Washout.
Chadron, Nobs Juno 27. Ten per
sons wore killed In a wreck on tho
Chicago and Northwestern railroad.
A double-ho&dor passenger train east
bound struck a washout; caused by a
cloudburst, forty miles from Chadron.
The doad: Willis Graham, engi
neer; O. C. Myers, fireman; Fred
Ebonor, brakeman; eovon unidentified
men, who were stealing a ride.
Two other tramps are missing and
two are injured. Fireman Harris and
Engineer Pace are Injured. When
the train struck the washout both en
gines were overturned.
Boy Shoots Boy by Accident.
Schuyler. Nob., June 29. While Ed
gar Manning, a Hlxteen-ycar-old boy,
was emptying the chamber of a rifle
at the slough, whero more than a
dozon boys had gono to spend the day,
a shot got caught in the barrel and
while ho was extricating the shot the
trigger went off. Tho gun waa pointed
ut the back of Frank Schloy, who waa
undressing to go in frwlmming. The
bullet entered tho boy's back and
went straight through his body, cut
ling the main artery. Schley was
dead before medical assistance wa
Omaha Negro Fatally Shot.
Omaha, June 29. Charles Ooorgo,
a negro, who wum shot twice by Bob
Fisher, also colored, died of his
wounds. Tho two men had quarreled
and' when thoy mot in a saloon at
Thirteenth and Chicago streets Fisher
began firing nt George, two bullets
talking effect In the lattcr's abdomen.
Gcorgo pulled a razor after he was
shot and cut his assailant in several
places, producing serious wouuds.
Machinist Fatally Crushed.
Alliance, Neb., June 29. Fatal in
juries resulted to J. M. Schlrck, a Bur
lington machinist, who attempted to
board an engine to ride from tho
roundhouse to the depot. Schlrck
missed his footing and slipped under
the trucks of the cars following the
engine In such a manner that his legs
were badly crushed. He cannot re
cover. Illinois Democrats Visit Falrvlew.
Lincoln, June 29. Tho delegation
of Illinois Democrats, who left Omaha
Saturday in automobiles for Lincoln,
were caught in the storm Saturday
night. Several bridges were out and
resulted in their not reaching Lincoln
until 11 o'clock last night. They
callod at Fairvlew and were greeted
by Mr. Bryan today.
Boyd Goes to Parker Funeral.
Nellgh, Neb., June 29. Congress
man Boyd received a telegram from
the sergeant-at-arms of the bouse of
representatives assigning him as a
member of the committee to attend
the funeral of Representative Parker
of South Dakota, who died at Bead
wood' on the 26th, and he left for that
Wages of Trackmen Reduced.
Lincoln, Juno 27. Announcement
was made at Burlington headquarters
that beginning July 1 wages of Bur
lington trackmen will be reduced 1
cent an hour, from 13$ to 1216 cents.
$1 ,00Otobespentin $J ,000
JULY 4th
Early Morning Cannonading. Band Music
Automobiles, Kalathumpians, floats,
burlesque and comical features
11a. m. Exercises at the Auditorium, north
west corner Box Butte Ave. and
Montana St.
Music by Alliance Cornet Band. Invocation
by Rev. G-eorge C. Jeffers. Patriotic Song
by a choir of 25 of the best singers in the
state of Nebraska.
More songs by the choir. Recitations
Music by the Band
12 m Dinner
Grand Balloon Ascension
Foot races for men, 100 yd. dash.
Hurdle race, 120 yds. 200 yd. hose race. 75
yd, dash boys' race. 50 yd. dash girls' race.
50 yd. 3-legged race. Potato race. Sack
$150 IN
In the Afternoon.
All the races and minor sports will take place on Main street.
it being roped off
at the grounds of the Association,
east part of town
Shooting Tournament
on Gun Club Grounds.
$75 in Prizes
Prizes of $10 and $5 for most handsomely
decorated auto or float in Parade
Prizes for most ridiculous and comical fea
ture in parade
Prizes of $15 and $10 for handsomest decor
ated place of business on July 4th
The Ladies of Alliance will conduct a free "rest room" at
1 1 6 Wyoming- Ave. for ladies and children from the country
THe Famous Clothing Store offers a S15 suit of men's clothes to the father
bringing the most numerous family of boys to its store on July 4th, There
must be 4 entries.
Chas. L. Hill offers a Standard J5i8 Phonograph and ten 60c records to
the largest family attending the celebration and registering at this store.
1 pair S2.50 shoes to the boy winning 75 yd. dash, : pair S2.50 shoes to
the girl winning the 50 yd. dash, 1 J. B. Stetson Hat to the one winning the
hurdle race, given by Geo. A, Moll ring.
Grand Fireworks at Night
for that purposes