The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 18, 1908, Image 5

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Miss Annette Joy returned to her
borne in Michigan today.
Roy Spacht returned homo from tho
stato university last Thursday.
J. W. Guthrie was a Crawford busi
ness visitor the first of the week.
Chicago has no "edge" on Alliance.
We've got a circus, too, this week.
Guy Lockwood went to Omaha yes
tcrday morning to visit his family for a
few days.
Joseph Hendricks bad a valuable
horse killed by lightning 'last Thursday
H. P. Larson and family are making
a' tour of the Pacific coast. They left
Alliance last Thursday.
Tomorrow will be a bigger day in Al
liance than the Fourth of July for the
majority. It is circus day.
Mrs. M. F. Nolan and son Michael
returned Sunday from a visit of two
weeks with relatives at Stuart, Iowa.
Mrs. C. W. Smith, who has been ill
for some time, has so far recovered as
to be able to go to the ranch for the
Jas. Heeler's new auto arrived Sat
day and it is a "hummer," sure enough.
It is the Rickctts make, 7o-horse power
and carries seven passengers.
Jack Riordan came up trom Grand
Island Sunday to visit with friends. He
told of much rain and cyclonic-like
weather in that part of the state.
The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday
afternoon. June 23, with Mrs. J. W.
Reed. Program to be conducted by
Mrs. Reed. Supt. of railroad work.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hively returned
yesterday from their honeymoon trip,
which included a visit to New York,
Washington and other eastern cities.
Ex-Conductor H. McClellan, of Lin
coln, was in the city Tuesday attending
to business matters. He had been up
in the Hills and was on his way home.
The demand for advertising space in
Tho Herald is so great this week that
we are compelled to trim every news
item to the smallest possible dimensions,
and throw the bones away.
Mrs. J. G. Beck returned last Thurs
day from Lincoln, where she had been
to witness the graduation of her daugh
ter Inez. Inez and her sister Hazel
are now with relatives in Iowa.
Clarenco Brunell and Miss Erna Mar
tin were married at Lincoln this week.
Mr. Brunell is an employee of Miller
Bros., and his bride is an estimable
young lady of this city. Congratula
tions. I. O. CooDer came down from Sheri
dan last week and in company with,
Airs, cooper anu tlieir son lett Monday
morning forDeadwood,'Spearnsh and
other points iu the hills before they re
turn to their home.
CoL E. T. Westervelt, of tho Scotts
bluff Republican, was one of tho "big"
men who attended tho stockmen's meet
ing last week, but as he neglected to
pav Tho Herald a fraternal call, we
will ignore his presence in the city.
W. P. Miles, Sidney's well known at
torney, Bpent a few days in the city re
cently on legal business. Mr. Miles re
ports all business flourishing in Sidney
and says a great many new settlers am
coming to that section of the country.
Dorothy, the eleven-year old daugh
ter of Nels Peterson, a ranchman who
resides about eleven miles northeast of
Alliance, was thrown from a horse last
Friday aud sustained a dislocated elbow
and a fracture of the arm above the
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kimberling, Miss
Kimberling and two small children,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Snyder aud daugh
ter of Broken Bow were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Warrick yesterday.
The visitors will leave tomorrow for a
trip to Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mollring en
tertained five couples at supper at the
Northwest cafe Tuesday evening, their
guests being Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Marks,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broome, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Schlupp.
Mrs. A. F. Miller and son Charles
drove down from tho ranch north of
Hcmiugford on Tuesday and visited a
couple of days with her daughter, Mrs.
L. H. Mackoy. This was Mrs. Miller's
first visit to Alliance and she was sur
prised at its metropolitan appearance.
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Deitleiu was bitten by a dog last Sat
urday afternoon and quite badly lacer
ated about the face. Prompt treat
ment by Dr. Hand relieved the little
one, and the dog, well, Mr. Deitlcin
soon had two gun shot holes through
him as big as a hat.
Col. Lundeen returned Sunday morn
ing from York, where he was visiting
for several days. He had the pleasure
of attending the Bryan meeting there
last Friday and being present at the
banquet given in the evening by tho la
dies of the Episcopal church. Fully
ten thousand people were in attendance
at the speech of the great commoner.
Harry Jordan, who has been con
nected with the Jordan Hardware com
pany at Gordon, is now associated with
his father in the carriage business in
this city. This establiphment is turn
ing out first-class work and lots of it.
A specialty is made of the manufacture
of spring wagons and ranch buggies,
all kinds of repairing and painting and
satisfaction is guaranteed. Mr. Jordan
sr., has had torty years experience in
carriage and wagon making and some
vehicles are now 'n uae here which he
made twenty years ago. The frm .will
soon ; enlarge its 'shop for a rapidly in
creasing busiucss. 1
J. L. McNamara was tho happiest,
man in Allianco last Sunday when ho
received a telegram from Omaha with
the information that he was the father
of a 1 2-pound girl. This is Joe's sec
ond daughter and he says he has hopes
ot helping out some of Alliance's bach
elors yet if they don't get a better move
on themselves, While he did not men
tion any names it is supposed that he
had in mind Frank Brcnnan, Harry
Thielc, John Adams and Sam Burchcll.
Bast Ball Doings.
The Alliance hall team will play ball
at Crawford July 1 and Ft. Robinson
the 2d. Efforts are being made to se
cure a game at this place with the
Broken Bow team on July 4 and 5.
The Boston Bloomers will play the
Alliance team here July 15 and 16.
Postmaster W. F. Wnlker, Kill tor.
Mrs. H. L. Bushnell is on tho sick
list this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Costly returned from
Chadron Tuesday night,
Byron Fnskct, from tho Sioux coun
try, was tradiug in town last week.
Mr. Mclntire is doing the night trick
for the B. & M. ut this station now.
Miss Irene and Master Harry Staggs
were in from Sioux county the first of
tho week.
Dent Piper and O. J. Scrihner went
to Girard Monday lo repair tho tele
phone lines.
W. B. Millett went to Crawford last
week, where he has a position in Moy
er's drug store.
Miss Glen Mounts returned to her
home last Saturday, after a week spent
with friends here.
Mrs. Rustin came in on 44 Sunday
morning from Lincoln for a visit with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Iodence drove in from
the ranch Wednesday to do some trad
ing and call on friends.
Ira Scribner, Dick Marsh and Roy
Woods took in the stockmen's meeting
at Alliance last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson are en
joying a visit with relatives who arrived
the middle part of the week.
John Moe, who has been attending
school at Albert Lea, Minn., returned
last Saturday looking hale and hearty'.
Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Rowland and son
Guilford drove down to Alliance Tues
day and spent a few days with friends.
.Miss Sadler, who has been visitingH
with the family of Rev. Douglas, took
her departure the latter part of last
Roy Hickey was taken to Hot Springti,
S. D.. Monday, in the hope that the
baths would benefit him. He has beerfJ
confined to his home for several weeks
with rheumatism. Earl Foskct nccbtm
pauicd him. t
C, J. Wildy is getting tho material
on the ground for the new residence
which ho expects to have built during
the summer.
Misses Clara Burri and Gladys Bur
leigh Sundaycd at their home, return
ing to their work at tho junior normal
Monday morning.
Will Curry has ercrted a now wind
mill at his rcsidcuco in the south part
if town which adds much to tho looks
and comfort of the home.
Miss Bertha Burleigh returned from
her claim last Thursday. She expects
to spend tho greater part of the summer
on her claim near Lakeside.
Willio Walker and a playmate ran
together with considerable force Tues
day, in consequence of which Willie
has a black eye and bruised face,
Misses Dollio Pierce and Maymo Mil
ler aud O. I. Scrihner drove down to
Alliance on Friday to attend the stock
men's meeting, returning Saturday.
Miss Parkyn came up from Allianco
Monday and went out to her claim near
Canton Tuesday. She has been mak
ing some extensive improvements on
her claim this spring.
Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Fred Nco
land and children returned from Coun
cil Bluffs last week, where thoy had
been called to he with the brother and
father during his last illness.
Tho Journal family enjoyed a visit
with Mrs. Burleigh's sister a few days
the latter part of the week. Mrs. Bur
leigh accompanied the sister to her
home at Lakeside Monday morning.
Tell Us About It.
This paper can glvo all tho local
nows only as our frlonda loiul us their
co-operation. If anyouo visits you, If
you contemplate leaving town, if you
boo or hoar or do anything out of tho
ordinary day's routine, toll us about
It, that wo may tell tho public.
Cap t. Akers. Will tOrate
Capt. W. R. Akers has been secured
to deliver tho Fourth of July oration in
this city on tho Fo'urth of July and tho
Alliance brass band will furnish the
Five - rom house
rent. Q, W. Jones.
Krug oxtra pale beer, $4.50 per case,
pints or quarts; 1,20 back for empties.
Luxub, 5.35 ppr case, 5 1.20 back for
empties. Good whiskoy, 3 a gallon;
better whiskoy $4 per gallon. F. O. B.
Bridgeport, Neb. Address I. P. Fowl
Bton, Bridgeport, Neb. 24-4
! Let tho lohn Hacuo comnanv drum
on your tin and galvanized iron work;
also plumbing aud heating.
For Sale An extra good four-year
old dark brown Percheron stallion.
Enquire at tho Phillips livery barn or
address J, A. Kcegan, Allianco. at
Tho John Hague Co., hardwaro,hcat
ing and plumbing, also tin and galvan
ized work.
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
W. C. Hibbs, MgL
For Rent A 4-rooin house
quire at Herald office.
Forty acres of hay land to Ioase.
For further particulars inquire of P. J.
Nolan. aG-tf
Take Notice.
All persons indebted to Everett Cook
are requested to pay at once. Account8
not settled by May 20, will be placed
in tho hands of a collector.
Watch Lost
Lost on road between F McCoy's and
Bonner, open-faced gold watch; end of
chaiu broken off. Reward for return to
Gene Sights or Tho Herald office.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to King's Place, arc requested
to call and settle tit once. All accounts
not settled by May 20, will be placed
with a collector.
Don't forget that Jordan & Son do
fiist-class carriage painting, and car
riage and wagon repair work. 27-tf
From my premises 10 miles north of
Alliance, June 14, one black mare,
weight about rtoo lbs,,Eeycn years old,
branded 8 (blurred) on right shoulder,
fresh wire cut on right hind foot above
anklcv Liberal reward for return or
information leading to recovery.
.. , ' P, H. DiLp:?, ,,.
I Alliance, Neb.
Wo always have money to loan on
farm land and city property.
i8-tf F.E. Reddish.
Try Pardy's Cottage Bread.
Go to Pardy's Battery for your Pies
and Cakes.
Sea F. E. Reddish for loans on real
estate. -wwrw 27't
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houBoblk'
Just received, a car of famous John
Deere & Velio buggies that will be sold
at a sncrafico or will trade for horses.
5i'tf J. R. Jordan.
Try tho new shop. Phono 498. 33-tf
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houso blk.
For Sale Good six-room house. In
quire of P. R. Workmau, Alliance.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houso blk.
Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana
Tho Denver Times delivered to your
houso every day for 650 per month.
Lcavo your order at tho Bee Hive store.
For Sale Four head of Shorthorn
bulls. These are good animals, from
tho Ed. Moyers herd. May bo seen at
my ranch.- Wm. Welch, Bingham,
Neb. 4W
Special salo of muslin underwear at
Have you tried Nohe's bread? 26-tf
Tho John Hague Co. Windmills,
Pumps and Hardware.
Seven-room house, city water, barn,
for rent. A. D.Rodgers. 23-tf.
Havoyou seen that washing, machine
yet? Easiest running machine made.
Only S7.00. At A. D. Rogers. 23-tf.
For a pleasant evening's entertain
ment go to tho Crystal Picture Parlors.
Lost Silver watch, Elgin works, gold
stem, gold hands, with a leather fob and
Allianco high schqol pin. Reward for
return to Herald office. Elmer Reed.
Don't forget that Jordan & Son do
first-class carriage painting and car
riago and wagon rppair work. 27-tf
Dog Owners, Take Noticel
Tho official dog catcher will start out
on next Monday jnorqing to" gather in
all animals that have not the regulation
collar. Owners ofcanines are hereby
notified to see to it that they have pro
vided with the law in this respect.
f , B border of Mayor Smith.
Rumer's entire stock thrown on the market at half-price until JULY A.
Sale to take place in building recently occupied by Lockwood & Co.
EZfk Men's suits in blues and blacks, grays,
jtJ 1 browns, checks and stripes. T A Tn f 1 C
Regular price $8 to $30. Our price 4't ,u p I U
1 Cl Youth's suits. Regular &) K(ml Kf
IDU price $5 to $15. Sale price p.dU J.dU
ff Pairs Hen's Pants.
jUU Worth $2.50 to tf 1 O E r Q
$6. Sale price J i jZO iJi
Felt and straw hats, price
Stetson Hats. .50 tO $3S0
Dozen Linen Collars,
5Cand IOC
All our Ladies' Skirts, Spring Jackets, Silk Skirts,
Wool Skirts and Underskirts will go on sale at
tiist one-half regujar price
Thousands of yards of Dress Silks, cotton and
wool dress goods will be included in this sale
We have thousands of yards of Ribbons, Laces
and Embroideries that will be sold at just one
half price you pay elsewhere
1Cf Parasols and umbrellas almost at your
"" own price
ALL Dress Trimmings, Buttons and Yeilings
on sale at less than half price
All Ladies', Children's and Men's Shoes at Factory Prices
' i - ' '
Remember this sale lasts until July 4 only
At Lockwood's old stand