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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1908)
wMUHwiumviivwMimrmmmimmanM''m'W-m t I f , if- i i) JUG SALE ! Saturday, Juiie 27 One gross of two-quart jiigs or pitchers, at the low price of ",f' 25 CIS. EACH TttTj TTT TTT TTTT1 r Priscilla's Philanthropy 4 I By Martha Cebb Sanferd. f Copyright, 1907, by J. O. need. f iH--H"H',H-H-'i"H' "Will you 1)0 kind enough to'tcll mo whero Murphy Street Is?" It wns the fifth time thnt Prlsellln hnd asked the question thnt nftcrnoon, hut turn nnd twist as Bho would nt each now Jtimblo of directions sho seemed no nearer tho clearing house of domestic panics. "Two blocks hack, miss, then three blocks east nnd" Prlsellln frowned. Sho did not wait morning dropping nnd picking up par cels. But Prlsellln, catching sight of the womnn in whose care Bho bad left her little chnrgc, rushed pnst her, grab bed up the child nnd commanded Ger ald to follow her. Imagine Mrs. Ilorrlgnn's surprise n half hour or so Inter, when she came In from her day's cleaning, to find seated by n crackling hot stove, with little Jim in her arms, nn "litigant gin tlctunn wld n fur cont nt tho back iv Mm, nnd, more thnn thnt, shtnndln' nenr Mm, shtlrrlng gruel ns if her life depended on It, n beautiful young lady with cheeks glowin like roses." The womnn listened like one spell bound to the explanations that follow ed, only hnlf comprehending how it was thnt n gentleman who had become Interested in little Jim fronf buying pa pers of him night nnd morning Bhould for thnt reason be now holding the The Greatest SKIRT SALE ever known in the history of Skirt Selling $20,000 Worth of ' Manufacturer's Stock to be Sold at Less Than 50 Cents on the Dollar for tho policeman to finish, hut, thank- child In his nrms "f'r all the wor-rld." lng him hnstlty. retraced her Bteps with tho energy born of despair. Now on display in window of main street store. None sold until above date. GEO. D. DARLING HOUSEFURHISHER SPECTACLES They're Eye Helps if Right "j Lye llurtcrs ana Headache Makers if Wrong -7WI40 but ypursejlj can prevent .your having th'ehl wrong if you don't B&t"7ttiemhat tho right place? Not tho average spec tacle seller. His, mission seems to be to get your nose harnessed with a pair that strikes your fancy rind'opaus your purse. It is by krttiwihgMho Optical busi ncss THOROUGHLY and attend ing to it properly that I hope to build up and to keep a reputation, F. P. YOUNG WATCHMAKER - JEWELER - OPTICIAN Phono 104 204 Box Butto Ave. Latest Designs in Post Cards -AT- BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE Our stock is unusually large and include handsome local and foreign views, also comic and artistic varieties that will interest yon. Call and look them over. J. C. McCotklt, Mgr. Lloyd C. Thomas, Secy. IRcbraorm Xanfc Company Phone 281 Offices, Alliance Nat'l Bank Bid;. CITY PROPERTY FOR RENT. A fine six-room house with bath, modern throughout, $17. Five-room basement, electric lighted, city water, $11. Seven-room residence, shade trees, barn, cellar, JIB. For sale cheap. Two furnished rooms in a neat little cot toge, fine furniture, $15. FOR SALE-Refcr to Number. No. 13 Seven-room residence, four lots, one lot in fruit, cheap for cash. No. 14 Seven-room residence, electric light, furnace, bath and toilet two stories, a fine home. Rents for $30. Sale price, $3600. No. 20 Eight-room residence, two stories, hot air furnace, fine basement, two lots, fruit, cheap for cash. No. 22 Fjve-room stone house, worth $2000, our price $1600. - No. 30 Five-room house, fine condition, cellar, etc. $1300. ' This is only a partial list. Ask for other bargains BUSINESS FOR SALE A SNAP A half interest in the best gro cery in Alliance. Owner is leaving the state and we will, sell this half interest for half what thd stock and fixtures invoice for. TbM is a rare .bargain.; ' NOW, List your city property, your farm, land, ranch or stock with us. We are doing the largest business of any firm in Iiox Butte j.0HBy, wm v "Is thoro nnythlng more Inhuman on tho face of the earth," sho put to her self, "than a maid of .all work? To think of It running off tho dny be fore Now Year's without deigning to invent nn excuse even! I wouldn't havo thought It of Delia after being with us six wholo months." Hero sho stopped her mental solilo quy long enough to got her bearings and turn oast, ns directed. "It wouldn't matter so much If only Gerald Ilolllstor were not coming to dinner. Relatives don't count. Oh,' why did I Invito him? He's so accus tomed to having everything absolutely commo 11 faut. Catch mo letting my sympathies run nway with mo again Just becnuso n man's family happens to bo out of town I And ho could have nsked our wholo family over there to dinner nnd with nil his servants never bothered to lift hla finger! But that wouldn't occur to him. It's tho ono thing I don't like nbout Gerald nollls ter anyway. With nil his wealth you never hoar about his doing uny big, generous thing." Just hero Prlscllln's rapid llttlo mon ologuo stopped short She suddouly remembered thnt sho had como to tho end of her directions. For the sixth time sho was nbout to frame automatically tho monotonous inquiry for Murphy street when a bright blue sign of "Fcmnlo Help" flaunting Itself down a sldo street caught her eye. Prlscllla mado a preclpitato dash Re ward It, which ended in nn ignomini ous collision with a corner newsstand. Whon both bad regained their equilib rium, Prlscllla, giving her fur boa a careless toss over her shoulder, started a second time townrd tho garish sym bol of her hopes. This time a plalntlvo llttlo wall re strained her. Where did It como from? Thcro was not n child In sight Sho walked a step or two In tho direction of tho sound, nnd thoro, curled up un der the shelter of a newsstand, was a ml to of humanity, blue and pinched 'tvith tho cold. "Why. you poor dcarl" exclaimed Prlscllla. "Where Is your mother? Are you lost?" But tho intto didn't move, only moan ed pitifully. Prlscllla looked about perplexed. Seeing a shopkeeper watching her cu riously from behind his show window, sho beckoned htm to come to her. "Do you know who this child Is?" sho asked almost accusingly. "Shure," replied tho shopkeeper. "lie tlnds the shtand and does a smar-rt business too." "But he's only a baby and sick and cold," pleaded Prlscllla. "Oh, ho ofUn cr-rnwls undhcr ther-re t git wnr-rm. Tho men takes their plper-ra just the samo an' laves tnelr pennies." "Whero docs ho live?" demanded Prlscllla Imperatively. Tho man pointed to a dingy looking tenement house next door to the em ployment office. To his utter amaze- ment, Prlscllla stooped down, gathered tho whining wnlf In her arms, wrap ped her fur boa around him and walk ed toward the house with her burden. From the curious tenants she soon found out which particular door led Into tho child's homo. The key wns hanging lu a dark corner near by. Once Inside, Prlscllla laid tho child down on a broken, disorderly bed and then shivered as sho stood helpless lu tho gloom and chill of tho place. There was neither tire, fuel nor food. Prlscllla knelt dowu beside the child and chafed his little cold hands till there was some degree of warmth In them. Then sho summoned up her courage, kuocked nt the door of tho adjoining tlat and begged the womnn who answered to take tho child lu be side her tire while sho herself went out to get food for him. Sho had Just returned with her arms full of bundles when sho bumped into a man In the dark hallway equally Incumbered. An avalancho of paper bags followed. "I beg your pardon," came simul taneously from both. Then as they stooped to tho task of picking up their respectlvo belongings tho man ventured an Inquiry. "Can you tell me whero tho Ilorrl gans live, I wonder?" "I haven't the least Idea," replied Prlscllla. "I'm a stranger hero my self." The commotion bad caused the sud den apparition of several tousled beads from behind half opened doors. In tbo dim light that flickered out Prls cllla, stole an inquisitive look at the man beside her. , "Gerald Hollister!" she exclaimed excitedly and. In ber amazement drop ped all her paper bags again. "Prlscllla Ballad!" ho exclaimed, and his paper bags followed Prisellla's. It is quite probable had- not the squeaking doors stretched their curios ity a bit too far that .Prlscllla ;andiGor Bldtwbul have 'spent the .rest of th I net Ellin r ftnutrm l r11 4lirt tintrvli lirci tlO DIIU ttl H- ft til LA LU1U LIIU ItUlllUUlDf "as If ho was Jim's father that's dead, bless his sowl." Nor was Prisellla's part In tho fairy story perfectly clear, either. However, there was one thing Mrs. Horrlgnn grasped with truo feminine instinct. "You was saying you was looking fr some wan to cook yer New Year's dinner for ye tomorrow miss, nn 1 wnB just ufther thlnkin' if you'd thrust rao"- "Oh, would you help mo out, Mrs. Horrlgan?" begged Prlscllla grate fully. Until this moment Prlscllla In bet excitement hnd forgotten tho utter failure of her domestic quest. "Shu-ro I'll help yo out, miss," re turned Mrs. Horrlgnn, bcnmlng. "Be fore Pat died nn' there was plenty to do wid I could make th best t'ings to nto av any woman yo lvlr saw." "I'm sure of It, Mrs. Ilorrlgau," Ger ald agreed enthusiastically, "but you can't cook anybody else's Now Year's dinner tomorrow. You've got to cook your own. Just look at tho things piled up on the table there, nnd there'll be a fnt turkey waddling over tomorrow. Miss Ballad doesn't need you, Sho and her family nro coming to my houso to dinner." "Why, Gerald!" Interposed Prlscllla incredulously. "Yes, you nro. I Bban't accept any excuses. I wanted you to all tho time, only I didn't daro ask you. Now, let's get started for home and glvo .Mrs. Horrlgan a chanco to hold her own child." As they hurried along In tho fast falling darkness outsido both looked most rcmarknbly happy, oven taking Into account that tomorrow wns to be New Year's day. "Oh, I Just love that llttlo Jim Hor rlgan!" Prlscllla suddenly exclaimed. "Don't you. Gerald?" "Oh, I'm not losing any sleep over him. But there's some ono else that I do love, Prlscllla. What do you say to our announcing our engagement nt dinner tomorrow?" Gerald beamed under tho effulgence of his inspiration and gave Prisellla's hand an ecstatic llttlo squeeze. "I didn't know we were engnged," demurely commented Prlscllla. "But don't you think wo could art range to bo by tomorrow, denrest?" "Well," answorcd Prlscllla conde scendingly, "suppose you como over this evening, and wo'll see what we can do nbout it It's so very sudden. If I should say 'Yes,' Gerald, would you promise to give little Jim Horrl gan a turkey every Now Year?" "Every New Year and birthday and Christmas," promised Gerald indul gently. And Jim got his turkeys. w E TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to the people of Al liance and the public in general that we came West direct from our New York factories with the most beautiful line of up-to-date Dress Skirts, consisting of the finest Imported Voils, Chiffon Panamas, Roger Silks, Taffeta Silks made of the leading fabrics and weaves, cut and made in the very latest! styles, trimmed in the most up-to-date fashion. We call special attention to the workmanship of our skirts. All these Skirts are put on Sale here to be Sold REGARDLESS OF COST OR PRICE as we must turn our Merchandise Into cash. In other words, the price will be no object, as. owing to the un seasonable weather that exists all through the country combined with the stagnation of the money market last fall, we were not able to dispose of our immense stock which we made up for the trade, consequently we are overstocked with goods. And in order to turn all these beautiful and up-to-date skirts into cash we are obliged to sacrifice these goods at a price that will astonish the most economical buyer of the West or any other part of the coun try on the low prices we are going to sell these goods for. We invite the public to come and just examine the styles we carry and the prices we charge. We will be highly pleased to show you around, it makes no difference whether you buy or not Money Refunded If Goods are not Satisfactory sate8baegms Wednesday, June 24, at 116 YAest Wyoming ' ' ' North Platte Valley f Annual Chautauqua Be Held at Scottsbluff August 7 to 16 An Attractive Array of Tal ent on the Program. Brought Up to It. A lady engaged a country girl as geu- eral servant. Ono evening tho lady asked her if she thought Bho could manatro to poach half a dozen eggs for supper. Tho girl quickly and laughing- ly replied that sho could do that right enough. "Very good." said her mistress, "I'll Just see what you can do," and went away. Shortly afterward she had occa sion to speak to tho girl again, but to her great astonishment sho was not to be found In the house. Presently she came tripping In with her hat and jacket on, smiling radiantly. "I've got 'em all right, mum," she said, "half a dozen beauties." "Half a dozen beauties!" repeated her mistress questlonlngly. "What do you mean?" "Eggs, mum." sho said, smiling. "But there are plenty of eggs in tho house, girl, without buying more," re marked her mistress. "Lor, mum. I didn't buy 'em," she said. "You told mo to poach 'em. rind I managed It fln'e. You see." sho added by way of Information, "my father and brothers do a bit of poaching, so I knew in a minute what you meant." London Mall. Laconic. "Is tho proprietor in?" asked tho visitor. "No, sir," replied the office boy. "Is ho In tho city?" "Yes, sir." "Will he bo back soon?" "No, sir." "Tonight?" "No, sir." "Tomorrow some time?" "No, sir." "Did he leave any word for Mr. Nash?" "No, sir." The stranger looked at tho office boy hardly, " "When did he go?" "Yesterday afternoon." 't "Didn't ho say when he'd be back?"; "No, sir." "Well, where the dickens is he?" "At the undertaker's." ' .'"What's, the matter?", "He'a dead." Harper's Weekly. ,t With commodious grounds, plenty of shade, good water, large dome taberna cle, and the prestige gained from the success of last yeai, there is every pros pect of a more brilliant success this year of the North Platte Valley Chau tauqua, to be held at bcottsbluff Aug ust 7th to i6th. The management promise a varied, complete and magnificent entertainment at this year's assembly. Tbey have spared neither energy nor expense to make it attractive. Lay aside your business cares for ten days and attend it from beginning to end. You cannot afford to miss any part of it. Intellectual, educational, social, po litical, religious and philosophical top ics will be discussed by famous men of the rostrum. There will be music vocal and in strumental: solos, quartets, chorus and assembly singing. The amusements will consist of merry-go-round, athletics, tennis, baseball, automobile rides "seeing Scottsbluff" and points of interest thereabout. In addition there will be moying pictures and illustrated songs. Contracts have beeu signed for the following talent: U. S. Senator R. M. LaFollette, lec turer and reformer of renown. Gov. B. B. Brooks of Wyoming. Charles Fordyce, dean of Wesleyan University. He will lecture on The American Boy" and other subjects. A. L. Bixby, poet aud humorist of the Nebraska State Journal. Every body calls him "Bix." Miss Pearl Wilkinson, pianist and whistler. N. W. Gaines, popular lecturer, with a series of whirlwind lecturettes. Judge Geo. VV. Norris, congressman and lecturer. U. S. Senator Norris Brown, of Ne braska. ' Vm. Bone, humorist andpoet. The "felleis" call him ''Bill." Carrie Nation, saloon smasher she of hatchet fame. J. L. McBrien, state superintendent of public instruction, on "Our Young Folks; what shall we do with them?" Dr. R. L. Wheeler, Sunday sermon and lectures. "The Cavalier and the Puritan," etc. Ross Ccane, cartoonist clay moulder, known the world over for his chalk talk. C A. Fulmer, supt. Beatrice schools, instructor and lecturer. Miss Lula S, Wolford, lecturer en boys' agriculture and girls' domestic science. Other celebrities expected are the fol lowing: U. S. Senator Thomas H. Carter, of Montana. Secretary of the Interior J. A, Gar field. Gov. Geo. L. Sheldon of Nebraska. Congressman Mondell of Wyoming, Cornet band of 18 pieces each day. Much of the pleasure of ox chautauqua is found in camping out. Write for tents. Others, however, prefer rooms in private families or hotels. Season tickets, transferable in the family, are $2.50. For further information address G. L. SHUMWAY, Sec. Notice. The starting of numerous fires in the al leys and neglect of same before extinguish ed is a very careless practice and may be the cause of a disastrous fire in the city. The public is hereby cautioned not to set out a fire while the wind is blowing, nor to leave one burning at any time without watching same. Anyone violating this order will be arrested and prosecuted. C C. Smith, Mayor. Attest: W. O. Barnbs. Clerk. APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Htnto of Nebraska, I . Box IJutto county, j s Ata county court, held at tho county court room, In and for said county, Jnno 20, iOOS. Present, L. A. Berry, county Judgo. In the matter of tho estato of Ernest E. Daugh- On reading and filing tho petition of Bertha Pnl' vr&sing that administration of said estate may bo granted to har as adminis tratrix. Ordered, that Jnly nth, 100. at 10. o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said mattor may ap pear at a county court to be held In and for said county, and .how canso why tho prayer ?,Lpstitlon,ershoul.d not bo Rented; anft tnat noticeof tho pendency of bald petition and fi''f'i" t,1'e, H.lvon to n persons lu ?&? ,n 'M nittorby publishing a copy of this order In Tun alliance Hbuald. I weekly newspaper printed In said county, for threo successive weeks, prior to said day of k1"?' ,. L- A- Behot. County Jndfre. O. T. If. Uabcock, Atty. for Petitioner, aj-sw NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The Stale 1 of Nebraska I SB In tho county Box Huttc county, fS8- court In tho mattor of the estate of Mary Brost, de- To the creditors of said estato: ou are hereby notified, that I WM sit at the county conrt room In Alliance In said county, on tho 23rd day of November. 1008, at 10 o clock a. in., to receive and examine all claims against said estato. with a viow to their adjustment and allowance. Tho tlmo limited for tho presentation of claims against said es SAtati? l?Sx mo,nt,"s ,from l,' -d days of Juno. A. p. 1108, and the time limited for payment of debts is ono year from said 2,'d day of .June, Witness my hand and tho seal of said county inrt. this da day of June, lDOrt. -""niy u, a. ifEimv, uounty Judge. court W-8w LEGAL NOTICE. ii Stato o' Nebraska. Box Butto County. a-ntV. K1'.1;" Interested in tho estato of E. Walter U rrick, deceased: Whereas, Suinn Loulso Herrick, of Chicago Cook county, 111!.,., s, has filed In my office an Instrument purporuug to bo 11 certified copy of the ast will and testament of E. Walter Herrlck. late of Chicago. Cook Coonty Illinois deceased, and said Snrah Louise Herrlck has filed her petition herein praying to havo "ho same admitted to probata, and for the lssu ug of letters of Administration with tho will im noxed Issued to Eugene Burton, of Alliance Box Ituttn nniuitv,.. .i.iii."'V..,,u,i LEGAL NOTICE. Btateof Nebraska, Box Butto County, m r To all persons Interested In tho estato of La vinla A. Herrlck.late of Chicago, Cook Comi ty. IlllnoU, deceased: You are hereby notified that on tho 24th day June. 1908, Sarah Louise Herrlck, tiled her po tltlon In the county court of said county for the uppolntment of Eugene Ilnrton as admin istrator of the estate of Lavlnla A. Herrlck, late of Chicago. Cook County. Illinois, de ceased, uud that the same will bo heard at the county conrt room In the city of Alliance, In said county, on the 30th duy of July, 1808, tit thcHiourof 10 o'clock a, m. Ills further ordered that notice of said hear ing be given ull parties Interested In said es tate by the publication of this notlco for three successive weeks In the Alliance ljerald.a newtpaper printed, published and circulated '"in witnwherec-'f I have hereunto set my. hand andijfflclal seal this 2Uh day of June.lBOs. ISEtli u, a, ULiuil fpJuooiWw , M J. k. ULnillt County. Judge. - ti Box Butto County. :n ebraVka which will "r lates to both nal and personal estate. t.ri v.S',ore.foro PPI'uted the 30th day of the coauty courtroom In said county, t me and place for hearing said will, ut whl. tlmo and place you and all concerned may a piil5'0,.,?(1.fontesthe.allowl"?0' the same. It Is further ordered thit said petitioner gl notlco to all persons interested in said "state ve estate of t'.10 Pendency of this petiUon.and the tlmo nd piacoseirorneanngof the same, by cuuslriff 'iSVii)yof.V,ls,5rder t0 " Published in Th? A"'a"co Herald, 11 newspaper printed and ,,iU,ljil8he1,,"dc,rcuiated " ' county, fop se'tTorWte.?ek8h,SrU1eg1,Vel-yP,-e,rloDS t0 tho In witness whereof I havo hereunto set mw h1 Sffl mcU1 beal lhl 2"t' day r JunV,lWi ftKS&H. uyXdge. Well Drilling. I am now prepared to put down tubu lar wells, deep or shallow. Satisfaction guaranteed. For further information inquire at The Herald office or of Robert Littick, ,. Lone Lake, Neb.' fn A "a. M i'4 ill'3 ft Hill- i Jtj ;"' .-. -j V I-