The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 11, 1908, Image 8
A 22S3Eaa3KEE35CSSXKSi!EBaaE 23T2cnr' mxEMBBsmssmxsmm: NC Y I i H Nothing like this ever at tempted in Alliance. A BOLD SLASHING OF OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES B hI mK V VfeiH S I PI verything Marked in ain Figures, which will make buying easy THE STAR TORE Is compelled by its creditors to raise $5,000 before July 1st and in order to do this will place their entire $15,000 stock on sale FRIDA Y,JUNE 12 th at exceedingly low prices Sale lasts till July 1. Here are some of the bargains. Others too numerous to mention. Come one! come all! ? rv 4 -t t rf w i aoie unens & Linings '-''yVWW'VWvA'''wv" 35c mercerized lining1, EZ sf all colors, now Jmt&s 30c near silk and percale linings, all colors, now 8c cambric linings, all colors, now 60c bleached and unbleached table linen at 19c 5c 45c $1.00 bleached tabic linen at 79c 50c unbleached !? table linen at 75c bleached table linen at 59c 15c figured wash goods go at - - - P2 20c figured wash goods go at - - l.C 25c figured wash goods go. at - - - 12 I2jc white goods, only . - - 7C 15c white goods, only ''- , - - 92 1 8c white goods, only - , - - HC 25c white goods, only - 1 4 30c white goods, only ... ipC Selkirk Waistings, 18c goods, at - - IC Madras Waistings, 1 5c goods, at - C Persian Lawns at - l5C, 18c, 23c and 33 India Linen at - 4c, 10c, 124c, 18c, 25C Silks and Dress Goods Plain Silk, all colors, Esr worth 50c, now jrijs Plaid Silk, big assortment, Qf worth 75c, now tO China Silk, black, white and all AQjH ' colors, worth 65c, now ntCj Black Taffeta, excellent value fa jf f at $1.75, now - - - 9PA"tJzf Plain Satin, all colors, worth 60c, now Wool Dress Goods, all colors, 75c kind, now Wool Danish Cloth, all colors, 50c kind, now Cotton Panama, worth 25c, now L. 37c 47c 29c 12Vic Ready-to-wear Goods 1.95 98c 1 lot mercerized "7 On 1 lot net waists, $5 value, go at 1 lot white lawn waists, $1.50 val. wUU( worth $2 and $2.50 1 lot of silk and silk mull waists, $4 values, at 23k3 waists, $1.50 val., 1 lot odds and ends OPT LCit)- Ladies' skirts J O 7.50 values 'tmjtjs Ladies' $4 jf CQ skirts at A JJS Ladies' choice h Oft suits, LWO Ladies' $18 f fQ w.yij Ladies' $5.50 n skirts at - j& r Ladies' $1.50 7 EZ wash skirts at 9 & Ladies' $15 suits, 1 lot of ladies' A q -suits at rO suits at jj Klmonis-half regular price EXTRA VALUES All over the store bargains. Come early and get first choice ioc Ladies' Xr handkerchiefs ' ioc men s handkerchiefs ioc men s socks 1 5c Turkish Towels 1 8c dress ginghams 1 lot Tor chon lace 15c kimoni flannels 15c turnover colars 5c 8c 9Mc 3c 7c- lie ioc ladies' hose 9c apron ginghams 15c linen dress goods 1 lot ioc scrim 50c black dress goods 30c heavy huck towels 3c 5c 534c 8Hc 4c 27c 13c DOMESTICS Extra heavy 25c M T-t bed ticking A J 1 8c fancy Silkalines, O JtS' "18c blue denims, 544 ioc curtain goods, i a 35c wool flannel, A O 16c 30c satine NOTIONS Good 5c pins, a paper , 5c wire hair pins, a bunch . . . 5c collar buttons, each 25c La Turnover collars. . . . 35c belt buckles 50c belt buckles 35c fancy elastic garters Hat pins, from 19c down to. 20c ribbons, all colors 1 5c string beads Lot 50c combs -w-v-v SSSS - 2c c 3c ? c .. 19c . 35c 18c 9c ! 9c 7c 25c flen's Specials JLadies' and Children's Underwean Ladies' Fu -nishings Men's Looscarf collars, 1 fl all sizes, 1 5c goods, each Men's 75c yQ Men's shirts, only .4(J 20c socks Men's $1.50 shirts -Men's Porosknit underwear, all sizes Men's Jean drill drawers, 60c goods Men's 35c fancy striped undershirts Men's 65c heavy jersey shirts - -Men's ioc red or blue handkerchiefs Ladies' 15c vests Ladies' 30c vests Ladies' 35c pants Children's j 35c pants C- .17 .23 .21 Ladies' 20c vests Ladies' 75c union suits Children's 35c union suits Children's 25c vests .13 .49 .21 .13 ;m 2ochosierv 1 1 C ' i zsv. Children's r 25c hosiery IOC Ladies' 50c lace ni Ladies' 35c nA stripe hosiery . I plain hosiery .1 T 1? I .. . iaaies 25c - Ladies 20c 10 i plain hosiery I C plain hosiery MO' 5c Fans mJ 5c Fans, A Don't forget the time eirici place FRIDAY, JUNE 12 401 BOX BUTTE AVE, ALLIANCE THE STAR STORE "N A A i I A " 1 i tl 3! f l